def main(argv):

    precube = unpickle_precube(PARAM.path_to_precube)

    output = dict()

    # └── from_IR
    #     │
    #     ├── GF
    #     │   ├── data
    #     │   └── labels
    #     │
    #     └── CK
    #         ├── data
    #         └── labels

    with h5h.Hdf5File(PARAM.path_to_h5, 'r+') as h5:

        keymap = [dict((v, k) for k, v in d.items())
                  for d in load(h5['confounders/keymap'].value)]

        from_IR = h5.require_group('from_IR')

        for subassay, grp in h5['confounders'].items():
            if subassay not in precube: continue

            subassay_dir = from_IR.require_group(subassay)

            dcube = precube[subassay]
            confounders = grp['data']

            labels = orddict(load(grp['labels'].value))

            fnames, factors = labels.keys(), labels.values()

            confounder_index = fnames.index('confounder')

            dlabels = list(labels.items())
            dlabels[confounder_index] = PARAM.extra_dim

            shape = map(len, [kv[1] for kv in dlabels])
            output[subassay] = output_datacube = np.ndarray(shape)
            del shape

            assay_index = factors[confounder_index].index('assay')
            del confounder_index
            assay_dict = keymap[assay_index]

            for ii in product(*map(range, confounders.shape[:-1])):
                assay = assay_dict[confounders[ii][assay_index]]
                kk = tuple([f[i] for f, i in zip(labels.values(), ii)])
                output_datacube[ii] = dcube.get((assay, kk[0][0]) + kk[1:])

            brick = hb.HyperBrick(output_datacube, dlabels)
            h5h.write_hyperbrick(subassay_dir, brick)

    return 0
def main(argv):

    bricks = dict()
    openh5 = h5h.Hdf5File
    with openh5(PARAM.h5path, 'r+') as h5:
        source = 'from_IR'
        target = h5.require_group('from_IR_w_zeros')
        for subassay in 'GF', 'CK':
            brick = h5h.read_hyperbrick(h5['/'.join((source, subassay))])
            fullbrick = propagate_controls(brick)
            h5h.write_hyperbrick(target.require_group(subassay), fullbrick)

    return 0
def main(argv):
    outpath = PARAM.path_to_outfile
    if os.path.exists(outpath):
        import sys
        print >> sys.stderr, 'warning: clobbering an existing %s' % outpath

    with open(PARAM.path_to_expmap) as fh:
        KeyCoords, ValCoords = [namedtuple(n, c)
                                for n, c in zip((u'KeyCoords', u'ValCoords'),

        OutputKeyCoords = namedtuple(u'OutputKeyCoords',
                                     KeyCoords._fields + (u'repno',))

        global Cube  # required for pickling
        class Cube(mkd):
            def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
                maxd = kwargs.get('maxdepth', len(OutputKeyCoords._fields))
                super(Cube, self).__init__(maxdepth=maxd, noclobber=True)
        cubes = mkd(1, Cube)

        nvals = len(ValCoords._fields)
        start = PARAM.maskval + 1
        vcmapper = KeyMapper(*([count(start)] * nvals)) # Sic! We want a
                                                        # single counter shared
                                                        # by all the component
                                                        # keymappers
        del nvals
        maxid = start
        del start

        debug = PARAM.debug
        recordcount = 0
        for line in fh:
            key, val = [clas(*tpl) for clas, tpl in
                        zip((KeyCoords, ValCoords), parse_line(line))]
            subassay = get_subassay(val)
            repno = get_repno(key, val)
            newkey = tuple(map(unicode, key + (repno,)))
            newval = vcmapper.getid(val)
            maxid = max(maxid, *newval)
            cubes.get((subassay,)).set(newkey, newval)
            if not debug:
            recordcount += 1
            if recordcount >= 10:

    dtype = 'uint%d' % needed_bits(maxid)
    del maxid

    kcoords = tuple(map(unicode, OutputKeyCoords._fields))
    vcoords = tuple(map(unicode, ValCoords._fields))

    nonfactorial = set()

    for subassay, cube in cubes.items():
        keys_tuple = list(cube.sortedkeysmk())

    if nonfactorial:
        subperms = map(tuple, (sorted(nonfactorial),
                               [i for i in range(len(kcoords))
                                if i not in nonfactorial]))
        del nonfactorial
        height = len(subperms[0])
        assert height > 1
        perm = sum(subperms, ())

        predn = [tuple([kcoords[i] for i in s]) for s in subperms]
        kcoords = (predn[0],) + predn[1]
        del predn
        for subassay, cube in cubes.items():
            cubes[subassay] = cube.permutekeys(perm).collapsekeys(height)
        del perm, height

    bricks = dict()
    for subassay, cube in cubes.items():
        keys_tuple = list(cube.sortedkeysmk())
        labels = get_labels(kcoords, keys_tuple) + \
                 ((PARAM.extra_dim_name, vcoords),)

        factors = tuple(kv[1] for kv in labels)
        shape = tuple(map(len, factors))
        npcube = np.ones(shape=shape, dtype=dtype) * PARAM.maskval
        for key in keys_tuple:
            npcube[cube.index(key)] = cube.get(key)

        bricks[subassay] = hb.HyperBrick(npcube, labels)

    with h5h.Hdf5File(outpath, 'w') as h5:
        dir0 = h5.require_group('confounders')
        dir1 = h5.require_group('from_IR')

        keymap = vcmapper.mappers
        h5h.force_create_dataset(dir0, 'keymap', data=dump(keymap))
        # reconstitute the above with:
        #     keymap = yaml.load(<H5>['confounders/keymap'].value)
        # ...where <H5> stands for some h5py.File instance

        for subassay, hyperbrick in bricks.items():
            empty_datacube = np.ndarray(,

            # the next step is not essential; also, there may be a
            # choice of fillvalue than the current one (NaN)

            empty_hyperbrick = hb.HyperBrick(empty_datacube,

            for d, b in ((dir0, hyperbrick), (dir1, empty_hyperbrick)):
                h5h.write_hyperbrick(d.require_group(subassay), b)

    return 0