Exemple #1
        with open('characters.json') as f:
            data = json.load(f)
            characters = {
                k: cattr.structure(v, Character)
                for k, v in data.items()
            await client.message_create(msg.channel,
                                        "Successfully loaded the characters")

async def stats(client: Client, msg: Message):
    Send the user's statistics
    :param client:
    :param msg:
    user = msg.author
    # todo get the actual stats
    stats = characters[msg.author.id]
    embed = Embed(title=f'Stats for {user.name}',
                      [f'{k.upper()}: {v}' for k, v in stats.items()]))
    await client.message_create(msg.channel, embed=embed)

if __name__ == '__main__':
Exemple #2
# Replace this with your bot token, see topics/getting_started.md to see how you can get one
TOKEN = ''

# Create your client instance by using your bot token
Sakuya = Client(TOKEN)

# Register event handler for message create event. When a message is received the decorated function will be called.
# Events are dispatched asynchronously so multiple events can be handled in parallel.
async def message_create(client, message):
    if message.content == '!ping':
        # Sending message can fail due to network error or by lack of permissions.
        # If exception is not explicitly caught it will be logged to stderr and ignored.
        await client.message_create(message.channel, 'pong')

# Register handler for the `ready` event. Ready is called when the client shards are all booted up.
async def ready(client):
    # Hata has various format codes for Discord entities
    # In this case `f` stands for `.full_name` property.
    print(f'{client:f} is connected!')

Exemple #3

async def textcat(client, event):
    """I will send textcats :3"""
        async with HTTP.get(BASE_URL+'/cat') as response:
            if response.status != 200:
                return "Couldn't contact the API right now... OwO"
            data = await response.json()
        return data['cat']
    except (OSError, ConnectionError):
        return None

async def why(client, event):
    """why are you using this commands?"""
        async with HTTP.get(BASE_URL+'/why') as response:
            if response.status != 200:
                return "Couldn't contact the API right now... WHY?"
            data = await response.json()
        return data['why']
    except (OSError, ConnectionError):
        return None

# starting the bot