def test_set(self):
     h = HashTable(30)
     h.set('puppy', 'cute')
     actual = h.hlist[4]
     expected = [('puppy', 'cute')]
     assert actual == expected
     assert h.hlist[0] == []
def test_hash():
    """Test hash function."""
    from hash_table import HashTable
    new_hash = HashTable(100)
    hashed = new_hash._hash('string')
    assert hashed < len(new_hash.table)
    assert isinstance(hashed, int)
def test_set_empty():
    """Test set on empty table."""
    string = "test"
    ht = HashTable()
    check = ht._hashing(string, ht._size)
    ht.set("test", "test")
    assert ht._table[check] == [(check, "test")]
def test_word_file():
    ht = HashTable()
    for word in words:
        ht.set(word, word)
    assert ht.get(words[654]) == words[654]
    assert ht.get(words[3541]) == words[3541]
    assert ht.get(words[6541]) == words[6541]
def build_histogram(tokens):
    histogram = HashTable()
    for token in tokens:
        if not histogram.contains(token):
            histogram[token] = 0
        histogram[token] += 1

    return histogram
def test_collision():
    """Test hash puts multiple buckets in one slot where needed."""
    small_table = HashTable(2)
    small_table.set("a", "hello")
    small_table.set("c", "world")
    assert ("a", "hello") in small_table._table[1]
    assert ("c", "world") in small_table._table[1]
    assert small_table._table[0] == []
def test_set():
    """Test set function."""
    from hash_table import HashTable
    new_hash = HashTable(1)
    new_hash.set('chicken', 'robot')
    assert new_hash.table[0][0][0] == 'chicken'
    assert new_hash.table[0][0][1] == 'robot'
    assert new_hash.table[0][0] == ('chicken', 'robot')
 def setUp(self): = HashTable(), 'hello'), 'hi'), 'how')'foo', 'are'), 'foo'), 'bar')'a', 'baz')
def ht_ant_one():
    """Hash table of words and their antonyms."""
    ht = HashTable(10)
    ht.set('fond', 'averse')
    ht.set('wrath', 'delight')
    ht.set('diligent', 'idle')
    ht.set('outfit', 'follow')
    ht.set('guide', 'jam')
    return ht
def form_parametrize_add():
    """Forming parameters for testing function add"""
    dict_1 = {item: item ** 2 for item in range(100)}
    dict_2 = HashTable(100)
    result = []

    for i in range(100):
        dict_2.add(str(i), i ** 2)
        result.append((dict_2[str(i)], dict_1.get(i)))
    return result
Exemple #11
def load_package_data():
    with open(packages_data_path, 'r') as packages_data_file:
        package_data_list = list(csv.reader(packages_data_file, delimiter=','))

        package_hash_table = HashTable(len(package_data_list))

        for package_data_row in package_data_list:
            package = Package( package_data_row )
        return package_hash_table
def ht_syn_one():
    """Hash table of words and their synonyms."""
    ht = HashTable(10)
    # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
    ht.set('fond', 'enamored')
    ht.set('wrath', 'anger')
    ht.set('diligent', 'employed')
    ht.set('outfit', 'garb')
    ht.set('guide', 'usher')
    return ht
def test_hash_on_word_list():
    """Test that hash works on a giant list of words."""
    from hash_table import HashTable
    import io
    new_hash = HashTable(500)
    file ='/usr/share/dict/words')
    for i in range(250000):
        key = value = file.readline()
        new_hash.set(key, value)
        assert new_hash.get(key) == value
Exemple #14
 def test_values(self):
     A HashTable can produce a list of its values.
     h = HashTable()
     h['foo'] = 'bar'
     h['baz'] = 'qux'
     values = h.values()
     self.assertEqual(['bar', 'qux'], values)
Exemple #15
    def test_hash_table_has_returns_the_same_index_whenever_called(self):
        ht = HashTable(10)
        first = ht.hash("name")
        second = ht.hash("name")

        self.assertTrue(first != None)
        self.assertTrue(second != None)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(first, int))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(second, int))
        self.assertEqual(first, second)
Exemple #16
 def test_keys(self):
     A HashTable can produce a list of its keys.
     h = HashTable()
     h['foo'] = 'bar'
     h['baz'] = 'qux'
     keys = h.keys()
     self.assertEqual(['baz', 'foo'], keys)
Exemple #17
class SymbolTable:
    def __init__(self):
        self.table = HashTable()
        self.checkingTable = {}

    def add(self, new_entry):
        entry = self.checkingTable.get(new_entry.get_key())
        if entry is None:
            self.checkingTable[new_entry.get_key()] = new_entry.get_value()
            self.table.add(new_entry.get_key(), new_entry.get_value())
            if isinstance(new_entry, Identifier):
                self.table.add(new_entry.get_key(), new_entry.get_value())
        return new_entry.get_key()

    def get(self, key):
        return self.table.get(key)

    def get_table(self):
        return self.table.items()

    def __str__(self):
        return str(self.table.items())

    def print_symbol_table(self):
        for key in self.table.items():
            value = self.table.items()[key]
            print("{ ID:", value[0], ", Value:", value[1], "}")
Exemple #18
 def test_many(self):
     words = [line.strip() for line in open('/usr/share/dict/words')]
     words = words[:300]
     len_words = len(words)
     h = HashTable(len_words)
     for word in words:
         h.set(word, word)
     for l in h.hlist:
         print len(l)
     for word in words:
         assert h.get(word) == word
 def setUp(self) -> None:
     self.H = HashTable()
     self.H[54] = "cat"
     self.H[26] = "dog"
     self.H[93] = "lion"
     self.H[17] = "tiger"
     self.H[77] = "bird"
     self.H[31] = "cow"
     self.H[44] = "goat"
     self.H[55] = "pig"
     self.H[20] = "chicken"
def repeated_word(lengthy_string):
    """Return the first repeated word of an lengthy input string."""
    lengthy_string = lengthy_string.lower()
    lengthy_list = lengthy_string.split(' ')
    ht = HashTable(len(lengthy_list))
    for word in lengthy_list:
        if ht.get(word):
            return word
            ht.set(word, word)
    return False
Exemple #21
 def __init__(self, circuit, previous, name: str, complete: bool, men_stats,
              women_stats, men_scoreboard, women_scoreboard):
     self.circuit = circuit
     self.previous = previous = name
     self.complete = complete
     self.men_stats = men_stats
     self.women_stats = women_stats
     self.men_scoreboard = men_scoreboard
     self.women_scoreboard = women_scoreboard
     self.tournaments = HashTable()  # <tournament name, tournament>
Exemple #22
 def test_get_conflict(self):
     h = HashTable(30)
     h.set('hi', 'HI')
     h.set('w', 'W')
     assert h.hash('w') == h.hash('hi')
     actual1 = h.get('hi')
     expected1 = 'HI'
     assert actual1 == expected1
     actual2 = h.get('w')
     expected2 = 'W'
     assert actual2 == expected2
Exemple #23
def main():
    # Create hash table for packages
    package_hash_table = HashTable()
    # Create 40 packages and assign the address IDs
    # using the CSV data file
    all_packages = []
    with open('package_data.csv') as data:
        package_data = csv.reader(data, delimiter=',')
        for row in package_data:
            package = Package(row[0], None, row[1], row[2], row[3], row[4],
                              row[5], row[6], row[7], 'At hub')
    # Add packages to hash table
    for package in all_packages:
        package_hash_table.insert(package.id_num, package)
    # Presort packages for each truck
    all_packages = PackageSorting.sort_packages(all_packages)
    # Create 3 load lists based on package priorities, possibly in a different class
    first_load = all_packages[0]
    second_load = all_packages[1]
    third_load = all_packages[2]
    # Run these lists through the sorting algorithm to compute the most efficient delivery order
    first_load = EfficiencyAlgorithm.organize_route(first_load)
    second_load = EfficiencyAlgorithm.organize_route(second_load)
    third_load = EfficiencyAlgorithm.organize_route(third_load)
    # Create and load 3 trucks
    first_truck = Truck(first_load)
    second_truck = Truck(second_load)
    third_truck = Truck(third_load)
    # Send the two drivers to begin deliveries at set times
    first_truck.begin_delivery('08:00 AM')
    second_truck.begin_delivery('09:05 AM')
    # Take address change for package #9 into account
    if first_truck.current_time >= '10:20 AM':
        for queue_item in third_load.queue:
            if 'Wrong address' in queue_item.item.notes:
                queue_item.item.address_id = 19
                queue_item.item.address = '410 S State St'
                queue_item.item.zip_code = '84111'
    # Because there are only two drivers, wait until the
    # first returns before sending out the third one
    if first_truck.current_loc == 0:
        if first_truck.current_time <= '10:20:AM':
            # Take address change into account if not already done
            for queue_item in third_load.queue:
                if 'Wrong address' in queue_item.item.notes:
                    queue_item.item.address_id = 19
                    queue_item.item.address = '410 S State St'
                    queue_item.item.zip_code = '84111'
            third_truck.begin_delivery('10:20 AM')
    # Create menu for input here to check things
    user_interface(package_hash_table, first_truck, second_truck, third_truck)
def form_parametrize_delete():
    """Forming parameters for testing function delete"""
    dict_1 = {item: item ** 2 for item in range(100)}
    dict_2 = HashTable(100)
    result = []

    for i in range(100):
        result.append((dict_2.find(str(i)), bool(dict_1.get(i))))
    return result
def camouflage(clothes):
    wearing = HashTable(len(clothes))
    for i in clothes:
        wearing.insert(i[1], i[0])
    camo = 1
    viewed_keys = []
    for j in range(len(clothes)):
        if clothes[j][1] not in viewed_keys:
            camo *= (wearing.get_linked_list_for_key(clothes[j][1]).len() + 1)
    return camo - 1
def build_histogram_with_file(filename):
    word_dict = HashTable()
    list_word = []
    with open(filename, 'r') as a_file:
        for a_line in a_file:
            words = re.findall(r"[a-zA-Z]+", a_line)
            for word in words:
                if not word_dict.contains(word):
                    word_dict[word] = 0
                word_dict[word] += 1
    return word_dict, list_word
Exemple #27
    def test_find(self):
        """ Проверка поиска элемента по значению:"""
        self.h_table = HashTable(4, 3)
        self.assertEqual(self.h_table.seek_slot("DD"), None)

        self.assertEqual(self.h_table.find("dE"), 0)
        self.assertEqual(self.h_table.find("eD"), 3)
        self.assertEqual(self.h_table.find("DD"), None)
def repeated_word(string):
    """Return first repeated word."""
        all_words = string.lower().split(' ')
    except TypeError:
        raise TypeError
    ht = HT()
    for each in all_words:
        found = ht.get(each)
        if found:
            return each
        ht.set(each, each)
def test_table_collision():
    "Tests the collision"
    obj = HashTable(size=1000)
    random_keys = []

    for i in range(2000):
        random_key = ''.join(random.sample(string.ascii_lowercase, 10))
        obj.set(random_key, i)

    for i, random_key in enumerate(random_keys):
        assert obj.get(random_key) == i
def main():
	H = HashTable()
	a = input("Enter your word:\n")
	filename = "ispell.dict"
	with suppress_stdout():
		file = open(filename,"r")
		lines = [line.rstrip('\n') for line in file]
		for line in lines:

Exemple #31
 def __init__(self, truck_count=3, opening_time="08:00 AM"):
     print("Welcome to Hub Management Center")
     self.current_time = opening_time
     self.truck_count = truck_count
     self.trucks = []
     self.add_truck(truck_count) = Location("Western Governors University",
                            "4001 South 700 E", 84107, "HUB")
     self.destinations = distance_table.DistanceTable()
     self.database = HashTable()
Exemple #32
def test_naive_hash_causes_many_collisions():
    """Tests if naive hash causes multiple collisions."""
    from hash_table import HashTable
    hash_table = HashTable(hash_function='naive')
    equal = True
    while equal:
        sample_words = random.sample(list_words, 50)
        for word in sample_words:
            hash_table.set(word, word)
        hash_table_words = [hash_table.get(word) for word in sample_words]
        equal = hash_table_words == sample_words
    assert not equal
Exemple #33
 def __init__(self,
     self.player = player
     self.wins = wins
     self.losses = losses
     self.points = points
     self.scores = scores.clone()  # <score, count>
     self.season_stats = season_stats.clone()  # <season name, season stats>
Exemple #34
class HashTest(TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.test1 = HashTable(10)

    def test_type(self):
        self.assertIsInstance(self.test1, HashTable)

    def test_add(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.test1.insert("key", "var"), None)

    def test_search(self):
        self.test1.insert("key", "val")
        self.assertEqual("key"), "val")
Exemple #35
def uneven_table():
    """Antonym table without all matches."""
    table = HashTable()
    table.set('fond', 'averse')
    table.set('wrath', 'delight')
    table.set('flow', 'jam')
    return table
def repeated_word(string):
    """Takes a string as an argument. Returns the first word to be repeated."""
    if type(string) is not str:
        raise TypeError('Please input a string.')

    words = string.split(' ')
    table = HashTable()

    for word in words:
        if table.get(word):
            return word
        table.set(word, word)

    raise KeyError('There are no duplicate words!')
Exemple #37
def even_table_one():
    """Synonyms hash table."""
    table = HashTable()
    table.set('fond', 'enamored')
    table.set('wrath', 'anger')
    table.set('diligent', 'employed')
    return table
def test_add_method():
    hash_table = HashTable()

    # add first key-value pair
    hash_table.add("Cat", "Frodo")
    # check if index that not 808 still has '0' in it
    assert hash_table._array[809] == 0

    # check if index 808 not '0' anymore
    assert hash_table._array[808] != 0

    assert hash_table._array[808].head.key == "Cat"
    assert hash_table._array[808].head.value == "Frodo"
    assert hash_table._array[808] == None
Exemple #39
class BETrainingModel:
    def __init__(self, model_path='default_model', beam_size=1):
        self.model_path, self.model_name = split_path(model_path)
        self.beam_size = beam_size
        self.perceptron = None
        self.label_hash = HashTable()

    def save(self):
        labels_file = self.create_file_with_extension('label')
        with open(self.create_file_with_extension(), 'w') as model_file:
            model_file.write(str(self.beam_size) + '\n')
            model_file.write(str(labels_file) + '\n')
                str(self.create_file_with_extension('weights')) + '\n')

    def setup_model(self, corpus_file):
        # index dependency label
        for label in get_label_conll(corpus_file):
        n_class = len(self.label_hash) * 2
        self.perceptron = MultitronParameters(n_class)

    def save_weight_file(self, iter):
        weights_file_path = self.create_file_with_extension('weights.' + iter)
        self.perceptron.dump_fin(file(weights_file_path, 'w'))

    def update_perceptron_counter(self):

    def create_file_with_extension(self, ext=''):
        return os.path.join(self.model_path, self.model_name + '.' + ext)

    def get_scores(self, features):
        return self.perceptron.get_scores(features)

    def update_paramaters(self, features, cls, value):
        self.perceptron.add(features, cls, value)

    def load(cls, model_path):
        model_dir, model_file = split_path(model_path)
        with open(model_path, 'r') as f:
            beam_size = int(f.readline().strip())
            label_hash_file = f.readline().strip()
            label_hash = load_hash_from_file(label_hash_file)
            weights_file_path = f.readline().strip() + ".FINAL"
            perceptron = MulticlassModel(weights_file_path)
            return cls(model_path, beam_size, perceptron, label_hash)
def test_collisions():
    h = HashTable()
    h.add(25, "foo")
    h.add(125, "bar")
    assert len([25]) == 2
    assert h.get(25) == "foo"
    assert h.get(125) == "bar"
Exemple #41
def hash_table_test():
  # Create hash table
  h = HashTable()

  # Populate it
  for _ in range(100):
  h.add(Element('topher', 1337))

  # Print the table

  # Try a find
def count_tokens(tokenized_array):
    histogram = HashTable()
    for word in tokenized_array:
        searched_word_data =
        if searched_word_data is not None:
            histogram.set_value(word, searched_word_data[1] + 1)
            histogram.set_value(word, 1)
    return histogram
class TestHashTable(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        self.hash_table = HashTable(13)

    def test_init(self):
        bucket_size = len(self.hash_table.buckets)
        self.assertEqual(13, bucket_size)
        self.assertEqual(bucket_size, self.hash_table.bucket_count)
        self.assertEqual(0, self.hash_table.item_count)

    def test_set_value_for_key(self):
        self.hash_table["key"] = "Bob"
        self.assertEqual(1, self.hash_table.item_count)
        self.assertEqual("Bob", self.hash_table["key"])
        self.hash_table["key"] = "Max"
        self.assertEqual("Max", self.hash_table["key"])

    def test_get_value_for_key(self):
        self.hash_table["Bob"] = "male"
        self.hash_table["Bob"] = "alpha male"
        self.hash_table["Alexa"] = "female"
        self.assertNotEqual("male", self.hash_table["Bob"])
        self.assertEqual("alpha male", self.hash_table["Bob"])

    def test_remove_key(self):
        self.hash_table["Bob"] = "male"
        self.assertEqual("male", self.hash_table["Bob"])
        self.assertEqual(1, self.hash_table.item_count)
        del self.hash_table["Bob"]
        self.assertEqual(0, self.hash_table.item_count)

    def test_contains(self):
        self.hash_table["Bob"] = "male"
        self.hash_table["Alex"] = "male"
        self.assertTrue("Bob" in self.hash_table)
        self.assertTrue("Alex" in self.hash_table)
        self.assertFalse("Chris" in self.hash_table)

    # test helper methods

    def test_get_bucket_index_for_key(self):
        index = self.hash_table._get_bucket_index_for_key("key")
        self.assertTrue(index < self.hash_table.bucket_count)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(index, int))
def test_non_string():
    ht = HashTable()
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        ht.set(13, 13)
 def setUp(self):
     self.hash_table = HashTable(13)
def test_duplicate_hash_val():
    ht = HashTable()
    ht.set('bob', 'bob')
    ht.set('obb', 'obb')
    assert ht.get('bob') == 'bob'
    assert ht.get('obb') == 'obb'
def test_multiple_tables():
    ht1 = HashTable()
    ht2 = HashTable()
    ht1.set('coffee', 'coffee')
    ht1.set('eggs', 'eggs')
    ht2.set('bacon', 'bacon')
    with pytest.raises(KeyError):
    with pytest.raises(KeyError):
Exemple #48
 def test_hash(self):
     h = HashTable(30)
     actual = h.hash('puppy')
     expected = 4
     assert actual == expected
def test_big_table(word_list):
    table = HashTable(4096)
    [table.set(word, word) for word in word_list]
    assert [table.get(word) == word for word in word_list]
    for word in word_list:
        print "expected: {}, seen: {}".format(word, table.get(word))
Exemple #50
 def test_key_is_string(self):
     h = HashTable(100)
     with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as context:
         h.set(1, 1)
     self.assertEqual(context.exception.message, u"key must be a string.")
Exemple #51
 def test_get(self):
     h = HashTable(30)
     h.set('puppy', 'cute')
     actual = h.get('puppy')
     expected = 'cute'
     assert actual == expected
def test_get():
    """Test get method."""
    hT = HashTable()
    hT.set("test", "test")
    assert hT.get("test") == "test"
def test_non_item():
    ht = HashTable()
    ht.set('coffee', 'coffee')
    with pytest.raises(KeyError):
    def test_end_to_end(self):
        hash_table = HashTable(10)

        print("Test: get on an empty hash table index")
        assert_equal(hash_table.get(0), None)

        print("Test: set on an empty hash table index")
        hash_table.set(0, 'foo')
        assert_equal(hash_table.get(0), 'foo')
        hash_table.set(1, 'bar')
        assert_equal(hash_table.get(1), 'bar')

        print("Test: set on a non empty hash table index")
        hash_table.set(10, 'foo2')
        assert_equal(hash_table.get(0), 'foo')
        assert_equal(hash_table.get(10), 'foo2')

        print("Test: set on a key that already exists")
        hash_table.set(10, 'foo3')
        assert_equal(hash_table.get(0), 'foo')
        assert_equal(hash_table.get(10), 'foo3')

        print("Test: remove on a key that already exists")
        assert_equal(hash_table.get(0), 'foo')
        assert_equal(hash_table.get(10), None)

        print("Test: remove on a key that doesn't exist")

        print('Success: test_end_to_end')
Exemple #55
from hash_table import HashTable

terminator = False

obj = HashTable()

while terminator == False :

    print "1 to add"
    print "2 to delete"
    print "3 to print"

    print "6 to terminate"

    option = input("enter your option\n")

    if option == 1:
        item = raw_input("enter the item to be inserted \n")

    elif option == 2:
        item = raw_input("enter the item to be deleted \n")
        print "item deleted - "+obj.delete(item)

    elif option == 3:
        print obj.print_hash_table()

    elif option == 6:
        print "programme is terminated"
        terminator = True
def words_table():
    from hash_table import HashTable
    big_table = HashTable(50)
    for word in get_words():
        big_table.set(str(word), str(word))
    return big_table
def words_table(request):
    """Big set of sample values."""
    big_table = HashTable(1024)
    for word in get_words():
        big_table.set(word, word)
    return big_table
def test_hash():
    ht = HashTable()
    ht.set('coffee', 'coffee')
    assert ht.get('coffee') == 'coffee'