Exemple #1
def nirvana(dataset: Union[MatrixTable, Table], config, block_size=500000, name='nirvana'):
    """Annotate variants using `Nirvana <https://github.com/Illumina/Nirvana>`_.

    .. include:: ../_templates/experimental.rst

    .. include:: ../_templates/req_tvariant.rst

    :func:`.nirvana` runs `Nirvana
    <https://github.com/Illumina/Nirvana>`_ on the current dataset and adds a
    new row field in the location specified by `name`.


    Add Nirvana annotations to the dataset:

    >>> result = hl.nirvana(dataset, "data/nirvana.properties") # doctest: +SKIP


    :func:`.nirvana` requires a configuration file. The format is a
    `.properties file <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/.properties>`__, where each
    line defines a property as a key-value pair of the form ``key = value``.
    :func:`.nirvana` supports the following properties:

    - **hail.nirvana.dotnet** -- Location of dotnet. Optional, default: dotnet.
    - **hail.nirvana.path** -- Value of the PATH environment variable when
      invoking Nirvana. Optional, by default PATH is not set.
    - **hail.nirvana.location** -- Location of Nirvana.dll. Required.
    - **hail.nirvana.reference** -- Location of reference genome. Required.
    - **hail.nirvana.cache** -- Location of cache. Required.
    - **hail.nirvana.supplementaryAnnotationDirectory** -- Location of
      Supplementary Database. Optional, no supplementary database by default.

    Here is an example ``nirvana.properties`` configuration file:

    .. code-block:: text

        hail.nirvana.location = /path/to/dotnet/netcoreapp2.0/Nirvana.dll
        hail.nirvana.reference = /path/to/nirvana/References/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.Nirvana.dat
        hail.nirvana.cache = /path/to/nirvana/Cache/GRCh37/Ensembl
        hail.nirvana.supplementaryAnnotationDirectory = /path/to/nirvana/SupplementaryDatabase/GRCh37


    A new row field is added in the location specified by `name` with the
    following schema:

    .. code-block:: text

        struct {
            chromosome: str,
            refAllele: str,
            position: int32,
            altAlleles: array<str>,
            cytogeneticBand: str,
            quality: float64,
            filters: array<str>,
            jointSomaticNormalQuality: int32,
            copyNumber: int32,
            strandBias: float64,
            recalibratedQuality: float64,
            variants: array<struct {
                altAllele: str,
                refAllele: str,
                chromosome: str,
                begin: int32,
                end: int32,
                phylopScore: float64,
                isReferenceMinor: bool,
                variantType: str,
                vid: str,
                hgvsg: str,
                isRecomposedVariant: bool,
                isDecomposedVariant: bool,
                regulatoryRegions: array<struct {
                    id: str,
                    type: str,
                    consequence: set<str>
                clinvar: array<struct {
                    id: str,
                    reviewStatus: str,
                    isAlleleSpecific: bool,
                    alleleOrigins: array<str>,
                    refAllele: str,
                    altAllele: str,
                    phenotypes: array<str>,
                    medGenIds: array<str>,
                    omimIds: array<str>,
                    orphanetIds: array<str>,
                    significance: str,
                    lastUpdatedDate: str,
                    pubMedIds: array<str>
                cosmic: array<struct {
                    id: str,
                    isAlleleSpecific: bool,
                    refAllele: str,
                    altAllele: str,
                    gene: str,
                    sampleCount: int32,
                    studies: array<struct {
                        id: int32,
                        histology: str,
                        primarySite: str
                dbsnp: struct {
                    ids: array<str>
                globalAllele: struct {
                    globalMinorAllele: str,
                    globalMinorAlleleFrequency: float64
                gnomad: struct {
                    coverage: str,
                    allAf: float64,
                    allAc: int32,
                    allAn: int32,
                    allHc: int32,
                    afrAf: float64,
                    afrAc: int32,
                    afrAn: int32,
                    afrHc: int32,
                    amrAf: float64,
                    amrAc: int32,
                    amrAn: int32,
                    amrHc: int32,
                    easAf: float64,
                    easAc: int32,
                    easAn: int32,
                    easHc: int32,
                    finAf: float64,
                    finAc: int32,
                    finAn: int32,
                    finHc: int32,
                    nfeAf: float64,
                    nfeAc: int32,
                    nfeAn: int32,
                    nfeHc: int32,
                    othAf: float64,
                    othAc: int32,
                    othAn: int32,
                    othHc: int32,
                    asjAf: float64,
                    asjAc: int32,
                    asjAn: int32,
                    asjHc: int32,
                    failedFilter: bool
                gnomadExome: struct {
                    coverage: str,
                    allAf: float64,
                    allAc: int32,
                    allAn: int32,
                    allHc: int32,
                    afrAf: float64,
                    afrAc: int32,
                    afrAn: int32,
                    afrHc: int32,
                    amrAf: float64,
                    amrAc: int32,
                    amrAn: int32,
                    amrHc: int32,
                    easAf: float64,
                    easAc: int32,
                    easAn: int32,
                    easHc: int32,
                    finAf: float64,
                    finAc: int32,
                    finAn: int32,
                    finHc: int32,
                    nfeAf: float64,
                    nfeAc: int32,
                    nfeAn: int32,
                    nfeHc: int32,
                    othAf: float64,
                    othAc: int32,
                    othAn: int32,
                    othHc: int32,
                    asjAf: float64,
                    asjAc: int32,
                    asjAn: int32,
                    asjHc: int32,
                    sasAf: float64,
                    sasAc: int32,
                    sasAn: int32,
                    sasHc: int32,
                    failedFilter: bool
                topmed: struct {
                    failedFilter: bool,
                    allAc: int32,
                    allAn: int32,
                    allAf: float64,
                    allHc: int32
                oneKg: struct {
                    ancestralAllele: str,
                    allAf: float64,
                    allAc: int32,
                    allAn: int32,
                    afrAf: float64,
                    afrAc: int32,
                    afrAn: int32,
                    amrAf: float64,
                    amrAc: int32,
                    amrAn: int32,
                    easAf: float64,
                    easAc: int32,
                    easAn: int32,
                    eurAf: float64,
                    eurAc: int32,
                    eurAn: int32,
                    sasAf: float64,
                    sasAc: int32,
                    sasAn: int32
                mitomap: array<struct {
                    refAllele: str,
                    altAllele: str,
                    diseases : array<str>,
                    hasHomoplasmy: bool,
                    hasHeteroplasmy: bool,
                    status: str,
                    clinicalSignificance: str,
                    scorePercentile: float64,
                    isAlleleSpecific: bool,
                    chromosome: str,
                    begin: int32,
                    end: int32,
                    variantType: str
                transcripts: struct {
                    refSeq: array<struct {
                        transcript: str,
                        bioType: str,
                        aminoAcids: str,
                        cdnaPos: str,
                        codons: str,
                        cdsPos: str,
                        exons: str,
                        introns: str,
                        geneId: str,
                        hgnc: str,
                        consequence: array<str>,
                        hgvsc: str,
                        hgvsp: str,
                        isCanonical: bool,
                        polyPhenScore: float64,
                        polyPhenPrediction: str,
                        proteinId: str,
                        proteinPos: str,
                        siftScore: float64,
                        siftPrediction: str
                    ensembl: array<struct {
                        transcript: str,
                        bioType: str,
                        aminoAcids: str,
                        cdnaPos: str,
                        codons: str,
                        cdsPos: str,
                        exons: str,
                        introns: str,
                        geneId: str,
                        hgnc: str,
                        consequence: array<str>,
                        hgvsc: str,
                        hgvsp: str,
                        isCanonical: bool,
                        polyPhenScore: float64,
                        polyPhenPrediction: str,
                        proteinId: str,
                        proteinPos: str,
                        siftScore: float64,
                        siftPrediction: str
                overlappingGenes: array<str>
            genes: array<struct {
                name: str,
                omim: array<struct {
                    mimNumber: int32,
                    hgnc: str,
                    description: str,
                    phenotypes: array<struct {
                        mimNumber: int32,
                        phenotype: str,
                        mapping: str,
                        inheritance: array<str>,
                        comments: str
                exac: struct {
                    pLi: float64,
                    pRec: float64,
                    pNull: float64

    dataset : :class:`.MatrixTable` or :class:`.Table`
    config : :obj:`str`
        Path to Nirvana configuration file.
    block_size : :obj:`int`
        Number of rows to process per Nirvana invocation.
    name : :obj:`str`
        Name for resulting row field.

    :class:`.MatrixTable` or :class:`.Table`
        Dataset with new row-indexed field `name` containing Nirvana annotations.
    if isinstance(dataset, MatrixTable):
        require_row_key_variant(dataset, 'nirvana')
        ht = dataset.select_rows().rows()
        require_table_key_variant(dataset, 'nirvana')
        ht = dataset.select()

    annotations = Table(TableToTableApply(ht._tir,
                                          {'name': 'Nirvana',
                                           'config': config,
                                           'blockSize': block_size}

    if isinstance(dataset, MatrixTable):
        return dataset.annotate_rows(**{name: annotations[dataset.row_key].nirvana})
        return dataset.annotate(**{name: annotations[dataset.key].nirvana})
Exemple #2
def vep(dataset: Union[Table, MatrixTable], config, block_size=1000, name='vep', csq=False):
    """Annotate variants with VEP.

    .. include:: ../_templates/req_tvariant.rst

    :func:`.vep` runs `Variant Effect Predictor
    <http://www.ensembl.org/info/docs/tools/vep/index.html>`__ on the
    current dataset and adds the result as a row field.


    Add VEP annotations to the dataset:

    >>> result = hl.vep(dataset, "data/vep-configuration.json") # doctest: +SKIP



    :func:`.vep` needs a configuration file to tell it how to run VEP.
    The format of the configuration file is JSON, and :func:`.vep`
    expects a JSON object with three fields:

    - `command` (array of string) -- The VEP command line to run.  The string literal `__OUTPUT_FORMAT_FLAG__` is replaced with `--json` or `--vcf` depending on `csq`.
    - `env` (object) -- A map of environment variables to values to add to the environment when invoking the command.  The value of each object member must be a string.
    - `vep_json_schema` (string): The type of the VEP JSON schema (as produced by the VEP when invoked with the `--json` option).  Note: This is the old-style 'parseable' Hail type syntax.  This will change.

    Here is an example configuration file for invoking VEP release 85
    installed in `/vep` with the Loftee plugin:

    .. code-block:: text

            "command": [
                "--format", "vcf",
                "--cache", "--offline",
                "--assembly", "GRCh37",
                "--plugin", "LoF,human_ancestor_fa:/root/.vep/loftee_data/human_ancestor.fa.gz,filter_position:0.05,min_intron_size:15,conservation_file:/root/.vep/loftee_data/phylocsf_gerp.sql,gerp_file:/root/.vep/loftee_data/GERP_scores.final.sorted.txt.gz",
                "-o", "STDOUT"
            "env": {
                "PERL5LIB": "/vep_data/loftee"
            "vep_json_schema": "Struct{assembly_name:String,allele_string:String,ancestral:String,colocated_variants:Array[Struct{aa_allele:String,aa_maf:Float64,afr_allele:String,afr_maf:Float64,allele_string:String,amr_allele:String,amr_maf:Float64,clin_sig:Array[String],end:Int32,eas_allele:String,eas_maf:Float64,ea_allele:String,ea_maf:Float64,eur_allele:String,eur_maf:Float64,exac_adj_allele:String,exac_adj_maf:Float64,exac_allele:String,exac_afr_allele:String,exac_afr_maf:Float64,exac_amr_allele:String,exac_amr_maf:Float64,exac_eas_allele:String,exac_eas_maf:Float64,exac_fin_allele:String,exac_fin_maf:Float64,exac_maf:Float64,exac_nfe_allele:String,exac_nfe_maf:Float64,exac_oth_allele:String,exac_oth_maf:Float64,exac_sas_allele:String,exac_sas_maf:Float64,id:String,minor_allele:String,minor_allele_freq:Float64,phenotype_or_disease:Int32,pubmed:Array[Int32],sas_allele:String,sas_maf:Float64,somatic:Int32,start:Int32,strand:Int32}],context:String,end:Int32,id:String,input:String,intergenic_consequences:Array[Struct{allele_num:Int32,consequence_terms:Array[String],impact:String,minimised:Int32,variant_allele:String}],most_severe_consequence:String,motif_feature_consequences:Array[Struct{allele_num:Int32,consequence_terms:Array[String],high_inf_pos:String,impact:String,minimised:Int32,motif_feature_id:String,motif_name:String,motif_pos:Int32,motif_score_change:Float64,strand:Int32,variant_allele:String}],regulatory_feature_consequences:Array[Struct{allele_num:Int32,biotype:String,consequence_terms:Array[String],impact:String,minimised:Int32,regulatory_feature_id:String,variant_allele:String}],seq_region_name:String,start:Int32,strand:Int32,transcript_consequences:Array[Struct{allele_num:Int32,amino_acids:String,biotype:String,canonical:Int32,ccds:String,cdna_start:Int32,cdna_end:Int32,cds_end:Int32,cds_start:Int32,codons:String,consequence_terms:Array[String],distance:Int32,domains:Array[Struct{db:String,name:String}],exon:String,gene_id:String,gene_pheno:Int32,gene_symbol:String,gene_symbol_source:String,hgnc_id:String,hgvsc:String,hgvsp:String,hgvs_offset:Int32,impact:String,intron:String,lof:String,lof_flags:String,lof_filter:String,lof_info:String,minimised:Int32,polyphen_prediction:String,polyphen_score:Float64,protein_end:Int32,protein_start:Int32,protein_id:String,sift_prediction:String,sift_score:Float64,strand:Int32,swissprot:String,transcript_id:String,trembl:String,uniparc:String,variant_allele:String}],variant_class:String}"


    A new row field is added in the location specified by `name` with type given
    by the type given by the `json_vep_schema` (if `csq` is ``False``) or
    :py:data:`.tstr` (if `csq` is ``True``).

    If csq is ``True``, then the CSQ header string is also added as a global
    field with name ``name + '_csq_header'``.

    dataset : :class:`.MatrixTable` or :class:`.Table`
    config : :obj:`str`
        Path to VEP configuration file.
    block_size : :obj:`int`
        Number of rows to process per VEP invocation.
    name : :obj:`str`
        Name for resulting row field.
    csq : :obj:`bool`
        If ``True``, annotates with the VCF CSQ field as a :py:data:`.tstr`.
        If ``False``, annotates as the `vep_json_schema`.

    :class:`.MatrixTable` or :class:`.Table`
        Dataset with new row-indexed field `name` containing VEP annotations.

    if isinstance(dataset, MatrixTable):
        require_row_key_variant(dataset, 'vep')
        ht = dataset.select_rows().rows()
        require_table_key_variant(dataset, 'vep')
        ht = dataset.select()

    annotations = Table(TableToTableApply(ht._tir,
                                          {'name': 'VEP',
                                           'config': config,
                                           'csq': csq,
                                           'blockSize': block_size})).persist()

    if csq:
        dataset = dataset.annotate_globals(
            **{name + '_csq_header': annotations.index_globals()['vep_csq_header']})

    if isinstance(dataset, MatrixTable):
        return dataset.annotate_rows(**{name: annotations[dataset.row_key].vep})
        return dataset.annotate(**{name: annotations[dataset.key].vep})