Exemple #1
 def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
     summary_attribute_form = SummaryAttributeForm(request.POST)
     if summary_attribute_form.is_valid():
         return_url = request.POST.get('return_url', reverse("h1ds-summary-homepage"))
         return HttpResponseRedirect(return_url)
         return render_to_response('h1ds_summary/form.html',
                                   {'form': summary_attribute_form,
Exemple #2
 def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
     summary_attribute_form = SummaryAttributeForm(request.POST)
     if summary_attribute_form.is_valid():
         return_url = request.POST.get('return_url',
         return HttpResponseRedirect(return_url)
         return render_to_response(
             'h1ds_summary/form.html', {
                 'form': summary_attribute_form,
                 'submit_url': reverse('add-summary-attribute')
Exemple #3
 def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
     device = Device.objects.get(slug=kwargs['device'])
     summary_attribute_form = SummaryAttributeForm(request.POST)
     if summary_attribute_form.is_valid():
         summary_attribute = summary_attribute_form.save(commit=False)
         summary_attribute.device = device
         return_url = request.POST.get('return_url', reverse("h1ds-summary-homepage"))
         return HttpResponseRedirect(return_url)
         return render_to_response('h1ds_summary/form.html',
                                   {'form': summary_attribute_form,
                                    'device': device,
                                    'submit_url': reverse('add-summary-attribute', args=args, kwargs=kwargs)},
Exemple #4
def get_summary_attribute_form_from_url(request):
    """Take a H1DS web URL and return a SummaryAttributeForm.

    The request should contain a 'url' POST query with a URL pointing to
    a data node (can include  filters).  The URL must point to a
    path in the same django instance.

    We first call the URL and check what datatype is returned so we know
    which SQL datatype to use, then we pre-fill a form to be complete by
    the user.
    # Get the requested URL from the POST data
    attr_url = request.POST['url']

    # Split URL into [scheme, netloc, path, params, query, fragments]
    parsed_url = urlparse(attr_url)

    # parsed_url is an immutable ParseResult instance, copy it to a (mutable) list
    parsed_url_list = [i for i in parsed_url]

    # Now we can update the URL query string to enforce the JSON format.
    parsed_url_list[4] = '&'.join([parsed_url[4], 'format=json'])

    # And here is our original URL with format=json query added
    attr_url_json = urlunparse(parsed_url_list)

    # Get the django view function corresponding to the URL path
    view, args, kwargs = resolve(parsed_url_list[2])

    node_ancestry = kwargs['nodepath'].split("/")
    node = Node.datatree.get_node_from_ancestry(node_ancestry)

    #url_processor = URLProcessor(url=kwargs['url'])
    # Create a  new query  dict from the  queries in the  requested URL,
    # i.e. data filters, etc...
    new_query = QueryDict(parsed_url_list[4]).copy()

    # Insert our new query dict into the request sent to this view...
    request.GET = new_query

    # use HTTP GET, not POST
    request.method = "GET"
    request.POST = None

    # ...and use this request to call the view function and get the data
    # for the requested URL.
    kwargs['request'] = request
    url_response = view(*args, **kwargs)

    # url_response content is a string, let's convert it to a dictionary
    # using the json parser.
    json_data = json.loads(url_response.content)

    # Now we generalise the URL  for any shot, replacing the shot number
    # with __shot__
    general_url = attr_url_json.replace(str(node.shot.number), "__shot__")

    # Create a SummaryAttributeForm with URL and data type entries pre-filled
    summary_attribute_form = SummaryAttributeForm(
        initial={'source': general_url})

    # If the request is from AJAX, return form in JSON format
    # TODO: provide ajax / sidebar attribute adding.
    # if request.is_ajax():

    # Otherwise, forward user to form entry page
    return render_to_response('h1ds_summary/form.html', {
        'form': summary_attribute_form,
        'submit_url': reverse('add-summary-attribute')