Exemple #1
def populate_dual_subproblem(data, upper_cost=None, flow_cost=None):
    Function that populates the Benders Dual Subproblem, as suggested by the
    paper "Minimal Infeasible Subsystems and Bender's cuts" by Fischetti,
    Salvagnin and Zanette.
    :param data:        Problem data structure
    :param upper_cost:  Link setup decisions fixed in the master
    :param flow_cost:   This is the cost of the continuous variables of the
                        master problem, as explained in the paper
    :return:            Numpy array of Gurobi model objects

    # Gurobi model objects
    subproblems = np.empty(shape=(data.periods, data.commodities),

    # Construct model for period/commodity 0.
    # Then, copy this and change the coefficients
    dual_subproblem = Model('dual_subproblem_(0,0)')

    # Ranges we are going to need
    arcs, periods, commodities = xrange(data.arcs.size), xrange(
        data.periods), xrange(data.commodities)

    # Origins and destinations of commodities
    origins, destinations = data.origins, data.destinations

    # We use arrays to store variable indexes and variable objects. Why use
    # both? Gurobi wont let us get the values of individual variables
    # within a callback.. We just get the values of a large array of
    # variables, in the order they were initially defined. To separate them
    # in variable categories, we will have to use index arrays
    flow_index = np.zeros(shape=data.nodes, dtype=int)
    flow_duals = np.empty_like(flow_index, dtype=object)
    ubounds_index = np.zeros(shape=len(arcs), dtype=int)
    ubounds_duals = np.empty_like(ubounds_index, dtype=object)

    # Makes sure we don't add variables more than once
    flow_duals_names = set()

    if upper_cost is None:
        upper_cost = np.zeros(shape=(len(periods), len(arcs)), dtype=float)
    if flow_cost is None:
        flow_cost = np.zeros(shape=(len(periods), len(commodities)),

    # Populate all variables in one loop, keep track of their indexes
    # Data for period = 0, com = 0
    count = 0
    for arc in arcs:
        ubounds_duals[arc] = dual_subproblem.addVar(
            obj=-upper_cost[0, arc], lb=0., name='ubound_dual_a{}'.format(arc))
        ubounds_index[arc] = count
        count += 1
        start_node, end_node = get_2d_index(data.arcs[arc], data.nodes)
        start_node, end_node = start_node - 1, end_node - 1
        for node in (start_node, end_node):
            var_name = 'flow_dual_n{}'.format(node)
            if var_name not in flow_duals_names:
                obj, ub = 0., GRB.INFINITY
                if data.origins[0] == node:
                    obj = 1.
                if data.destinations[0] == node:
                    obj = -1.
                    ub = 0.
                flow_duals[node] = \
                        obj=obj, lb=0., name=var_name)
                flow_index[node] = count
                count += 1
    opt_var = dual_subproblem.addVar(obj=-flow_cost[0, 0],
    dual_subproblem.params.threads = 2
    dual_subproblem.params.LogFile = ""

    # Add constraints
    demand = data.demand[0, 0]
    for arc in arcs:
        start_node, end_node = get_2d_index(data.arcs[arc], data.nodes)
        start_node, end_node = start_node - 1, end_node - 1
        lhs = flow_duals[start_node] - flow_duals[end_node] \
              - ubounds_duals[arc] - \
              opt_var * data.variable_cost[arc] * demand
        dual_subproblem.addConstr(lhs <= 0., name='flow_a{}'.format(arc))

    # Original Fischetti model
    lhs = quicksum(ubounds_duals) + opt_var
    dual_subproblem.addConstr(lhs == 1, name='normalization_constraint')

    # Store variable indices
    dual_subproblem._ubounds_index = ubounds_index
    dual_subproblem._flow_index = flow_index
    dual_subproblem._all_variables = np.array(dual_subproblem.getVars())
    dual_subproblem._flow_duals = np.take(dual_subproblem._all_variables,
    dual_subproblem._ubound_duals = np.take(dual_subproblem._all_variables,

    dual_subproblem.setParam('OutputFlag', 0)
    dual_subproblem.modelSense = GRB.MAXIMIZE

    subproblems[0, 0] = dual_subproblem

    for period, com in product(periods, commodities):
        if (period, com) != (0, 0):
            model = dual_subproblem.copy()
            optimality_var = model.getVarByName('optimality_var')
            optimality_var.Obj = -flow_cost[period, com]
            demand = data.demand[period, com]
            for node in xrange(data.nodes):
                variable = model.getVarByName('flow_dual_n{}'.format(node))
                if origins[com] == node:
                    obj = 1.
                elif destinations[com] == node:
                    obj = -1.
                    obj = 0.
                variable.obj = obj
            for arc in arcs:
                variable = model.getVarByName('ubound_dual_a{}'.format(arc))
                variable.Obj = -np.sum(upper_cost[:period + 1, arc])
                constraint = model.getConstrByName('flow_a{}'.format(arc))
                model.chgCoeff(constraint, optimality_var,
                               -demand * data.variable_cost[arc])
            model._all_variables = np.array(model.getVars())
            subproblems[period, com] = model
    return subproblems
Exemple #2
def populate_dual_subproblem(data):
    Function that populates the Benders Dual Subproblem, as suggested by the
    paper "Minimal Infeasible Subsystems and Bender's cuts" by Fischetti,
    Salvagnin and Zanette.
    :param data:        Problem data structure
    :param upper_cost:  Link setup decisions fixed in the master
    :param flow_cost:   This is the cost of the continuous variables of the
                        master problem, as explained in the paper
    :return:            Numpy array of Gurobi model objects

    # Gurobi model objects
    subproblems = np.empty(shape=(data.periods, data.commodities),

    # Construct model for period/commodity 0.
    # Then, copy this and change the coefficients
    subproblem = Model('subproblem_(0,0)')

    # Ranges we are going to need
    arcs, periods, commodities, nodes = xrange(data.arcs.size), xrange(
        data.periods), xrange(data.commodities), xrange(data.nodes)

    # Other data
    demand, var_cost = data.demand, data.variable_cost

    # Origins and destinations of commodities
    origins, destinations = data.origins, data.destinations

    # We use arrays to store variable indexes and variable objects. Why use
    # both? Gurobi wont let us get the values of individual variables
    # within a callback.. We just get the values of a large array of
    # variables, in the order they were initially defined. To separate them
    # in variable categories, we will have to use index arrays
    flow_vars = np.empty_like(arcs, dtype=object)

    # Populate all variables in one loop, keep track of their indexes
    # Data for period = 0, com = 0
    for arc in arcs:
        flow_vars[arc] = subproblem.addVar(obj=demand[0, 0] * var_cost[arc],

    # Add constraints
    for node in nodes:
        out_arcs = get_2d_index(data.arcs, data.nodes)[0] == node + 1
        in_arcs = get_2d_index(data.arcs, data.nodes)[1] == node + 1
        lhs = quicksum(flow_vars[out_arcs]) - quicksum(flow_vars[in_arcs])
        subproblem.addConstr(lhs == 0., name='flow_bal{}'.format(node))

    # Store variables
    subproblem._all_variables = flow_vars.tolist()

    # Set parameters
    subproblem.setParam('OutputFlag', 0)
    subproblem.modelSense = GRB.MINIMIZE
    subproblem.params.threads = 2
    subproblem.params.LogFile = ""

    subproblems[0, 0] = subproblem

    for period, com in product(periods, commodities):
        if (period, com) != (0, 0):
            model = subproblem.copy()
            model.ModelName = 'subproblem_({},{})'.format(period, com)
            flow_cost = data.demand[period, com] * var_cost
            model.setObjective(LinExpr(flow_cost.tolist(), model.getVars()))
            model.setAttr('rhs', model.getConstrs(), [0.0] * data.nodes)

            model._all_variables = model.getVars()
            subproblems[period, com] = model

    return subproblems