Exemple #1
def create(req, sock, client, server, cfg):
    resp = Response(req, sock, cfg)

    # set initial environ
    environ = default_environ(req, sock, cfg)

    # default variables
    host = None
    url_scheme = "https" if cfg.is_ssl else "http"
    script_name = os.environ.get("SCRIPT_NAME", "")

    # set secure_headers
    secure_headers = cfg.secure_scheme_headers
    if client and not isinstance(client, string_types):
        if ('*' not in cfg.forwarded_allow_ips
                and client[0] not in cfg.forwarded_allow_ips):
            secure_headers = {}

    # add the headers tot the environ
    for hdr_name, hdr_value in req.headers:
        if hdr_name == "EXPECT":
            # handle expect
            if hdr_value.lower() == "100-continue":
                sock.send(b"HTTP/1.1 100 Continue\r\n\r\n")
        elif secure_headers and (hdr_name in secure_headers and
              hdr_value == secure_headers[hdr_name]):
            url_scheme = "https"
        elif hdr_name == 'HOST':
            host = hdr_value
        elif hdr_name == "SCRIPT_NAME":
            script_name = hdr_value
        elif hdr_name == "CONTENT-TYPE":
            environ['CONTENT_TYPE'] = hdr_value
        elif hdr_name == "CONTENT-LENGTH":
            environ['CONTENT_LENGTH'] = hdr_value

        key = 'HTTP_' + hdr_name.replace('-', '_')
        if key in environ:
            hdr_value = "%s,%s" % (environ[key], hdr_value)
        environ[key] = hdr_value

    # set the url schejeme
    environ['wsgi.url_scheme'] = url_scheme

    # set the REMOTE_* keys in environ
    # authors should be aware that REMOTE_HOST and REMOTE_ADDR
    # may not qualify the remote addr:
    # http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3875
    if isinstance(client, string_types):
        environ['REMOTE_ADDR'] = client
    elif isinstance(client, binary_type):
        environ['REMOTE_ADDR'] = str(client)
        environ['REMOTE_ADDR'] = client[0]
        environ['REMOTE_PORT'] = str(client[1])

    # handle the SERVER_*
    # Normally only the application should use the Host header but since the
    # WSGI spec doesn't support unix sockets, we are using it to create
    # viable SERVER_* if possible.
    if isinstance(server, string_types):
        server = server.split(":")
        if len(server) == 1:
            # unix socket
            if host and host is not None:
                server = host.split(':')
                if len(server) == 1:
                    if url_scheme == "http":
                    elif url_scheme == "https":
                # no host header given which means that we are not behind a
                # proxy, so append an empty port.
    environ['SERVER_NAME'] = server[0]
    environ['SERVER_PORT'] = str(server[1])

    # set the path and script name
    path_info = req.path
    if script_name:
        path_info = path_info.split(script_name, 1)[1]
    environ['PATH_INFO'] = unquote_to_wsgi_str(path_info)
    environ['SCRIPT_NAME'] = script_name

    # override the environ with the correct remote and server address if
    # we are behind a proxy using the proxy protocol.
    return resp, environ
Exemple #2
def create(req, sock, client, server, cfg):
    resp = Response(req, sock)

    environ = default_environ(req, sock, cfg)

    # authors should be aware that REMOTE_HOST and REMOTE_ADDR
    # may not qualify the remote addr:
    # http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3875
    forward = client or ""
    url_scheme = "https" if cfg.is_ssl else "http"
    script_name = os.environ.get("SCRIPT_NAME", "")

    secure_headers = cfg.secure_scheme_headers
    x_forwarded_for_header = cfg.x_forwarded_for_header
    if '*' not in cfg.forwarded_allow_ips and client\
            and client[0] not in cfg.forwarded_allow_ips:
        x_forwarded_for_header = None
        secure_headers = {}

    for hdr_name, hdr_value in req.headers:
        if hdr_name == "EXPECT":
            # handle expect
            if hdr_value.lower() == "100-continue":
                sock.send(b"HTTP/1.1 100 Continue\r\n\r\n")
        elif x_forwarded_for_header and hdr_name == x_forwarded_for_header:
            forward = hdr_value
        elif secure_headers and (hdr_name.upper() in secure_headers
                                 and hdr_value
                                 == secure_headers[hdr_name.upper()]):
            url_scheme = "https"
        elif hdr_name == "HOST":
            server = hdr_value
        elif hdr_name == "SCRIPT_NAME":
            script_name = hdr_value
        elif hdr_name == "CONTENT-TYPE":
            environ['CONTENT_TYPE'] = hdr_value
        elif hdr_name == "CONTENT-LENGTH":
            environ['CONTENT_LENGTH'] = hdr_value

        key = 'HTTP_' + hdr_name.replace('-', '_')
        if key in environ:
            hdr_value = "%s,%s" % (environ[key], hdr_value)
        environ[key] = hdr_value

    environ['wsgi.url_scheme'] = url_scheme

    if isinstance(forward, string_types):
        # we only took the last one
        # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X-Forwarded-For
        if forward.find(",") >= 0:
            forward = forward.rsplit(",", 1)[1].strip()

        # find host and port on ipv6 address
        if '[' in forward and ']' in forward:
            host = forward.split(']')[0][1:].lower()
        elif ":" in forward and forward.count(":") == 1:
            host = forward.split(":")[0].lower()
            host = forward

        forward = forward.split(']')[-1]
        if ":" in forward and forward.count(":") == 1:
            port = forward.split(':', 1)[1]
            port = 80

        remote = (host, port)
        remote = forward

    environ['REMOTE_ADDR'] = remote[0]
    environ['REMOTE_PORT'] = str(remote[1])

    if isinstance(server, string_types):
        server = server.split(":")
        if len(server) == 1:
            if url_scheme == "http":
            elif url_scheme == "https":
    environ['SERVER_NAME'] = server[0]
    environ['SERVER_PORT'] = str(server[1])

    path_info = req.path
    if script_name:
        path_info = path_info.split(script_name, 1)[1]
    environ['PATH_INFO'] = unquote_to_wsgi_str(path_info)
    environ['SCRIPT_NAME'] = script_name


    return resp, environ
Exemple #3
def create(req, sock, client, server, cfg):
    resp = Response(req, sock, cfg)

    environ = default_environ(req, sock, cfg)

    # authors should be aware that REMOTE_HOST and REMOTE_ADDR
    # may not qualify the remote addr:
    # http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3875
    forward = client or ""
    url_scheme = "https" if cfg.is_ssl else "http"
    script_name = os.environ.get("SCRIPT_NAME", "")

    secure_headers = cfg.secure_scheme_headers
    x_forwarded_for_header = cfg.x_forwarded_for_header
    if '*' not in cfg.forwarded_allow_ips and client\
            and client[0] not in cfg.forwarded_allow_ips:
        x_forwarded_for_header = None
        secure_headers = {}

    for hdr_name, hdr_value in req.headers:
        if hdr_name == "EXPECT":
            # handle expect
            if hdr_value.lower() == "100-continue":
                sock.send(b"HTTP/1.1 100 Continue\r\n\r\n")
        elif x_forwarded_for_header and hdr_name == x_forwarded_for_header:
            forward = hdr_value
        elif secure_headers and (hdr_name.upper() in secure_headers and
              hdr_value == secure_headers[hdr_name.upper()]):
            url_scheme = "https"
        elif hdr_name == "HOST":
            server = hdr_value
        elif hdr_name == "SCRIPT_NAME":
            script_name = hdr_value
        elif hdr_name == "CONTENT-TYPE":
            environ['CONTENT_TYPE'] = hdr_value
        elif hdr_name == "CONTENT-LENGTH":
            environ['CONTENT_LENGTH'] = hdr_value

        key = 'HTTP_' + hdr_name.replace('-', '_')
        if key in environ:
            hdr_value = "%s,%s" % (environ[key], hdr_value)
        environ[key] = hdr_value

    environ['wsgi.url_scheme'] = url_scheme

    if isinstance(forward, string_types):
        # we only took the last one
        # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X-Forwarded-For
        if forward.find(",") >= 0:
            forward = forward.rsplit(",", 1)[1].strip()

        # find host and port on ipv6 address
        if '[' in forward and ']' in forward:
            host = forward.split(']')[0][1:].lower()
        elif ":" in forward and forward.count(":") == 1:
            host = forward.split(":")[0].lower()
            host = forward

        forward = forward.split(']')[-1]
        if ":" in forward and forward.count(":") == 1:
            port = forward.split(':', 1)[1]
            port = 80

        remote = (host, port)
        remote = forward

    environ['REMOTE_ADDR'] = remote[0]
    environ['REMOTE_PORT'] = str(remote[1])

    if isinstance(server, string_types):
        server = server.split(":")
        if len(server) == 1:
            if url_scheme == "http":
            elif url_scheme == "https":
    environ['SERVER_NAME'] = server[0]
    environ['SERVER_PORT'] = str(server[1])

    path_info = req.path
    if script_name:
        path_info = path_info.split(script_name, 1)[1]
    environ['PATH_INFO'] = unquote_to_wsgi_str(path_info)
    environ['SCRIPT_NAME'] = script_name


    return resp, environ
Exemple #4
def create(req, sock, client, server, cfg):
    resp = Response(req, sock, cfg)

    # set initial environ
    environ = default_environ(req, sock, cfg)

    # default variables
    host = None
    url_scheme = "https" if cfg.is_ssl else "http"
    script_name = os.environ.get("SCRIPT_NAME", "")

    # set secure_headers
    secure_headers = cfg.secure_scheme_headers
    if client and not isinstance(client, string_types):
        if ('*' not in cfg.forwarded_allow_ips
                and client[0] not in cfg.forwarded_allow_ips):
            secure_headers = {}

    # add the headers tot the environ
    for hdr_name, hdr_value in req.headers:
        if hdr_name == "EXPECT":
            # handle expect
            if hdr_value.lower() == "100-continue":
                sock.send(b"HTTP/1.1 100 Continue\r\n\r\n")
        elif secure_headers and (hdr_name in secure_headers
                                 and hdr_value == secure_headers[hdr_name]):
            url_scheme = "https"
        elif hdr_name == 'HOST':
            host = hdr_value
        elif hdr_name == "SCRIPT_NAME":
            script_name = hdr_value
        elif hdr_name == "CONTENT-TYPE":
            environ['CONTENT_TYPE'] = hdr_value
        elif hdr_name == "CONTENT-LENGTH":
            environ['CONTENT_LENGTH'] = hdr_value

        key = 'HTTP_' + hdr_name.replace('-', '_')
        if key in environ:
            hdr_value = "%s,%s" % (environ[key], hdr_value)
        environ[key] = hdr_value

    # set the url schejeme
    environ['wsgi.url_scheme'] = url_scheme

    # set the REMOTE_* keys in environ
    # authors should be aware that REMOTE_HOST and REMOTE_ADDR
    # may not qualify the remote addr:
    # http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3875
    if isinstance(client, string_types):
        environ['REMOTE_ADDR'] = client
    elif isinstance(client, binary_type):
        environ['REMOTE_ADDR'] = str(client)
        environ['REMOTE_ADDR'] = client[0]
        environ['REMOTE_PORT'] = str(client[1])

    # handle the SERVER_*
    # Normally only the application should use the Host header but since the
    # WSGI spec doesn't support unix sockets, we are using it to create
    # viable SERVER_* if possible.
    if isinstance(server, string_types):
        server = server.split(":")
        if len(server) == 1:
            # unix socket
            if host and host is not None:
                server = host.split(':')
                if len(server) == 1:
                    if url_scheme == "http":
                    elif url_scheme == "https":
                # no host header given which means that we are not behind a
                # proxy, so append an empty port.
    environ['SERVER_NAME'] = server[0]
    environ['SERVER_PORT'] = str(server[1])

    # set the path and script name
    path_info = req.path
    if script_name:
        path_info = path_info.split(script_name, 1)[1]
    environ['PATH_INFO'] = unquote_to_wsgi_str(path_info)
    environ['SCRIPT_NAME'] = script_name

    # override the environ with the correct remote and server address if
    # we are behind a proxy using the proxy protocol.
    return resp, environ