Exemple #1
 def connection(self, host, port, user, password, ssl=False, **kwargs):
     # must set X-Requested-By in newer versions of Ambari
     self.x_requested_by = user
     if user == 'admin':
         self.x_requested_by = os.getenv('USER', user)
     #log.info("contacting Ambari as '%s'" % self.user)
     if not isHost(host) or not isPort(port) or not isUser(user) or not password:
         raise InvalidOptionException('invalid options passed to AmbariBlueprint()')
     proto = 'http' # pylint: disable=unused-variable
     if ssl:
         proto = 'https'
     self.host = host
     self.port = port
     self.user = user
     self.password = password
     # if kwargs.has_key('strip_config') and kwargs['strip_config']:
     if 'strip_config' in kwargs and kwargs['strip_config']:
         self.strip_config = True
     self.url_base = '%(proto)s://%(host)s:%(port)s/api/v1' % locals()
     if 'dir' in kwargs and kwargs['dir']:
         self.blueprint_dir = kwargs['dir']
     if not isDirname(self.blueprint_dir):
         qquit('UNKNOWN', 'invalid dir arg passed to AmbariBlueprintTool')
         if not self.blueprint_dir or not os.path.exists(self.blueprint_dir):
             log.info("creating blueprint data dir '%s'" % self.blueprint_dir)
         if not os.path.isdir(self.blueprint_dir):
             raise IOError("blueprint dir '%s'already taken and is not a directory" % self.blueprint_dir)
     except IOError as _:
         die("'failed to create dir '%s': %s" % (self.blueprint_dir, _))
Exemple #2
 def connection(self, host, port, user, password, ssl=False, **kwargs):
     # must set X-Requested-By in newer versions of Ambari
     self.x_requested_by = user
     if user == 'admin':
         self.x_requested_by = os.getenv('USER', user)
     #log.info("contacting Ambari as '%s'" % self.user)
     if not isHost(host) or not isPort(port) or not isUser(user) or not password:
         raise InvalidOptionException('invalid options passed to AmbariBlueprint()')
     proto = 'http' # pylint: disable=unused-variable
     if ssl:
         proto = 'https'
     self.host = host
     self.port = port
     self.user = user
     self.password = password
     # if kwargs.has_key('strip_config') and kwargs['strip_config']:
     if 'strip_config' in kwargs and kwargs['strip_config']:
         self.strip_config = True
     self.url_base = '%(proto)s://%(host)s:%(port)s/api/v1' % locals()
     if 'dir' in kwargs and kwargs['dir']:
         self.blueprint_dir = kwargs['dir']
     if not isDirname(self.blueprint_dir):
         qquit('UNKNOWN', 'invalid dir arg passed to AmbariBlueprintTool')
         if not self.blueprint_dir or not os.path.exists(self.blueprint_dir):
             log.info("creating blueprint data dir '%s'" % self.blueprint_dir)
         if not os.path.isdir(self.blueprint_dir):
             raise IOError("blueprint dir '%s'already taken and is not a directory" % self.blueprint_dir)
     except IOError as _:
         die("'failed to create dir '%s': %s" % (self.blueprint_dir, _))
 def construct_msg(self):
     # user = os.getenv('USER', '').strip()
     user = getpass.getuser()
     if not isUser(user):
         # print("invalid user '%s' determined from environment variable $USER, failed regex validation" % user)
             "invalid user '%s' returned by getpass.getuser(), failed regex validation"
             % user)
     user = self.case_user(user)
     msg = 'Welcome %s - ' % user
     last = ''
     if which("last"):
         _ = os.popen('last -100')
         re_skip = re.compile(r'^(?:reboot|wtmp)|^\s*$')
         last = ''
         for line in _:
             last = line.rstrip('\n')
             if re_skip.match(last):
                 last = ''
             "WARNING: 'last' command not found, will not be able to get last login information"
     if last:
         msg += 'last login was '
         last_user = re.sub(r'\s+.*$', '', last)
         if last_user == 'root':
             last_user = '******'
         # strip up to "Day Mon NN" ie "%a %b %e ..."
         (last, num_replacements) = re.subn(r'.*(\w{3}\s+\w{3}\s+\d+)',
                                            r'\g<1>', last)
         if not num_replacements:
             print('failed to find the date format in the last log')
         last = re.sub(' *$', '', last)
         if last_user == 'ROOT':
             msg += 'ROOT'
         elif last_user.lower() == user.lower():
             msg += 'by you'
             msg += 'by %s' % last_user
         msg += ' => %s' % last
         msg += 'no last login information available!'
     return msg
Exemple #4
 def construct_msg(self): # pylint: disable=no-self-use
     # user = os.getenv('USER', '').strip()
     user = getpass.getuser()
     if not isUser(user):
         # print("invalid user '%s' determined from environment variable $USER, failed regex validation" % user)
         print("invalid user '%s' returned by getpass.getuser(), failed regex validation" % user)
     user = self.case_user(user)
     msg = 'Welcome %s - ' % user
     last = ''
     if which("last"):
         _ = os.popen('last -100')
         re_skip = re.compile(r'^(?:reboot|wtmp)|^\s*$')
         last = ''
         for line in _:
             last = line.rstrip('\n')
             if re_skip.match(last):
                 last = ''
         printerr("WARNING: 'last' command not found, will not be able to get last login information")
     if last:
         msg += 'last login was '
         last_user = re.sub(r'\s+.*$', '', last)
         if last_user == 'root':
             last_user = '******'
         # strip up to "Day Mon NN" ie "%a %b %e ..."
         (last, num_replacements) = re.subn(r'.*(\w{3}\s+\w{3}\s+\d+)', r'\g<1>', last)
         if not num_replacements:
             print('failed to find the date format in the last log')
         last = re.sub(' *$', '', last)
         if last_user == 'ROOT':
             msg += 'ROOT'
         elif last_user.lower() == user.lower():
             msg += 'by you'
             msg += 'by %s' % last_user
         msg += ' => %s' % last
         msg += 'no last login information available!'
     return msg