def test_quaternion_to_transformation_matrix(self):
     q = Quaternion(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
     transformation_matrix = q.to_transformation_matrix()
     expected_transformation_matrix = np.array([[0, 0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0],
                                                [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]])
 def test_multiplication_with_scalar(self):
     qr = Quaternion(0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 0.5)
     qt = Quaternion(1, 3, 3, 0)
     dq = DualQuaternion(qr, qt)
     dq_expected = np.array([1.25, 1.25, -1.25, 1.25, 2.5, 7.5, 7.5, 0]).T
     # Note, the scaling only applies to the translational part.
     npt.assert_allclose((dq * 2.5).dq, dq_expected)
def compute_orientation_mean_and_rmse_absolute(q_AB_list, q_AC_list):
    assert q_AB_list.shape == q_AC_list.shape
    assert q_AC_list.shape[1] == 4

    q_AB_0 = Quaternion(q_AB_list[0, 0], q_AB_list[0, 1], q_AB_list[0, 2],
                        q_AB_list[0, 3])
    q_AC_0 = Quaternion(q_AC_list[0, 0], q_AC_list[0, 1], q_AC_list[0, 2],
                        q_AC_list[0, 3])

    orientation_errors_rad = np.zeros(q_AB_list.shape[0])
    for idx in range(q_AB_list.shape[0]):
        q_AB_xyzw = q_AB_list[idx, :]
        q_AC_xyzw = q_AC_list[idx, :]
        q_AB = Quaternion(q_AB_xyzw[0], q_AB_xyzw[1], q_AB_xyzw[2],
        q_AC = Quaternion(q_AC_xyzw[0], q_AC_xyzw[1], q_AC_xyzw[2],

        # Zero the (arbitary) initial poses.
        q_AB = q_AB_0.inverse() * q_AB
        q_AC = q_AC_0.inverse() * q_AC

        q_BC = q_AB.inverse() * q_AC
        angle_BC = q_BC.angle_axis()[3]
        if angle_BC > np.pi:
            angle_BC -= 2 * np.pi

        assert q_AC_list.shape[1] == 4

        assert angle_BC <= np.pi
        assert angle_BC >= -np.pi
        orientation_errors_rad[idx] = np.abs(angle_BC)
    return ErrorStatistics(orientation_errors_rad)
Exemple #4
def read_time_stamped_poses_from_csv_file(csv_file,
  Reads time stamped poses from a CSV file.
  Assumes the following line format:
    timestamp [s], x [m], y [m], z [m], qx, qy, qz, qw
  The quaternion is expected in Hamilton format, if JPL_quaternion_format is True
  it expects JPL quaternions and they will be converted to Hamiltonian quaternions.
    with open(csv_file, 'r') as csvfile:
        csv_reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='|')
        time_stamped_poses = np.array(list(csv_reader))
        time_stamped_poses = time_stamped_poses.astype(float)

    # Extract the quaternions from the poses.
    times = time_stamped_poses[:, 0].copy()
    poses = time_stamped_poses[:, 1:]

    quaternions = []
    for pose in poses:
        pose[3:] /= np.linalg.norm(pose[3:])
        if JPL_quaternion_format:
            quaternion_JPL = np.array([-pose[3], -pose[4], -pose[5], pose[6]])

    return (time_stamped_poses.copy(), times, quaternions)
 def test_scalar(self):
     qr = Quaternion(1, 2, 3, 4)
     qt = Quaternion(1, 3, 3, 1)
     dq = DualQuaternion(qr, qt)
     scalar = dq.scalar()
     scalar_expected = np.array([0., 0., 0., 4., 0., 0., 0., 1.]).T
     npt.assert_allclose(scalar.dq, scalar_expected, atol=1e-6)
 def from_vector(cls, dq):
     dual_quaternion_vector = None
     if isinstance(dq, np.ndarray):
         dual_quaternion_vector = dq.copy()
         dual_quaternion_vector = np.array(dq)
     return cls(Quaternion(q=dual_quaternion_vector[0:4]),
 def test_division(self):
     qr_1 = Quaternion(1, 2, 3, 4)
     qt_1 = Quaternion(1, 3, 3, 6)
     dq_1 = DualQuaternion(qr_1, qt_1)
     identity_dq = np.array([0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0.]).T
     npt.assert_allclose((dq_1 / dq_1).dq, identity_dq, atol=1e-6)
     # TODO(ff): Fix this test.
     qr_2 = Quaternion(1, 4, 5, 1)
     qt_2 = Quaternion(-4, 2, 3, 4)
     dq_2 = DualQuaternion(qr_2, qt_2)
    def test_addition(self):
        qr_1 = Quaternion(1., 2., 3., 4.)
        qt_1 = Quaternion(1., 3., 3., 0.)
        dq_1 = DualQuaternion(qr_1, qt_1)

        qr_2 = Quaternion(3., 5., 3., 2.)
        qt_2 = Quaternion(-4., 2., 3., 0.)
        dq_2 = DualQuaternion(qr_2, qt_2)

        dq_expected = np.array([4., 7., 6., 6., -3., 5., 6., 0.]).T

        npt.assert_allclose((dq_1 + dq_2).dq, dq_expected, rtol=1e-6)
 def test_multiplication(self):
     qr_1 = Quaternion(1., 2., 3., 4.)
     qt_1 = Quaternion(1., 3., 3., 0.)
     dq_1 = DualQuaternion(qr_1, qt_1)
     qr_2 = Quaternion(1., 4., 5., 1.)
     qt_2 = Quaternion(-4., 2., 3., 0.)
     dq_2 = DualQuaternion(qr_2, qt_2)
     # TODO(ff): Check this by hand. (And check if we shouldn't always get 0
     # scalars for the rotational quaternion of the dual quaternion).
     dq_expected = DualQuaternion(
         dq_1.q_rot * dq_2.q_rot,
         dq_1.q_rot * dq_2.q_dual + dq_1.q_dual * dq_2.q_rot)
     npt.assert_allclose((dq_1 * dq_2).dq, dq_expected.dq)
 def test_conjugate_identity(self):
     qr = Quaternion(1, 2, 3, 4)
     qt = Quaternion(1, 3, 3, 0)
     dq = DualQuaternion(qr, qt)
     # TODO(ff): Here we should use dq*dq.conjugate() in one
     # place.
     q_rot_identity = dq.q_rot * dq.q_rot.conjugate()
     q_dual_identity = (dq.q_rot.conjugate() * dq.q_dual +
                        dq.q_dual.conjugate() * dq.q_rot)
     identity_dq_expected = DualQuaternion(q_rot_identity, q_dual_identity)
     npt.assert_allclose((dq * dq.conjugate()).dq,
Exemple #11
def compute_orientation_mean_and_rmse_relative(q_AB_list, q_AC_list):
    assert q_AB_list.shape == q_AC_list.shape
    assert q_AC_list.shape[1] == 4

    orientation_errors_rad = np.zeros(q_AB_list.shape[0] - 1)
    for idx in range(q_AB_list.shape[0] - 1):
        q_ABk = Quaternion(q_AB_list[idx, 0], q_AB_list[idx, 1],
                           q_AB_list[idx, 2], q_AB_list[idx, 3])
        q_ACk = Quaternion(q_AC_list[idx, 0], q_AC_list[idx, 1],
                           q_AC_list[idx, 2], q_AC_list[idx, 3])

        q_ABkp1 = Quaternion(q_AB_list[idx + 1, 0], q_AB_list[idx + 1, 1],
                             q_AB_list[idx + 1, 2], q_AB_list[idx + 1, 3])
        q_ACkp1 = Quaternion(q_AC_list[idx + 1, 0], q_AC_list[idx + 1, 1],
                             q_AC_list[idx + 1, 2], q_AC_list[idx + 1, 3])

        q_Bk_Bkp1 = q_ABk.inverse() * q_ABkp1
        q_Ck_Ckp1 = q_ACk.inverse() * q_ACkp1

        q_error = q_Bk_Bkp1.inverse() * q_Ck_Ckp1
        angle_error = q_error.angle_axis()[3]

        if angle_error > np.pi:
            angle_error -= 2 * np.pi
        assert angle_error <= np.pi
        assert angle_error >= -np.pi
        orientation_errors_rad[idx] = np.abs(angle_error)
    return ErrorStatistics(orientation_errors_rad)
 def test_normalize(self):
     qr = Quaternion(1, 2, 3, 4)
     qt = Quaternion(1, 3, 3, 0)
     dq = DualQuaternion(qr, qt)
     dq_normalized = np.array([
         0.18257419, 0.36514837, 0.54772256, 0.73029674, 0.18257419,
         0.54772256, 0.54772256, 0.
     npt.assert_allclose(dq.dq, dq_normalized)
     dq_2 = DualQuaternion.from_pose(1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1)
     dq_2_normalized = np.array([0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0., 1., 0.5, -1.5]).T
     npt.assert_allclose(dq_2.dq, dq_2_normalized)
def compute_loop_error(results_dq_H_E, num_poses_sets, visualize=False):
    calibration_transformation_chain = []

    # Add point at origin to represent the first coordinate
    # frame in the chain of transformations.
        DualQuaternion(Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 1), Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 0)))

    # Add first transformation

    # Create chain of transformations from the first frame to the last.
    i = 0
    idx = 0
    while i < (num_poses_sets - 2):
        idx += (num_poses_sets - i - 1)
        i += 1

    # Add inverse of first to last frame to close the loop.
    calibration_transformation_chain.append(results_dq_H_E[num_poses_sets -

    # Check loop.
    assert len(calibration_transformation_chain) == (num_poses_sets + 1), (
        len(calibration_transformation_chain), (num_poses_sets + 1))

    # Chain the transformations together to get points we can plot.
    poses_to_plot = []
    dq_tmp = DualQuaternion(Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 1), Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 0))
    for i in range(0, len(calibration_transformation_chain)):
        dq_tmp *= calibration_transformation_chain[i]

     loop_error_orientation) = compute_pose_error(poses_to_plot[0],

    print("Error when closing the loop of hand eye calibrations - position: {}"
          " m orientation: {} deg".format(loop_error_position,

    if visualize:
        assert len(poses_to_plot) == len(calibration_transformation_chain)
                   title="Hand-Eye Calibration Results - Closing The Loop")

    # Compute error of loop.
    return (loop_error_position, loop_error_orientation)
Exemple #14
def csv_row_data_to_transformation(A_p_AB, q_AB_np):
  Constructs a proper transformation matrix out of the given translation vector
  and quaternion.

  Returns: 4x4 transformation matrix.
    assert (math.fabs(1.0 - np.linalg.norm(q_AB_np)) < 1e-8)
    T_AB = np.identity(4)
    q_AB = Quaternion(q=q_AB_np)
    R_AB = q_AB.to_rotation_matrix()
    T_AB[0:3, 0:3] = R_AB
    T_AB[0:3, 3] = A_p_AB
    return T_AB
Exemple #15
def compute_orientation_mean_and_rmse(q_AB_list, q_AC_list):
    assert q_AB_list.shape == q_AC_list.shape
    assert (q_AC_list.shape[1] == 4)
    orientation_errors_rad = np.zeros(q_AB_list.shape[0])

    for idx in range(q_AB_list.shape[0]):
        q_AB_xyzw = q_AB_list[idx, :]
        q_AC_xyzw = q_AC_list[idx, :]
        q_AB = Quaternion(q_AB_xyzw[0], q_AB_xyzw[1], q_AB_xyzw[2],
        q_AC = Quaternion(q_AC_xyzw[0], q_AC_xyzw[1], q_AC_xyzw[2],
        q_BC = q_AB.inverse() * q_AC
        orientation_errors_rad[idx] = q_BC.angle_axis()[3]
    return np.mean(orientation_errors_rad), RMSE(orientation_errors_rad)
def interpolate_poses_from_samples(time_stamped_poses, samples):
  Interpolate time stamped poses at the time stamps provided in samples.
  The poses are expected in the following format:
    [timestamp [s], x [m], y [m], z [m], qx, qy, qz, qw]

  We apply linear interpolation to the position and use SLERP for
  the quaternion interpolation.

  # Extract the quaternions from the poses.
  quaternions = []
  for pose in time_stamped_poses[:, 1:]:

  # interpolate the quaternions.
  quaternions_interp = resample_quaternions_from_samples(
      time_stamped_poses[:, 0], quaternions, samples)

  # Interpolate the position and assemble the full aligned pose vector.
  num_poses = samples.shape[0]
  aligned_poses = np.zeros((num_poses, time_stamped_poses.shape[1]))
  aligned_poses[:, 0] = samples[:]

  for i in [1, 2, 3]:
    aligned_poses[:, i] = np.interp(
        np.asarray(time_stamped_poses[:, 0]).ravel(),
        np.asarray(time_stamped_poses[:, i]).ravel())

  for i in range(0, num_poses):
    aligned_poses[i, 4:8] = quaternions_interp[i].q

  return aligned_poses.copy()
Exemple #17
def load_dataset(csv_file, input_format="maplab_console"):
    Loads a dataset in one of the supported formats and returns a Nx8 matrix
    with the trajectory from the dataset with the following columns:
    timestamp [s], position x, y, z [m], quaternion x, y, z, w

    Supported formats:
      - end_to_end (same as internal end_to_end representation)
      - maplab_console (output of csv_export command in maplab)
      - rovioli (output of --export_estimated_poses_to_csv flag from ROVIOLI)
      - euroc_ground_truth (euroc ground truth CSVs as can be downloaded with
                            the datasets)
      - orbslam (output from running ORB-SLAM)
    assert os.path.isfile(csv_file), "File " + csv_file + " doesn't exist."

    trajectory = np.zeros((0, 8))
    if input_format.lower() == "end_to_end":
        trajectory = np.genfromtxt(csv_file, delimiter=',', skip_header=0)
    elif input_format.lower() == "maplab_console":
        trajectory = np.genfromtxt(csv_file, delimiter=',', skip_header=1)
        trajectory = trajectory[:, 1:9]
        trajectory[:, 0] *= NANOSECONDS_TO_SECONDS
    elif input_format.lower() == "rovioli":
        # Compute T_G_I from T_G_M and T_G_I.
        estimator_data_raw = np.genfromtxt(csv_file,
        num_elements = estimator_data_raw.shape[0]
        trajectory = np.zeros((num_elements, 8))
        for i in range(num_elements):
            trajectory[i, 0] = estimator_data_raw[i, 0]

            T_G_M = csv_row_data_to_transformation(estimator_data_raw[i, 1:4],
                                                   estimator_data_raw[i, 4:8])
            T_M_I = csv_row_data_to_transformation(
                estimator_data_raw[i, 8:11], estimator_data_raw[i, 11:15])
            T_G_M =, T_M_I)
            trajectory[i, 1:4] = T_G_M[0:3, 3]
            q_G_I = Quaternion.from_rotation_matrix(T_G_M[0:3, 0:3])
            trajectory[i, 4:8] = q_G_I.q
    elif input_format.lower() == "euroc_ground_truth":
        trajectory = np.genfromtxt(csv_file, delimiter=',', skip_header=1)
        # We need to bring the Euroc ground truth data into the format required
        # by hand-eye calibration.
        trajectory[:, 0] *= NANOSECONDS_TO_SECONDS
        # Reorder quaternion wxyz -> xyzw.
        trajectory[:, [4, 5, 6, 7]] = trajectory[:, [5, 6, 7, 4]]
        # Remove remaining columns.
        trajectory = trajectory[:, 0:8]
    elif input_format.lower() == "orbslam":
        trajectory = np.genfromtxt(csv_file, delimiter=' ', skip_header=0)
        # TODO(eggerk): Check quaternion convention from ORBSLAM.
        print "Unknown estimator input format."
        print "Valid options are maplab_console, rovioli, orbslam."
        assert False

    return trajectory
 def test_slerp(self):
     q_1 = Quaternion(1, 2, 3, 4)
     q_2 = Quaternion(2, 3, 4, 5)
     q_expected = np.array([
         0.22772264489951, 0.38729833462074169, 0.54687402434197,
     npt.assert_allclose(quaternion_slerp(q_1, q_2, 0.5).q, q_expected)
 def test_nlerp(self):
     q_1 = Quaternion(1, 2, 3, 4)
     q_2 = Quaternion(2, 3, 4, 5)
     q_expected = np.array([0.22772264, 0.38729833, 0.54687402,
     npt.assert_allclose(quaternion_nlerp(q_1, q_2, 0.5).q,
 def test_lerp(self):
     q_1 = Quaternion(1, 2, 3, 4)
     q_2 = Quaternion(2, 3, 4, 5)
     q_expected = np.array([0.22736986, 0.38669833, 0.54602681,
     npt.assert_allclose(quaternion_lerp(q_1, q_2, 0.5).q,
Exemple #21
def spoil_initial_guess(time_offset_initial_guess, dq_H_E_initial_guess, angular_offset_range,
                        translation_offset_range, time_offset_range):
  """ Apply a random perturbation to the calibration."""

  random_time_offset_offset = np.random.uniform(
      time_offset_range[0], time_offset_range[1]) * random.choice([-1., 1.])

  # Get a random unit vector
  random_translation_offset = np.random.uniform(-1.0, 1.0, 3)
  random_translation_offset /= np.linalg.norm(random_translation_offset)
  assert np.isclose(np.linalg.norm(random_translation_offset), 1., atol=1e-8)

  # Scale unit vector to a random length between 0 and max_translation_offset.
  random_translation_length = np.random.uniform(
      translation_offset_range[0], translation_offset_range[1])
  random_translation_offset *= random_translation_length

  # Get orientation offset of at most max_angular_offset.
  random_quaternion_offset = Quaternion.get_random(
      angular_offset_range[0], angular_offset_range[1])

  translation_initial_guess = dq_H_E_initial_guess.to_pose()[0: 3]
  orientation_initial_guess = dq_H_E_initial_guess.q_rot

  time_offset_spoiled = time_offset_initial_guess + random_time_offset_offset
  translation_spoiled = random_translation_offset + translation_initial_guess
  orientation_spoiled = random_quaternion_offset * orientation_initial_guess

  # Check if we spoiled correctly.
  random_angle_offset = angle_between_quaternions(
      orientation_initial_guess, orientation_spoiled)

  assert random_angle_offset <= angular_offset_range[1]
  assert random_angle_offset >= angular_offset_range[0]

  assert np.linalg.norm(translation_spoiled -
                        translation_initial_guess) <= translation_offset_range[1]
  assert np.linalg.norm(translation_spoiled -
                        translation_initial_guess) >= translation_offset_range[0]

  # Get random orientation that distorts the original orientation by at most
  # max_angular_offset rad.
  dq_H_E_spoiled = DualQuaternion.from_pose(
      translation_spoiled[0], translation_spoiled[1], translation_spoiled[2],
      orientation_spoiled.q[0], orientation_spoiled.q[1],
      orientation_spoiled.q[2], orientation_spoiled.q[3])

  print("dq_H_E_initial_guess: {}".format(dq_H_E_initial_guess.dq))
  print("dq_H_E_spoiled: {}".format(dq_H_E_spoiled.dq))

  print("time_offset_initial_guess: {}".format(time_offset_initial_guess))
  print("time_offset_spoiled: {}".format(time_offset_spoiled))

  print("random_quaternion_offset: {}".format(random_quaternion_offset.q))

  return (time_offset_spoiled, dq_H_E_spoiled,
          (random_translation_offset, random_angle_offset, random_time_offset_offset))
    def from_transformation_matrix(cls, transformation_matrix):
        q_rot = Quaternion.from_rotation_matrix(transformation_matrix[0:3,

        pose_vec = np.zeros(7)
        pose_vec[3:7] = q_rot.q
        pose_vec[0:3] = transformation_matrix[0:3, 3]

        return cls.from_pose_vector(pose_vec)
Exemple #23
def generate_test_path(n_samples,
    # Create a sine for x, cos for y and linear motion for z.
    # Rotate around the curve, while keeping the x-axis perpendicular to the
    # curve.
    dual_quaternions = []
    t = np.linspace(0, 1, num=n_samples)
    x = 10.0 + np.cos(4 * np.pi * t)
    y = -5.0 + -np.sin(4 * np.pi * t) * 4
    z = 0.5 + t * 5
    theta = 4 * np.pi * t
    outliers = []
    for i in range(n_samples):
        q_tmp = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(
            0., -theta[i] * 0.1, -theta[i], 'rxyz')
        if include_outliers:
            if np.random.rand() < outlier_probability:
                q_tmp = np.random.rand(4)
                x[i] = np.random.rand() * max(x) * (
                    -1 if np.random.rand() < 0.5 else 0)
                y[i] = np.random.rand() * max(y) * (
                    -1 if np.random.rand() < 0.5 else 0)
                z[i] = np.random.rand() * max(z) * (
                    -1 if np.random.rand() < 0.5 else 0)
        if include_noise:
            # Add zero mean gaussian noise with sigma noise_sigma.
            x[i] += np.random.normal(0.0, noise_sigma_trans)
            y[i] += np.random.normal(0.0, noise_sigma_trans)
            z[i] += np.random.normal(0.0, noise_sigma_trans)
            # TODO(ff): Fix this, there should only be 3 random numbers drawn.
            axis_noise_x = np.random.normal(0.0, noise_sigma_rot)
            axis_noise_y = np.random.normal(0.0, noise_sigma_rot)
            axis_noise_z = np.random.normal(0.0, noise_sigma_rot)
            angle_noise = np.pi * np.random.normal(0.0, noise_sigma_rot)

            q_noise = Quaternion.from_angle_axis(
                angle_noise, (axis_noise_x, axis_noise_y, axis_noise_z))
            q_noise_free = Quaternion(q=q_tmp)
            q = q_noise * q_noise_free * q_noise.inverse()
            q = Quaternion(q=q_tmp)
        if q.w < 0.0:
            q = -q

        dq = DualQuaternion.from_pose(x[i], y[i], z[i], q.x, q.y, q.z, q.w)
    if include_outliers:
        print("Included {} outliers at {} in the test data.".format(
            len(outliers), outliers))

    return dual_quaternions
Exemple #24
def compute_pose_error(pose_A, pose_B):
  Compute the error norm of position and orientation.
    error_position = np.linalg.norm(pose_A[0:3] - pose_B[0:3], ord=2)

    # Construct quaternions to compare.
    quaternion_A = Quaternion(q=pose_A[3:7])
    if quaternion_A.w < 0:
        quaternion_A.q = -quaternion_A.q
    quaternion_B = Quaternion(q=pose_B[3:7])
    if quaternion_B.w < 0:
        quaternion_B.q = -quaternion_B.q

    # Sum up the square of the orientation angle error.
    error_angle_rad = angle_between_quaternions(quaternion_A, quaternion_B)
    error_angle_degrees = math.degrees(error_angle_rad)
    if error_angle_degrees > 180.0:
        error_angle_degrees = math.fabs(360.0 - error_angle_degrees)

    return (error_position, error_angle_degrees)
def align_datasets(estimator_data_unaligned_G_I,
    """Sample and align the estimator trajectory to the ground truth trajectory.

      - estimator_data_unaligned_G_I: Unaligned estimator trajectory expressed
            from global frame G to IMU frame I.
      - ground_truth_data_unaligned_W_M: Unaligned ground truth data expressed
            from ground truth world frame W (e.g. Vicon frame) to marker frame M
            (e.g. Vicon marker). M and I should be at the same position at a
            given time.
      - estimate_scale: Estimate a scale factor in addition to the transform
            and apply it to the aligned estimator trajectory.
      - align_data_to_use_meters: Only use data points up to a total data length
            as given by this parameter. If a negative value is given, the
            entire trajectory is used for the alignment.
      - time_offset: Indicates the time offset (in seconds) between the data
            from the bag file and the ground truth data. In the alignment, the
            estimator data will be shifted by this offset.
      - marker_calibration_file: Contains the calibration between the marker
            frame M and the eye frame I. If no file is given, the frames M and I
            are assumed to be identical.

        Sampled, aligned and transformed estimator trajectory, sampled ground
    if marker_calibration_file:
        estimator_data_unaligned_G_I = apply_hand_eye_calibration(
            estimator_data_unaligned_G_I, marker_calibration_file)
        estimator_data_unaligned_G_I = estimator_data_unaligned_G_I

    [estimator_data_G_I, ground_truth_data_W_M
     ] = time_alignment.compute_aligned_poses(estimator_data_unaligned_G_I,

    # Align trajectories (umeyama).
    if align_data_to_use_meters < 0.0:
        umeyama_estimator_data_G_I = estimator_data_G_I[:, 1:4]
        umeyama_ground_truth_W_M = ground_truth_data_W_M[:, 1:4]
        trajectory_length = get_cumulative_trajectory_length_for_each_point(
            ground_truth_data_W_M[:, 1:4])
        align_num_data_points = bisect.bisect_left(trajectory_length,
        umeyama_estimator_data_G_I = estimator_data_G_I[:align_num_data_points,
        umeyama_ground_truth_W_M = \
            ground_truth_data_W_M[:align_num_data_points, 1:4]

    T_W_G, scale = umeyama(umeyama_estimator_data_G_I.T,
                           umeyama_ground_truth_W_M.T, estimate_scale)
    assert T_W_G.shape[0] == 4
    assert T_W_G.shape[1] == 4

    if estimate_scale:
        assert scale > 0.0
        print("Estimator scale:", 1. / scale)

    estimator_data_G_I_scaled = estimator_data_G_I.copy()
    estimator_data_G_I_scaled[:, 1:4] *= scale

    ground_truth_data_G_M_aligned = ground_truth_data_W_M.copy()

    num_data_points = ground_truth_data_W_M.shape[0]
    for index in range(num_data_points):
        # Get transformation matrix from quaternion (normalized) and position.
        T_ground_truth_W_M = csv_row_data_to_transformation(
                                  1:4], ground_truth_data_W_M[index, 4:8] /
            np.linalg.norm(ground_truth_data_W_M[index, 4:8]))
        # Apply found calibration between G and M frame.
        T_ground_truth_G_M =, T_ground_truth_W_M)
        # Extract quaternion and position.
        q_ground_truth_G_M = Quaternion.from_rotation_matrix(
            T_ground_truth_G_M[0:3, 0:3])
        ground_truth_data_G_M_aligned[index, 4:8] = q_ground_truth_G_M.q
        ground_truth_data_G_M_aligned[index, 1:4] = T_ground_truth_G_M[0:3, 3]

    return estimator_data_G_I_scaled, ground_truth_data_G_M_aligned
Exemple #26
def align_datasets(estimator_data_G_I_path,
  Sample and align the ground truth trajectory to the estimator trajectory.

  Input frames:
      Estimator:      G (Global, from rovioli) --> I (imu, from rovioli)

      Ground truth:   W (Ground truth world, e.g., Vicon frame)
                       --> M (ground truth marker, e.g., Vicon marker)
      (M and I should be at the same position at a given time.)

  Returns: aligned estimator trajectory, aligned and sampled ground truth
  Output data frames:
      Estimator:      G --> I

      Ground truth:   G --> M
      (M and I should be at the same position.)
    assert os.path.isfile(estimator_data_G_I_path)
    assert os.path.isfile(ground_truth_data_W_M_path)

    estimator_data_unaligned_G_I = np.zeros((0, 8))
    if estimator_input_format.lower() == "maplab_console":
        estimator_data_unaligned_G_I = np.genfromtxt(estimator_data_G_I_path,
        estimator_data_unaligned_G_I = estimator_data_unaligned_G_I[:, 1:9]
        # Convert timestamp ns -> s.
        estimator_data_unaligned_G_I[:, 0] *= 1e-9
    elif estimator_input_format.lower() == "rovioli":
        # Compute T_G_I from T_G_M and T_G_I
        estimator_data_raw = np.genfromtxt(estimator_data_G_I_path,
        num_elements = estimator_data_raw.shape[0]
        estimator_data_unaligned_G_I = np.zeros((num_elements, 8))
        for i in range(num_elements):
            estimator_data_unaligned_G_I[i, 0] = estimator_data_raw[i, 0]

            T_G_M = csv_row_data_to_transformation(estimator_data_raw[i, 1:4],
                                                   estimator_data_raw[i, 4:8])
            T_M_I = csv_row_data_to_transformation(
                estimator_data_raw[i, 8:11], estimator_data_raw[i, 11:15])
            T_G_M =, T_M_I)
            estimator_data_unaligned_G_I[i, 1:4] = T_G_M[0:3, 3]
            q_G_I = Quaternion.from_rotation_matrix(T_G_M[0:3, 0:3])
            estimator_data_unaligned_G_I[i, 4:8] = q_G_I.q
    elif estimator_input_format.lower() == "orbslam":
        estimator_data_unaligned_G_I = np.genfromtxt(estimator_data_G_I_path,
                                                     delimiter=' ',
        # TODO(eggerk): Check quaternion convention from ORBSLAM.
        print "Unknown estimator input format."
        print "Valid options are maplab_console, rovioli, orbslam."
        assert False

    ground_truth_data_unaligned_W_M = np.genfromtxt(ground_truth_data_W_M_path,
    ground_truth_data_unaligned_W_M = \

    # This is needed for the alignment and sampling. It indicates the time offset
    # between the data from Rovioli/from the bag file and the ground truth data.
    # In the case of the Euroc datasets, this is 0 as they image/imu data and
    # ground truth is already synchronized.
    time_offset = 0
    [ground_truth_data_W_M, estimator_data_G_I] = \
            ground_truth_data_unaligned_W_M, estimator_data_unaligned_G_I,

    # Create a matrix of the right size to store aligned trajectory.
    ground_truth_data_aligned_G_M = ground_truth_data_W_M

    # Align trajectories (umeyama).
    R_G_W, t_G_W, scale = umeyama(ground_truth_data_W_M[:, 1:4].T,
                                  estimator_data_G_I[:, 1:4].T)
    T_G_W = np.identity(4)
    T_G_W[0:3, 0:3] = R_G_W
    T_G_W[0:3, 3] = t_G_W
    if abs(1 - scale) < 1e-8:
        print "WARNING: Scale is not 1, but", scale, "\b."

    num_data_points = estimator_data_G_I.shape[0]
    for index in range(num_data_points):
        # Create transformations to compare.
        T_ground_truth_G_M =
                                      1:4], ground_truth_data_W_M[index, 4:8] /
                np.linalg.norm(ground_truth_data_W_M[index, 4:8])))
        ground_truth_data_aligned_G_M[index, 1:4] = T_ground_truth_G_M[0:3, 3]
        q_ground_truth_G_M = Quaternion.from_rotation_matrix(
            T_ground_truth_G_M[0:3, 0:3])
        ground_truth_data_aligned_G_M[index, 4:8] = q_ground_truth_G_M.q

    return estimator_data_G_I, ground_truth_data_aligned_G_M
 def test_conjugate(self):
     qr = Quaternion(1., 2., 3., 4.)
     qt = Quaternion(1., 3., 3., 5.)
     dq = DualQuaternion(qr, qt)
     dq_expected = np.array([-1., -2., -3., 4., -1., -3., -3., 5.]).T
     npt.assert_allclose((dq.conjugate()).dq, dq_expected, atol=1e-6)
 def test_division_with_scalar(self):
     qr = Quaternion(0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 0.5)
     qt = Quaternion(1., 3., 3., 0.)
     dq = DualQuaternion(qr, qt)
     dq_expected = np.array([0.25, 0.25, -0.25, 0.25, 0.5, 1.5, 1.5, 0.]).T
     npt.assert_allclose((dq / 2.).dq, dq_expected)
 def test_equality(self):
     qr = Quaternion(1, 2, 3, 4)
     qt = Quaternion(1, 3, 3, 1)
     dq_1 = DualQuaternion(qr, qt)
     dq_2 = DualQuaternion(qr, qt)
     self.assertEqual(dq_1, dq_2)
 def test_inverse(self):
     qr = Quaternion(1, 2, 3, 4)
     qt = Quaternion(5, 6, 7, 8)
     dq = DualQuaternion(qr, qt)
     identity_dq = np.array([0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0.]).T
     npt.assert_allclose((dq * dq.inverse()).dq, identity_dq, atol=1e-6)