Exemple #1
def test_dist_precompute(cluster4):
    states = hd.USet(2, "q")
    alphabet = hd.USet(2, "a")

    delta = hd.Mappings(states * alphabet, states)
    r1 = delta.cnfs().run()
    r2 = delta.cnfs().run(cluster4.ctx)

    assert len(r1) == len(r2)
Exemple #2
def test_cnfs():
    x = hd.Range(10)
    assert list(x.cnfs()) == range(10)

    ax = hd.USet(4, "a")
    bx = hd.USet(2, "b")

    result = (ax * (ax + bx)).cnfs().filter(lambda x: x[1].parent == bx).run()
    assert result == [(ax.get(0), bx.get(0))]
Exemple #3
def test_cnfs_to_values():
    ax = hd.USet(3, "a")
    a0, a1, a2 = ax

    c = hd.CnfValues((a0, ))
    v = c.to_values()

    assert isinstance(v, hd.Values)
    assert list(c) == list(v)
Exemple #4
def test_cnfs_invalid_values():
    ax = hd.USet(3, "a")
    a0, a1, a2 = ax

    with pytest.raises(Exception):
        hd.CnfValues((a0, a1))

    with pytest.raises(Exception):
        hd.CnfValues([(a2, a2)])
Exemple #5
def main():

    n_states = 6  # Number of states
    n_symbols = 2  # Number of symbols in alphabet

    states = hd.USet(n_states, "q")  # set of states q0, q1, ..., q_{n_states}
    alphabet = hd.USet(n_symbols, "a")  # set of symbols a0, ..., a_{a_symbols}

    # Mappings (states * alphabet) -> states
    delta = hd.Mappings(states * alphabet, states)

    # Let us precompute some values that will be repeatedly used
    init_state = frozenset(states)
    max_steps = (n_states**3 - n_states) / 6

    def check_automaton(delta):
        # This function takes automaton as a transition function and
        # returns the minimal length of synchronizing word or 0 if there
        # is no such word

        def step(state, depth):
            # A step in bread-first search; gives a set of states
            # and return a set reachable by one step
            for a in alphabet:
                yield frozenset(delta[(s, a)] for s in state)

        delta = delta.to_dict()
        return search.bfs(
            init_state,  # Initial state
            step,  # Step
            lambda state, depth: depth if len(state) == 1 else None,
            # Run until we reach a single state
            max_depth=max_steps,  # Limit depth of search
            not_found_value=0)  # Return 0 when we exceed depth limit

    # Create & run pipeline
    pipeline = delta.cnfs().map(check_automaton).max(size=1)
    result = pipeline.run()

    print("The maximal length of a minimal reset word for an "
          "automaton with {} states and {} symbols is {}.".format(
              n_states, n_symbols, result[0]))
Exemple #6
def test_sequence_flags():
    a = hd.USet(4, "a")
    f = a.filter(lambda x: True)
    m = a.map(lambda x: True)

    p1 = hd.Sequences(a, 2)
    p2 = hd.Sequences(f, 2)
    p3 = hd.Sequences(m, 2)

    assert not p1.filtered
    assert p2.filtered
    assert not p3.filtered

    assert p1.step_jumps
    assert p2.step_jumps
    assert p3.step_jumps

    assert p1.strict
    assert not p2.strict
    assert not p3.strict
Exemple #7
def test_product_flags():
    a = hd.USet(4, "a")
    f = a.filter(lambda x: True)
    m = a.map(lambda x: True)

    p1 = a * a
    p2 = f * a
    p3 = m * a

    assert not p1.filtered
    assert p2.filtered
    assert not p3.filtered

    assert p1.step_jumps
    assert p2.step_jumps
    assert p3.step_jumps

    assert p1.strict
    assert not p2.strict
    assert not p3.strict
Exemple #8
def test_cnfs_strict():
    ax = hd.USet(3, "a")
    a0, a1, a2 = ax
    assert hd.CnfValues((a0, 123, "a")).strict
Exemple #9
def test_cnfs_to_cnf_values():
    ax = hd.USet(3, "a")
    a0, a1, a2 = ax

    c = hd.CnfValues((a0,))
    assert c == c.to_cnf_values()
Exemple #10
def test_cnfs_values():
    ax = hd.USet(3, "a")
    a0, a1, a2 = ax
    assert list(hd.CnfValues((a0,)).create_cn_iter()) == [a0]
    assert list(hd.CnfValues((a0,))) == [a0, a1, a2]