def test_grid(): V, t, x, y, trigger, neuron = AxonExperiment(FIGURE_CULTURE).traces( FIGURE_NEURON) hidens = HidensTransformation(x, y) i, j = hidens.xy2ij(x, y) xb, yb = hidens.ij2xy(i, j) x0, y0 = hidens.ij2xy(0, 0) ax1 = plt.subplot(121) plt.plot(x, y, 'bx', label='original') plt.plot(xb, yb, 'k+', label='backtransformed') plt.plot(x0, y0, 'go', label='hexagonal origin (backtransformed)') plt.title('cartesian coordinates x,y') mea_axes(ax1) ax1.set_ylim((-500, 2200)) plt.legend(numpoints=1) ax2 = plt.subplot(122) plt.plot(i, j, 'ko', label='transformed') plt.plot(0, 0, 'go', label='hexagonal origin') plt.title('hexagonal grid index i, j') ax2.set_xlim((-1, np.amax(i))) ax2.set_ylim((-1, np.amax(j))) plt.legend(numpoints=1)
def test(neuron=1536, method=2): path = 'data/neuron%d' % neuron # Get traces V, t, x, y, trigger, neuron = load_traces(path + '.h5') if trigger < 0: # may added to load_traces with trigger>-1 as condition trigger = find_AIS(V) t *= 1000 # convert to ms print('Time %1.2f .. %1.2f ms ' % (min(t), max(t))) # AIS coordinates index_AIS = find_AIS(V) x_AIS = x[index_AIS] y_AIS = y[index_AIS] # Negative peak Vmin = np.min(V, axis=1) # Segmentation if method == 1: delay, _, _, _, axon = segment_axon_Bakkum(V, t, pnr_threshold=5) else: neighbors = neighbors_from_electrode_positions(x, y) delay, _, std_delay, _, thr, _, _, _, axon = segment_axon_verbose( t, V, neighbors) print('Axonal delay %1.2f .. %1.2f ms ' % (min(delay[axon]), max(delay[axon]))) ax = plt.subplot(111) V2size = lambda x: np.abs(x) * 2 axh = plot_image_axon_delay_voltage(ax, path + 'axon', axon, delay, Vmin, x, y, transform=V2size, alpha=0.5) cross_hair(ax, x_AIS, y_AIS, color='red') mea_axes(ax) # Compare with ground truth xg, yg = ImageIterator(path + 'axon').truth() H = compare_with_groundtruth(x, y, xg, yg) plt.title('Neuron %d, Method %d: H=%1.3f um' % (neuron, method, H))
def plot_pcg_on_network(ax, polychronous_group, delays, pos): """ Plots a polychronous group onto a structural network. Unfortunately, (re)plotting is slow for large groups. :param ax: axis handle :param polychronous_group: graph containing the events and connections of a polychronous group :param delays: delays between neurons (structural network) :param pos: positions of the neurons on the multi electrode array """ plot_neuron_points(ax, unique_neurons(delays), pos) plot_network(ax, delays, pos, color='gray') for i, ((time1, neuron1), (time2, neuron2)) in enumerate(polychronous_group.edges(), start=1): if time2 < time1: time1, neuron1, time2, neuron2 = time2, neuron2, time1, neuron1 highlight_connection(ax, (neuron1, neuron2), pos, linewidth=1) mea_axes(ax)
def test_subset(): V, t, x, y, trigger, neuron = AxonExperiment(FIGURE_CULTURE).traces( FIGURE_NEURON) hidens = HidensTransformation(x, y) xs, ys, Vs = hidens.subset(V) ax = plt.subplot(111) plt.plot(x, y, 'o', markerfacecolor='None', markeredgecolor='black', label='all') plt.plot(xs, ys, 'ko', label='subset') mea_axes(ax) plt.legend(numpoints=1)
def make_movie(V, t, x, y, culture, neuron): """ :param V: spike triggered averages (traces) for each electrode :param t: time for each frame (relative to trigger, in ms) :param x, y: coordinates for each electrode :param culture, neuron: for title :return: ani: animation handle """ t_ms = t * 1000 # ms n_frames = len(t) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.set_aspect('equal') ax.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) ax.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) im = ax.imshow(interpolate_frame(V[:, 0], x, y), extent=[min(x), max(x), max(y), min(y)], cmap='seismic', interpolation='nearest') ax.set_title('Culture %d, Neuron %d, Time %1.1f' % (culture, neuron, t_ms[0])) voltage_color_bar(im, label=r'$V$ [$\mu$V]', shrink=0.5) mea_axes(ax) fig.set_size_inches([5, 5]) plt.tight_layout() def update_frame(n): tmp = interpolate_frame(V[:, n], x, y) im.set_data(tmp) ax.set_title('Culture %d, Neuron %d, %1.3f ms' % (culture, neuron, t_ms[n])) return im ani = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, update_frame, n_frames, interval=30) return ani
def make_figure(figurename, figpath=None, Culture=FIGURE_CULTURE, with_background_image=True): # make directory subfolderpath = os.path.join(figpath, 'neurons') if not os.path.exists(subfolderpath): os.makedirs(subfolderpath) # Load electrode coordinates and calculate neighborhood pos = load_positions(mea='hidens') x = pos.x y = pos.y all_triggers, all_AIS, all_axonal_delays, all_dendritic_return_currents = Experiment( Culture).compartments() for neuron in FIGURE_NEURONS: # Plot figure fig = plt.figure(figurename, figsize=(8, 7)) # for example neuron5.png use instead: # fig = plt.figure(figurename) # fig.set_size_inches([5.5, 5]) ax = plt.subplot(111) # Load and plot background images if with_background_image: fullfilename = os.path.join( Experiment(Culture).data_directory, "neuron%d.png" % neuron) raw_image = plt.imread(fullfilename) plt.imshow(raw_image, cmap='gray', alpha=0.5, extent=[165.5, 1918.9, 2106.123, 88.123001]) # Map axons for Bullmann's method delay = all_axonal_delays[neuron] index_AIS = all_AIS[neuron] axon = np.isfinite(delay) V, _, _, _, _, _ = Experiment(Culture).traces(neuron) # max_axon_delay = np.around(np.nanmax(delay), decimals=1) max_axon_delay = 2.5 # same scaling for all neurons V2size = lambda x: np.sqrt(np.abs(x)) * 5 radius = V2size(V) ax.scatter(x[axon], y[axon], s=radius[axon], c=delay[axon], marker='o', edgecolor='none',, vmin=0, vmax=max_axon_delay, alpha=1) plt.title('Culture %d, Neuron %d, Delay map' % (Culture, neuron)) if with_background_image: # cross_hair(ax, x[index_AIS], y[index_AIS], color='red') mea_axes(ax) else: ax.plot(x[index_AIS], y[index_AIS], marker='x', markersize=20, color='blue') mea_axes(ax, style='axes') ax.spines['bottom'].set_color('blue') ax.spines['top'].set_color('blue') ax.spines['right'].set_color('blue') ax.spines['left'].set_color('blue') ax.tick_params(axis='x', colors='blue') ax.tick_params(axis='y', colors='blue') divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="10%", pad=0.05) # for example neuron5.png use instead: # cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05) norm = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=max_axon_delay) cbar = mpl.colorbar.ColorbarBase(cax,, norm=norm, orientation='vertical') cbar.set_label(r'$\mathsf{\tau_{axon}\ [ms]}$', fontsize=14) longfigurename = "neuron%0d" % neuron show_or_savefig(subfolderpath, longfigurename) # for example neuron5.png use instead: # show_or_savefig(subfolderpath, longfigurename, dpi = 72) print("Plotted neuron %d" % neuron) plt.close()
def make_figure(figurename, figpath=None): colormap = # Get traces V, t, x, y, trigger, neuron = AxonExperiment(GROUND_TRUTH_CULTURE).traces( GROUND_TRUTH_NEURON) if trigger < 0: # may added to load_traces with trigger>-1 as condition trigger = find_AIS(V) t *= 1000 # convert to ms # AIS coordinates index_AIS = find_AIS(V) x_AIS = x[index_AIS] y_AIS = y[index_AIS] # Segmentation according Bakkum axon_Bakkum = dict() for pnr in (2, 2.25, 2.5, 2.75, 3, 3.25, 3.5, 3.75, 4, 4.25, 4.5, 4.75, 5): delay, _, _, _, axon = segment_axon_Bakkum(V, t, pnr_threshold=pnr) axon_Bakkum[pnr] = axon delay_Bakkum = delay Vmin_Bakkum = np.min(V, axis=1) # Segmentation according Bullmann from hana.grid import HidensTransformation axon_Bullmann = dict() delay_Bullmann = dict() Vmin_Bullmann = dict() x_Bullmann = dict() y_Bullmann = dict() hidens = HidensTransformation(x, y) for period in (1, 2, 3): if period > 1: xs, ys, Vs = hidens.subset(V, period=period, ioffset=0, joffset=1) else: xs, ys, Vs = x, y, V neighbors = neighbors_from_electrode_positions(xs, ys, neighborhood_radius=20 * period) delay, _, std_delay, _, thr, _, _, _, axon = segment_axon_verbose( t, Vs, neighbors) if period == 1: keep_thr = thr else: axon = std_delay < keep_thr # using the threshold, because less data to compute histogram axon_Bullmann[period] = axon delay_Bullmann[period] = delay Vmin_Bullmann[period] = np.min(Vs, axis=1) x_Bullmann[period] = xs y_Bullmann[period] = ys # Plotting fig = plt.figure(figurename, figsize=(13, 9)) if not figpath: fig.suptitle( figurename + ' Haussdorf distance from ground truth for neuron %d' % neuron, fontsize=14, fontweight='bold') plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.10, right=0.95, top=0.90, bottom=0.05) bbox = None if neuron == 1544: bbox = [200, 850, 1200, 1720] V2size = lambda x: np.abs(x) * 2 # Map axons for Bakkum's method, high threshold ax1 = plt.subplot(331) plot_image_axon_delay_voltage(ax1, AxonExperiment(GROUND_TRUTH_CULTURE).images( GROUND_TRUTH_NEURON, type='axon'), axon_Bakkum[5], delay_Bakkum, Vmin_Bakkum, x, y, transform=V2size) cross_hair(ax1, x_AIS, y_AIS, color='red') mea_axes(ax1, bbox=bbox, barposition='inside') ax1.set_title('Method I') plt.text(0.0, 0.9, r'$\mathsf{V_n>5\sigma_{V}}$', ha='left', va='center', transform=ax1.transAxes) plt.title('a', loc='left', fontsize=18) # Map axons for Bullmann's method, grid spacing ~ 20um ax2 = plt.subplot(3, 3, 2) ax2h = plot_image_axon_delay_voltage( ax2, AxonExperiment(GROUND_TRUTH_CULTURE).images(GROUND_TRUTH_NEURON, type='axon'), axon_Bullmann[1], delay_Bullmann[1], Vmin_Bullmann[1], x_Bullmann[1], y_Bullmann[1], transform=V2size) cross_hair(ax2, x_AIS, y_AIS, color='red') mea_axes(ax2, bbox=bbox, barposition='inside') ax2.set_title('Method II') plt.text(0.0, 0.9, r'$\mathsf{r=18\ \mu m}$', ha='left', va='center', transform=ax2.transAxes) plt.title('b', loc='left', fontsize=18) # Ground truth ===================================================================== ax3 = plt.subplot(1, 3, 3) from figure_footprint import plot_traces # Plot traces over high res background images images = AxonExperiment(GROUND_TRUTH_CULTURE).images(GROUND_TRUTH_NEURON, type='enhanced') images.plot(alpha=1.0) plot_traces(ax3, x, y, axon_Bullmann[1], delay_Bullmann[1], t, V, max_axon_delay=2.5, background_color='none') cross_hair(ax2, x_AIS, y_AIS, color='red') adjust_position(ax3, yshift=0.21) mea_axes(ax3, bbox=[410, 740, 1200, 1620], barposition='outside') ax3.set_title('Groundtruth') plt.title('c', loc='left', fontsize=18) # Map axons for Bakkum's method, low threshold ax4 = plt.subplot(334) plot_image_axon_delay_voltage(ax4, AxonExperiment(GROUND_TRUTH_CULTURE).images( GROUND_TRUTH_NEURON, type='axon'), axon_Bakkum[3], delay_Bakkum, Vmin_Bakkum, x, y, transform=V2size) cross_hair(ax4, x_AIS, y_AIS, color='red') mea_axes(ax4, bbox=bbox, barposition='inside') plt.text(0.0, 0.9, r'$\mathsf{V_n>3\sigma_{V}}$', ha='left', va='center', transform=ax4.transAxes) plt.title('d', loc='left', fontsize=18) # Map axons for Bullmann's method, grid spacing ~ 40um ax5 = plt.subplot(335) plot_image_axon_delay_voltage(ax5, AxonExperiment(GROUND_TRUTH_CULTURE).images( GROUND_TRUTH_NEURON, type='axon'), axon_Bullmann[2], delay_Bullmann[2], Vmin_Bullmann[2], x_Bullmann[2], y_Bullmann[2], transform=V2size) cross_hair(ax5, x_AIS, y_AIS, color='red') mea_axes(ax5, bbox=bbox, barposition='inside') plt.text(0.0, 0.9, r'$\mathsf{r=36\ \mu m}$', ha='left', va='center', transform=ax5.transAxes) plt.title('e', loc='left', fontsize=18) # # Colorbar and Size legend for A, B, D, E # ax6 = plt.subplot(336) # for V in [1, 3, 10, 30, 100]: # plt.scatter([],[],s=V2size(V), color='gray', edgecolor='none', label='%d' % V) # leg = plt.legend(loc=2, scatterpoints=1, frameon=False, title = r'$\mathsf{V_n\ [\mu V]}\ \ \ \ \ $') # leg.get_title().set_fontsize(14) # plt.axis('off') # adjust_position(ax6,xshrink=0.05,yshrink=0.02,xshift=-0.04) # divider = make_axes_locatable(ax6) # cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="10%", pad=0.05) # # norm = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=2) # cbar = mpl.colorbar.ColorbarBase(cax, #, # norm=norm, # orientation='vertical') # cbar.set_label(r'$\mathsf{\tau_{axon}\ [ms]}$', fontsize=14) # Reading groundtruth xg, yg from the axon label file(s) xg, yg = AxonExperiment(GROUND_TRUTH_CULTURE).images(GROUND_TRUTH_NEURON, type='axon').truth() # Bakkum's method: Haussdorf distance vs. threshold ax7 = plt.subplot(337) xx = list() yy = list() for pnr in np.sort(axon_Bakkum.keys()): xx.append(pnr) yy.append( compare_with_groundtruth(x[axon_Bakkum[pnr]], y[axon_Bakkum[pnr]], xg, yg)) plt.plot(xx, yy, 'ko-') plt.xlabel(r'$\mathsf{V_{thr}\ [\sigma_{V}]}$') plt.ylabel(r'$\mathsf{H\ [\mu m]}$') plt.ylim((0, 400)) plt.xlim((6, 1)) adjust_position(ax7, xshrink=0.01, yshrink=0.01) without_spines_and_ticks(ax7) plt.title('f', loc='left', fontsize=18) # Bullmann's method: Haussdorf distance vs. spacing of electrodes in the hexagonal grid ax8 = plt.subplot(338) xx = list() yy = list() for period in axon_Bullmann.keys(): xx.append(period * 18) yy.append( compare_with_groundtruth(x_Bullmann[period][axon_Bullmann[period]], y_Bullmann[period][axon_Bullmann[period]], xg, yg)) plt.plot(xx, yy, 'ko--') plt.xlabel(r'$\mathsf{r\ [\mu m]}$') plt.ylabel(r'$\mathsf{H\ [\mu m]}$') plt.ylim((0, 400)) plt.xlim((0, 80)) adjust_position(ax8, xshrink=0.01, yshrink=0.01) without_spines_and_ticks(ax8) plt.title('g', loc='left', fontsize=18) ax9 = plt.subplot(5, 3, 15) img = plt.imread('larger_neighborhoods.png') plt.imshow(img) plt.axis('off') plt.title('h', loc='left', fontsize=18) adjust_position(ax9, xshift=-0.015, yshift=-0.011) show_or_savefig(figpath, figurename)
def make_figure(figurename, figpath=None): # Load electrode coordinates neighbors = electrode_neighborhoods(mea='hidens') # Load example data V, t, x, y, trigger, neuron = Experiment(FIGURE_CULTURE).traces( FIGURE_NEURON) t *= 1000 # convert to ms # Verbose dendrite segmentation function delay, mean_delay, std_delay, expected_std_delay, thr, valid_delay, index_AIS, min_delay, max_delay, \ return_current_delay, dendrite = segment_dendrite_verbose(t, V, neighbors) # Making figure fig = plt.figure(figurename, figsize=(13, 10)) if not figpath: fig.suptitle( figurename + ' Segmentation of the dendrite based on positive peak at neighboring electrodes', fontsize=14, fontweight='bold') plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, right=0.95, top=0.90, bottom=0.05) # Position of the AIS x_AIS = x[index_AIS] y_AIS = y[index_AIS] # subplot original unaligned traces ax1 = plt.subplot(231) V_AIS = V[index_AIS] # Showing AIS trace in different color V_dendrites = V[np.where( dendrite)] # Showing dendrite trace in different color ax1.plot(t, V.T, '-', color='gray', label='all') ax1.plot(t, V_dendrites.T, '-', color='black', label='dendrite') ax1.plot(t, V_AIS, 'r-', label='AIS') annotate_x_bar(half_peak_domain(t, V_AIS), 150, text=' $|\delta_h$| = %0.3f ms' % half_peak_width(t, V_AIS)) legend_without_multiple_labels(ax1, loc=4, frameon=False) ax1.set_ylim((-600, 200)) ax1.set_ylabel(r'V [$\mu$V]') ax1.set_xlim((-1, 1)) ax1.set_xlabel(r'$\Delta$t [ms]') without_spines_and_ticks(ax1) plt.title('a', loc='left', fontsize=18) # subplot std_delay map ax2 = plt.subplot(232) h1 = ax2.scatter(x, y, c=std_delay, s=10, marker='o', edgecolor='None', cmap='gray') h2 = plt.colorbar(h1, boundaries=np.linspace(0, 4, num=256)) h2.set_label(r'$s_{\tau}$ [ms]') h2.set_ticks(np.arange(0, 4.5, step=0.5)) cross_hair(ax2, x_AIS, y_AIS) mea_axes(ax2) plt.title('b', loc='left', fontsize=18) # subplot std_delay histogram ax3 = plt.subplot(233) ax3.hist(std_delay, bins=np.arange(0, max(delay), step=DELAY_EPSILON), facecolor='gray', edgecolor='gray', label='nothing') ax3.hist(std_delay, bins=np.arange(0, thr, step=DELAY_EPSILON), facecolor='k', edgecolor='k', label='axon/dendrite') ax3.scatter(expected_std_delay, 25, marker='v', s=100, edgecolor='black', facecolor='gray', zorder=10) ax3.text(expected_std_delay, 30, r'$\frac{8}{\sqrt{12}}$ ms', horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='bottom', zorder=10) ax3.legend(frameon=False) ax3.vlines(0, 0, 180, color='k', linestyles=':') ax3.set_ylim((0, 600)) ax3.set_xlim((0, 4)) ax3.set_ylabel(r'count') ax3.set_xlabel(r'$s_{\tau}$ [ms]') without_spines_and_ticks(ax3) adjust_position(ax3, xshrink=0.02) plt.title('c', loc='left', fontsize=18) # -------------- second row # plot map of delay within half peak domain == return_current_delay ax4 = plt.subplot(234) ax4.scatter(x, y, c=return_current_delay, s=10, marker='o', edgecolor='None', cmap='gray_r') cross_hair(ax4, x_AIS, y_AIS) ax4.text(300, 300, r'$\tau \in \delta_h$', fontsize=18, bbox=dict(facecolor='white', pad=5, edgecolor='none')) mea_axes(ax4) plt.title('d', loc='left', fontsize=18) # plot map of thresholded std_delay ax5 = plt.subplot(235) ax5.scatter(x, y, c=valid_delay, s=10, marker='o', edgecolor='None', cmap='gray_r') ax5.text(300, 300, r'$s_{\tau} < s_{min}$', fontsize=18, bbox=dict(facecolor='white', pad=5, edgecolor='none')) cross_hair(ax5, x_AIS, y_AIS) mea_axes(ax5) plt.title('e', loc='left', fontsize=18) # plot map of dendrite ax6 = plt.subplot(236) ax6.scatter(x, y, c=dendrite, s=10, marker='o', edgecolor='None', cmap='gray_r') ax6.text(300, 300, 'dendrite', fontsize=14, bbox=dict(facecolor='white', pad=5, edgecolor='none')) cross_hair(ax6, x_AIS, y_AIS) mea_axes(ax6) plt.title('f', loc='left', fontsize=18) show_or_savefig(figpath, figurename)
def make_figure(figurename, figpath=None): V, t, x, y, trigger, neuron = AxonExperiment(FIGURE_CULTURE).traces(FIGURE_NEURON) t *= 1000 # convert to ms # Neighborhood from electrode positions neighbors = electrode_neighborhoods(mea='hidens', x=x, y=y) Model1 = ModelDiscriminatorBakkum(), V, pnr_threshold=5) Model1.predict() Model2 = ModelDiscriminatorBullmann(), V, neighbors) Model2.predict() evaluation = AxonExperiment(FIGURE_CULTURE).comparison_of_discriminators(FIGURE_NEURONS) # Plotting Frames A~E fig = plt.figure(figurename, figsize=(13, 10)) if not figpath: fig.suptitle(figurename + ' Comparison of segmentation methods', fontsize=14, fontweight='bold') plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, right=0.95, top=0.90, bottom=0.05) ax1 = plt.subplot(231) Model1.plot(ax1, xlabel=r'$\log_{10}(V_{n}/\sigma_{V})$', fontsize=14) adjust_position(ax1, xshrink=0.01) ax1.text(-0.3,450, 'Method I', size=14) ax1.set_ylim((0,500)) without_spines_and_ticks(ax1) ax1.annotate('(fixed) threshold \n$%d\sigma_{V}$' % np.power(10, Model1.threshold), xy=(Model1.threshold, 0), xytext=(Model1.threshold, 200), arrowprops=dict(facecolor='black', width=1), size=14) plt.title('a', loc='left', fontsize=18) ax2 = plt.subplot(232) Model2.plot(ax2, xlabel=r'$\frac{s_{\tau}}{T/2}$', fontsize=20) adjust_position(ax2, xshrink=0.01) ax2.text(0.1,450, 'Method II', size=14) ax2.set_ylim((0,500)) without_spines_and_ticks(ax2) ax2.annotate('(adaptive) threshold \n$s_{min}=%1.3f$ms' % Model2.threshold, xy=(Model2.threshold, 0), xytext=(Model2.threshold, 200), arrowprops=dict(facecolor='black', width=1), size=14) plt.title('b', loc='left', fontsize=18) ax3 = plt.subplot(233) Model1.plot_ROC(ax3, color='blue', marker='d', label = 'I') Model2.plot_ROC(ax3, color='black', marker='o', label = 'II') without_spines_and_ticks(ax3) ax3.plot((0,1),(0,1), 'k--', label ='chance') ax3.set_xlim((0,1)) ax3.set_ylim((0,1)) ax3.legend(loc=4, scatterpoints=1, frameon=False) plt.title('c', loc='left', fontsize=18) ax4 = plt.subplot(234) Model1.plot_Map(ax4, x, y) ax4.text(300, 300, r'I: $V_{n} > %d\sigma_{V}; \tau > \tau_{AIS}$' % np.power(10, Model1.threshold), bbox=dict(facecolor='white', pad=5, edgecolor='none'), size=14) mea_axes(ax4) plt.title('d', loc='left', fontsize=18) ax5 = plt.subplot(235) Model2.plot_Map(ax5, x, y) ax5.text(300, 300, r'II: $s_{\tau} < s_{min}; \tau > \tau_{AIS}$', bbox=dict(facecolor='white', pad=5, edgecolor='none'), size=14) mea_axes(ax5) plt.title('e', loc='left', fontsize=18) # Plotting Evaluation ax6 =plt.subplot(2,9,16) plot_pairwise_comparison(ax6, evaluation, 'AUC', ylim=(0, 0.5), legend=False) adjust_position(ax6, yshrink = 0.05) plt.title('f', loc='left', fontsize=18) ax6b =plt.subplot(2,9,17) plot_pairwise_comparison(ax6b, evaluation, 'TPR', ylim=(0, 1), legend=False) adjust_position(ax6b, xshift = 0.01, yshrink = 0.05) plt.title('g', loc='left', fontsize=18) ax6c =plt.subplot(2,9,18) plot_pairwise_comparison(ax6c, evaluation, 'FPR', ylim=(0, 0.02), legend=False) adjust_position(ax6c, xshift = 0.02, yshrink = 0.05) plt.title('h', loc='left', fontsize=18) show_or_savefig(figpath, figurename)
def make_figure(figurename, figpath=None): # Load electrode coordinates neighbors = electrode_neighborhoods(mea='hidens') # Load example data V, t, x, y, trigger, neuron = AxonExperiment(FIGURE_CULTURE).traces( FIGURE_NEURON) t *= 1000 # convert to ms # Load background images images = AxonExperiment(FIGURE_CULTURE).images(FIGURE_NEURON, type='axon') # Verbose axon segmentation function delay, mean_delay, std_delay, expected_std_delay, thr, valid_delay, index_AIS, positive_delay, axon \ = segment_axon_verbose(t, V, neighbors) # Plot figure fig = plt.figure(figurename, figsize=(13, 7)) # Map activity triggers, AIS, delays, positive_peak = AxonExperiment( FIGURE_CULTURE).compartments() map_data = AxonExperiment(FIGURE_CULTURE).event_map() ax1 = plt.subplot(121) ax1.scatter( map_data['x'], map_data['y'], # s=10, s=0.75 * np.sqrt(map_data['count']), c=-map_data['median_neg_peak'], marker='o', edgecolor='none',, vmin=0, vmax=100, alpha=1) # trigger_indicies = np.unique(triggers.values()).astype(np.int16)-1 # ax1.scatter(x[trigger_indicies],y[trigger_indicies], 10, color='red', marker='x') # trigger_indicies = Experiment(FIGURE_CULTURE).fixed_electrodes()['el']-1 # ax1.scatter(x[trigger_indicies], y[trigger_indicies], 10, color='green', marker='+') print(max(map_data['count'])) print(min(map_data['median_neg_peak'])) # cross_hair(ax1, x[index_AIS], y[index_AIS], color='red') mea_axes(ax1) # Map axons for Bullmann's method ax2 = plt.subplot(122) max_axon_delay = np.around(np.nanmax( restrict_to_compartment(mean_delay, axon)), decimals=1) V2size = lambda x: np.sqrt(np.abs(x)) * 5 images.plot(alpha=0.5) radius = V2size(V) ax2.scatter(x[axon], y[axon], s=radius[axon], c=delay[axon], marker='o', edgecolor='none',, vmin=0, vmax=max_axon_delay, alpha=1) # cross_hair(ax2, x[index_AIS], y[index_AIS], color='red') mea_axes(ax2) # # Colorbar and Size legend for A, B, D, E # ax6 = plt.subplot(322) # for legend_V in [1, 3, 10, 30, 100]: # plt.scatter([], [], s=V2size(legend_V), color='gray', edgecolor='none', label='%d' % legend_V) # leg = plt.legend(loc=2, scatterpoints=1, frameon=False, title=r'$\mathsf{V_n\ [\mu V]}\ \ \ \ \ $') # leg.get_title().set_fontsize(14) # plt.axis('off') # adjust_position(ax6, xshrink=0.05, yshrink=0.02, xshift=-0.04) # divider = make_axes_locatable(ax6) # cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="10%", pad=0.05) # # norm = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=max_axon_delay) # cbar = mpl.colorbar.ColorbarBase(cax, #, # norm=norm, # orientation='vertical') # cbar.set_label(r'$\mathsf{\tau_{axon}\ [ms]}$', fontsize=14) show_or_savefig(figpath, figurename) plt.close() # Plot traces over high res background images images = AxonExperiment(FIGURE_CULTURE).images(FIGURE_NEURON, type='axonhires') fig = plt.figure(figurename, figsize=(13, 13)) ax = plt.subplot(111) images.plot(alpha=0.5) plot_traces(ax, x, y, axon, delay, t, V, max_axon_delay) mea_axes(ax) show_or_savefig(figpath, figurename + "_full_arbor", dpi=1200) plt.close()
def make_figure(figurename, figpath=None): # Load electrode coordinates neighbors = electrode_neighborhoods(mea='hidens') # Load example data V, t, x, y, trigger, neuron = AxonExperiment(FIGURE_CULTURE).traces( FIGURE_NEURON) t *= 1000 # convert to ms # Verbose axon segmentation function delay, mean_delay, std_delay, expected_std_delay, thr, valid_delay, index_AIS, positive_delay, axon \ = segment_axon_verbose(t, V, neighbors)'Axonal delays:'), axon)) # Making figure fig = plt.figure(figurename, figsize=(13, 13)) if not figpath: fig.suptitle( figurename + ' Segmentation of the axon based on negative peak at neighboring electrodes', fontsize=14, fontweight='bold') plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.10, right=0.95, top=0.90, bottom=0.05) # Define examples background_color = 'green' index_background_example = 500 indices_background = neighborhood(neighbors, index_background_example) foreground_color = 'blue' index_foreground_example = 8624 indices_foreground = neighborhood(neighbors, index_foreground_example) # -------------- first row # subplot original unaligned traces ax1 = plt.subplot(331) V_AIS = V[index_AIS] # Showing AIS trace in different color V_axons = V[np.where(axon)] # Showing AIS trace in different color ax1.plot(t, V.T, '-', color='gray', label='all') ax1.plot(t, V_axons.T, '-', color='black', label='axons') ax1.plot(t, V_AIS, 'r-', label='AIS') ax1.scatter(delay[index_AIS], -550, marker='^', s=100, edgecolor='None', facecolor='red') plt.annotate('', (delay[index_AIS] + 2, 150), (delay[index_AIS], 150), arrowprops={ 'arrowstyle': '->', 'color': 'red', 'shrinkA': 0, 'shrinkB': 0 }) annotate_x_bar(delay[index_AIS] + (0, 2), 150, text=r'$\tau > \tau_{AIS}$', arrowstyle='->') legend_without_multiple_labels(ax1, loc=4, frameon=False) ax1.set_xlim((-4, 4)) ax1.set_ylabel(r'V [$\mu$V]') ax1.set_xlabel(r'$\Delta$t [ms]') without_spines_and_ticks(ax1) # label_subplot(ax1, 'A', xoffset=-0.04, yoffset=-0.015) plt.title('a', loc='left', fontsize=18) # subplot delay map ax2 = plt.subplot(332) h1 = ax2.scatter(x, y, c=delay, s=10, marker='o', edgecolor='None', cmap='gray') h2 = plt.colorbar(h1) h2.set_label(r'$\tau$ [ms]') h2.set_ticks(np.linspace(-4, 4, num=9)) add_AIS_and_example_neighborhoods(ax2, x, y, index_AIS, indices_background, indices_foreground) mea_axes(ax2) # label_subplot(ax2, 'B', xoffset=-0.015, yoffset=-0.015) plt.title('b', loc='left', fontsize=18) # subplot histogram of delays ax3 = plt.subplot(333) ax3.hist(delay, bins=len(t), facecolor='gray', edgecolor='gray', label='measured') ax3.scatter(delay[index_AIS], 10, marker='v', s=100, edgecolor='None', facecolor='red', zorder=10) ax3.hlines(len(x) / len(t), min(t), max(t), color='k', linestyles='--', label='uniform') ax3.legend(loc=2, frameon=False) ax3.set_ylim((0, 200)) ax3.set_xlim((min(t), max(t))) ax3.set_ylabel(r'count') ax3.set_xlabel(r'$\tau$ [ms]') without_spines_and_ticks(ax3) adjust_position(ax3, xshrink=0.02) # label_subplot(ax3, 'C', xoffset=-0.04, yoffset=-0.015) plt.title('c', loc='left', fontsize=18) # ------------- second row # Subplot neighborhood with uncorrelated negative peaks ax4 = plt.subplot(637) plot_traces_and_delays(ax4, V, t, delay, indices_background, offset=-2, ylim=(-10, 5), color=background_color, label='no axon') ax4.text(-3.5, -7.5, r'$s_{\tau}$ = %0.3f ms' % std_delay[index_background_example], color=background_color) ax4.set_yticks([-10, -5, 0, 5]) legend_without_multiple_labels(ax4, loc=4, frameon=False) # label_subplot(ax4, 'D', xoffset=-0.04, yoffset=-0.015) plt.title('d', loc='left', fontsize=18) # Subplot neighborhood with correlated negative peaks ax5 = fig.add_subplot(6, 3, 10) plot_traces_and_delays(ax5, V, t, delay, indices_foreground, offset=-20, ylim=(-30, 10), color=foreground_color, label='axon') ax5.text(-3.5, -22, r'$s_{\tau}$ = %0.3f ms' % std_delay[index_foreground_example], color=foreground_color) ax5.set_yticks([-30, -20, -10, 0, 10]) legend_without_multiple_labels(ax5, loc=4, frameon=False) # label_subplot(ax5, 'E', xoffset=-0.04, yoffset=-0.015) plt.title('e', loc='left', fontsize=18) # subplot std_delay map ax6 = plt.subplot(335) h1 = ax6.scatter(x, y, c=std_delay, s=10, marker='o', edgecolor='None', cmap='gray') h2 = plt.colorbar(h1, boundaries=np.linspace(0, 4, num=256)) h2.set_label(r'$s_{\tau}$ [ms]') h2.set_ticks(np.arange(0, 4.5, step=0.5)) add_AIS_and_example_neighborhoods(ax6, x, y, index_AIS, indices_background, indices_foreground) mea_axes(ax6) # label_subplot(ax6, 'F', xoffset=-0.015, yoffset=-0.01) plt.title('f', loc='left', fontsize=18) # subplot std_delay histogram ax7 = plt.subplot(336) ax7.hist(std_delay, bins=np.arange(0, max(delay), step=DELAY_EPSILON), facecolor='gray', edgecolor='gray', label='no axons') ax7.hist(std_delay, bins=np.arange(0, thr, step=DELAY_EPSILON), facecolor='k', edgecolor='k', label='axons') ax7.scatter(std_delay[index_foreground_example], 25, marker='v', s=100, edgecolor='None', facecolor=foreground_color, zorder=10) ax7.scatter(std_delay[index_background_example], 25, marker='v', s=100, edgecolor='None', facecolor=background_color, zorder=10) ax7.scatter(expected_std_delay, 25, marker='v', s=100, edgecolor='black', facecolor='gray', zorder=10) ax7.text(expected_std_delay, 30, r'$\frac{8}{\sqrt{12}}$ ms', horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='bottom', zorder=10) ax7.legend(loc=2, frameon=False) ax7.vlines(0, 0, 180, color='k', linestyles=':') ax7.set_ylim((0, 600)) ax7.set_xlim((0, 4)) ax7.set_ylabel(r'count') ax7.set_xlabel(r'$s_{\tau}$ [ms]') without_spines_and_ticks(ax7) adjust_position(ax7, xshrink=0.02) # label_subplot(ax7, 'G', xoffset=-0.04, yoffset=-0.01) plt.title('g', loc='left', fontsize=18) # ------------- third row # plot map of delay greater delay of AIS == positive_delay ax8 = plt.subplot(337) ax8.scatter(x, y, c=positive_delay, s=10, marker='o', edgecolor='None', cmap='gray_r') add_AIS_and_example_neighborhoods(ax8, x, y, index_AIS, indices_background, indices_foreground) ax8.text(300, 300, r'$\tau > \tau_{AIS}$', fontsize=18, bbox=dict(facecolor='white', pad=5, edgecolor='none')) mea_axes(ax8) adjust_position(ax8, yshrink=0.02) plt.title('h', loc='left', fontsize=18) # plot map of thresholded std_delay ax9 = plt.subplot(338) ax9.scatter(x, y, c=valid_delay, s=10, marker='o', edgecolor='None', cmap='gray_r') ax9.text(300, 300, r'$s_{\tau} < s_{min}$', fontsize=18, bbox=dict(facecolor='white', pad=5, edgecolor='none')) add_AIS_and_example_neighborhoods(ax9, x, y, index_AIS, indices_background, indices_foreground) mea_axes(ax9) adjust_position(ax9, yshrink=0.02) plt.title('i', loc='left', fontsize=18) # plot map of axon ax10 = plt.subplot(339) ax10.scatter(x, y, c=axon, s=10, marker='o', edgecolor='None', cmap='gray_r') ax10.text(300, 300, 'axon', fontsize=18, bbox=dict(facecolor='white', pad=5, edgecolor='none')) add_AIS_and_example_neighborhoods(ax10, x, y, index_AIS, indices_background, indices_foreground) mea_axes(ax10) adjust_position(ax10, yshrink=0.02) plt.title('j', loc='left', fontsize=18) show_or_savefig(figpath, figurename)