Exemple #1
def test_save_figure(tmpdir):
    base = str(tmpdir)
    series = TimeSeries(numpy.random.normal(loc=0, scale=1, size=24*60),
                        sample_rate=60, unit='Mpc', name='X1:TEST')
    fig = series.plot()
    tsplot = plot.save_figure(fig, os.path.join(base, 'test.png'))
    assert tsplot == os.path.join(base, 'test.png')

    # no-directory should raise warning
    with pytest.warns(UserWarning) as record:
        noneplot = plot.save_figure(fig, os.path.join('tgpflk', 'test.png'))
    assert noneplot is None
    assert len(record.list) == 1
    assert 'Error saving' in str(record.list[0].message)

    # remove base directory
    shutil.rmtree(base, ignore_errors=True)
Exemple #2
h1spec = h1.spectrogram(30, fftlength=4)
l1spec = l1.spectrogram(30, fftlength=4)

# To calculate the inspiral range variation, we need to create a
# :class:`~gwpy.timeseries.TimeSeries` in which to store the values, then
# loop over each PSD bin in the spectrogram, calculating the
# :func:`gwpy.astro.inspiral_range` for each one:

import numpy
from gwpy.astro import inspiral_range
h1range = TimeSeries(numpy.zeros(len(h1spec)),
                     dt=h1spec.dt, t0=h1spec.t0, unit='Mpc')
l1range = h1range.copy()
for i in range(h1range.size):
    h1range[i] = inspiral_range(h1spec[i], fmin=10)
    l1range[i] = inspiral_range(l1spec[i], fmin=10)

# We can now easily plot the timeseries to see the variation in LIGO
# sensitivity over the hour or so including GW150914:

plot = h1range.plot(label='LIGO-Hanford', color='gwpy:ligo-hanford',
                    figsize=(12, 5))
ax = plot.gca()
ax.plot(l1range, label='LIGO-Livingston', color='gwpy:ligo-livingston')
ax.set_ylabel('Angle-averaged sensitive distance [Mpc]')
ax.set_title('LIGO sensitivity to BNS around GW150914')
ax.set_epoch(1126259462)  # <- set 0 on plot to GW150914
Exemple #3
I would like to study the gravitational wave strain time-series around the time of an interesting simulated signal during the last science run (S6).

These data are public, so we can load them directly from the web.

__author__ = "Duncan Macleod <*****@*****.**>"
__currentmodule__ = 'gwpy.timeseries'

# First: import everything we need (and nothing we don't need)
from urllib2 import urlopen
from numpy import asarray
from gwpy.timeseries import TimeSeries

# Next, download the data as a string of text
data = urlopen(

# We can now parse the text as a list of floats, and generate a `TimeSeries`
# by supplying the necessary metadata
ts = TimeSeries(asarray(data.splitlines(), dtype=float),

# Finally, we can make a plot:
plot = ts.plot()
plot.set_title('LIGO Livingston Observatory data for GW100916')
plot.set_ylabel('Gravitational-wave strain amplitude')
Exemple #4
from urllib2 import urlopen
from numpy import asarray
from gwpy.timeseries import TimeSeries
data = urlopen('http://www.ligo.org/science/GW100916/'
ts = TimeSeries(asarray(data.splitlines(), dtype=float),
                epoch=968654552, sample_rate=16384)
plot = ts.plot()
plot.set_ylabel('Gravitational-wave strain amplitude')
plot.set_title('LIGO Livingston Observatory data for GW100916')
l1spec = l1.spectrogram(30, fftlength=4)

# To calculate the inspiral range variation, we need to create a
# :class:`~gwpy.timeseries.TimeSeries` in which to store the values, then
# loop over each PSD bin in the spectrogram, calculating the
# :func:`gwpy.astro.inspiral_range` for each one:

import numpy
from gwpy.astro import inspiral_range
h1range = TimeSeries(numpy.zeros(len(h1spec)),
l1range = h1range.copy()
for i in range(h1range.size):
    h1range[i] = inspiral_range(h1spec[i], fmin=10)
    l1range[i] = inspiral_range(l1spec[i], fmin=10)

# We can now easily plot the timeseries to see the variation in LIGO
# sensitivity over the hour or so including GW150914:

from gwpy.plotter.colors import GW_OBSERVATORY_COLORS as GWO_COLORS
plot = h1range.plot(label='LIGO-Hanford', color=GWO_COLORS['H1'])
ax = plot.gca()
ax.plot(l1range, label='LIGO-Livingston', color=GWO_COLORS['L1'])
ax.set_ylabel('Angle-averaged sensitive distance [Mpc]')
ax.set_title('LIGO sensitivity to BNS around GW150914')
ax.set_epoch(1126259462)  # <- set 0 on plot to GW150914
Exemple #6
from gwpy.timeseries import TimeSeries

# To create an array of random numbers, sampled at 100 Hz, in units of
# 'metres':

from numpy import random
series = TimeSeries(random.random(1000), sample_rate=100, unit='m')

# which can then be simply visualised via

plot = series.plot()
Exemple #7
h1spec = h1.spectrogram(30, fftlength=4)
l1spec = l1.spectrogram(30, fftlength=4)

# To calculate the inspiral range variation, we need to create a
# :class:`~gwpy.timeseries.TimeSeries` in which to store the values, then
# loop over each PSD bin in the spectrogram, calculating the
# :func:`gwpy.astro.inspiral_range` for each one:

import numpy
from gwpy.astro import inspiral_range
h1range = TimeSeries(numpy.zeros(len(h1spec)),
                     dt=h1spec.dt, t0=h1spec.t0, unit='Mpc')
l1range = h1range.copy()
for i in range(h1range.size):
    h1range[i] = inspiral_range(h1spec[i], fmin=10)
    l1range[i] = inspiral_range(l1spec[i], fmin=10)

# We can now easily plot the timeseries to see the variation in LIGO
# sensitivity over the hour or so including GW150914:

from gwpy.plotter.colors import GW_OBSERVATORY_COLORS as GWO_COLORS
plot = h1range.plot(label='LIGO-Hanford', color=GWO_COLORS['H1'])
ax = plot.gca()
ax.plot(l1range, label='LIGO-Livingston', color=GWO_COLORS['L1'])
ax.set_ylabel('Angle-averaged sensitive distance [Mpc]')
ax.set_title('LIGO sensitivity to BNS around GW150914')
ax.set_epoch(1126259462)  # <- set 0 on plot to GW150914
Exemple #8
        list(map("%s:%s".__mod__, front_end_channel_list),
if plot_additional_hoft:
    additional_hoft_data = TimeSeriesDict.read(
        list(map("%s:%s".__mod__, additional_channel_list)),

print(map("%s:%s".__mod__, front_end_channel_list))

segs = DataQualityFlag.query('%s:DMT-CALIBRATED:1' % ifo, start, end)

for n, channel in enumerate(channels):
    plot = TimeSeries.plot(data["%s:%s" % (ifo, channel)])
    ax = plot.gca()
    if plot_front_end:
        ax.plot(front_end_data["%s:%s" % (ifo, front_end_channels[n])])
    if plot_additional_hoft:
        ax.plot(additional_hoft_data["%s:%s" % (ifo, additional_channels[n])])
    ax.set_ylabel('Correction value')
    #title = item
    #title = title.replace('_', '\_')
    ax.set_title(channel.replace('_', '\_'))
    if 'F_S_SQUARED' in channel:
        ax.set_ylim(-100, 100)
    elif 'SRC_Q_INVERSE' in channel:
        ax.set_ylim(-2, 2)
    #plot.add_state_segments(segs, plotargs=dict(label='Calibrated'))