def create_jobs(interval_choice): """ create the jobs based on publish status All jobs will be sorted agaist with publish.priority """ job = None log = None jobs = [] job_batch_id = interval_choice.job_batch_id check_job = Job( id=-1, batch_id="CK" + job_batch_id) if interval_choice == Realtime.instance() else None up_to_date = False for p in Publish.objects.filter(, waiting=0).order_by('priority'): if not p.publish_status.publish_enabled: #publish is disabled, ignore continue if interval_choice == Realtime.instance(): #Realtime publish, check whether input is up to date. up_to_date = True for i in p.inputs: if not i.is_up_to_date(check_job, False): #input is not up to date, clear importing info to avoid double check for foreign table. up_to_date = False break if up_to_date: continue p.waiting = models.F("waiting") + 1 job = Job(batch_id=job_batch_id, publish=p, state=Waiting.instance().name, previous_state=None, message=None,, launched=None, finished=None, #add log log = JobLog( state="Create", outcome="Create", message="Create by {0} cron job".format(interval_choice), next_state=job.state,, jobs.append((p, job, log)) with transaction.atomic(): for p, job, log in jobs:['waiting']) log.job_id =
def create_jobs(interval_choice): """ create the jobs based on publish status All jobs will be sorted agaist with publish.priority """ job = None log = None jobs = [] job_batch_id = interval_choice.job_batch_id check_job = Job(id=-1,batch_id="CK" + job_batch_id) if interval_choice == Realtime.instance() else None up_to_date = False for p in Publish.objects.filter(interval =, waiting = 0).order_by('priority'): if not p.publish_status.publish_enabled: #publish is disabled, ignore continue if interval_choice == Realtime.instance(): #Realtime publish, check whether input is up to date. up_to_date = True for i in p.inputs: if not i.is_up_to_date(check_job,False): #input is not up to date, clear importing info to avoid double check for foreign table. up_to_date = False break if up_to_date: continue p.waiting = models.F("waiting") + 1 job = Job( batch_id = job_batch_id, publish = p, state = Waiting.instance().name, previous_state = None, message = None, created =, launched = None, finished = None, job_type = ) #add log log = JobLog( state = "Create", outcome = "Create", message = "Create by {0} cron job".format(interval_choice), next_state = job.state, start_time =, end_time = jobs.append((p,job,log)) with transaction.atomic(): for p,job,log in jobs:['waiting']) log.job_id =
def _create_job(publish, job_interval=JobInterval.Manually, job_batch_id=None): """ manually create a job return (true,'OK'), if create a job, otherwise return (False,message) """ if not publish.publish_status.publish_enabled: #publish is disabled, ignore return (False, "Disabled") job = None job = Job.objects.filter(publish=publish, state=Waiting.instance().name).first() if job > 0: #already have one waiting harvest job, create another is meanless. return (True, if not job_batch_id: job_batch_id = job_interval.job_batch_id() with transaction.atomic(): if publish.waiting > 0: #already have one waiting harvest job, create another is meanless. return publish.waiting = models.F("waiting") + 1 job = Job(batch_id=job_batch_id, publish=publish, state=Waiting.instance().name, previous_state=None, message=None,, launched=None, finished=None,['waiting']) #add log log = JobLog(, state="Create", outcome="Create", message="Created by custodian" if job_interval == JobInterval.Manually else "Created by other application", next_state=job.state,, return (True,
def _create_job(publish,job_interval=JobInterval.Manually,job_batch_id=None): """ manually create a job return (true,'OK'), if create a job, otherwise return (False,message) """ if not publish.publish_status.publish_enabled: #publish is disabled, ignore return (False,"Disabled") job = None job = Job.objects.filter(publish=publish,state=Waiting.instance().name).first() if job > 0: #already have one waiting harvest job, create another is meanless. return (True, if not job_batch_id: job_batch_id = job_interval.job_batch_id() with transaction.atomic(): if publish.waiting > 0: #already have one waiting harvest job, create another is meanless. return; publish.waiting = models.F("waiting") + 1 job = Job( batch_id = job_batch_id, publish = publish, state = Waiting.instance().name, previous_state = None, message = None, created =, launched = None, finished = None, job_type = )['waiting']) #add log log = JobLog( job_id =, state = "Create", outcome = "Create", message = "Created by custodian" if job_interval == JobInterval.Manually else "Created by other application", next_state = job.state, start_time =, end_time = return (True,
def run(job, first_run=True, step=False): current_state = JobState.get_jobstate(job.state) previous_state = None if job.previous_state: previous_state = JobState.get_jobstate(job.previous_state) log = None while True: start_time = logger.debug( "job(id={0},name={1}) begins to execute state ({2})".format(,, job.state)) if current_state.is_end_state: #current job is already finished. logger.debug( "job(id={0},name={1},state={2}) is finished".format(,, job.state)) return elif job.user_action and ( (job.user_action == JobStateOutcome.cancelled_by_custodian and current_state.cancellable) or (job.user_action != JobStateOutcome.cancelled_by_custodian)): #have a pending user action. if not current_state.outcome_cls.is_manual_outcome( job.user_action): #a invalid user action next_state = current_state state_result = ( JobStateOutcome.internal_error, "The action '{0}' is not a valid user action.".format( job.user_action)) else: try: next_state = current_state.next_state(job.user_action) state_result = (job.user_action, job.user_action) #user action is processed, clear it job.user_action = None except: #can not apply the user action on the current state, stay in the same state next_state = current_state state_result = ( JobStateOutcome.internal_error, "The action '{0}' can not apply on the current state({1})." .format(job.user_action, elif current_state.is_interactive_state: #job is at interactive state, but no user action is requested, return and wait user action. return elif current_state.is_error_state: #wait the configured interval before continue try: if not first_run and job.last_execution_end_time and ) < job.last_execution_end_time + timedelta( seconds=BorgConfiguration.RETRY_INTERVAL): #early than the next execution time. can not run this time return else: state_result = current_state.execute( job, previous_state) except: #can not find the last execution time. run it state_result = current_state.execute(job, previous_state) next_state = current_state.next_state(state_result[0]) else: try: #normal state without pending user action state_result = current_state.execute(job, previous_state) if not state_result: raise Exception( "The outcome of state '{0}' is null.".format( except: #run into a unexpected exception state_result = (JobStateOutcome.internal_error, JobState.get_exception_message()) try: next_state = current_state.next_state(state_result[0]) except: #can not find a transition from the current state with the state_result, stay at the current state. next_state = current_state if state_result[1]: state_result = ( state_result[0], "{0}\n=======================\n{1}".format( JobState.get_exception_message(), state_result[1])) else: state_result = (state_result[0], JobState.get_exception_message()) end_time = logger.debug( "job(id={0},name={1}) ends to execute state ({2}) with result ({3});" .format(,, job.state, state_result)) #set the retry times if current_state == next_state: #stay at the same state, runs into some exception job.retry_times += 1 elif current_state.is_interactive_state: #current state is interactive state. job.retry_times = 0 elif current_state.is_error_state: #current state is a error state if next_state.is_error_state: #stay at the same state, run into a exception job.retry_times += 1 elif isinstance(next_state, current_state._normal_state): #a normal transition from current state to its associated normal state pass else: #a transition from current state to other normal state, reset retry_times. job.retry_times = 0 elif next_state.is_end_state: #reach the end state or a volative state job.retry_times = 0 else: #current state is a normal state if not next_state.is_error_state: #a successful transition from a normal state to another normal state. job.retry_times = 0 else: #a failed transition from a normal state to a failed state job.retry_times += 1 log = JobLog(, state=job.state, outcome=state_result[0], message=state_result[1], next_state=next_state, start_time=start_time, end_time=end_time) if current_state.is_error_state and not current_state.is_interactive_state and not job.user_action and isinstance( next_state, current_state._normal_state): #normal transition from error state to normal state, ignore the log log = None elif next_state.is_error_state or current_state == next_state: #failed, last_log = JobLog.objects.filter("-pk").first() if last_log and last_log.state == job.state and last_log.outcome == state_result[ 0] and last_log.message == state_result[ 1] and last_log.next_state == #same execption occur last_log.start_time = start_time last_log.end_time = end_time log = last_log if current_state != next_state: #job move to a new state, change the job state job.previous_state = job.state job.state = else: #some bad thing happens,job stays at the same state, leave the job's state untouched pass job.last_execution_end_time = job.message = state_result[1][ 'previous_state', 'state', 'message', 'retry_times', 'last_execution_end_time', 'user_action' ]) if log: #import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace() if current_state == next_state: #stay in the same state, stop execution logger.debug( "job(id={0},name={1},state={2}) stay in the same state.". format(,, job.state)) return elif next_state.is_error_state: return elif step: return #set previous_state to the current state, current_state to the next_state previous_state = current_state current_state = next_state
def run(job,first_run=True,step=False): current_state = JobState.get_jobstate(job.state) previous_state = None if job.previous_state: previous_state = JobState.get_jobstate(job.previous_state) log = None while True: start_time = logger.debug("job(id={0},name={1}) begins to execute state ({2})".format(,,job.state)) if current_state.is_end_state: #current job is already finished. logger.debug("job(id={0},name={1},state={2}) is finished".format(,,job.state)) return elif job.user_action and ((job.user_action == JobStateOutcome.cancelled_by_custodian and current_state.cancellable) or (job.user_action != JobStateOutcome.cancelled_by_custodian)): #have a pending user action. if not current_state.outcome_cls.is_manual_outcome(job.user_action): #a invalid user action next_state = current_state state_result = (JobStateOutcome.internal_error, "The action '{0}' is not a valid user action.".format(job.user_action)) else: try: next_state = current_state.next_state(job.user_action) state_result = (job.user_action,job.user_action) #user action is processed, clear it job.user_action = None except: #can not apply the user action on the current state, stay in the same state next_state = current_state state_result = (JobStateOutcome.internal_error, "The action '{0}' can not apply on the current state({1}).".format(job.user_action, elif current_state.is_interactive_state: #job is at interactive state, but no user action is requested, return and wait user action. return elif current_state.is_error_state: #wait the configured interval before continue try: if not first_run and job.last_execution_end_time and < job.last_execution_end_time + timedelta(seconds=BorgConfiguration.RETRY_INTERVAL): #early than the next execution time. can not run this time return else: state_result = current_state.execute(job,previous_state) except: #can not find the last execution time. run it state_result = current_state.execute(job,previous_state) next_state = current_state.next_state(state_result[0]) else: try: #normal state without pending user action state_result = current_state.execute(job,previous_state) if not state_result: raise Exception("The outcome of state '{0}' is null.".format( except: #run into a unexpected exception state_result = (JobStateOutcome.internal_error, JobState.get_exception_message()) try: next_state = current_state.next_state(state_result[0]) except: #can not find a transition from the current state with the state_result, stay at the current state. next_state = current_state if state_result[1]: state_result = (state_result[0],"{0}\n=======================\n{1}".format(JobState.get_exception_message(),state_result[1])) else: state_result = (state_result[0],JobState.get_exception_message()) end_time = logger.debug("job(id={0},name={1}) ends to execute state ({2}) with result ({3});".format(,,job.state,state_result)) #set the retry times if current_state == next_state: #stay at the same state, runs into some exception job.retry_times += 1 elif current_state.is_interactive_state: #current state is interactive state. job.retry_times = 0 elif current_state.is_error_state: #current state is a error state if next_state.is_error_state: #stay at the same state, run into a exception job.retry_times += 1 elif isinstance(next_state,current_state._normal_state): #a normal transition from current state to its associated normal state pass else: #a transition from current state to other normal state, reset retry_times. job.retry_times = 0 elif next_state.is_end_state : #reach the end state or a volative state job.retry_times = 0 else: #current state is a normal state if not next_state.is_error_state: #a successful transition from a normal state to another normal state. job.retry_times = 0 else: #a failed transition from a normal state to a failed state job.retry_times += 1 log = JobLog( job_id =, state = job.state, outcome = state_result[0], message = state_result[1], next_state = next_state, start_time = start_time, end_time = end_time) if current_state.is_error_state and not current_state.is_interactive_state and not job.user_action and isinstance(next_state,current_state._normal_state): #normal transition from error state to normal state, ignore the log log = None elif next_state.is_error_state or current_state == next_state: #failed, last_log = JobLog.objects.filter(job_id ="-pk").first() if last_log and last_log.state == job.state and last_log.outcome == state_result[0] and last_log.message == state_result[1] and last_log.next_state == #same execption occur last_log.start_time = start_time last_log.end_time = end_time log = last_log if current_state != next_state: #job move to a new state, change the job state job.previous_state = job.state job.state = else: #some bad thing happens,job stays at the same state, leave the job's state untouched pass job.last_execution_end_time = job.message = state_result[1]['previous_state','state','message','retry_times','last_execution_end_time','user_action']) if log: #import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace() if current_state == next_state: #stay in the same state, stop execution logger.debug("job(id={0},name={1},state={2}) stay in the same state.".format(,,job.state)) return elif next_state.is_error_state: return elif step: return #set previous_state to the current state, current_state to the next_state previous_state = current_state current_state = next_state