def __init__(self, display, events): self.display = display self.compositor = Compositor(self, self.display.dmd) = events self.last_tick_at = time.time() self.done = False # initialize lights self.light_controller = LightController(LIGHTS) self.lights = {} for light in LIGHTS: self.lights[] = light # initialize drivers self.io_controller = IOController(DRIVERS, SWITCHES) self.drivers = {} for driver in DRIVERS: self.drivers[] = driver # initialize switches self.switches = {} for switch in SWITCHES: self.switches[] = switch self.color_manager = ColorManager() self.players = [] self.current_player = None self.current_ball = 0 # initialize common modes self.attract_mode = AttractMode(self, 0) self.test_display_mode = TestDisplayMode(self, 0) self.trough = Trough(self, 1) self.modes = ModeQueue() self.modes.extend([self.attract_mode, self.test_display_mode, self.trough])
class GameMain: def __init__(self, display, events): self.display = display self.compositor = Compositor(self, self.display.dmd) = events self.last_tick_at = time.time() self.done = False # initialize lights self.light_controller = LightController(LIGHTS) self.lights = {} for light in LIGHTS: self.lights[] = light # initialize drivers self.io_controller = IOController(DRIVERS, SWITCHES) self.drivers = {} for driver in DRIVERS: self.drivers[] = driver # initialize switches self.switches = {} for switch in SWITCHES: self.switches[] = switch self.color_manager = ColorManager() self.players = [] self.current_player = None self.current_ball = 0 # initialize common modes self.attract_mode = AttractMode(self, 0) self.test_display_mode = TestDisplayMode(self, 0) self.trough = Trough(self, 1) self.modes = ModeQueue() self.modes.extend([self.attract_mode, self.test_display_mode, self.trough]) def go(self): while not self.done: self.tick() self.light_controller.shutdown() def datapath(self, path): # get the path to a datafile base_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) return os.path.join(base_dir, '..', '..', 'data', path) def color(self, *input_color): return self.color_manager.translate(*input_color) def player(self): # get the current player return self.current_player def tick(self): for event in # update switch state if event.TYPE == EventTypes.SWITCH_CLOSED: = True elif event.TYPE == EventTypes.SWITCH_OPEN: = False if event.TYPE == EventTypes.QUIT: self.done = True else: self.modes.event(event) now = time.time() delta = now - self.last_tick_at self.last_tick_at = now self.display.beginFrame() self.modes.tick(now, delta) for light in self.lights.itervalues(): light.tick(delta) for driver in self.drivers.itervalues(): driver.tick(delta) dmd_dirty = self.compositor.frame(delta) upper_dirty = self.test_display_mode.dirty self.test_display_mode.dirty = False self.display.endFrame(dmd_dirty, upper_dirty) # update hardware self.light_controller.update() self.io_controller.update() def addPlayer(self): player = Player('Player %s' % (len(self.players) + 1)) self.players.append(player) def startGame(self): self.current_ball = 1 self.addPlayer() self.modes.remove(self.attract_mode) self.score_display_mode = ScoreDisplay(self, 1) self.current_player = self.players[0] self.startBall() def endGame(self): self.modes.append(self.attract_mode) def startBall(self): self.basic_modes = [self.score_display_mode, Flippers(self, 5), Bumpers(self, 5), Lanes(self, 10, ['outlaneL','inlaneL','inlaneR','outlaneR'], ['outlaneL','inlaneL','inlaneR','outlaneR']), Lanes(self, 10, ['lane1', 'lane2', 'lane3'], ['lane1', 'lane2', 'lane3']), Scoop(self, 10)] self.modes.extend(self.basic_modes) self.trough.launchBall() def endBall(self): # TODO: handle extra balls current_player_offset = self.players.index(self.current_player) next_player_offset = current_player_offset + 1 if next_player_offset == len(self.players): next_player_offset = 0 self.current_ball += 1 if self.current_ball > 3: self.endGame() return self.current_player = self.players[next_player_offset] self.startBall() def ballDrained(self): if self.trough.balls_in_play > 0: # still balls left, must be in multiball if self.trough.balls_in_play == 1: # down to the last ball. end multiball. self.modes.remove(self.multiball_mode) return for mode in self.modes.modes: mode.ballEnded() for mode in self.basic_modes: self.modes.remove(mode) self.modes.add(BallDrainedMode(self, 100, self.player().bonuses)) # this will eventually call endBall def ballLocked(self): if self.trough.balls_in_lock < 3: self.modes.add(BallLockedMode(self, 100, self.trough.balls_in_lock)) else: self.multiball_mode = MultiballMode(self, 10) self.modes.add(self.multiball_mode)