Exemple #1
def api(request):
  print request
  print "a", request.is_ajax()

  if ("url" not in request.POST or
      "customURL" not in request.POST or
      ("csrfmiddlewaretoken" not in request.POST and
       "isFromExtension" not in request.POST)):
    print request.POST
    raise Http404
  print "a"

  # Need client IP for flood prevention so need this header.
  # It's a required header to be standard-compliant.
  if "REMOTE_ADDR" not in request.META:
    return HttpResponse("Oops, seems like you're using a non-standard compliant browser!")

  isFromExtension = False
  if "isFromExtension" in request.POST:
    isFromExtension = True

  ips = models.IP.objects.filter(ip=request.META["REMOTE_ADDR"])
  print request.POST

  url = str(request.POST["url"])
  print "url", url
  customURL = request.POST["customURL"]

  # If we have a custom URL, then validate it.
  if customURL != "":
    p = re.compile("[^a-zA-Z-_0-9]")
    results = p.search(customURL)

    # If not valid, return error message.
    if results != None:
      return HttpResponse("Custom URLs can only contain alphanumeric symbols, - and _", content_type="text/plain")
    if len(customURL) <4 or len(customURL) > 32:
      return HttpResponse("Custom URLs must be between 4 and 32 characters long!", content_type="text/plain")

  print "a"
  validator = URLValidator()
    # Validate url
    print "url", url
    print "url2", url

    # First check if we have a custom url. 
    # If so, we override the preexisting checks.
    if customURL != "":
      # Check if customURL is already in use or not
      existingCheck = models.Url.objects.filter(hashOfUrl=customURL)
      if len(existingCheck) > 0:
        # Check if that full url already exists, eg the exact same parameters
        if existingCheck[0].fullUrl == url:
          # Already existed with exact same shortening so might as well return it
          return HttpResponse(existingCheck[0].shortenedUrl, content_type="text/plain")
        # Otherwise we have a conflicting customURL to different redirects
        return HttpResponse("That custom URL is already in use!", content_type="text/plain")

      # Else, we're good.
      returnUrl = HOST_URL+customURL

      # Store IP to prevent floods
      if len(ips)==0:
        ipObj = models.IP(ip=request.META["REMOTE_ADDR"])
        ipObj = ips[0]
        # 2016-01-12 16:22:22.129932+00:00
        now = datetime.datetime.now(tz=pytz.utc)
        # If requests are too quick
        if (formatTime(now)-formatTime(ipObj.lastUsed))<=datetime.timedelta(milliseconds=1000):
          return HttpResponse("Slow down! You're making too many requests!",content_type="text/plain")
        ipObj.lastUsed = now


      urlObj = models.Url(fullUrl=url,

      return HttpResponse(returnUrl, content_type="text/plain")
    print "b"
    check = models.Url.objects.filter(fullUrl=url)
    if len(check) >0:
      for url in check:
        if url.isCustom == False:
          returnUrl = check[0].shortenedUrl
          print "already exists",returnUrl
          return HttpResponse(returnUrl, content_type="text/plain")

    print  "aaaaaa", repr(url)
    hashed = str(url)
    collission = True
    while collission:
      hashed = hasher.returnShortenedURL(hashed)
      print "hashing"
      if len(models.Url.objects.filter(hashOfUrl=hashed)) == 0:
        collission = False
    returnUrl = HOST_URL+hashed
    print "done hashing"
    print repr(url);
    print str(url), hashed, returnUrl, isFromExtension
    urlObj = models.Url(fullUrl=str(url),
    print "a"
    print urlObj
      print "AAAAAAAA"
      return HttpResponse("Oops something broke! Try again in a bit!", content_type="text/plain")
    print "asdf"
    if len(ips)==0:
      ipObj = models.IP(ip=request.META["REMOTE_ADDR"])
      print "f"
      ipObj = ips[0]
      # 2016-01-12 16:22:22.129932+00:00
      now = datetime.datetime.now(tz=pytz.utc)
      # If requests are too quick
      if (formatTime(now)-formatTime(ipObj.lastUsed))<=datetime.timedelta(milliseconds=1000):
        return HttpResponse("Slow down! You're making too many requests!",content_type="text/plain")
      ipObj.lastUsed = now


    return HttpResponse(returnUrl, content_type="text/plain")
  except ValidationError, e:

    print e
    return HttpResponse("Please enter a valid and full url!", content_type="text/plain")
Exemple #2
def api(request):

    if ("url" not in request.POST or "csrfmiddlewaretoken" not in request.POST
            or "customURL" not in request.POST):
        print request.POST
        raise Http404

    url = request.POST["url"]
    customURL = request.POST["customURL"]

    # If we have a custom URL, then validate it.
    if customURL != "":
        p = re.compile("[^a-zA-Z-_0-9]")
        results = p.search(customURL)

        # If not valid, return error message.
        if results != None:
            return HttpResponse(
                "Custom URLs can only contain alphanumeric symbols, - and _",
        if len(customURL) < 4 or len(customURL) > 32:
            return HttpResponse(
                "Custom URLs must be between 4 and 32 characters long!",

    validator = URLValidator()
        # Validate url

        # First check if we have a custom url.
        # If so, we override the preexisting checks.
        if customURL != "":
            # Check if customURL is already in use or not
            existingCheck = models.Url.objects.filter(hashOfUrl=customURL)
            if len(existingCheck) > 0:

                # Check if that full url already exists, eg the exact same parameters
                if existingCheck[0].fullUrl == url:
                    # Already existed with exact same shortening so might as well return it
                    return HttpResponse(existingCheck[0].shortenedUrl,

                # Otherwise we have a conflicting customURL to different redirects
                return HttpResponse("That custom URL is already in use!",

            # Else, we're good.
            returnUrl = HOST_URL + customURL
            urlObj = models.Url(fullUrl=url,
            return HttpResponse(returnUrl, content_type="text/plain")

        # check = models.Url.objects.filter(fullUrl=url)
        # if len(check) >0:
        #   returnUrl = check[0].shortenedUrl
        #   print "already exists",returnUrl
        #   return HttpResponse(returnUrl, content_type="text/plain")

        hashed = url
        collission = True
        while collission:
            hashed = hasher.returnShortenedURL(hashed)

            if len(models.Url.objects.filter(hashOfUrl=hashed)) == 0:
                collission = False
        returnUrl = HOST_URL + hashed
        urlObj = models.Url(fullUrl=url,

        return HttpResponse(returnUrl, content_type="text/plain")
    except ValidationError, e:

        print e
        return HttpResponse("Please enter a valid and full url!",
Exemple #3
def api(request):

  if ("url" not in request.POST or
      "csrfmiddlewaretoken" not in request.POST or
      "customURL" not in request.POST):
    print request.POST
    raise Http404

  url = request.POST["url"]
  customURL = request.POST["customURL"]

  # If we have a custom URL, then validate it.
  if customURL != "":
    p = re.compile("[^a-zA-Z-_0-9]")
    results = p.search(customURL)

    # If not valid, return error message.
    if results != None:
      return HttpResponse("Custom URLs can only contain alphanumeric symbols, - and _", content_type="text/plain")
    if len(customURL) <4 or len(customURL) > 32:
      return HttpResponse("Custom URLs must be between 4 and 32 characters long!", content_type="text/plain")

  validator = URLValidator()
    # Validate url

    # First check if we have a custom url. 
    # If so, we override the preexisting checks.
    if customURL != "":
      # Check if customURL is already in use or not
      existingCheck = models.Url.objects.filter(hashOfUrl=customURL)
      if len(existingCheck) > 0:

        # Check if that full url already exists, eg the exact same parameters
        if existingCheck[0].fullUrl == url:
          # Already existed with exact same shortening so might as well return it
          return HttpResponse(existingCheck[0].shortenedUrl, content_type="text/plain")
        # Otherwise we have a conflicting customURL to different redirects
        return HttpResponse("That custom URL is already in use!", content_type="text/plain")

      # Else, we're good.
      returnUrl = HOST_URL+customURL
      urlObj = models.Url(fullUrl=url,hashOfUrl=customURL,shortenedUrl=returnUrl,hits=0)
      return HttpResponse(returnUrl, content_type="text/plain")

    # check = models.Url.objects.filter(fullUrl=url)
    # if len(check) >0:
    #   returnUrl = check[0].shortenedUrl
    #   print "already exists",returnUrl
    #   return HttpResponse(returnUrl, content_type="text/plain")

    hashed = url
    collission = True
    while collission:
      hashed = hasher.returnShortenedURL(hashed)

      if len(models.Url.objects.filter(hashOfUrl=hashed)) == 0:
        collission = False
    returnUrl = HOST_URL+hashed
    urlObj = models.Url(fullUrl=url,hashOfUrl=hashed,shortenedUrl=returnUrl,hits=0)

    return HttpResponse(returnUrl, content_type="text/plain")
  except ValidationError, e:

    print e
    return HttpResponse("Please enter a valid and full url!", content_type="text/plain")