Exemple #1
    def handle_error(self, req, client, addr, exc):
        request_start = datetime.now()
        addr = addr or ('', -1)  # unix socket case
        if isinstance(exc, (InvalidRequestLine, InvalidRequestMethod,
                InvalidHTTPVersion, InvalidHeader, InvalidHeaderName,
                LimitRequestLine, LimitRequestHeaders,
                InvalidProxyLine, ForbiddenProxyRequest,

            status_int = 400
            reason = "Bad Request"

            if isinstance(exc, InvalidRequestLine):
                mesg = "Invalid Request Line '%s'" % str(exc)
            elif isinstance(exc, InvalidRequestMethod):
                mesg = "Invalid Method '%s'" % str(exc)
            elif isinstance(exc, InvalidHTTPVersion):
                mesg = "Invalid HTTP Version '%s'" % str(exc)
            elif isinstance(exc, (InvalidHeaderName, InvalidHeader,)):
                mesg = "%s" % str(exc)
                if not req and hasattr(exc, "req"):
                    req = exc.req  # for access log
            elif isinstance(exc, LimitRequestLine):
                mesg = "%s" % str(exc)
            elif isinstance(exc, LimitRequestHeaders):
                mesg = "Error parsing headers: '%s'" % str(exc)
            elif isinstance(exc, InvalidProxyLine):
                mesg = "'%s'" % str(exc)
            elif isinstance(exc, ForbiddenProxyRequest):
                reason = "Forbidden"
                mesg = "Request forbidden"
                status_int = 403
            elif isinstance(exc, SSLError):
                reason = "Forbidden"
                mesg = "'%s'" % str(exc)
                status_int = 403

            msg = "Invalid request from ip={ip}: {error}"
            self.log.debug(msg.format(ip=addr[0], error=str(exc)))
            if hasattr(req, "uri"):
                self.log.exception("Error handling request %s", req.uri)
            status_int = 500
            reason = "Internal Server Error"
            mesg = ""

        if req is not None:
            request_time = datetime.now() - request_start
            environ = default_environ(req, client, self.cfg)
            environ['REMOTE_ADDR'] = addr[0]
            environ['REMOTE_PORT'] = str(addr[1])
            resp = Response(req, client, self.cfg)
            resp.status = "%s %s" % (status_int, reason)
            resp.response_length = len(mesg)
            self.log.access(resp, req, environ, request_time)

            util.write_error(client, status_int, reason, mesg)
            self.log.debug("Failed to send error message.")
Exemple #2
    def handle_error(self, req, client, addr, exc):
        request_start = datetime.now()
        addr = addr or ('', -1)  # unix socket case
        if isinstance(exc, (InvalidRequestLine, InvalidRequestMethod,
                InvalidHTTPVersion, InvalidHeader, InvalidHeaderName,
                LimitRequestLine, LimitRequestHeaders,
                InvalidProxyLine, ForbiddenProxyRequest,

            status_int = 400
            reason = "Bad Request"

            if isinstance(exc, InvalidRequestLine):
                mesg = "Invalid Request Line '%s'" % str(exc)
            elif isinstance(exc, InvalidRequestMethod):
                mesg = "Invalid Method '%s'" % str(exc)
            elif isinstance(exc, InvalidHTTPVersion):
                mesg = "Invalid HTTP Version '%s'" % str(exc)
            elif isinstance(exc, (InvalidHeaderName, InvalidHeader,)):
                mesg = "%s" % str(exc)
                if not req and hasattr(exc, "req"):
                    req = exc.req  # for access log
            elif isinstance(exc, LimitRequestLine):
                mesg = "%s" % str(exc)
            elif isinstance(exc, LimitRequestHeaders):
                mesg = "Error parsing headers: '%s'" % str(exc)
            elif isinstance(exc, InvalidProxyLine):
                mesg = "'%s'" % str(exc)
            elif isinstance(exc, ForbiddenProxyRequest):
                reason = "Forbidden"
                mesg = "Request forbidden"
                status_int = 403
            elif isinstance(exc, SSLError):
                reason = "Forbidden"
                mesg = "'%s'" % str(exc)
                status_int = 403

            msg = "Invalid request from ip={ip}: {error}"
            self.log.debug(msg.format(ip=addr[0], error=str(exc)))
            if hasattr(req, "uri"):
                self.log.exception("Error handling request %s", req.uri)
            status_int = 500
            reason = "Internal Server Error"
            mesg = ""

        if req is not None:
            request_time = datetime.now() - request_start
            environ = default_environ(req, client, self.cfg)
            environ['REMOTE_ADDR'] = addr[0]
            environ['REMOTE_PORT'] = str(addr[1])
            resp = Response(req, client, self.cfg)
            resp.status = "%s %s" % (status_int, reason)
            resp.response_length = len(mesg)
            self.log.access(resp, req, environ, request_time)

            util.write_error(client, status_int, reason, mesg)
            self.log.debug("Failed to send error message.")
Exemple #3
def test_http_header_encoding():
    """ tests whether http response headers are USASCII encoded """

    mocked_socket = mock.MagicMock()
    mocked_socket.sendall = mock.MagicMock()

    mocked_request = mock.MagicMock()
    response = Response(mocked_request, mocked_socket, None)

    # set umlaut header
    response.headers.append(('foo', 'häder'))
    except Exception as e:
        assert isinstance(e, UnicodeEncodeError)

    # build our own header_str to compare against
    tosend = response.default_headers()
    tosend.extend(["%s: %s\r\n" % (k, v) for k, v in response.headers])
    header_str = "%s\r\n" % "".join(tosend)

    except Exception as e:
        assert isinstance(e, UnicodeEncodeError)
def test_http_header_encoding():
    """ tests whether http response headers are USASCII encoded """

    mocked_socket = mock.MagicMock()
    mocked_socket.sendall = mock.MagicMock()

    mocked_request = mock.MagicMock()
    response = Response(mocked_request, mocked_socket, None)

    # set umlaut header value - latin-1 is OK
    response.headers.append(('foo', 'häder'))

    # set a-breve header value - unicode, non-latin-1 fails
    response = Response(mocked_request, mocked_socket, None)
    response.headers.append(('apple', 'măr'))
    with pytest.raises(UnicodeEncodeError):

    # build our own header_str to compare against
    tosend = response.default_headers()
    tosend.extend(["%s: %s\r\n" % (k, v) for k, v in response.headers])
    header_str = "%s\r\n" % "".join(tosend)

    with pytest.raises(UnicodeEncodeError):
        mocked_socket.sendall(util.to_bytestring(header_str, "ascii"))
Exemple #5
    def handle_error(self, req, client, addr, exc):
        request_start = datetime.now()
        addr = addr or ('', -1) # unix socket case
        if isinstance(exc, (InvalidRequestLine, InvalidRequestMethod,
            InvalidHTTPVersion, InvalidHeader, InvalidHeaderName,
            LimitRequestLine, LimitRequestHeaders,)):

            status_int = 400
            reason = "Bad Request"

            if isinstance(exc, InvalidRequestLine):
                mesg = "<p>Invalid Request Line '%s'</p>" % str(exc)
            elif isinstance(exc, InvalidRequestMethod):
                mesg = "<p>Invalid Method '%s'</p>" % str(exc)
            elif isinstance(exc, InvalidHTTPVersion):
                mesg = "<p>Invalid HTTP Version '%s'</p>" % str(exc)
            elif isinstance(exc, (InvalidHeaderName, InvalidHeader,)):
                mesg = "<p>Invalid Header '%s'</p>" % str(exc)
            elif isinstance(exc, LimitRequestLine):
                mesg = "<p>%s</p>" % str(exc)
            elif isinstance(exc, LimitRequestHeaders):
                mesg = "<p>Error parsing headers: '%s'</p>" % str(exc)

            self.log.debug("Invalid request from ip={ip}: {error}"\
            self.log.exception("Error handling request")

            status_int = 500
            reason = "Internal Server Error"
            mesg = ""

        if req is not None:
            request_time = datetime.now() - request_start
            environ = default_environ(req, client, self.cfg)
            environ['REMOTE_ADDR'] = addr[0]
            environ['REMOTE_PORT'] = str(addr[1])
            resp = Response(req, client)
            resp.status = "%s %s" % (status_int, reason)
            resp.response_length = len(mesg)
            self.log.access(resp, req, environ, request_time)

        if self.debug:
            tb = traceback.format_exc()
            mesg += "<h2>Traceback:</h2>\n<pre>%s</pre>" % tb

            util.write_error(client, status_int, reason, mesg)
            self.log.debug("Failed to send error message.")
Exemple #6
    def handle_error(self, req, client, addr, exc):
        request_start = datetime.now()
        if isinstance(exc, (InvalidRequestLine, InvalidRequestMethod,
            InvalidHTTPVersion, InvalidHeader, InvalidHeaderName,
            LimitRequestLine, LimitRequestHeaders,)):

            status_int = 400
            reason = "Bad Request"

            if isinstance(exc, InvalidRequestLine):
                mesg = "<p>Invalid Request Line '%s'</p>" % str(exc)
            elif isinstance(exc, InvalidRequestMethod):
                mesg = "<p>Invalid Method '%s'</p>" % str(exc)
            elif isinstance(exc, InvalidHTTPVersion):
                mesg = "<p>Invalid HTTP Version '%s'</p>" % str(exc)
            elif isinstance(exc, (InvalidHeaderName, InvalidHeader,)):
                mesg = "<p>Invalid Header '%s'</p>" % str(exc)
            elif isinstance(exc, LimitRequestLine):
                mesg = "<p>%s</p>" % str(exc)
            elif isinstance(exc, LimitRequestHeaders):
                mesg = "<p>Error parsing headers: '%s'</p>" % str(exc)

            self.log.debug("Invalid request from ip={ip}: {error}"\
            self.log.exception("Error handling request")

            status_int = 500
            reason = "Internal Server Error"
            mesg = ""

        if req is not None:
            request_time = datetime.now() - request_start
            environ = default_environ(req, client, self.cfg)
            environ['REMOTE_ADDR'] = addr[0]
            environ['REMOTE_PORT'] = str(addr[1])
            resp = Response(req, client)
            resp.status = "%s %s" % (status_int, reason)
            resp.response_length = len(mesg)
            self.log.access(resp, req, environ, request_time)

        if self.debug:
            tb = traceback.format_exc()
            mesg += "<h2>Traceback:</h2>\n<pre>%s</pre>" % tb

            util.write_error(client, status_int, reason, mesg)
            self.log.warning("Failed to send error message.")
Exemple #7
def test_http_header_encoding():
    """ tests whether http response headers are USASCII encoded """

    mocked_socket = mock.MagicMock()
    mocked_socket.sendall = mock.MagicMock()

    mocked_request = mock.MagicMock()
    response = Response(mocked_request, mocked_socket, None)

    # set umlaut header value - latin-1 is OK
    response.headers.append(('foo', 'häder'))

    # set a-breve header value - unicode, non-latin-1 fails
    response = Response(mocked_request, mocked_socket, None)
    response.headers.append(('apple', 'măr'))
    with pytest.raises(UnicodeEncodeError):

    # build our own header_str to compare against
    tosend = response.default_headers()
    tosend.extend(["%s: %s\r\n" % (k, v) for k, v in response.headers])
    header_str = "%s\r\n" % "".join(tosend)

    with pytest.raises(UnicodeEncodeError):
        mocked_socket.sendall(util.to_bytestring(header_str, "ascii"))
Exemple #8
def test_http_header_encoding():
    """ tests whether http response headers are ISO-8859-1 encoded """

    mocked_socket = mock.MagicMock()
    mocked_socket.sendall = mock.MagicMock()
    mocked_request = mock.MagicMock()
    response = Response(mocked_request, mocked_socket, None)

    # set umlaut header
    response.headers.append(('foo', 'häder'))

    # build our own header_str to compare against
    tosend = response.default_headers()
    tosend.extend(["%s: %s\r\n" % (k, v) for k, v in response.headers])
    header_str = "%s\r\n" % "".join(tosend)

Exemple #9
def test_http_header_encoding():
    """ tests whether http response headers are ISO-8859-1 encoded """

    mocked_socket = mock.MagicMock()
    mocked_socket.sendall = mock.MagicMock()
    mocked_request = mock.MagicMock()
    response = Response(mocked_request, mocked_socket, None)

    # set umlaut header
    response.headers.append(('foo', 'häder'))

    # build our own header_str to compare against
    tosend = response.default_headers()
    tosend.extend(["%s: %s\r\n" % (k, v) for k, v in response.headers])
    header_str = "%s\r\n" % "".join(tosend)

Exemple #10
def test_http_invalid_response_header():
    """ tests whether http response headers are contains control chars """

    mocked_socket = mock.MagicMock()
    mocked_socket.sendall = mock.MagicMock()

    mocked_request = mock.MagicMock()
    response = Response(mocked_request, mocked_socket, None)

    with pytest.raises(InvalidHeader):
        response.start_response("200 OK", [('foo', 'essai\r\n')])

    response = Response(mocked_request, mocked_socket, None)
    with pytest.raises(InvalidHeaderName):
        response.start_response("200 OK", [('foo\r\n', 'essai')])
    def form_valid(self, form):
        latitude = form.cleaned_data['latitude']
        longitude = form.cleaned_data['longitude']

        now = timezone.now()

        next_week = now + timezone.timedelta(weeks=1)

        location = Point(longitude, latitude, srid=4326)

        events = Event.objects.filter(datetime__gte=now).filter(datetime__lte=next_week).annotate(
            distance=Distance('venue__location', location)).order_by('distance')[0:5]

        return Response('location/lookupresults.html', {
            'events': events
Exemple #12
def test_http_invalid_response_header():
    """ tests whether http response headers are contains control chars """

    mocked_socket = mock.MagicMock()
    mocked_socket.sendall = mock.MagicMock()

    mocked_request = mock.MagicMock()
    response = Response(mocked_request, mocked_socket, None)

    with pytest.raises(InvalidHeader):
        response.start_response("200 OK", [('foo', 'essai\r\n')])

    response = Response(mocked_request, mocked_socket, None)
    with pytest.raises(InvalidHeaderName):
        response.start_response("200 OK", [('foo\r\n', 'essai')])
Exemple #13
 def dispatch_request(self, url):
     mocked_socket = MagicMock()
     mocked_request = MagicMock()
     response = Response(mocked_request, mocked_socket, None)
     req_env = self.create_full_env(url)
     return response, self.app(req_env, response.start_response)
Exemple #14
    def handle_error(self, req, client, addr, exc):
        request_start = datetime.now()
        addr = addr or ('', -1)  # unix socket case
        if isinstance(exc, (

            status_int = 400
            reason = "Bad Request"

            if isinstance(exc, InvalidRequestLine):
                mesg = "<p>Invalid Request Line '%s'</p>" % str(exc)
            elif isinstance(exc, InvalidRequestMethod):
                mesg = "<p>Invalid Method '%s'</p>" % str(exc)
            elif isinstance(exc, InvalidHTTPVersion):
                mesg = "<p>Invalid HTTP Version '%s'</p>" % str(exc)
            elif isinstance(exc, (
                mesg = "<p>%s</p>" % str(exc)
                if not req and hasattr(exc, "req"):
                    req = exc.req  # for access log
            elif isinstance(exc, LimitRequestLine):
                mesg = "<p>%s</p>" % str(exc)
            elif isinstance(exc, LimitRequestHeaders):
                mesg = "<p>Error parsing headers: '%s'</p>" % str(exc)
            elif isinstance(exc, InvalidProxyLine):
                mesg = "<p>'%s'</p>" % str(exc)
            elif isinstance(exc, ForbiddenProxyRequest):
                reason = "Forbidden"
                mesg = "<p>Request forbidden</p>"
                status_int = 403

            self.log.debug("Invalid request from ip={ip}: {error}"\
        elif isinstance(exc, socket.timeout):
            status_int = 408
            reason = "Request Timeout"
            mesg = "<p>The server timed out handling for the request</p>"
            self.log.exception("Error handling request")

            status_int = 500
            reason = "Internal Server Error"
            mesg = ""

        if req is not None:
            request_time = datetime.now() - request_start
            environ = default_environ(req, client, self.cfg)
            environ['REMOTE_ADDR'] = addr[0]
            environ['REMOTE_PORT'] = str(addr[1])
            resp = Response(req, client)
            resp.status = "%s %s" % (status_int, reason)
            resp.response_length = len(mesg)
            self.log.access(resp, req, environ, request_time)

        if self.debug:
            tb = traceback.format_exc()
            mesg += "<h2>Traceback:</h2>\n<pre>%s</pre>" % tb

            util.write_error(client, status_int, reason, mesg)
            self.log.debug("Failed to send error message.")
Exemple #15
 def _start_response(status, headers, exc_info=None):
     self.resp.response = Response(req, sock, self.cfg)
     self.resp.response.start_response(status, headers, exc_info)
 def get(self, request):
     return Response('location/lookup.html', RequestContext(request))