Exemple #1
def receive_messages(queue_url,
    Generates successive messages from reading the queue.  The caller
    is responsible for deleting or returning each message to the queue

    queue_url : string
        The URL of the queue to receive messages on
    visibility_timeout_s : int
        The number of seconds to wait for a received message to be deleted
        before it is returned to the queue
    cfg : harmony.util.Config
        The configuration values for this runtime environment.

    receiptHandle, body : string, string
        A tuple of the receipt handle, used to delete or update messages,
        and the contents of the message
    # The implementation of this function has been moved to the
    # harmony.aws module.
    if cfg is None:
        cfg = config()
    if logger is None:
        logger = build_logger(cfg)

    return aws.receive_messages(cfg, queue_url, visibility_timeout_s, logger)
Exemple #2
def run_cli(parser, args, AdapterClass, cfg=None):
    Runs the Harmony CLI invocation captured by the given args

    parser : argparse.ArgumentParser
        The parser being used to parse CLI arguments, used to provide CLI argument errors
    args : Namespace
        Argument values parsed from the command line, presumably via ArgumentParser.parse_args
    AdapterClass : class
        The BaseHarmonyAdapter subclass to use to handle service invocations
    cfg : harmony.util.Config
        A configuration instance for this service
    if cfg is None:
        cfg = config()
    if args.harmony_wrap_stdout:

    if args.harmony_action == 'invoke':
        start_time = datetime.datetime.now()
        if not bool(args.harmony_input):
                '--harmony-input must be provided for --harmony-action=invoke')
        elif not bool(args.harmony_sources):
            successful = _invoke_deprecated(AdapterClass, args.harmony_input,
            if not successful:
                raise Exception('Service operation failed')
                adapter = _build_adapter(AdapterClass, args.harmony_input,
                                         args.harmony_data_location, cfg)
                _invoke(adapter, args.harmony_metadata_dir)
                time_diff = datetime.datetime.now() - start_time
                duration_ms = int(round(time_diff.total_seconds() * 1000))
                duration_logger = build_logger(cfg)
                extra_fields = {
                    'user': adapter.message.user,
                    'requestId': adapter.message.requestId,
                    'durationMs': duration_ms

    if args.harmony_action == 'start':
        if not bool(args.harmony_queue_url):
                '--harmony-queue-url must be provided for --harmony-action=start'
            return _start(AdapterClass, args.harmony_queue_url,
                          args.harmony_visibility_timeout, cfg)
Exemple #3
def stage(local_filename,
    Stages the given local filename, including directory path, to an S3 location with the given
    filename and mime-type

    Requires the following environment variables:
        AWS_DEFAULT_REGION: The AWS region in which the S3 client is operating

    local_filename : string
        A path and filename to the local file that should be staged
    remote_filename : string
        The basename to give to the remote file
    mime : string
        The mime type to apply to the staged file for use when it is served, e.g. "application/x-netcdf4"
    location : string
        The S3 prefix URL under which to place the output file.  If not provided, STAGING_BUCKET and
        STAGING_PATH must be set in the environment
    logger : logging
        The logger to use
    cfg : harmony.util.Config
        The configuration values for this runtime environment.

    url : string
        An s3:// URL to the staged file
    # The implementation of this function has been moved to the
    # harmony.aws module.
    if cfg is None:
        cfg = config()
    if logger is None:
        logger = build_logger(cfg)

    return aws.stage(cfg, local_filename, remote_filename, mime, logger,
def download(config, url: str, access_token: str, data, destination_file):
    """Downloads the given url using the provided EDL user access token
    and writes it to the provided file-like object.

    Exception cases:
    1. No user access token
    2. Invalid user access token
    3. Unable to authenticate the user with Earthdata Login
       a. User credentials (could happen even after token validation
       b. Application credentials
    4. Error response when downloading
    5. Data requires EULA acceptance by user
    6. If fallback authentication enabled, the application credentials are
       invalid, or do not have permission to download the data.

    config : harmony.util.Config
        The configuration for the current runtime environment.
    url : str
        The url for the resource to download
    access_token : str
        A shared EDL access token created from the user's access token
        and the app identity.
    data : dict or Tuple[str, str]
        Optional parameter for additional data to send to the server
        when making an HTTP POST request. These data will be URL
        encoded to a query string containing a series of `key=value`
        pairs, separated by ampersands. If None (the default), the
        request will be sent with an HTTP GET request.
    destination_file : file-like
        The destination file where the data will be written. Must be
        a file-like object opened for binary write.

    requests.Response with the download result

    Will write to provided destination_file

    response = None
    logger = build_logger(config)
    start_time = datetime.datetime.now()
    logger.info(f'timing.download.start {url}')

    if data is not None:
        logger.info('Query parameters supplied, will use POST method.')
        data = urlencode(data).encode('utf-8')

    if access_token is not None and _valid(
            config.oauth_host, config.oauth_client_id, access_token):
        response = _download(config, url, access_token, data)

    if response is None or not response.ok:
        if config.fallback_authn_enabled:
            msg = (
                'No valid user access token in request or EDL OAuth authentication failed.'
                'Fallback authentication enabled: retrying with Basic auth.')
            response = _download_with_fallback_authn(config, url, data)

    if response.ok:
        time_diff = datetime.datetime.now() - start_time
        duration_ms = int(round(time_diff.total_seconds() * 1000))
        file_size = sys.getsizeof(response.content)
        duration_logger = build_logger(config)
        _log_download_performance(duration_logger, url, duration_ms, file_size)

        return response

    if _is_eula_error(response.content):
        msg = _eula_error_message(response.content)
        logger.info(f'{msg} due to: {response.content}')
        raise ForbiddenException(msg)

    if response.status_code in (401, 403):
        msg = f'Forbidden: Unable to download {url}'
        logger.info(f'{msg} due to: {response.content}')
        raise ForbiddenException(msg)

    if response.status_code == 500:
        logger.info(f'Unable to download (500) due to: {response.content}')
        raise Exception('Unable to download.')

        f'Unable to download (unknown error) due to: {response.content}')
    raise Exception('Unable to download: unknown error.')
Exemple #5
def download(url,
    Downloads the given URL to the given destination directory, using the basename of the URL
    as the filename in the destination directory.  Supports http://, https:// and s3:// schemes.
    When using the s3:// scheme, will run against us-west-2 unless the "AWS_DEFAULT_REGION"
    environment variable is set.

    When using http:// or https:// schemes, the access_token will be used for authentication.

    url : string
        The URL to fetch
    destination_dir : string
        The directory in which to place the downloaded file
    logger : Logger
        A logger to which the function will write, if provided
    access_token :
        The Earthdata Login token of the caller to use for downloads
    data : dict or Tuple[str, str]
        Optional parameter for additional data to
        send to the server when making a HTTP POST request through
        urllib.get.urlopen. These data will be URL encoded to a query string
        containing a series of `key=value` pairs, separated by ampersands. If
        None (the default), urllib.get.urlopen will use the  GET
    cfg : harmony.util.Config
        The configuration values for this runtime environment.

    destination : string
      The filename, including directory, of the downloaded file
    if cfg is None:
        cfg = config()
    if logger is None:
        logger = build_logger(cfg)

    if _is_file_url(url):
        return _url_as_filename(url)

    source = http.localhost_url(url, cfg.localstack_host)

    destination_path = _filename(destination_dir, url)
    if destination_path.exists():
        return str(destination_path)
    destination_path = str(destination_path)

    with open(destination_path, 'wb') as destination_file:
        if aws.is_s3(source):
            aws.download(cfg, source, destination_file)
        elif http.is_http(source):
            http.download(cfg, source, access_token, data, destination_file)
            msg = f'Unable to download a url of unknown type: {url}'
            raise Exception(msg)

    return destination_path