Exemple #1
filename = "Aitken, Alexander C..tex"
encoded_filename = urllib.quote(filename)
path = 'tex_files/' + encoded_filename

data = {'ref': "changes"}

## Step ONE: get the current file so we can extract its hash
## this isn't the "canonical" way to go about making a commit
## described variously with five or seven steps:
##    http://www.mdswanson.com/blog/2011/07/23/digging-around-the-github-api-take-2.html
##    http://stackoverflow.com/a/14672793/821010
## but this is a cheap and dirty method that will work without hassle.
## and the "proper" way to go about it can be investigated separately.
resp = github.repos(owner, repo).contents(path).GET(
    auth=(user, password),
    headers={'Content-type': 'application/json'},

sha = json.loads(resp._content)['sha']

## Step TWO: add the new content
data = {
    'message': 'Programmatic update to "' + filename + '".',
    'committer': {
        'name': 'Joe Corneli',
        'email': '*****@*****.**'
    'content': base64.b64encode("Hello github, new content here."),
    'sha': sha,
    'branch': 'changes'

#upload file to github

with open(filename, "rb") as text_file:
    encoded_string = base64.b64encode(text_file.read())

data = {
    'message': 'Adding "' + filename + '".',
    'committer': {
        'name': 'Madeleine Corneli',
        'email': '*****@*****.**'
    'content': encoded_string,
    'branch': 'master'

github = Github('https://api.github.com')
user = '******'
password = raw_input("Github password:")
repo = 'miniBibServer'
resp = github.repos(user, repo).contents(filename).PUT(
    auth=(user, password),
    headers={'Content-type': 'textfile'},


#edit to test git :/
import filecmp

from pprint import pprint

github = Github('https://api.github.com')
owner = 'maddyloo'
repo = 'BibProject'
user = '******'
password = '******' #Github token goes here

filename = "Aitken, Alexander C..tex"
# Maps to AitkenAlexanderC as a "canonical name"
basename = re.sub('[ ,.]', '', filename.split(".")[0])

## Step ZERO: get a reference
resp = github.repos(owner, repo).git.refs('heads/master').GET(
    	auth = (user, password))
sha_latest_commit = json.loads(resp._content)['object']['sha']

## Step ONE: create the branch derived from that reference
data={"ref": "refs/heads/"+basename,
      "sha": sha_latest_commit}

resp = github.repos(owner, repo).git.refs.POST(
    	auth = (user, password),
        headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json'},


from pprint import pprint

# Let's create the first chain of hammock using base api url
github = Github('https://api.github.com')

user = '******'
# In the future this will be running on a server
# somewhere, so password can just be hard coded
password = raw_input("Enter your github password: ")
repo = 'py-blot'

# The most interesting things for us are in this part of the API
# https://developer.github.com/v3/repos/contents/

# get the contents of a given file, the README in this case
resp = github.repos(user, repo).contents.GET('README.md')

# examine the file we retrieved,
# here's how to have a look at everything:
# And from that, the most interesting part(s) can be extracted:
text = base64.b64decode(json.loads(resp._content)['content'])
# (we will need the sha later)
sha = json.loads(resp._content)['sha']

print text

# Now to further explore the API, let's loop back and
# update the file.  Let's prompt the user to add
# some text to the file.
filename = "Aitken, Alexander C..tex"
path = 'tex_files/'+encoded_filename


## Step ONE: get the current file so we can extract its hash
## this isn't the "canonical" way to go about making a commit
## described variously with five or seven steps:
##    http://www.mdswanson.com/blog/2011/07/23/digging-around-the-github-api-take-2.html
##    http://stackoverflow.com/a/14672793/821010
## but this is a cheap and dirty method that will work without hassle.
## and the "proper" way to go about it can be investigated separately.
resp = github.repos(owner, repo).contents(path).GET(
    	auth = (user, password),
        headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json'},

sha = json.loads(resp._content)['sha']

## Step TWO: add the new content
data={'message':'Programmatic update to "' + filename + '".',
      'committer':{'name':'Joe Corneli',
      'content':base64.b64encode("Hello github, new content here."),

# Forming the correct URL (by following the instructions from Hammock docs!)
# In particular, we need to specify the :path as part of the url, whereas
# other arguments are passed along as a JSON body
Exemple #6
		if __name__ == "__main__":
		#write each headline to new line	
		file.write(span.string + "\n")


#upload file to github

with open( filename, "rb") as text_file:
	encoded_string = base64.b64encode(text_file.read())

data = {'message':'Adding "'+filename+'".',
      'committer':{'name':'Madeleine Corneli',

github = Github('https://api.github.com')
user = '******'
password = raw_input("Github password:")
repo = 'miniBibServer'
resp = github.repos(user, repo).contents(filename).PUT(
	auth = (user, password),
	headers = {'Content-type': 'textfile'},
	data = json.dumps(data))

pprint (vars(resp))

#edit to test git :/
user = '******'
password = raw_input("Github password:")
repo = 'miniBibServer'
resp = github.repos(user, repo).contents(filename).PUT(
	auth = (user, password),
	headers = {'Content-type': 'textfile'},
	data = json.dumps(data))

pprint (vars(resp))
#edit to test git :/

#data = {'owner':'maddyloo',
#	#might need full path:
#	'path':'/master/test_LaTeXML/corneli-citations.bib',
#	'repo':'miniBibServer'}

github = Github('https://api.github.com')
owner = 'maddyloo'
repo = 'miniBibServer'
path = 'test_LaTeXML/corneli-citations.bib'
#GET /repos/:owner/:repo/contents/:path
resp = github.repos(owner, repo).contents(path).GET(
    #auth = (user, password),
    headers={'Content-type': 'textfile'})
#data = json.dumps(data))

#j = json.loads(resp.text)
j = resp.json()
from pprint import pprint

# Let's create the first chain of hammock using base api url
github = Github('https://api.github.com')

user = '******'
# In the future this will be running on a server
# somewhere, so password can just be hard coded
password = raw_input("Enter your github password: ")
repo = 'py-blot'

# The most interesting things for us are in this part of the API
# https://developer.github.com/v3/repos/contents/

# get the contents of a given file, the README in this case
resp = github.repos(user, repo).contents.GET('README.md')

# examine the file we retrieved,
# here's how to have a look at everything:
# And from that, the most interesting part(s) can be extracted:
text = base64.b64decode(json.loads(resp._content)['content'])
# (we will need the sha later)
sha = json.loads(resp._content)['sha']

print text

# Now to further explore the API, let's loop back and
# update the file.  Let's prompt the user to add
# some text to the file.
from hammock import Hammock as Github
import json
import urllib
import sys
import base64
from pprint import pprint

github = Github('https://api.github.com')
owner = 'maddyloo'
repo = 'BibProject'
path = 'tex_files/Aitken%2C%20Alexander%20C..tex'
password = ''  #BibPoject token
#Aitken%2C Alexander C..tex

#GET /repos/:owner/:repo/contents/:path
resp = github.repos(owner, repo).contents(path).GET(
	auth = (owner, password),
	headers = {'Content-type': 'textfile'})
	#data = json.dumps(data))

#j = json.loads(resp.text)
j = resp.json()
Exemple #10
from hammock import Hammock as Github
import json
import urllib
import sys
import base64
import filecmp

from pprint import pprint

github = Github('https://api.github.com')
owner = 'maddyloo'
repo = 'BibProject'
user = '******'
password = '******' #Github token goes here

filename = "Aitken, Alexander C..tex"

data = {"title": "Update to " + filename,
        "body": "Please pull this in!",
        "head": "changes",
        "base": "master"}

resp = github.repos(owner, repo).pulls.POST(
    	auth = (user, password),
        headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json'},

import json
import urllib
import sys
import base64
import filecmp

from pprint import pprint

github = Github('https://api.github.com')
owner = 'maddyloo'
repo = 'BibProject'
user = '******'
password = '******' #Github token goes here

## Step ZERO: get a reference
resp = github.repos(owner, repo).git.refs('heads/changes').GET(
    	auth = (user, password))
sha_latest_commit = json.loads(resp._content)['object']['sha']

print sha_latest_commit

## Step ONE: get latest commit at that reference
resp = github.repos(owner, repo).git.commits(sha_latest_commit).GET(
    	auth = (user, password))
sha_base_tree = json.loads(resp._content)['tree']['sha']

print sha_base_tree

## Step TWO: make a new commit, which goes in several substeps

## Step A: update the tree
filename = "Aitken, Alexander C..tex"
Exemple #12
import sys
import base64
import filecmp

from pprint import pprint

github = Github('https://api.github.com')
owner = 'maddyloo'
repo = 'BibProject'
user = '******'
password = '******'  #Github token goes here

filename = "Aitken, Alexander C..tex"
# Maps to AitkenAlexanderC as a "canonical name"
basename = re.sub('[ ,.]', '', filename.split(".")[0])

## Step ZERO: get a reference
resp = github.repos(owner,
                    repo).git.refs('heads/master').GET(auth=(user, password))
sha_latest_commit = json.loads(resp._content)['object']['sha']

## Step ONE: create the branch derived from that reference
data = {"ref": "refs/heads/" + basename, "sha": sha_latest_commit}

resp = github.repos(owner, repo).git.refs.POST(
    auth=(user, password),
    headers={'Content-type': 'application/json'},

Exemple #13
from hammock import Hammock as Github
import json
import urllib
import sys
import base64
import filecmp

from pprint import pprint

github = Github('https://api.github.com')
owner = 'maddyloo'
repo = 'BibProject'
user = '******'
password = ''  #Github token goes here

resp = github.repos(owner,
                    repo).git.refs('heads/changes').GET(auth=(user, password))
sha_latest_commit = json.loads(resp._content)['object']['sha']

print sha_latest_commit

## We may also need this other sha?

resp = github.repos(owner,
sha_base_tree = json.loads(resp._content)['tree']['sha']

print sha_base_tree