Exemple #1
def test_deterministic(space: Space, n: int, base_seed: int):
    """Tests the batched spaces are deterministic by using a copied version"""
    # Copy the spaces and check that the np_random are not reference equal
    space_a = space
    space_b = copy.deepcopy(space_a)
    assert_rng_equal(space_a.np_random, space_b.np_random)
    assert space_a.np_random is not space_b.np_random

    # Batch the spaces and check that the np_random are not reference equal
    space_a_batched = batch_space(space_a, n)
    space_b_batched = batch_space(space_b, n)
    assert_rng_equal(space_a_batched.np_random, space_b_batched.np_random)
    assert space_a_batched.np_random is not space_b_batched.np_random
    # Create that the batched space is not reference equal to the origin spaces
    assert space_a.np_random is not space_a_batched.np_random

    # Check that batched space a and b random number generator are not effected by the original space
    space_a_batched_sample = space_a_batched.sample()
    space_b_batched_sample = space_b_batched.sample()
    for a_sample, b_sample in zip(
            iterate(space_a_batched, space_a_batched_sample),
            iterate(space_b_batched, space_b_batched_sample),
        if isinstance(a_sample, tuple):
            assert len(a_sample) == len(b_sample)
            for a_subsample, b_subsample in zip(a_sample, b_sample):
                assert_array_equal(a_subsample, b_subsample)
            assert_array_equal(a_sample, b_sample)
Exemple #2
def test_rng_different_at_each_index(space: Space, n: int, base_seed: int):
    Tests that the rng values produced at each index are different
    to prevent if the rng is copied for each subspace

    batched_space = batch_space(space, n)
    assert space.np_random is not batched_space.np_random
    assert_rng_equal(space.np_random, batched_space.np_random)

    batched_sample = batched_space.sample()
    sample = list(iterate(batched_space, batched_sample))
    assert not all(np.all(element == sample[0]) for element in sample), sample
Exemple #3
def test_iterate_custom_space(space, batch_space):
    items = batch_space.sample()
    iterator = iterate(batch_space, items)
    for i, item in enumerate(iterator):
        assert item in space
    assert i == 3