def main(): a = None commands = ['!', 'delete', 'literal', 'prompt', 'send', '?', 'debug', 'ls', 'put', 'status', 'port', 'append', 'dir', 'mdelete', 'pwd', 'trace', 'ascii', 'disconnect', 'mdir', 'quit', 'type', 'bell', 'get', 'mget', 'quote', 'user', 'binary', 'glob', 'mkdir', 'recv', 'verbose', 'bye', 'hash', 'mls', 'remotehelp', 'cd', 'help', 'mput', 'rename', 'close', 'lcd', 'open', 'rmdir'] connected = False ser = 'None' while ser[0] not in ['quit', 'bye']: ser = raw_input(start_line).split(' ') if ser[0] == "open": if not connected: a = Client() if len(ser) == 1: address = raw_input("To ") else: address = ser[1] connected = a.init_connection(address) else: print "Already connected to a server, please disconnect first" if ser[0] == "close" and connected: a.QUIT() connected = False if ser[0] in commands: handle.handle(a, ser, connected) else: print "invalid command" if connected: a.QUIT()
def on_post(self, req, res): try: handle.handle( except Exception as ex: logger.exception(ex) report(str(ex)) logger.error(str( report(str(
def main(): pygame.init() screen = pygame.display.set_mode([800,500]) screen_title = pygame.display.set_caption("Issac") background = pygame.image.load(background_img_name).convert() level_info = room.generate_environment() for item in level_info: print(item) print() handle.handle(0, background, screen, screen_title, player_img_name)
def run(self): running = 1 while running: data = self.client.recv(self.size) if data: #self.client.send(data) handle(data, self.client) else: self.client.close() printthreadid() print "Client closed its socket....terminating" running = 0
def update(show_key, table, con_key): if table == "" or show_key == "": print("update需要输入参数") else: if "=" in show_key: show_list = show_key.strip().split("=") if show_list[0].strip() == "staff_id": exit("staff_id不允许改动") else: message = file_read(table) title = message[0] context = message[1] if show_list[0] == "phone": if not show_list[1].isdigit() or len(show_list[1]) != 11 or [True for line in context if show_list[1] in line]: exit("phone键值对冲突") else: pass else: pass show_index = title.index(show_list[0].strip()) suit_list = handle(table, con_key) for line in suit_list: staff_index = int(line[0]) - 1 context[staff_index][show_index] = show_list[1].strip("\",\'") print("\033[32mupdate语句执行完成\033[0m") print("影响条数:\033[31m%s\033[0m" % len(suit_list)) file_write(message, table) else: exit("update语句错误")
def select(show_key, table, con_key): if table == "" or show_key == "": print("select需要输入参数") else: title = file_read(table)[0] suit_list = handle(table, con_key) if show_key == "*": show_key = '' for key in title: if show_key == '': show_key = key else: show_key = '%s,%s' % (show_key, key) else: pass if suit_list: show_list = show_key.strip().split(",") for line in suit_list: for show_name in show_list: name_index = title.index(show_name.strip()) print(line[name_index], end="\t") print() print("查询到的条数:%s" % len(suit_list))
def response(request): if request.method == "GET": signature = request.GET.get('signature', None) timestamp = request.GET.get('timestamp', None) echostr = request.GET.get('echostr', None) nonce = request.GET.get('nonce', None) if wechat_base.check_signature(signature, timestamp, nonce): return HttpResponse(echostr) else: return HttpResponse("error") else: xml_str = smart_str(request.body) response_str = handle.handle(wechat_base, xml_str) return HttpResponse(response_str)
def handle_server(websocket, path): request_count = 0 logfile = open(nginx_log_file_path) lines = tail_f(logfile) log_dicts = handle(lines) start = time.time() for log_dict in log_dicts: # await websocket.send(str(log_dict)) request_count += 1 during_time = time.time() - start log_dict.update({ 'request_per_second': round( (request_count / during_time), 2 ) }) yield from websocket.send(str(json.dumps(log_dict)))
def main(): topic_name, deadline = startup() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-p", help="""TESport is the well-known port where the TES server accepts user requests, in TCP. This is an optional argument. If omitted, it assumes the value 59000.""", metavar="TESport", type=int) parser.add_argument("-n", help="""ECPname is the name of the machine where the central evaluation contact point (ECP) runs. This is an optional argument. If this argument is omitted, the ECP should be running on the same machine.""", metavar="ECPname", type=str) parser.add_argument("-e", help="""ECPport is the well-known port where the ECP server accepts user requests, in UDP. This is an optional argument. If omitted, it assumes the value 58009.""", metavar="ECPport", type=int) TESport = 59000 ECPname = "localhost" ECPport = 58009 args = parser.parse_args() if args.p and valid_port(args.p): TESport = args.p if args.n and args.n != ECPname: ECPname = args.n if args.e and valid_port(args.e): ECPport = args.e with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as server: server.setblocking(True) server.bind(('', TESport)) server.listen(10) print("Server bound on port {}".format(TESport)) while True: with accept(server) as (conn, (ip, port)): try: conn.settimeout(5.0) print("Accepted {}:{}".format(ip, port)) except socket.timeout as e: traceback.print_exc() print("Failed to accept connection:", str(e)) continue try: pid = os.fork() if pid == 0: request = conn.makefile().readline() print(request) reply = handle.handle(request, deadline, topic_name, ECPname, ECPport) conn.sendall(reply) except os.OSError as e: traceback.print_exc() print("Error: {}:{} : {}".format(ip, port, str(e))) conn.sendall(error) finally: if pid == 0: sys.exit(0)
print "The default begin = 0,the end = 1, spider dbmm' image and upload to ftp" begin_time = int(time.time()) argv_length = len(sys.argv) - 1 # Python 2.X doesn't support variable length value and default value together # It has 2 vales if argv_length >= 1: for i in range(argv_length): config[i] = sys.argv[i+1] if (int(config[0]) >= int(config[1])): print "The begin page must smaller than end page!" sys.exit(1) # page is little, use single process if (int(config[1]) - int(config[0]) < process_number): handle.handle(config) # Use multiProcessing else: pages = int(config[1]) - int(config[0]) process_pages = pages / process_number print 'Parent process is %s.' %(os.getpid()) # Use processs_number processes pool = Pool(processes=process_number) # Make a copy to config temp_config = list(config) # Have process_number jobs to do for i in xrange(process_number): temp_config[0] = int(config[0]) + i * process_pages if (i != process_number - 1 ): temp_config[1] = int(config[0]) + (i+1) * process_pages else:
def handle(self): handle(self)
if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) <= 1: print('Not enough arguments') sys.exit(-1) elif len(sys.argv) <= 2: import socket network_name = sys.argv[1] self_id = socket.gethostname() else: network_name = sys.argv[1] self_id = sys.argv[2] def ipvs_exec(cmd): #print(cmd) print_cmd(self, cmd) net = IPVSNet(client.networks.get(network_name), ipvs_exec) self = client.containers.get(self_id) if not net.connected(self): net.connect(self) for container in if container is not self: net.add_real_server(container) for event in handle.handle(json.loads(event.decode('utf-8')))
def main(): topic_name, deadline = startup() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-p", help = """TESport is the well-known port where the TES server accepts user requests, in TCP. This is an optional argument. If omitted, it assumes the value 59000.""" , metavar = "TESport" , type = int) parser.add_argument("-n", help = """ECPname is the name of the machine where the central evaluation contact point (ECP) runs. This is an optional argument. If this argument is omitted, the ECP should be running on the same machine.""" , metavar = "ECPname" , type = str) parser.add_argument("-e", help = """ECPport is the well-known port where the ECP server accepts user requests, in UDP. This is an optional argument. If omitted, it assumes the value 58009.""" , metavar = "ECPport" , type = int) TESport = 59000 ECPname = "localhost" ECPport = 58009 args = parser.parse_args() if args.p and valid_port(args.p): TESport = args.p if args.n and args.n != ECPname: ECPname = args.n if args.e and valid_port(args.e): ECPport = args.e with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as server: server.setblocking(True) server.bind(('', TESport)) server.listen(10) print("Server bound on port {}".format(TESport)) while True: with accept(server) as (conn, (ip, port)): try: conn.settimeout(5.0) print("Accepted {}:{}".format(ip, port)) except socket.timeout as e: traceback.print_exc() print("Failed to accept connection:", str(e)) continue try: pid = os.fork() if pid == 0: request = conn.makefile().readline() print(request) reply = handle.handle(request, deadline, topic_name, ECPname, ECPport) conn.sendall(reply) except os.OSError as e: traceback.print_exc() print("Error: {}:{} : {}".format(ip, port, str(e))) conn.sendall(error) finally: if pid == 0: sys.exit(0)
def setUpClass(cls): print u"________用例执行_________" cls._handle = handle.handle() setupsheet = data_read.get_xls('dict', u"dx_interauto_qa_case.xls", 'setup') cls._handle.set_global(setupsheet)