def doWelfarePatchSign(redis, session): """ 补签 """ sid = request.forms.get('sid', '').strip() date = request.forms.get('date', '').strip() SessionTable, account, uid, verfiySid = getInfoBySid(redis, sid) if verfiySid and sid != verfiySid: return {'code': -4, 'msg': '账号已在其他地方登录', 'osid': sid} userTable = getUserByAccount(redis, account) if not redis.exists(SessionTable): return {'code': -3, 'msg': 'sid 超时'} if not redis.exists(userTable): return {'code': -5, 'msg': '该用户不存在'} picUrl, gender, groupId, isVolntExitGroup, maxScore, baseScore = \ redis.hmget(userTable, ('headImgUrl', 'sex', 'parentAg', 'isVolntExitGroup', 'maxScore', 'baseScore')) if not groupId: return {'code': -7, 'msg': '您已被移出公会,请重新加入公会'} if not date: return {'code': 1, 'msg': "补签失败"} return doPatchSign(redis, account, date)
def doWelfareSign(redis, session): """ 签到 """ sid = request.forms.get('sid', '').strip() SessionTable, account, uid, verfiySid = getInfoBySid(redis, sid) if verfiySid and sid != verfiySid: return {'code': -4, 'msg': '账号已在其他地方登录', 'osid': sid} userTable = getUserByAccount(redis, account) if not redis.exists(SessionTable): return {'code': -3, 'msg': 'sid 超时'} if not redis.exists(userTable): return {'code': -5, 'msg': '该用户不存在'} picUrl, gender, groupId, isVolntExitGroup, maxScore, baseScore = \ redis.hmget(userTable, ('headImgUrl', 'sex', 'parentAg', 'isVolntExitGroup', 'maxScore', 'baseScore')) if not groupId: return {'code': -7, 'msg': '您已被移出公会,请重新加入公会'} res = do_PlayerWelfareSign(redis, account) if not res: return {'code': 1, 'msg': "今日已签到"} else: return {'code': 0, 'msg': "签到成功,获得 {0} 金币".format(res)}
def do_NotJoinGoldRoom(redis, session): """ 取消加入金币场 """ sid = request.forms.get('sid', '').strip() SessionTable, account, uid, verfiySid = getInfoBySid(redis, sid) try: print '[on notJoinPartyRoom]sid[%s] account[%s]' % (sid, account) except Exception as e: print 'print error File', e if verfiySid and sid != verfiySid: return {'code': -4, 'msg': '账号已在其他地方登录', 'osid': sid} if not redis.exists(SessionTable): return {'code': -3, 'msg': 'sid 超时'} userTable = getUserByAccount(redis, account) if not redis.exists(userTable): return {'code': -5, 'msg': '该用户不存在'} return {'code': 0}
def onGetRank(redis, session): """ 获取排行榜数据 """ sid = request.GET.get('sid', '').strip() SessionTable, account, uid, verfiySid = getInfoBySid(redis, sid) if verfiySid and sid != verfiySid: return {'code': -4, 'msg': '账号已在其他地方登录', 'osid': sid} userTable = getUserByAccount(redis, account) if not redis.exists(SessionTable): return {'code': -3, 'msg': 'sid 超时'} if not redis.exists(userTable): return {'code': -5, 'msg': '该用户不存在'} picUrl, gender, groupId, isVolntExitGroup, maxScore, baseScore = \ redis.hmget(userTable, ('headImgUrl', 'sex', 'parentAg', 'isVolntExitGroup', 'maxScore', 'baseScore')) if not groupId: return {'code': -7, 'msg': '您已被移出公会,请重新加入公会'} data = get_gold_rank(redis, groupId, account) return {'code': 0, 'data': data}
def xiaoxiaole_setting(redis, session): uid = request.GET.get('uid', '').strip() sid = request.GET.get('sid', '').strip() if not uid: if not sid: return {'code': -5, 'msg': '该用户不存在'} SessionTable, account, uid, verfiySid = getInfoBySid(redis, sid) userTable = getUserByAccount(redis, account) uid = userTable.split(':')[-1] else: userTable = 'users:%s' % (uid) if not redis.exists(userTable): return {'code': -5, 'msg': '该用户不存在'} gold = int(redis.hget('users:%s' % (uid), 'gold') or 0) oddsTable = getXxlOdds(redis) return { 'code': 0, 'gameinfo': oddsTable, 'max': int(gold / Proportion), 'money': 'gold' }
def do_JoinGoldRoom(redis, session): """ 加入金币场 """ log_debug('do_joinGoldRoom *********** ') gameid = request.forms.get('gameid', '').strip() playid = request.forms.get('id', '').strip() sid = request.forms.get('sid', '').strip() need = request.forms.get('need', '').strip() # 参与条件 cost = request.forms.get('cost', '').strip() # 报名费 cost = int(cost) base_score = request.forms.get('baseScore', '').strip() # 底分 base_score = int(base_score) SessionTable, account, uid, verfiySid = getInfoBySid(redis, sid) if verfiySid and sid != verfiySid: return {'code': -4, 'msg': '账号已在其他地方登录', 'osid': sid} if not redis.exists(SessionTable): return {'code': -3, 'msg': 'sid 超时'} userTable = getUserByAccount(redis, account) if not redis.exists(userTable): return {'code': -5, 'msg': '该用户不存在'} groupId = redis.hget(userTable, 'parentAg') if not groupId: return {'code': -7, 'msg': '您已被移出公会,请重新加入公会'} gameTable = GAME_TABLE % gameid if not redis.exists(gameTable): return {'code': -1, 'msg': 'gameId 不存在'} serverList = redis.lrange(FORMAT_GAME_SERVICE_SET % gameid, 0, -1) if not serverList: return {'code': -1, 'msg': '服务器忙碌或维护中'} myroom_key = redis.get(GOLD_ROOM_ACCOUNT_KEY % account) if myroom_key: roomid, myplayid = redis.hmget(myroom_key, 'roomid', 'playid') ip, port, _gameid = redis.hmget(ROOM2SERVER % roomid, ('ip', 'port', 'gameid')) if ip and port and _gameid: if playid != myplayid or _gameid != gameid: return {'code': -1, 'msg': '您正在别的场次游戏中'} else: return {'code': 0, 'msg': '已经在金币场中'} else: redis.delete(GOLD_ROOM_ACCOUNT_KEY % account) coin = redis.hget(FORMAT_USER_TABLE % userTable.split(':')[1], 'gold') if not coin: coin = 0 coin = int(coin) need = need.split(',') min_need = need[0] if not min_need: min_need = 0 min_need = int(min_need) if len(need) == 1: max_need = 9999999999 else: max_need = need[1] max_need = int(max_need) if coin < min_need: return {'code': -2, 'msg': u'您携带的金币数不足以进入本场次游戏,请充值后进入。'} if coin > max_need: return {'code': -1, 'msg': u'您携带的金币数超出本场次上限,请进入更高一级的场次游戏。'} _uuid = get_uuid() sendProtocol2GameService( redis, gameid, "joinGoldRoom|%s|%s|%s" % (account, playid, _uuid)) redis.hmset(GOLD_ACCOUNT_WAIT_JOIN_TABLE % account, { 'playid': playid, 'gameid': gameid }) redis.expire(GOLD_ACCOUNT_WAIT_JOIN_TABLE % account, 5) return {'code': 0, 'msg': '加入金币场成功'}
def xiaoxiaole_run(redis, session): uid = request.GET.get('uid', '').strip() sid = request.GET.get('sid', '').strip() Rtype = request.GET.get('Rtype', '').strip() try: Rtype = int(Rtype) except: Rtype = 0 if not uid: if not sid: return {'code': -5, 'msg': '该用户不存在'} SessionTable, account, uid, verfiySid = getInfoBySid(redis, sid) userTable = getUserByAccount(redis, account) uid = userTable.split(':')[-1] else: userTable = 'users:%s' % (uid) account = redis.hget(userTable, 'account') if not redis.exists(userTable): return {'code': -5, 'msg': '该用户不存在'} bets = ast.literal_eval(request.GET.get('bets', '{}').strip()) print '/xiaoxiaole/run', uid, bets try: bets = urllib.unquote(bets) except: pass # traceback.print_exc() if not isinstance(bets, dict): return {'code': -1, 'msg': u'参数错误'} nickname, gold = redis.hmget(userTable, ('nickname', 'coin')) print u'开始金币', gold totalPayGold = sum(bets.values()) print u'总下注', totalPayGold if not gold or int(totalPayGold) > int(gold): return {'code': -1, 'msg': u'金币不足'} if not redis.exists(XXL_OODS_DEFAULT): return {'code': -1, 'msg': u'配置错误'} isMore100 = False moneyType = GOLD for _bet in bets.values(): if _bet / 100 >= 1: isMore100 = True break if isMore100: moneyType = getMoneyType(redis, account, uid, totalPayGold) if moneyType == GOLD: Rtype = KIND_CHANCE else: Rtype = KIND_MATHS # Rtype = KIND_MATHS if Rtype == KIND_RANDOM: Mgr = xiaoxiaoleMgr(kind=KIND_RANDOM) elif Rtype == KIND_CHANCE: changeTableType = getXxlChangeTableType(redis) print '概率表%s' % (changeTableType) changeTable = getXxlChanceTable(redis, changeTableType) result, changeTable = dict_to_int_int(changeTable) Mgr = xiaoxiaoleMgr(kind=KIND_CHANCE, chance_table=changeTable) elif Rtype == KIND_MATHS: mathsDict_type_len = {5: 3, 4: 4, 3: 4, 2: 5, 1: 5} mathsList_type_len = [] for _num in xrange(1, TYPECount + 1): if _num in bets.keys() or str(_num) in bets.keys(): if bets[_num] / 100 >= 1: mathsList_type_len.append((_num, mathsDict_type_len[_num])) else: for x in xrange(random.randint(0, 2)): _tmp_num = random.choice([0, 3, 4, 5]) if _tmp_num >= 3: mathsList_type_len.append((_num, _tmp_num)) Rprint('mathsList_type_len:%s' % mathsList_type_len) Mgr = xiaoxiaoleMgr(kind=KIND_MATHS, mathsList_type_len=mathsList_type_len) else: return {'code': -1, 'msg': u'参数错误'} results = oddsTable = getXxlOdds(redis) datas = [] winScore = 0 for _result in results: numtype = int(_result["type"]) numlen = int(_result["len"]) rep = { 'len': numlen, 'coordinates': _result["coordinates"], 'type': numtype, } if moneyType == GOLD: rep['score'] = (bets.get(numtype, 0) or bets.get( str(numtype), 0)) * getOdds(oddsTable, numtype, numlen) else: rep['score'] = (bets.get(numtype, 0) or bets.get( str(numtype), 0)) / 100 * getOdds(oddsTable, numtype, numlen) rep["score"] = int(rep["score"]) winScore += rep["score"] # print rep datas.append(rep) matrix = Mgr.getCanvas().tolist() redis.hincrby(userTable, 'coin', -totalPayGold) print u'扣除金币', totalPayGold record_player_balance_change(bag_redis, userTable, 2, -totalPayGold, redis.hget(userTable, 'coin'), 9, game_id='xxl') redis.hincrby(userTable, moneyType, winScore) gold, honor = redis.hmget(userTable, 'coin', 'honor') if not honor: honor = 0 if not gold: gold = 0 if moneyType == HONOR: record_player_balance_change(bag_redis, userTable, 16, winScore, honor, 9, game_id='xxl') else: record_player_balance_change(bag_redis, userTable, 2, winScore, gold, 9, game_id='xxl') print u'增加%s=>%s个' % (moneyType, winScore) # print datas print u'剩余金币', gold print u'剩余荣誉', honor try: saveXxlRecord(redis, get_gold=totalPayGold, put_gold=winScore, money=moneyType, uid=uid) except: traceback.print_exc() if moneyType == HONOR: saveXxlHonorTrade(redis, uid=uid, winHonor=winScore) #游玩次数统计 saveXxlPlayRecord(redis, uid, moneyType=moneyType) # 默认加金币 gold = redis.hincrby('users:%s' % uid, 'coin', winScore) return { 'code': 0, 'msg': u'成功', 'winScore': winScore, 'money': (1 if moneyType == 'honor' else 0), 'matrix': matrix, 'datas': datas, 'gold_coin': gold, 'honor_coin': honor }