def test_it_does_not_crash_with_unexpected_fields(self, annotation, db_session): socket = FakeSocket() socket.filter_rows = (("/not_a_thing", "value"), ) result = tuple(SocketFilter.matching([socket], annotation, db_session)) assert not result
def test_it_does_not_crash_without_filter_rows(self, annotation, db_session): socket_no_rows = FakeSocket() result = tuple( SocketFilter.matching([socket_no_rows], annotation, db_session)) assert not result
def test_it_does_not_crash_with_unexpected_fields(self, annotation, db_session): socket = FakeSocket() socket.filter_rows = ( # pylint:disable=attribute-defined-outside-init ("/not_a_thing", "value"), ) result = tuple(SocketFilter.matching([socket], annotation, db_session)) assert not result
def handle_annotation_event(message, sockets, request, session): id_ = message["annotation_id"] annotation = storage.fetch_annotation(session, id_) if annotation is None: log.warning("received annotation event for missing annotation: %s", id_) return # Find connected clients which are interested in this annotation. matching_sockets = SocketFilter.matching(sockets, annotation, session) try: # Check to see if the generator has any items first_socket = next(matching_sockets) except StopIteration: # Nothing matched return # Create a generator which has the first socket back again matching_sockets = chain( # pylint: disable=redefined-variable-type (first_socket, ), matching_sockets) resource = AnnotationNotificationContext( annotation, group_service=request.find_service(IGroupService), links_service=request.find_service(name="links"), ) read_principals = principals_allowed_by_permission(resource, "read") reply = _generate_annotation_event(session, request, message, resource) annotator_nipsad = request.find_service(name="nipsa").is_flagged( annotation.userid) for socket in matching_sockets: # Don't send notifications back to the person who sent them if message["src_client_id"] == socket.client_id: continue # Only send NIPSA'd annotations to the author if annotator_nipsad and socket.authenticated_userid != annotation.userid: continue # Check whether client is authorized to read this annotation. if not set(read_principals).intersection(socket.effective_principals): continue socket.send_json(reply)
def handle_annotation_event(message, sockets, request, session): id_ = message["annotation_id"] annotation = storage.fetch_annotation(session, id_) if annotation is None: log.warning("received annotation event for missing annotation: %s", id_) return # Find connected clients which are interested in this annotation. matching_sockets = SocketFilter.matching(sockets, annotation, session) try: # Check to see if the generator has any items first_socket = next(matching_sockets) except StopIteration: # Nothing matched return # Create a generator which has the first socket back again matching_sockets = chain( # pylint: disable=redefined-variable-type (first_socket, ), matching_sockets) reply = _generate_annotation_event(request, message, annotation) annotator_nipsad = request.find_service(name="nipsa").is_flagged( annotation.userid) annotation_context = AnnotationContext(annotation) for socket in matching_sockets: # Don't send notifications back to the person who sent them if message["src_client_id"] == socket.client_id: continue # Only send NIPSA'd annotations to the author if (annotator_nipsad and socket.identity and socket.identity.user.userid != annotation.userid): continue # Check whether client is authorized to read this annotation. if not identity_permits( socket.identity, annotation_context, Permission.Annotation.READ_REALTIME_UPDATES, ): continue socket.send_json(reply)
def test_speed(self, factories, db_session): # pragma: no cover # I think the max number connected at once is 4096 sockets = [FakeSocket() for _ in range(4096)] for socket in sockets: SocketFilter.set_filter(socket, self.get_randomized_filter()) ann = factories.Annotation(target_uri="") start = datetime.utcnow() # This returns a generator, we need to force it to produce answers tuple(SocketFilter.matching(sockets, ann, db_session)) diff = datetime.utcnow() - start ms = diff.seconds * 1000 + diff.microseconds / 1000 print(ms, "ms")
def handle_annotation_event(message, sockets, settings, session): id_ = message["annotation_id"] annotation = storage.fetch_annotation(session, id_) if annotation is None: log.warning("received annotation event for missing annotation: %s", id_) return # Find connected clients which are interested in this annotation. matching_sockets = SocketFilter.matching(sockets, annotation) try: # Check to see if the generator has any items first_socket = next(matching_sockets) except StopIteration: # Nothing matched return # Create a generator which has the first socket back again matching_sockets = chain((first_socket, ), matching_sockets) nipsa_service = NipsaService(session) user_nipsad = nipsa_service.is_flagged(annotation.userid) authority = settings.get("h.authority", "localhost") group_service = GroupfinderService(session, authority) user_service = UserService(authority, session) formatters = [AnnotationUserInfoFormatter(session, user_service)] for socket in matching_sockets: reply = _generate_annotation_event(message, socket, annotation, user_nipsad, group_service, formatters) if reply is None: continue socket.send_json(reply)
def filter_matches(filter, annotation): socket = FakeSocket() SocketFilter.set_filter(socket, filter) return bool( tuple(SocketFilter.matching([socket], annotation, db_session)))