Exemple #1
 def __init__(self, parent, name, description=None,
 strip=None, nbytes=None, truncate=None):
     Bytes.__init__(self, parent, name, 1, description)
     self._format = "WidePascalString16"
     self._strip = strip
     self._truncate = truncate
     self._character_size = 2
     self._charset = "UTF-16-LE"
     self._content_offset = 2
     self._content_size = self._character_size * self._parent.stream.readBits(
         self.absolute_address, self._content_offset*8, self._parent.endian)
     self._size = (self._content_size + self.content_offset) * 8
Exemple #2
 def getFieldType(self):
     info = self.charset
     if self._strip:
         if isinstance(self._strip, (str, unicode)):
             info += ",strip=%s" % makePrintable(self._strip, "ASCII", quote="'")
             info += ",strip=True"
     return "%s<%s>" % (Bytes.getFieldType(self), info)
Exemple #3
 def __init__(
     if filename:
         if not isinstance(filename, unicode):
             filename = makePrintable(filename, "ISO-8859-1")
         if not description:
             description = 'File "%s" (%s)' % (filename, humanFilesize(length))
     Bytes.__init__(self, parent, name, length, description)
     self.setupInputStream(decompressor, parser, filename, mime_type, parser_class)
Exemple #4
 def _createInputStream(self, **args):
     tags = args.setdefault("tags",[])
         tags.append(("mime", self["../../FileMimeType/string"].value))
     except MissingField:
     filename = self._getFilename()
     if filename:
         tags.append(("filename", filename))
     return Bytes._createInputStream(self, **args)
Exemple #5
 def __init__(self, parent, name, length, description=None,
 parser=None, filename=None, mime_type=None, parser_class=None):
     if filename:
         if not isinstance(filename, unicode):
             filename = makePrintable(filename, "ISO-8859-1")
         if not description:
             description = 'File "%s" (%s)' % (filename, humanFilesize(length))
     Bytes.__init__(self, parent, name, length, description)
     def createInputStream(cis, **args):
         tags = args.setdefault("tags",[])
         if parser_class:
             tags.append(( "class", parser_class ))
         if parser is not None:
             tags.append(( "id", parser.PARSER_TAGS["id"] ))
         if mime_type:
             tags.append(( "mime", mime_type ))
         if filename:
             tags.append(( "filename", filename ))
         return cis(**args)
    def createFields(self):
        yield String(self, "id", 3, "Identifier (BZh)", charset="ASCII")
        yield Character(self, "blocksize", "Block size (KB of memory needed to uncompress)")

        yield UInt8(self, "blockheader", "Block header")
        if self["blockheader"].value == 0x17:
            yield String(self, "id2", 4, "Identifier2 (re8P)", charset="ASCII")
            yield UInt8(self, "id3", "Identifier3 (0x90)")
        elif self["blockheader"].value == 0x31:
            yield String(self, "id2", 5, "Identifier 2 (AY&SY)", charset="ASCII")
            if self["id2"].value != "AY&SY":
                raise ParserError("Invalid identifier 2 (AY&SY)!")
            raise ParserError("Invalid block header!")
        yield textHandler(UInt32(self, "crc32", "CRC32"), hexadecimal)

        if self._size is None:  # TODO: is it possible to handle piped input?
            raise NotImplementedError

        size = (self._size - self.current_size) / 8
        if size:
            for tag, filename in self.stream.tags:
                if tag == "filename" and filename.endswith(".bz2"):
                    filename = filename[:-4]
                filename = None
            data = Bytes(self, "file", size)
            if has_deflate:
                CompressedField(self, Bunzip2)

                def createInputStream(**args):
                    if filename:
                        args.setdefault("tags", []).append(("filename", filename))
                    return self._createInputStream(**args)

                data._createInputStream = createInputStream
            yield data
Exemple #7
 def createFields(self):
     yield GUID(self, "clsid", "16 bytes GUID used by some apps")
     yield UInt16(self, "ver_min", "Minor version")
     yield UInt16(self, "ver_maj", "Minor version")
     yield Bytes(self, "endian", 2, "Endian (0xFFFE for Intel)")
     yield UInt16(self, "bb_shift", "Log, base 2, of the big block size")
     yield UInt16(self, "sb_shift", "Log, base 2, of the small block size")
     yield NullBytes(self, "reserved[]", 6, "(reserved)")
     yield UInt32(
         self, "csectdir",
         "Number of SECTs in directory chain for 4 KB sectors (version 4)")
     yield UInt32(self, "bb_count", "Number of Big Block Depot blocks")
     yield SECT(self, "bb_start", "Root start block")
     yield NullBytes(self, "transaction", 4,
                     "Signature used for transactions (must be zero)")
     yield UInt32(self, "threshold",
                  "Maximum size for a mini stream (typically 4096 bytes)")
     yield SECT(self, "sb_start", "Small Block Depot start block")
     yield UInt32(self, "sb_count")
     yield SECT(self, "db_start", "First block of DIFAT")
     yield UInt32(self, "db_count", "Number of SECTs in DIFAT")
 def createFields(self):
     yield Bytes(self, "magic", 8, "File magic (bplist00)")
     if self.size:
         self.seekByte(self.size//8-32, True)
         # FIXME: UNTESTED
         while True:
     yield BPListTrailer(self, "trailer")
     yield BPListOffsetTable(self, "offset_table")
     for i in self.array("offset_table/offset"):
         if self.current_size > i.value*8:
         elif self.current_size < i.value*8:
             # try to detect files with gaps or unparsed content
             yield RawBytes(self, "padding[]", i.value-self.current_size//8)
         yield BPListObject(self, "object[]")
Exemple #9
 def createFields(self):
     yield String(self, 'HeaderString', 16)
     yield UInt16(self, 'PageSize')
     yield UInt8(self, 'WriteVersion')
     yield UInt8(self, 'ReadVersion')
     yield UInt8(self, 'ReservedSpace')
     yield UInt8(self, 'MaxEmbeddedPayloadFraction')
     yield UInt8(self, 'MinEmbeddedPayloadFraction')
     yield UInt8(self, 'LeafPayloadFraction')
     yield UInt32(self, 'FileChangeCounter')
     yield UInt32(self, 'SizeInPages')
     yield UInt32(self, 'FirstFreelistPage')
     yield UInt32(self, 'FreelistTotal')
     yield UInt32(self, 'SchemaCookie')
     yield UInt32(self, 'SchemaFormatNumber')
     yield UInt32(self, 'DefaultPageCacheSize')
     yield UInt32(self, 'MagicPageNumber')
     yield UInt32(self, 'TextEncoding')
     yield UInt32(self, 'UserVersion')
     yield UInt32(self, 'IncrementalVacuumMode')
     yield Bytes(self, 'ReservedForExpansion', 24)
     yield UInt32(self, 'VersionValidFor')
     yield UInt32(self, 'SqliteVersion')
Exemple #10
    def createFields(self):
        yield Bytes(self, "signature", 4,
                    r"RPM file signature (\xED\xAB\xEE\xDB)")
        yield UInt8(self, "major_ver", "Major version")
        yield UInt8(self, "minor_ver", "Minor version")
        yield Enum(UInt16(self, "type", "RPM type"), RpmFile.TYPE_NAME)
        yield UInt16(self, "architecture", "Architecture")
        yield String(self,
                     "Archive name",
        yield UInt16(self, "os", "OS")
        yield UInt16(self, "signature_type", "Type of signature")
        yield NullBytes(self, "reserved", 16, "Reserved")
        yield PropertySet(self, "checksum", "Checksum (signature)")
        yield PropertySet(self, "header", "Header")

        if self._size is None:  # TODO: is it possible to handle piped input?
            raise NotImplementedError

        size = (self._size - self.current_size) // 8
        if size:
            if 3 <= size and self.stream.readBytes(self.current_size,
                                                   3) == "BZh":
                yield SubFile(self,
                              "bzip2 content",
                yield SubFile(self,
                              "gzip content",
Exemple #11
 def createFields(self):
     yield Bytes(self, "signature", 4, r'File signature ("\1pcf")')
     yield UInt32(self, "nb_toc")
     entries = []
     for index in xrange(self["nb_toc"].value):
         entry = TOC(self, "toc[]")
         yield entry
     entries.sort(key=lambda entry: entry["offset"].value)
     for entry in entries:
         size = entry["size"].value
         padding = self.seekByte(entry["offset"].value)
         if padding:
             yield padding
         maxsize = (self.size - self.current_size) // 8
         if maxsize < size:
             self.warning("Truncate content of %s to %s bytes (was %s)" %
                          (entry.path, maxsize, size))
             size = maxsize
         if not size:
         if entry["type"].value == 1:
             yield Properties(self,
                              size=size * 8)
         elif entry["type"].value == 128:
             yield GlyphNames(self,
                              "Glyph names",
                              size=size * 8)
             yield RawBytes(self, "data[]", size,
                            "Content of %s" % entry.path)
 def __init__(self, parent, name):
     Bytes.__init__(self, parent, name, 16)
Exemple #13
 def parseData(self):
     size = (self.size - self.current_size) // 8
     if size:
         yield Bytes(self, "data", size)
    def __init__(self, parent, name, format, description=None,
    strip=None, charset=None, nbytes=None, truncate=None):
        Bytes.__init__(self, parent, name, 1, description)

        # Is format valid?
        assert format in self.VALID_FORMATS

        # Store options
        self._format = format
        self._strip = strip
        self._truncate = truncate

        # Check charset and compute character size in bytes
        # (or None when it's not possible to guess character size)
        if not charset or charset in self.CHARSET_8BIT:
            self._character_size = 1   # one byte per character
        elif charset in self.UTF_CHARSET:
            self._character_size = None
            raise FieldError("Invalid charset for %s: \"%s\"" %
                (self.path, charset))
        self._charset = charset

        # It is a fixed string?
        if nbytes is not None:
            assert self._format == "fixed"
            # Arbitrary limits, just to catch some bugs...
            if not (1 <= nbytes <= 0xffff):
                raise FieldError("Invalid string size for %s: %s" %
                    (self.path, nbytes))
            self._content_size = nbytes   # content length in bytes
            self._size = nbytes * 8
            self._content_offset = 0
            # Format with a suffix: Find the end of the string
            if self._format in self.SUFFIX_FORMAT:
                self._content_offset = 0

                # Choose the suffix
                suffix = self.suffix_str

                # Find the suffix
                length = self._parent.stream.searchBytesLength(
                    suffix, False, self.absolute_address)
                if length is None:
                    raise FieldError("Unable to find end of string %s (format %s)!"
                        % (self.path, self._format))
                if 1 < len(suffix):
                    # Fix length for little endian bug with UTF-xx charset:
                    #   u"abc" -> "a\0b\0c\0\0\0" (UTF-16-LE)
                    #   search returns length=5, whereas real lenght is 6
                    length = alignValue(length, len(suffix))

                # Compute sizes
                self._content_size = length # in bytes
                self._size = (length + len(suffix)) * 8

            # Format with a prefix: Read prefixed length in bytes
                assert self._format in self.PASCAL_FORMATS

                # Get the prefix size
                prefix_size = self.PASCAL_FORMATS[self._format]
                self._content_offset = prefix_size

                # Read the prefix and compute sizes
                value = self._parent.stream.readBits(
                    self.absolute_address, prefix_size*8, self._parent.endian)
                self._content_size = value   # in bytes
                self._size = (prefix_size + value) * 8

        # For UTF-16 and UTF-32, choose the right charset using BOM
        if self._charset in self.UTF_CHARSET:
            # Charset requires a BOM?
            bomsize, endian  = self.UTF_CHARSET[self._charset]
            if endian == "BOM":
                # Read the BOM value
                nbytes = bomsize // 8
                bom = self._parent.stream.readBytes(self.absolute_address, nbytes)

                # Choose right charset using the BOM
                bom_endian = self.UTF_BOM[bomsize]
                if bom not in bom_endian:
                    raise FieldError("String %s has invalid BOM (%s)!"
                        % (self.path, repr(bom)))
                self._charset = bom_endian[bom]
                self._content_size -= nbytes
                self._content_offset += nbytes

        # Compute length in character if possible
        if self._character_size:
            self._length = self._content_size //  self._character_size
            self._length = None
Exemple #15
 def __init__(self, parent, name):
     Bytes.__init__(self, parent, name, 16)
    def createFields(self):
        yield Enum(Bits(self, "marker_type", 4),
                    {0: "Simple",
                     1: "Int",
                     2: "Real",
                     3: "Date",
                     4: "Data",
                     5: "ASCII String",
                     6: "UTF-16-BE String",
                     8: "UID",
                     10: "Array",
                     13: "Dict",})
        markertype = self['marker_type'].value
        if markertype == 0:
            # Simple (Null)
            yield Enum(Bits(self, "value", 4),
                        {0: "Null",
                         8: "False",
                         9: "True",
                         15: "Fill Byte",})
            if self['value'].display == "False":
                self.xml=lambda prefix:prefix + "<false/>"
            elif self['value'].display == "True":
                self.xml=lambda prefix:prefix + "<true/>"
                self.xml=lambda prefix:prefix + ""

        elif markertype == 1:
            # Int
            yield Bits(self, "size", 4, "log2 of number of bytes")
            # 8-bit (size=0), 16-bit (size=1) and 32-bit (size=2) numbers are unsigned
            # 64-bit (size=3) numbers are signed
            yield GenericInteger(self, "value", (size>=3), (2**size)*8)
            self.xml=lambda prefix:prefix + "<integer>%s</integer>"%self['value'].value

        elif markertype == 2:
            # Real
            yield Bits(self, "size", 4, "log2 of number of bytes")
            if self['size'].value == 2: # 2**2 = 4 byte float
                yield Float32(self, "value")
            elif self['size'].value == 3: # 2**3 = 8 byte float
                yield Float64(self, "value")
                # FIXME: What is the format of the real?
                yield Bits(self, "value", (2**self['size'].value)*8)
            self.xml=lambda prefix:prefix + "<real>%s</real>"%self['value'].value

        elif markertype == 3:
            # Date
            yield Bits(self, "extra", 4, "Extra value, should be 3")
            cvt_time=lambda v:datetime(2001,1,1) + timedelta(seconds=v)
            yield displayHandler(Float64(self, "value"),lambda x:humanDatetime(cvt_time(x)))
            self.xml=lambda prefix:prefix + "<date>%s</date>"%(cvt_time(self['value'].value).isoformat())

        elif markertype == 4:
            # Data
            yield BPListSize(self, "size")
            if self['size'].value:
                yield Bytes(self, "value", self['size'].value)
                self.xml=lambda prefix:prefix + "<data>\n%s\n%s</data>"%(self['value'].value.encode('base64').strip(),prefix)
                self.xml=lambda prefix:prefix + '<data></data>'

        elif markertype == 5:
            # ASCII String
            yield BPListSize(self, "size")
            if self['size'].value:
                yield String(self, "value", self['size'].value, charset="ASCII")
                self.xml=lambda prefix:prefix + "<string>%s</string>"%(self['value'].value.encode('iso-8859-1'))
                self.xml=lambda prefix:prefix + '<string></string>'

        elif markertype == 6:
            # UTF-16-BE String
            yield BPListSize(self, "size")
            if self['size'].value:
                yield String(self, "value", self['size'].value*2, charset="UTF-16-BE")
                self.xml=lambda prefix:prefix + "<string>%s</string>"%(self['value'].value.encode('utf-8'))
                self.xml=lambda prefix:prefix + '<string></string>'

        elif markertype == 8:
            # UID
            yield Bits(self, "size", 4, "Number of bytes minus 1")
            yield GenericInteger(self, "value", False, (self['size'].value + 1)*8)
            self.xml=lambda prefix:prefix + "" # no equivalent?

        elif markertype == 10:
            # Array
            yield BPListSize(self, "size")
            size = self['size'].value
            if size:
                yield BPListArray(self, "value", size)
                self.xml=lambda prefix:self['value'].createXML(prefix)

        elif markertype == 13:
            # Dict
            yield BPListSize(self, "size")
            yield BPListDict(self, "value", self['size'].value)
            self.xml=lambda prefix:self['value'].createXML(prefix)

            yield Bits(self, "value", 4)
            self.xml=lambda prefix:''
Exemple #17
def readBitString(self, content_size):
    yield UInt8(self, "padding_size", description="Number of unused bits")
    if content_size > 1:
        yield Bytes(self, "value", content_size - 1)
Exemple #18
 def __init__(self, parent):
     Bytes.__init__(self, parent, 'file', parent['size'].value, None)
 def createDisplay(self):
     if self._display_pattern:
         return u"<padding pattern=%s>" % makePrintable(self.pattern, "ASCII", quote="'")
         return Bytes.createDisplay(self)
 def createRawDisplay(self):
     return Bytes.createDisplay(self)
 def createDisplay(self):
     if self._display_pattern:
         return u"<padding pattern=%s>" % makePrintable(
             self.pattern, "ASCII", quote="'")
         return Bytes.createDisplay(self)
Exemple #22
 def createFields(self):
     yield Bytes(self, "magic", 4, "Mach-O signature")
     yield UInt32(self, "nfat_arch",
                  "Number of architectures in this fat file")
     for i in xrange(self['nfat_arch'].value):
         yield MachoFatArch(self, 'arch[]')
Exemple #23
 def createFields(self):
     if self._size is None:
         self._size = self._getSize()
     yield Bytes(self, "data", self._size / 8)
Exemple #24
 def createFields(self):
     for off, byte in getStrips(self._ifd):
         self.seekByte(off, relative=False)
         yield Bytes(self, "strip[]", byte)
Exemple #25
 def createFields(self):
     yield Bytes(self, "id", 8, r"PNG identifier ('\x89PNG\r\n\x1A\n')")
     while not self.eof:
         yield Chunk(self, "chunk[]")
Exemple #26
def readBinary(self, content_size):
    yield Bytes(self, "value", content_size)
 def createFields(self):
     yield Enum(
         Bytes(self, "signature", 4, "Python file signature and version"),
     yield TimestampUnix32(self, "timestamp", "Timestamp")
     yield Object(self, "content")
Exemple #28
 def createFields(self):
     yield Bytes(self, "data", self.datasize/8)
     padding = self._size - self.current_size
     if padding:
         yield createPaddingField(self, padding)
 def createRawDisplay(self):
     return Bytes.createDisplay(self)
Exemple #30
 def __init__(self, parent):
     Bytes.__init__(self, parent, 'file', parent['size'].value, None)
Exemple #31
def readOctetString(self, content_size):
    yield Bytes(self, "value", content_size)
 def createDisplay(self):
     if self._display_pattern:
         return "<null>"
         return Bytes.createDisplay(self)
 def createDisplay(self):
     if self._display_pattern:
         return "<null>"
         return Bytes.createDisplay(self)
 def __init__(self, parent, name, nbytes, description="Padding", pattern=None):
     """ pattern is None or repeated string """
     assert (pattern is None) or (isinstance(pattern, str))
     Bytes.__init__(self, parent, name, nbytes, description)
     self.pattern = pattern
     self._display_pattern = self.checkPattern()
    def __init__(self, parent, name, format, description=None,
    strip=None, charset=None, nbytes=None, truncate=None):
        Bytes.__init__(self, parent, name, 1, description)

        # Is format valid?
        assert format in self.VALID_FORMATS

        # Store options
        self._format = format
        self._strip = strip
        self._truncate = truncate

        # Check charset and compute character size in bytes
        # (or None when it's not possible to guess character size)
        if not charset or charset in self.CHARSET_8BIT:
            self._character_size = 1   # one byte per character
        elif charset in self.UTF_CHARSET:
            self._character_size = None
            raise FieldError("Invalid charset for %s: \"%s\"" %
                (self.path, charset))
        self._charset = charset

        # It is a fixed string?
        if nbytes is not None:
            assert self._format == "fixed"
            # Arbitrary limits, just to catch some bugs...
            if not (1 <= nbytes <= 0xffff):
                raise FieldError("Invalid string size for %s: %s" %
                    (self.path, nbytes))
            self._content_size = nbytes   # content length in bytes
            self._size = nbytes * 8
            self._content_offset = 0
            # Format with a suffix: Find the end of the string
            if self._format in self.SUFFIX_FORMAT:
                self._content_offset = 0

                # Choose the suffix
                suffix = self.suffix_str

                # Find the suffix
                length = self._parent.stream.searchBytesLength(
                    suffix, False, self.absolute_address)
                if length is None:
                    raise FieldError("Unable to find end of string %s (format %s)!"
                        % (self.path, self._format))
                if 1 < len(suffix):
                    # Fix length for little endian bug with UTF-xx charset:
                    #   u"abc" -> "a\0b\0c\0\0\0" (UTF-16-LE)
                    #   search returns length=5, whereas real lenght is 6
                    length = alignValue(length, len(suffix))

                # Compute sizes
                self._content_size = length # in bytes
                self._size = (length + len(suffix)) * 8

            # Format with a prefix: Read prefixed length in bytes
                assert self._format in self.PASCAL_FORMATS

                # Get the prefix size
                prefix_size = self.PASCAL_FORMATS[self._format]
                self._content_offset = prefix_size

                # Read the prefix and compute sizes
                value = self._parent.stream.readBits(
                    self.absolute_address, prefix_size*8, self._parent.endian)
                self._content_size = value   # in bytes
                self._size = (prefix_size + value) * 8

        # For UTF-16 and UTF-32, choose the right charset using BOM
        if self._charset in self.UTF_CHARSET:
            # Charset requires a BOM?
            bomsize, endian  = self.UTF_CHARSET[self._charset]
            if endian == "BOM":
                # Read the BOM value
                nbytes = bomsize // 8
                bom = self._parent.stream.readBytes(self.absolute_address, nbytes)

                # Choose right charset using the BOM
                bom_endian = self.UTF_BOM[bomsize]
                if bom not in bom_endian:
                    raise FieldError("String %s has invalid BOM (%s)!"
                        % (self.path, repr(bom)))
                self._charset = bom_endian[bom]
                self._content_size -= nbytes
                self._content_offset += nbytes

        # Compute length in character if possible
        if self._character_size:
            self._length = self._content_size //  self._character_size
            self._length = None
Exemple #36
 def createFields(self):
     yield Bytes(self, "sync", 3)
     yield textHandler(UInt8(self, "tag"), hexadecimal)
     if self.parser and self['tag'].value != 0xb7:
         yield self.parser(self, "content")