def __init__( self, source_ids: List[str], all_preprocessors: List[Union[Preprocessor, Builder[Preprocessor]]], all_sensors: List[Sensor], ) -> None: """Initializer. # Parameters source_ids : The sensors and preprocessors that will be included in the set. all_preprocessors : The entire list of preprocessors to be executed. all_sensors : The entire list of sensors. """ self.graph = PreprocessorGraph(all_preprocessors) self.source_ids = source_ids assert len(set(self.source_ids)) == len( self.source_ids), "No duplicated uuids allowed in source_ids" sensor_spaces = SensorSuite(all_sensors).observation_spaces preprocessor_spaces = self.graph.observation_spaces spaces: OrderedDict[str, gym.Space] = OrderedDict() for uuid in self.source_ids: assert ( uuid in sensor_spaces.spaces or uuid in preprocessor_spaces.spaces ), "uuid {} missing from sensor suite and preprocessor graph".format( uuid) if uuid in sensor_spaces.spaces: spaces[uuid] = sensor_spaces[uuid] else: spaces[uuid] = preprocessor_spaces[uuid] self.observation_spaces = SpaceDict(spaces=spaces)
def __init__( self, source_observation_spaces: SpaceDict, preprocessors: Sequence[Union[Preprocessor, Builder[Preprocessor]]], additional_output_uuids: Sequence[str] = tuple(), ) -> None: """Initializer. # Parameters source_observation_spaces : The observation spaces of all sensors before preprocessing. This generally should be the output of `SensorSuite.observation_spaces`. preprocessors : The preprocessors that will be included in the graph. additional_output_uuids: As described in the documentation for this class, the observations returned when calling `get_observations` only include, by default, those observations that are not processed by any preprocessor. If you'd like to include observations that would otherwise not be included, the uuids of these sensors should be included as a sequence of strings here. """ self.device: torch.device = torch.device("cpu") obs_spaces: Dict[str, gym.Space] = { k: source_observation_spaces[k] for k in source_observation_spaces } self.preprocessors: Dict[str, Preprocessor] = {} for preprocessor in preprocessors: if isinstance(preprocessor, Builder): preprocessor = preprocessor() assert (preprocessor.uuid not in self.preprocessors ), "'{}' is duplicated preprocessor uuid".format( preprocessor.uuid) self.preprocessors[preprocessor.uuid] = preprocessor obs_spaces[preprocessor.uuid] = preprocessor.observation_space g = nx.DiGraph() for k in obs_spaces: g.add_node(k) for k in self.preprocessors: for j in self.preprocessors[k].input_uuids: g.add_edge(j, k) assert nx.is_directed_acyclic_graph( g), "preprocessors do not form a direct acyclic graph" self.observation_spaces = SpaceDict( spaces={ uuid: obs_spaces[uuid] for uuid in obs_spaces if uuid in additional_output_uuids or g.out_degree(uuid) == 0 }) # ensure dependencies are precomputed self.compute_order = [n for n in nx.dfs_postorder_nodes(g)]
def __init__(self, sensors: Iterable[Sensor]) -> None: """Constructor :param sensors: list containing sensors for the environment, uuid of each sensor must be unique. """ self.sensors = OrderedDict() spaces: OrderedDict[str, Space] = OrderedDict() for sensor in sensors: assert ( sensor.uuid not in self.sensors ), "'{}' is duplicated sensor uuid".format(sensor.uuid) self.sensors[sensor.uuid] = sensor spaces[sensor.uuid] = sensor.observation_space self.observation_spaces = SpaceDict(spaces=spaces)
def __init__(self, sensors: Sequence[Sensor]) -> None: """Initializer. # Parameters param sensors: the sensors that will be included in the suite. """ self.sensors = OrderedDict() spaces: OrderedDict[str, gym.Space] = OrderedDict() for sensor in sensors: assert ( sensor.uuid not in self.sensors), "'{}' is duplicated sensor uuid".format( sensor.uuid) self.sensors[sensor.uuid] = sensor spaces[sensor.uuid] = sensor.observation_space self.observation_spaces = SpaceDict(spaces=spaces)
def __init__( self, preprocessors: List[Union[Preprocessor, Builder[Preprocessor]]], ) -> None: """Initializer. # Parameters preprocessors : The preprocessors that will be included in the graph. """ self.preprocessors: Dict[str, Preprocessor] = OrderedDict() spaces: OrderedDict[str, gym.Space] = OrderedDict() for preprocessor in preprocessors: if isinstance(preprocessor, Builder): preprocessor = preprocessor() assert (preprocessor.uuid not in self.preprocessors ), "'{}' is duplicated preprocessor uuid".format( preprocessor.uuid) self.preprocessors[preprocessor.uuid] = preprocessor spaces[preprocessor.uuid] = preprocessor.observation_space self.observation_spaces = SpaceDict(spaces=spaces) g = nx.DiGraph() for k in self.preprocessors: g.add_node(k) for k in self.preprocessors: for j in self.preprocessors[k].input_uuids: if j not in g: g.add_node(j) g.add_edge(k, j) assert nx.is_directed_acyclic_graph( g), "preprocessors do not form a direct acyclic graph" # ensure dependencies are precomputed self.compute_order = [n for n in nx.dfs_postorder_nodes(g)]
def train(self) -> None: r"""Main method for DD-PPO. Returns: None """ import apex self.local_rank, tcp_store = init_distrib_slurm( self.config.RL.DDPPO.distrib_backend ) # add_signal_handlers() self.timing = Timing() # Stores the number of workers that have finished their rollout num_rollouts_done_store = distrib.PrefixStore("rollout_tracker", tcp_store) num_rollouts_done_store.set("num_done", "0") self.world_rank = distrib.get_rank() self.world_size = distrib.get_world_size() set_cpus(self.local_rank, self.world_size) self.config.defrost() self.config.TORCH_GPU_ID = self.local_rank self.config.SIMULATOR_GPU_ID = self.local_rank # Multiply by the number of simulators to make sure they also get unique seeds self.config.TASK_CONFIG.SEED += self.world_rank * self.config.SIM_BATCH_SIZE self.config.freeze() random.seed(self.config.TASK_CONFIG.SEED) np.random.seed(self.config.TASK_CONFIG.SEED) torch.manual_seed(self.config.TASK_CONFIG.SEED) if torch.cuda.is_available(): self.device = torch.device("cuda", self.local_rank) torch.cuda.set_device(self.device) else: self.device = torch.device("cpu") double_buffered = False self._num_worker_groups = self.config.NUM_PARALLEL_SCENES self._depth = self.config.DEPTH self._color = self.config.COLOR if self.config.TASK.lower() == "pointnav": self.observation_space = SpaceDict( { "pointgoal_with_gps_compass": spaces.Box( low=0.0, high=1.0, shape=(2,), dtype=np.float32 ) } ) else: self.observation_space = SpaceDict({}) self.action_space = spaces.Discrete(4) if self._color: self.observation_space = SpaceDict( { "rgb": spaces.Box( low=np.finfo(np.float32).min, high=np.finfo(np.float32).max, shape=(3, *self.config.RESOLUTION), dtype=np.uint8, ), **self.observation_space.spaces, } ) if self._depth: self.observation_space = SpaceDict( { "depth": spaces.Box( low=np.finfo(np.float32).min, high=np.finfo(np.float32).max, shape=(1, *self.config.RESOLUTION), dtype=np.float32, ), **self.observation_space.spaces, } ) ppo_cfg = self.config.RL.PPO if not os.path.isdir(self.config.CHECKPOINT_FOLDER) and self.world_rank == 0: os.makedirs(self.config.CHECKPOINT_FOLDER) self._setup_actor_critic_agent(ppo_cfg) self.count_steps = 0 burn_steps = 0 burn_time = 0 count_checkpoints = 0 prev_time = 0 self.update = 0 LR_SCALE = ( max( np.sqrt( ppo_cfg.num_steps * self.config.SIM_BATCH_SIZE * ppo_cfg.num_accumulate_steps / ppo_cfg.num_mini_batch * self.world_size / (128 * 2) ), 1.0, ) if (self.config.RL.DDPPO.scale_lr and not self.config.RL.PPO.ada_scale) else 1.0 ) def cosine_decay(x): if x < 1: return (np.cos(x * np.pi) + 1.0) / 2.0 else: return 0.0 def warmup_fn(x): return LR_SCALE * (0.5 + 0.5 * x) def decay_fn(x): return LR_SCALE * (DECAY_TARGET + (1 - DECAY_TARGET) * cosine_decay(x)) DECAY_TARGET = ( 0.01 / LR_SCALE if self.config.RL.PPO.ada_scale or True else (0.25 / LR_SCALE if self.config.RL.DDPPO.scale_lr else 1.0) ) DECAY_PERCENT = 1.0 if self.config.RL.PPO.ada_scale or True else 0.5 WARMUP_PERCENT = ( 0.01 if (self.config.RL.DDPPO.scale_lr and not self.config.RL.PPO.ada_scale) else 0.0 ) def lr_fn(): x = self.percent_done() if x < WARMUP_PERCENT: return warmup_fn(x / WARMUP_PERCENT) else: return decay_fn((x - WARMUP_PERCENT) / DECAY_PERCENT) lr_scheduler = LambdaLR( optimizer=self.agent.optimizer, lr_lambda=lambda x: lr_fn() ) interrupted_state = load_interrupted_state(resume_from=self.resume_from) if interrupted_state is not None: self.agent.load_state_dict(interrupted_state["state_dict"]) self.agent.init_amp(self.config.SIM_BATCH_SIZE) self.actor_critic.init_trt(self.config.SIM_BATCH_SIZE) self.actor_critic.script_net() self.agent.init_distributed(find_unused_params=False) if self.world_rank == 0: "agent number of trainable parameters: {}".format( sum( param.numel() for param in self.agent.parameters() if param.requires_grad ) ) ) if self._static_encoder: self._encoder = self.observation_space = SpaceDict( { "visual_features": spaces.Box( low=np.finfo(np.float32).min, high=np.finfo(np.float32).max, shape=self._encoder.output_shape, dtype=np.float32, ), **self.observation_space, } ) with torch.no_grad(): batch["visual_features"] = self._encoder(batch) nenvs = self.config.SIM_BATCH_SIZE rollouts = DoubleBufferedRolloutStorage( ppo_cfg.num_steps, nenvs, self.observation_space, self.action_space, ppo_cfg.hidden_size, num_recurrent_layers=self.actor_critic.num_recurrent_layers, use_data_aug=ppo_cfg.use_data_aug, aug_type=ppo_cfg.aug_type, double_buffered=double_buffered, vtrace=ppo_cfg.vtrace, ) rollouts.to_fp16() self._warmup(rollouts) ( self.envs, self._observations, self._rewards, self._masks, self._rollout_infos, self._syncs, ) = construct_envs( self.config, num_worker_groups=self.config.NUM_PARALLEL_SCENES, double_buffered=double_buffered, ) def _setup_render_and_populate_initial_frame(): for idx in range(2 if double_buffered else 1): self.envs.reset(idx) batch = self._observations[idx] self._syncs[idx].wait() tree_copy_in_place( tree_select(0, rollouts[idx].storage_buffers["observations"]), batch, ) _setup_render_and_populate_initial_frame() current_episode_reward = torch.zeros(nenvs, 1) running_episode_stats = dict( count=torch.zeros(nenvs, 1,), reward=torch.zeros(nenvs, 1,), ) window_episode_stats = defaultdict( lambda: deque(maxlen=ppo_cfg.reward_window_size) ) time_per_frame_window = deque(maxlen=ppo_cfg.reward_window_size) buffer_ranges = [] for i in range(2 if double_buffered else 1): start_ind = buffer_ranges[-1].stop if i > 0 else 0 buffer_ranges.append( slice( start_ind, start_ind + self.config.SIM_BATCH_SIZE // (2 if double_buffered else 1), ) ) if interrupted_state is not None: requeue_stats = interrupted_state["requeue_stats"] self.count_steps = requeue_stats["count_steps"] self.update = requeue_stats["start_update"] count_checkpoints = requeue_stats["count_checkpoints"] prev_time = requeue_stats["prev_time"] burn_steps = requeue_stats["burn_steps"] burn_time = requeue_stats["burn_time"] self.agent.ada_scale.load_state_dict(interrupted_state["ada_scale_state"]) lr_scheduler.load_state_dict(interrupted_state["lr_sched_state"]) if "amp_state" in interrupted_state: apex.amp.load_state_dict(interrupted_state["amp_state"]) if "grad_scaler_state" in interrupted_state: self.agent.grad_scaler.load_state_dict( interrupted_state["grad_scaler_state"] ) with ( TensorboardWriter( self.config.TENSORBOARD_DIR, flush_secs=self.flush_secs, purge_step=int(self.count_steps), ) if self.world_rank == 0 else contextlib.suppress() ) as writer: distrib.barrier() t_start = time.time() while not self.is_done(): t_rollout_start = time.time() if self.update == BURN_IN_UPDATES: burn_time = t_rollout_start - t_start burn_steps = self.count_steps if ppo_cfg.use_linear_clip_decay: self.agent.clip_param = ppo_cfg.clip_param * linear_decay( self.percent_done(), final_decay=ppo_cfg.decay_factor, ) if ( not BPS_BENCHMARK and (REQUEUE.is_set() or ((self.update + 1) % 100) == 0) and self.world_rank == 0 ): requeue_stats = dict( count_steps=self.count_steps, count_checkpoints=count_checkpoints, start_update=self.update, prev_time=(time.time() - t_start) + prev_time, burn_time=burn_time, burn_steps=burn_steps, ) def _cast(param): if "Half" in param.type(): param = return param save_interrupted_state( dict( state_dict={ k: _cast(v) for k, v in self.agent.state_dict().items() }, ada_scale_state=self.agent.ada_scale.state_dict(), lr_sched_state=lr_scheduler.state_dict(), config=self.config, requeue_stats=requeue_stats, grad_scaler_state=self.agent.grad_scaler.state_dict(), ) ) if EXIT.is_set(): self._observations = None self._rewards = None self._masks = None self._rollout_infos = None self._syncs = None del self.envs self.envs = None requeue_job() return self.agent.eval() count_steps_delta = self._n_buffered_sampling( rollouts, current_episode_reward, running_episode_stats, buffer_ranges, ppo_cfg.num_steps, num_rollouts_done_store, ) num_rollouts_done_store.add("num_done", 1) if not rollouts.vtrace: self._compute_returns(ppo_cfg, rollouts) (value_loss, action_loss, dist_entropy) = self._update_agent(rollouts) if self.world_rank == 0: num_rollouts_done_store.set("num_done", "0") lr_scheduler.step() with self.timing.add_time("Logging"): stats_ordering = list(sorted(running_episode_stats.keys())) stats = torch.stack( [running_episode_stats[k] for k in stats_ordering], 0, ).to(device=self.device) distrib.all_reduce(stats) stats ="cpu") for i, k in enumerate(stats_ordering): window_episode_stats[k].append(stats[i]) stats = torch.tensor( [ value_loss, action_loss, count_steps_delta, *self.envs.swap_stats, ], device=self.device, ) distrib.all_reduce(stats) stats ="cpu") count_steps_delta = int(stats[2].item()) self.count_steps += count_steps_delta time_per_frame_window.append( (time.time() - t_rollout_start) / count_steps_delta ) if self.world_rank == 0: losses = [ stats[0].item() / self.world_size, stats[1].item() / self.world_size, ] deltas = { k: ( (v[-1] - v[0]).sum().item() if len(v) > 1 else v[0].sum().item() ) for k, v in window_episode_stats.items() } deltas["count"] = max(deltas["count"], 1.0) writer.add_scalar( "reward", deltas["reward"] / deltas["count"], self.count_steps, ) # Check to see if there are any metrics # that haven't been logged yet metrics = { k: v / deltas["count"] for k, v in deltas.items() if k not in {"reward", "count"} } if len(metrics) > 0: writer.add_scalars("metrics", metrics, self.count_steps) writer.add_scalars( "losses", {k: l for l, k in zip(losses, ["value", "policy"])}, self.count_steps, ) optim = self.agent.optimizer writer.add_scalar( "optimizer/base_lr", optim.param_groups[-1]["lr"], self.count_steps, ) if "gain" in optim.param_groups[-1]: for idx, group in enumerate(optim.param_groups): writer.add_scalar( f"optimizer/lr_{idx}", group["lr"] * group["gain"], self.count_steps, ) writer.add_scalar( f"optimizer/gain_{idx}", group["gain"], self.count_steps, ) # log stats if ( self.update > 0 and self.update % self.config.LOG_INTERVAL == 0 ): "update: {}\twindow fps: {:.3f}\ttotal fps: {:.3f}\tframes: {}".format( self.update, 1.0 / ( sum(time_per_frame_window) / len(time_per_frame_window) ), (self.count_steps - burn_steps) / ((time.time() - t_start) + prev_time - burn_time), self.count_steps, ) ) "swap percent: {:.3f}\tscenes in use: {:.3f}\tenvs per scene: {:.3f}".format( stats[3].item() / self.world_size, stats[4].item() / self.world_size, stats[5].item() / self.world_size, ) ) "Average window size: {} {}".format( len(window_episode_stats["count"]), " ".join( "{}: {:.3f}".format(k, v / deltas["count"]) for k, v in deltas.items() if k != "count" ), ) ) # self.envs.print_renderer_stats() # checkpoint model if self.should_checkpoint(): self.save_checkpoint( f"ckpt.{count_checkpoints}.pth", dict( step=self.count_steps, wall_clock_time=( (time.time() - t_start) + prev_time ), ), ) count_checkpoints += 1 self.update += 1 self.save_checkpoint( "ckpt.done.pth", dict( step=self.count_steps, wall_clock_time=((time.time() - t_start) + prev_time), ), ) self._observations = None self._rewards = None self._masks = None self._rollout_infos = None self._syncs = None del self.envs self.envs = None
def __init__(self, config: Config) -> None: spaces = { get_default_config().GOAL_SENSOR_UUID: Box( low=np.finfo(np.float32).min, high=np.finfo(np.float32).max, shape=(2,), dtype=np.float32, ) } if config.INPUT_TYPE in ["depth", "rgbd"]: spaces["depth"] = Box( low=0, high=1, shape=(config.RESOLUTION, config.RESOLUTION, 1), dtype=np.float32, ) if config.INPUT_TYPE in ["rgb", "rgbd"]: spaces["rgb"] = Box( low=0, high=255, shape=(config.RESOLUTION, config.RESOLUTION, 3), dtype=np.uint8, ) observation_spaces = SpaceDict(spaces) action_spaces = Discrete(4) self.device = ( torch.device("cuda:{}".format(config.PTH_GPU_ID)) if torch.cuda.is_available() else torch.device("cpu") ) self.hidden_size = config.HIDDEN_SIZE random.seed(config.RANDOM_SEED) torch.random.manual_seed(config.RANDOM_SEED) if torch.cuda.is_available(): torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True # type: ignore self.actor_critic = PointNavResNetPolicy( observation_space=observation_spaces, action_space=action_spaces, hidden_size=self.hidden_size, normalize_visual_inputs="rgb" in spaces, ) if config.MODEL_PATH: ckpt = torch.load(config.MODEL_PATH, map_location=self.device) # Filter only actor_critic weights self.actor_critic.load_state_dict( { k[len("actor_critic.") :]: v for k, v in ckpt["state_dict"].items() if "actor_critic" in k } ) else: habitat.logger.error( "Model checkpoint wasn't loaded, evaluating " "a random model." ) self.test_recurrent_hidden_states: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None self.not_done_masks: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None self.prev_actions: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None
def _eval_checkpoint( self, checkpoint_path: str, writer: TensorboardWriter, checkpoint_index: int = 0, ) -> None: r"""Evaluates a single checkpoint. Args: checkpoint_path: path of checkpoint writer: tensorboard writer object for logging to tensorboard checkpoint_index: index of cur checkpoint for logging Returns: None """ from habitat_baselines.common.environments import get_env_class # Map location CPU is almost always better than mapping to a CUDA device. ckpt_dict = self.load_checkpoint(checkpoint_path, map_location="cpu") if self.config.EVAL.USE_CKPT_CONFIG: config = self._setup_eval_config(ckpt_dict["config"]) else: config = self.config.clone() ppo_cfg = config.RL.PPO config.defrost() config.TASK_CONFIG.DATASET.SPLIT = config.EVAL.SPLIT config.TASK_CONFIG.ENVIRONMENT.ITERATOR_OPTIONS.SHUFFLE = False config.TASK_CONFIG.ENVIRONMENT.ITERATOR_OPTIONS.MAX_SCENE_REPEAT_STEPS = -1 config.freeze() if len(self.config.VIDEO_OPTION) > 0: config.defrost() config.TASK_CONFIG.TASK.MEASUREMENTS.append("TOP_DOWN_MAP") config.TASK_CONFIG.TASK.MEASUREMENTS.append("COLLISIONS") config.freeze() #"env config: {config}") self.envs = construct_envs_habitat(config, get_env_class(config.ENV_NAME)) self.observation_space = SpaceDict({ "pointgoal_with_gps_compass": spaces.Box(low=0.0, high=1.0, shape=(2, ), dtype=np.float32) }) if self.config.COLOR: self.observation_space = SpaceDict({ "rgb": spaces.Box( low=np.finfo(np.float32).min, high=np.finfo(np.float32).max, shape=(3, *self.config.RESOLUTION), dtype=np.uint8, ), **self.observation_space.spaces, }) if self.config.DEPTH: self.observation_space = SpaceDict({ "depth": spaces.Box( low=np.finfo(np.float32).min, high=np.finfo(np.float32).max, shape=(1, *self.config.RESOLUTION), dtype=np.float32, ), **self.observation_space.spaces, }) self.action_space = self.envs.action_spaces[0] self._setup_actor_critic_agent(ppo_cfg) self.agent.load_state_dict(ckpt_dict["state_dict"]) self.actor_critic = self.agent.actor_critic self.actor_critic.script_net() self.actor_critic.eval() observations = self.envs.reset() batch = batch_obs(observations, device=self.device) current_episode_reward = torch.zeros(self.envs.num_envs, 1, device=self.device) test_recurrent_hidden_states = torch.zeros( self.config.NUM_PROCESSES, self.actor_critic.num_recurrent_layers, ppo_cfg.hidden_size, device=self.device, ) prev_actions = torch.zeros(self.config.NUM_PROCESSES, 1, device=self.device, dtype=torch.long) not_done_masks = torch.zeros(self.config.NUM_PROCESSES, 1, device=self.device, dtype=torch.bool) stats_episodes = dict() # dict of dicts that stores stats per episode rgb_frames = [[] for _ in range(self.config.NUM_PROCESSES) ] # type: List[List[np.ndarray]] if len(self.config.VIDEO_OPTION) > 0: os.makedirs(self.config.VIDEO_DIR, exist_ok=True) number_of_eval_episodes = self.config.TEST_EPISODE_COUNT if number_of_eval_episodes == -1: number_of_eval_episodes = sum(self.envs.number_of_episodes) else: total_num_eps = sum(self.envs.number_of_episodes) if total_num_eps < number_of_eval_episodes: logger.warn( f"Config specified {number_of_eval_episodes} eval episodes" ", dataset only has {total_num_eps}.") logger.warn(f"Evaluating with {total_num_eps} instead.") number_of_eval_episodes = total_num_eps evals_per_ep = 5 count_per_ep = defaultdict(lambda: 0) pbar = tqdm.tqdm(total=number_of_eval_episodes * evals_per_ep) self.actor_critic.eval() while (len(stats_episodes) < (number_of_eval_episodes * evals_per_ep) and self.envs.num_envs > 0): current_episodes = self.envs.current_episodes() with torch.no_grad(): (_, dist_result, test_recurrent_hidden_states) = self.actor_critic.act( batch, test_recurrent_hidden_states, prev_actions, not_done_masks, deterministic=False, ) actions = dist_result["actions"] prev_actions.copy_(actions) actions ="cpu") outputs = self.envs.step([a[0].item() for a in actions]) observations, rewards, dones, infos = [ list(x) for x in zip(*outputs) ] batch = batch_obs(observations, device=self.device) not_done_masks = torch.tensor( [[False] if done else [True] for done in dones], dtype=torch.bool, device=self.device, ) rewards = torch.tensor(rewards, dtype=torch.float, device=self.device).unsqueeze(1) current_episode_reward += rewards next_episodes = self.envs.current_episodes() envs_to_pause = [] n_envs = self.envs.num_envs for i in range(n_envs): next_count_key = ( next_episodes[i].scene_id, next_episodes[i].episode_id, ) if count_per_ep[next_count_key] == evals_per_ep: envs_to_pause.append(i) # episode ended if not_done_masks[i].item() == 0: pbar.update() episode_stats = dict() episode_stats["reward"] = current_episode_reward[i].item() episode_stats.update( self._extract_scalars_from_info(infos[i])) current_episode_reward[i] = 0 # use scene_id + episode_id as unique id for storing stats count_key = ( current_episodes[i].scene_id, current_episodes[i].episode_id, ) count_per_ep[count_key] = count_per_ep[count_key] + 1 ep_key = (count_key, count_per_ep[count_key]) stats_episodes[ep_key] = episode_stats if len(self.config.VIDEO_OPTION) > 0: generate_video( video_option=self.config.VIDEO_OPTION, video_dir=self.config.VIDEO_DIR, images=rgb_frames[i], episode_id=current_episodes[i].episode_id, checkpoint_idx=checkpoint_index, metrics=self._extract_scalars_from_info(infos[i]), tb_writer=writer, ) rgb_frames[i] = [] # episode continues elif len(self.config.VIDEO_OPTION) > 0: frame = observations_to_image(observations[i], infos[i]) rgb_frames[i].append(frame) ( self.envs, test_recurrent_hidden_states, not_done_masks, current_episode_reward, prev_actions, batch, rgb_frames, ) = self._pause_envs( envs_to_pause, self.envs, test_recurrent_hidden_states, not_done_masks, current_episode_reward, prev_actions, batch, rgb_frames, ) self.envs.close() pbar.close() num_episodes = len(stats_episodes) aggregated_stats = dict() for stat_key in next(iter(stats_episodes.values())).keys(): values = [ v[stat_key] for v in stats_episodes.values() if v[stat_key] is not None ] if len(values) > 0: aggregated_stats[stat_key] = sum(values) / len(values) else: aggregated_stats[stat_key] = 0 for k, v in aggregated_stats.items():"Average episode {k}: {v:.4f}") step_id = checkpoint_index if "extra_state" in ckpt_dict and "step" in ckpt_dict["extra_state"]: step_id = ckpt_dict["extra_state"]["step"] writer.add_scalars( "eval_reward", {"average reward": aggregated_stats["reward"]}, step_id, ) metrics = {k: v for k, v in aggregated_stats.items() if k != "reward"} if len(metrics) > 0: writer.add_scalars("eval_metrics", metrics, step_id) self.num_frames = step_id time.sleep(30)
def __init__( self, config: Config, dataset: Optional[Dataset] = None ) -> None: """Constructor :param config: config for the environment. Should contain id for simulator and ``task_name`` which are passed into ``make_sim`` and ``make_task``. :param dataset: reference to dataset for task instance level information. Can be defined as :py:`None` in which case ``_episodes`` should be populated from outside. """ assert config.is_frozen(), ( "Freeze the config before creating the " "environment, use config.freeze()." ) self._config = config self._dataset = dataset self._current_episode_index = None self._override_rand_goal = \ config.ENVIRONMENT.OVERRIDE_RAND_GOAL.ENABLED self._override_min_d = config.ENVIRONMENT.OVERRIDE_RAND_GOAL.MIN_DIST self._override_radius = config.ENVIRONMENT.OVERRIDE_RAND_GOAL.RADIUS self._angle = config.SIMULATOR.TURN_ANGLE if self._dataset is None and config.DATASET.TYPE: self._dataset = make_dataset( id_dataset=config.DATASET.TYPE, config=config.DATASET ) self._episodes = self._dataset.episodes if self._dataset else [] self._current_episode = None iter_option_dict = { k.lower(): v for k, v in config.ENVIRONMENT.ITERATOR_OPTIONS.items() } self._episode_iterator = self._dataset.get_episode_iterator( **iter_option_dict ) # load the first scene if dataset is present if self._dataset: assert ( len(self._dataset.episodes) > 0 ), "dataset should have non-empty episodes list" self._config.defrost() self._config.SIMULATOR.SCENE = self._dataset.episodes[0].scene_id self._config.freeze() self._sim = make_sim( id_sim=self._config.SIMULATOR.TYPE, config=self._config.SIMULATOR ) self._task = make_task( self._config.TASK.TYPE, config=self._config.TASK, sim=self._sim, dataset=self._dataset, ) self.observation_space = SpaceDict( { **self._sim.sensor_suite.observation_spaces.spaces, **self._task.sensor_suite.observation_spaces.spaces, } ) self.action_space = self._task.action_space self._max_episode_seconds = ( self._config.ENVIRONMENT.MAX_EPISODE_SECONDS ) self._max_episode_steps = self._config.ENVIRONMENT.MAX_EPISODE_STEPS self._elapsed_steps = 0 self._episode_start_time: Optional[float] = None self._episode_over = False self._seed_id = None
def __init__(self, config: Config) -> None: image_size = config.RL.POLICY.OBS_TRANSFORMS.CENTER_CROPPER if "ObjectNav" in config.TASK_CONFIG.TASK.TYPE: OBJECT_CATEGORIES_NUM = 20 spaces = { "objectgoal": Box(low=0, high=OBJECT_CATEGORIES_NUM, shape=(1, ), dtype=np.int64), "compass": Box(low=-np.pi, high=np.pi, shape=(1, ), dtype=np.float32), "gps": Box( low=np.finfo(np.float32).min, high=np.finfo(np.float32).max, shape=(2, ), dtype=np.float32, ), } else: spaces = { "pointgoal": Box( low=np.finfo(np.float32).min, high=np.finfo(np.float32).max, shape=(2, ), dtype=np.float32, ) } if config.INPUT_TYPE in ["depth", "rgbd"]: spaces["depth"] = Box( low=0, high=1, shape=(image_size.HEIGHT, image_size.WIDTH, 1), dtype=np.float32, ) if config.INPUT_TYPE in ["rgb", "rgbd"]: spaces["rgb"] = Box( low=0, high=255, shape=(image_size.HEIGHT, image_size.WIDTH, 3), dtype=np.uint8, ) observation_spaces = SpaceDict(spaces) action_spaces = (Discrete(6) if "ObjectNav" in config.TASK_CONFIG.TASK.TYPE else Discrete(4)) self.obs_transforms = get_active_obs_transforms(config) observation_spaces = apply_obs_transforms_obs_space( observation_spaces, self.obs_transforms) self.device = (torch.device("cuda:{}".format(config.PTH_GPU_ID)) if torch.cuda.is_available() else torch.device("cpu")) self.hidden_size = config.RL.PPO.hidden_size random.seed(config.RANDOM_SEED) np.random.seed(config.RANDOM_SEED) _seed_numba(config.RANDOM_SEED) torch.random.manual_seed(config.RANDOM_SEED) if torch.cuda.is_available(): torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True # type: ignore policy = baseline_registry.get_policy( self.actor_critic = policy.from_config(config, observation_spaces, action_spaces) if config.MODEL_PATH: ckpt = torch.load(config.MODEL_PATH, map_location=self.device) # Filter only actor_critic weights self.actor_critic.load_state_dict({ k[len("actor_critic."):]: v for k, v in ckpt["state_dict"].items() if "actor_critic" in k }) else: habitat.logger.error("Model checkpoint wasn't loaded, evaluating " "a random model.") self.test_recurrent_hidden_states: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None self.not_done_masks: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None self.prev_actions: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None