Exemple #1
def getErrorWord(error_ratio=0.5):
    Generate a error vector according to uniform probability distribution, (error_ratio, 1 - error_ratio). 
    e = np.full(7, gf.GF2(0))
    if np.random.rand() > (1 - error_ratio):
        error_index = np.random.randint(7)
        e[error_index] = gf.GF2(1)
    return e
Exemple #2
def asGF2(arr):
    Return a numpy array that elements are converted to GF(2).
    if type(arr) is np.ndarray:
        if arr.size is not 0 and type(arr.item(0)) is gf.GF2:
            return arr

    src = np.asarray(arr)
    ones_indice = (src == 1)
    output = np.full(src.shape, gf.GF2(0))
    output[ones_indice] = gf.GF2(1)
    return output
Exemple #3
 def __str__(self):
     (width, height) = self.v.shape
     edge = '-' * (5 * width - 1)
     pretty = edge
     for row in self.v:
         morse = ['*' if bit == gf.GF2(1) else ' ' for bit in row]
         pretty = pretty + '\n' + '| ' + ' | '.join(morse) + ' |'
         pretty = pretty + '\n' + edge
     return pretty
Exemple #4
def findErrorWord(c):
    If error exist, return a 7-vector in GF(2) which error occurred entry is 1.
    Otherwise, return a zero 7-vector.
    H = getParityChecker()
    # Parity error vector, pe
    pe = np.dot(H, c)
    index = -1
    for n in range(3):
        if pe[n] == gf.GF2(1):
            index = index + 2**n
    e = np.full(7, gf.GF2(0))
    if index == -1:
        return e
        e[index] = gf.GF2(1)
        return e
Exemple #5

 State vector : State when push the (2,2) button.
 It represent state of light puzzle.
 | * | * |
 | * |   |

 '*' represent button is light-on else empty space is light-off.
# Push the right-bottom button
rb = state(np.array([[gf.GF2(1), gf.GF2(1)], [gf.GF2(1), gf.GF2(0)]]))

# Push the left-bottom button.
lb = state(np.array([[gf.GF2(1), gf.GF2(1)], [gf.GF2(0), gf.GF2(1)]]))

# Push the right-top button.
rt = state(np.array([[gf.GF2(1), gf.GF2(0)], [gf.GF2(1), gf.GF2(1)]]))

# Push the left-top button.
lt = state(np.array([[gf.GF2(0), gf.GF2(1)], [gf.GF2(1), gf.GF2(1)]]))

print('State when push the (2,2) button.')

print('State when push the (2,1) button.')
Exemple #6
def randGF2Vec(length):
    output = np.full(length, gf.GF2(1))
    coords = np.random.randint(low=0, high=length, size=int(length / 2))
    output[coords] = gf.GF2(0)
    return output
Exemple #7
def gf2toint(gf2array):
    Convert numpy array in GF(2) to a integer list.
    return [1 if n == gf.GF2(1) else 0 for n in gf2array]