def showInformation(message): """ shows a information dialog with given message """ app = guidata.qapplication() QMessageBox.information(None, "Information", message)
def showInformation(message, title="Information"): """ shows a information dialog with given message """ app = guidata.qapplication() QMessageBox.information(None, title, message)
def showWarning(message, title="Warning"): """ shows a warning dialog with given message """ app = guidata.qapplication() QMessageBox.warning(None, title, message)
def showInformation(message): """ shows a information dialog with given message """ guidata.qapplication().beep() QMessageBox.information(None, "Information", message)
def exec_image_save_dialog(parent, data, template=None, basedir='', app_name=None): """ Executes an image save dialog box (QFileDialog.getSaveFileName) * parent: parent widget (None means no parent) * data: image pixel array data * template: image template (pydicom dataset) for DICOM files * basedir: base directory ('' means current directory) * app_name (opt.): application name (used as a title for an eventual error message box in case something goes wrong when saving image) Returns filename if dialog is accepted, None otherwise """ saved_in, saved_out, saved_err = sys.stdin, sys.stdout, sys.stderr sys.stdout = None filename, _filter = getsavefilename(parent, _("Save as"), basedir, io.iohandler.get_filters('save', dtype=data.dtype, template=template)) sys.stdin, sys.stdout, sys.stderr = saved_in, saved_out, saved_err if filename: filename = to_text_string(filename) kwargs = {} if osp.splitext(filename)[1].lower() == '.dcm': kwargs['template'] = template try: io.imwrite(filename, data, **kwargs) return filename except Exception as msg: import traceback traceback.print_exc() QMessageBox.critical(parent, _('Error') if app_name is None else app_name, (_("%s could not be written:") % osp.basename(filename))+\ "\n"+str(msg)) return
def about(self): QMessageBox.about( self, _("About ")+APP_NAME, """<b>%s</b> v%s<p>%s Matt Nottingham <br>Copyright © 2015 Matt Nottingham <p>Python %s, Qt %s, PyQt %s %s %s""" % \ (APP_NAME, VERS, _("Developped by"), platform.python_version(), QT_VERSION_STR, PYQT_VERSION_STR, _("on"), platform.system()) )
def start_compute(self, name, func, param=None, suffix=None, interactive=True): self.QProxy.emit(SIGNAL("computing")) if interactive and param is not None: if interactive == 'text' and not param.text_edit(): return elif not param.edit(): return QApplication.setOverrideCursor(QCursor(Qt.WaitCursor)) try: processing = name if suffix is not None: processing += " | " + suffix(param) result = Measurement() result.copy_param(self.measurement) result.set_rawdata(self.apply_func(func, param)) result['processing'] += processing + "\n" except Exception, msg: import traceback traceback.print_exc() QMessageBox.critical( None, APP_NAME, _(u"An error occured:") + "\n%s" % unicode(msg)) raise ComputationError, msg
def exec_image_open_dialog(parent, basedir='', app_name=None, to_grayscale=True, dtype=None): """ Executes an image open dialog box (QFileDialog.getOpenFileName) * parent: parent widget (None means no parent) * basedir: base directory ('' means current directory) * app_name (opt.): application name (used as a title for an eventual error message box in case something goes wrong when saving image) * to_grayscale (default=True): convert image to grayscale Returns (filename, data) tuple if dialog is accepted, None otherwise """ saved_in, saved_out, saved_err = sys.stdin, sys.stdout, sys.stderr sys.stdout = None filename, _filter = getopenfilename( parent, _("Open"), basedir, io.iohandler.get_filters('load', dtype=dtype)) sys.stdin, sys.stdout, sys.stderr = saved_in, saved_out, saved_err filename = to_text_string(filename) try: data = io.imread(filename, to_grayscale=to_grayscale) except Exception as msg: import traceback traceback.print_exc() QMessageBox.critical(parent, _('Error') if app_name is None else app_name, (_("%s could not be opened:") % osp.basename(filename))+\ "\n"+str(msg)) return return filename, data
def about(self): QMessageBox.about( self, _("About ")+APP_NAME, """<b>%s</b> v%s<p>%s Pierre Raybaut <br>Copyright © 2009-2010 CEA <p>Python %s, Qt %s, PyQt %s %s %s""" % \ (APP_NAME, VERSION, _("Developped by"), platform.python_version(), QT_VERSION_STR, PYQT_VERSION_STR, _("on"), platform.system()) )
def exec_image_open_dialog(parent, basedir='', app_name=None, to_grayscale=True, dtype=None): """ Executes an image open dialog box (QFileDialog.getOpenFileName) * parent: parent widget (None means no parent) * basedir: base directory ('' means current directory) * app_name (opt.): application name (used as a title for an eventual error message box in case something goes wrong when saving image) * to_grayscale (default=True): convert image to grayscale Returns (filename, data) tuple if dialog is accepted, None otherwise """ saved_in, saved_out, saved_err = sys.stdin, sys.stdout, sys.stderr sys.stdout = None filename, _filter = getopenfilename(parent, _("Open"), basedir, io.iohandler.get_filters('load', dtype=dtype)) sys.stdin, sys.stdout, sys.stderr = saved_in, saved_out, saved_err filename = to_text_string(filename) try: data = io.imread(filename, to_grayscale=to_grayscale) except Exception as msg: import traceback traceback.print_exc() QMessageBox.critical(parent, _('Error') if app_name is None else app_name, (_("%s could not be opened:") % osp.basename(filename))+\ "\n"+str(msg)) return return filename, data
def about( self ): QMessageBox.about( self, _("About ")+APP_NAME, """<b>%s</b> v%s<p>%s Darko Petrovic <br>(Lisence goes here) <p>Python %s, Qt %s, PyQt %s %s %s""" % \ (APP_NAME, VERSION, _("Developped by"), platform.python_version(), QT_VERSION_STR, PYQT_VERSION_STR, _("on"), platform.system()) )
def showWarning(message): """ shows a warning dialog with given message """ app = guidata.qapplication() QMessageBox.warning(None, "Warning", message)
def about(self): QMessageBox.about( self, _("About ")+APP_NAME, """<b>%s</b><br> v%s<p> Copyright © 2014 IRA-INAF<br><br> %s """ % \ (APP_DESCRIPTION, dwdata.dw_version(), LICENSE))
def about(self): QMessageBox.about( self, _("About ")+APP_NAME, """<b>%s</b> v%s<br>%s<p> <br>Copyright © François Bianco, University of Geneva <br>[email protected] <br>Distributed under the GNU GPL License v.3 """ % \ (APP_NAME, VERSION, APP_DESC))
def showWarning(message): """ shows a warning dialog with given message """ guidata.qapplication().beep() QMessageBox.warning(None, "Warning", message)
def inner(ds, it, value, parent, target=target): invalidFields = ds.check() if len(invalidFields): msg = "The following fields are invalid: \n" msg += "\n".join(invalidFields) QMessageBox.warning(parent, "Error", msg) return target()
def wrapped(ds, it, value, parent): # check inputs before callback is executed invalidFields = ds.check() if len(invalidFields): msg = "The following fields are invalid: \n" msg += "\n".join(invalidFields) QMessageBox.warning(parent, "Error", msg) return callback(ds)
def on_actionAbout_triggered(self): QMessageBox.about(self, "About Zupport GUI", """<b>Zupport GUI</b> v %s <p>Copyright © 2011 Joona Lehtomaki <*****@*****.**>. All rights reserved. <p>Support zools for Zonation related pre- and post-processing operations.</p> <p>Python %s - Qt %s - PySide %s on %s</p>""" % ( __version__, platform.python_version(), QT_VERSION, PYQT_VERSION, platform.system()))
def check(self): is_ok = True for edl in self.edit_layout: if not edl.check_all_values(): is_ok = False if not is_ok: QMessageBox.warning(self, self.instance.get_title(), _("Some required entries are incorrect")+"\n"+\ _("Please check highlighted fields.")) return False return True
def check(self): is_ok = True for edl in self.edit_layout: if not edl.check_all_values(): is_ok = False if not is_ok: QMessageBox.warning(self, self.instance.get_title(), _("Some required entries are incorrect")+".\n", _("Please check highlighted fields.")) return False return True
def on_actionOpen_log_triggered(self): logfile = os.path.join(USER_DATA_DIR, 'zupport.log') if os.path.exists(logfile): import webbrowser self.logger.debug('Opened log file %s' % logfile) else: msg = "Zupport log file cannot be found in default location %s" % os.path.dirname(logfile) self.logger.debug(msg) QMessageBox.warning(self, "File not found", msg, buttons=QMessageBox.Ok, defaultButton=QMessageBox.NoButton)
def initStage(self): # TODO put this in thread and show egg clock if self.stage is not None: ## Create and display the splash screen #splash_pix = QPixmap('icons/piController.png') #splash = QSplashScreen(splash_pix, Qt.WindowStaysOnTopHint) #splash.setMask(splash_pix.mask()) # TODO: give choice to select stage pitools.startup(self.stage, stages='M-112.1DG-NEW', refmode='FNL') #splash.close() # TODO: show dialog for waiting self.velocityLabel.setText('Velocity: {:f}mm/s'.format( self.stage.qVEL()['1'])) self.velocity.setValue(int(1000 * self.stage.qVEL()['1'])) self.stageConnected.emit() self._xAxeChanged() self.currentPos.setText('{:.7f}'.format(self.stage.qPOS()['1'])) self.__startCurrPosThr() self.stageRange = (self.stage.qTMN()['1'], self.stage.qTMX()['1']) self.scanStep.validator().setBottom(0) self.initStageBtn.setEnabled(False) else: msg = QMessageBox() msg.setIcon(QMessageBox.Critical) msg.setText('No stage connected') msg.exec_()
def edit(self): import guidata from guidata.qt.QtGui import QMessageBox app = guidata.qapplication() while True: aborted = self.parameters.edit(size=(600, 800)) == 0 if not aborted: ok, msg = self.check_fields() if not ok: QMessageBox.warning(None, "Error", msg) continue global global_config global_config = self break return aborted
def saveDataHDF5(self): import datetime import h5py now ='%Y%m%d-%H%M%S_FTIR') with h5py.File('data/{:s}.h5'.format(now)) as f: f.attrs['comments'] = self.fileUi.comment.text() f.attrs['stage'] = '' f.attrs['stage_settings'] = '' f.attrs['detector'] = '' f.attrs['detector_settings'] = '' # save time domain foo = self.tdWidget.calcFun.functions texts = [ self.tdWidget.calcFun.itemText(i) for i in range(len(foo)) ] dt = [] for i in texts: dt.append(('x_{:s}'.format(i), np.float)) dt.append(('y_{:s}'.format(i), np.float)) dt = np.dtype(dt) dataTd = np.zeros(self.tdSignal.getData(foo[0][0])[0].shape[0], dtype=dt) for i, fun in enumerate(foo): x, y = self.tdSignal.getData( fun[0]) # [0]: fun, [1]: inverse fun dataTd['x_{:s}'.format(texts[i])] = x dataTd['y_{:s}'.format(texts[i])] = y dset = f.create_dataset('timeDomain', data=dataTd) self.tdSignal.plot.save_widget('data/{:s}_TD.png'.format(now)) # save frequency domain foo = self.tdWidget.calcFun.functions texts = [ self.tdWidget.calcFun.itemText(i) for i in range(len(foo)) ] dt = [] for i in texts: dt.append(('x_{:s}'.format(i), np.float)) dt.append(('y_{:s}'.format(i), np.float)) dt = np.dtype(dt) dataFd = np.zeros(self.fdSignal.getData(foo[0][0])[0].shape[0], dtype=dt) for i, fun in enumerate(foo): x, y = self.fdSignal.getData(fun[0]) dataFd['x_{:s}'.format(texts[i])] = x dataFd['y_{:s}'.format(texts[i])] = y #np.savetxt('data/{:s}_FD.txt'.format(now), dataFd, header=header) dset = f.create_dataset('frequencyDomain', data=dataFd) self.fdSignal.plot.save_widget('data/{:s}_FD.png'.format(now)) # TODO: maybe put this in status bar msg = QMessageBox() msg.setIcon(QMessageBox.Information) msg.setText('Data saved') msg.exec_()
def stop_button( self ): sel = 0 if self.sessiontype == 'timed': sel = QMessageBox.warning( self, "Timed Session", "A Timed Session is currently active!\nIf you stop the session " "the session will be stored as a free session.", "OK", "Cancel") if sel == 0: self.session_stop()
def open(self): try: self._open() except: msgBox = QMessageBox() msgBox.setText("Wrong type of directory!") msgBox.exec_() return -1
def exec_image_save_dialog(parent, data, template=None, basedir='', app_name=None): """ Executes an image save dialog box (QFileDialog.getSaveFileName) * parent: parent widget (None means no parent) * data: image pixel array data * template: image template (pydicom dataset) for DICOM files * basedir: base directory ('' means current directory) * app_name (opt.): application name (used as a title for an eventual error message box in case something goes wrong when saving image) Returns filename if dialog is accepted, None otherwise """ saved_in, saved_out, saved_err = sys.stdin, sys.stdout, sys.stderr sys.stdout = None filename, _filter = getsavefilename( parent, _("Save as"), basedir, io.iohandler.get_filters('save', dtype=data.dtype, template=template)) sys.stdin, sys.stdout, sys.stderr = saved_in, saved_out, saved_err if filename: filename = to_text_string(filename) kwargs = {} if osp.splitext(filename)[1].lower() == '.dcm': kwargs['template'] = template try: io.imwrite(filename, data, **kwargs) return filename except Exception as msg: import traceback traceback.print_exc() QMessageBox.critical(parent, _('Error') if app_name is None else app_name, (_("%s could not be written:") % osp.basename(filename))+\ "\n"+str(msg)) return
def askYesNo(message, allow_cancel=False, title="Question"): """shows message and asks for "yes" or "no" (or "cancel" if allow_cancel is True). returns True, False (or None). """ app = guidata.qapplication() flags = QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No if allow_cancel: flags |= QMessageBox.Cancel reply = QMessageBox.question(None, title, message, flags) if reply == QMessageBox.Cancel: return None else: return reply == QMessageBox.Yes
def __openCam(self): = greatEyes() if not msg = QMessageBox() msg.setIcon(QMessageBox.Critical) msg.setText('Sorry, could not connect to camera :(\n' + msg.exec_() return self.openCamBtn.setText('Connected') self.message.emit('Camera connected') self.openCamBtn.setStyleSheet('QPushButton {color: green;}') self.readoutSpeedCombo.setEnabled(True) self.exposureTimeSpin.setEnabled(True) self.binningXCombo.setEnabled(False) self.binningYCombo.setEnabled(False) self.temperatureSpin.setEnabled(True) self.updateInterSpin.setEnabled(True) self.openCamBtn.setEnabled(False) self.startAquBtn.setEnabled(True)
def properties_changed(self): row = self.imagelist.currentRow() image = self.images[row] try: image.x except: pass else: if (( != 0 and < len(image.x) and < or ( == 0 and < len(image.x))): pass else: msgBox = QMessageBox() msgBox.setText( "Fit range void or out of bound! Range max 0:%s" % (len(image.x) - 1)) msgBox.exec_() return -1 update_dataset(image, #self.dssel.section = self.data_ref.list2choices(self.data_ref.sections[int(self.ds.dataset.feed)]) csections.set( self.data_ref.list2choices(self.data_ref.sections[int( self.ds.dataset.feed)])) update_dataset(self.dssel, self.ds.dataset) self.update_info() if self.flagname: self.data_ref.flag = self.data_ref.get_flag_curve( self.flagname, self.dssel.section) #for i in self.images: # i.otype = image.otype if image.rall == True: for i in self.images: i.rangei = image.rangei i.ranges = image.ranges if image.eall == True: for i in self.images: i.excluded = image.excluded for i in self.images: i.frangei = image.frangei i.franges = image.franges try: self.show_data(image.x, image.y, self.data_ref.flag) except: pass
def saveData(self): import datetime now ='%Y%m%d-%H%M%S') # save time domain foo = self.tdWidget.calcFun.functions texts = [self.tdWidget.calcFun.itemText(i) for i in range(len(foo))] tmp = ['td_x_{:s},td_y_{:s}'.format(i, i) for i in texts] header = ','.join(tmp) dataTd = np.zeros((self.tdSignal.getData(foo[0][0])[0].shape[0], 2*len(foo))) for i, fun in enumerate(foo): x, y = self.tdSignal.getData(fun[0])# [0]: fun, [1]: inverse fun dataTd[:,2*i] = x dataTd[:,2*i+1] = y np.savetxt('data/{:s}_TD.txt'.format(now), dataTd, header=header) self.tdSignal.plot.save_widget('data/{:s}_TD.png'.format(now)) # save frequency domain foo = self.fdWidget.calcFun.functions texts = [self.fdWidget.calcFun.itemText(i) for i in range(len(foo))] tmp = ['fd_x_{:s},fd_y_{:s}'.format(i, i) for i in texts] header += ','.join(tmp) dataFd = np.zeros((self.fdSignal.getData(foo[0][0])[0].shape[0], 2*len(foo))) for fun in foo: x, y = self.fdSignal.getData(fun[0]) dataFd[:,2*i] = x dataFd[:,2*i+1] = y np.savetxt('data/{:s}_FD.txt'.format(now), dataFd, header=header) self.fdSignal.plot.save_widget('data/{:s}_FD.png'.format(now)) # TODO: maybe put this in status bar msg = QMessageBox() msg.setIcon(QMessageBox.Information) msg.setText('Data saved') msg.exec_()
def info_popup(message, parent=None): QMessageBox.information(parent, 'Message', message, QMessageBox.Ok)
def warning_popup(message, parent=None): QMessageBox.warning(parent, 'Message', message, QMessageBox.Ok)
def ErrorMessage(message): QMessageBox.warning(None, 'Error', message)
def apply_fit(self): msgBox = QMessageBox() msgBox.setText("Apply corrections?") msgBox.setInformativeText( "Select to which files will be applied the correction.") CancelButton = msgBox.addButton("Cancel", msgBox.RejectRole) SelectButton = msgBox.addButton("Select", msgBox.NoRole) AllButton = msgBox.addButton("All", msgBox.YesRole) #msgBox.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox.Cancel) msgBox.exec_() if msgBox.clickedButton() == CancelButton: return -1 elif msgBox.clickedButton() == AllButton: filelist = None elif msgBox.clickedButton() == SelectButton: flret = getopenfilenames(self, _("Select file list"), self.data_ref.dir_name)[0] filelist = [] for f in flret: filelist.append((basename(str(f)), dirname(str(f)))) msgBox = QMessageBox() msgBox.setText("Select the correction file") msgBox.addButton(QMessageBox.Ok) msgBox.exec_() filename = getopenfilename( self, _("Correction file"), self.data_ref.dir_name + "/" + basename( normpath(self.data_ref.dir_name) + "_fit." + self.data_ref.files_type)) try: self.data_ref.applycorr(str(filename[0]), filelist) except: msgBox = QMessageBox() msgBox.setText("Not a correction file!") msgBox.exec_() return -1
def openDev(self): # search for devices libtiepie.device_list.update() # try to open an oscilloscope with block measurement support for item in libtiepie.device_list: if item.can_open(libtiepie.DEVICETYPE_OSCILLOSCOPE): self.scp = item.open_oscilloscope() if self.scp.measure_modes & libtiepie.MM_BLOCK: break else: self.scp = None # init UI #print(, 'found') if self.scp is not None: # Set measure mode: self.scp.measure_mode = libtiepie.MM_BLOCK # Set sample frequency: self.scp.sample_frequency = 1e6 # 1 MHz # Set record length: self.scp.record_length = 10000 # 10000 samples # Set pre sample ratio: self.scp.pre_sample_ratio = 0 # 0 % # Set trigger timeout: self.scp.trigger_time_out = 100e-3 # 100 ms # Enable channel 1 for measurement # self.scp.channels[ 0].enabled = True # by default all channels are enabled self.scp.range = 0.2 self.scp.coupling = libtiepie.CK_DCV # DC Volt # Disable all channel trigger sources for ch in self.scp.channels: ch.trigger.enabled = False # Setup channel trigger on 1 ch = self.scp.channels[0] ch.trigger.enabled = True ch.trigger.kind = libtiepie.TK_RISINGEDGE ch.trigger.levels[0] = 0.5 # 50% ch.trigger.hystereses[0] = 0.05 # 5% # update UI # channel self.measCh.addItems( ['Ch{:d}'.format(i) for i in range(self.scp.channels.count)]) self.chSens.addItems( ['{:.1f} V'.format(i) for i in self.scp.channels[0].ranges]) self.frequency.setValidator( QIntValidator(1, 1e-3 * self.scp.sample_frequency_max)) self.frequency.setText('{:d}'.format( int(self.scp.sample_frequency * 1e-3))) self.recordLen.setValidator( QIntValidator(1, self.scp.record_length_max)) self.recordLen.setText('{:d}'.format(self.scp.record_length)) # trigger self.triggCh.addItems( ['Ch{:d}'.format(i) for i in range(self.scp.channels.count)]) # TODO: doen't work in module anymore!! #self.triggLevel.setText(str(ch.trigger.levels[0])) #self.hystereses.setText(str(ch.trigger.hystereses[0])) self.triggKind.addItems([ '{:s}'.format(i) for i in libtiepie.trigger_kind_str( ch.trigger.kinds).split(', ') ]) self.openDevBtn.setEnabled(False) # tell the world that the scope is connected self.xAxeChanged.emit( 0, 1 / int(self.frequency.text()) * 1e-3 * int(self.recordLen.text())) self.yAxeChanged.emit(-1 * self.scp.range, self.scp.range) self.triggLevelChanged.emit(ch.trigger.levels[0] * 2 * self.scp.range - self.scp.range) self.scpConnected.emit() else: msg = QMessageBox() msg.setIcon(QMessageBox.Critical) msg.setText('No supported device found') msg.exec_()