Exemple #1
 def get(self, request):
     #takes a latitude and longitude and returns artifacts within 2 miles
         lon = float(request.GET.get('lon', None))
         lat = float(request.GET.get('lat', None))
         return HttpResponse('You Must Specify a latitude and longitude', content_type='application/json', status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
     username = request.user.username
     pnt = Point(lon, lat)
     # Within a two miles.
     max_dist = D(mi=2)
     # 'location' is the fieldname from our ``SearchIndex``...
     # Do the radius query.
     sqs = SearchQuerySet().distance('location',pnt).order_by('distance')
     within = sqs.dwithin('location', pnt, max_dist)
     if len(within) != len(sqs) and len(within) !=0 and len(sqs) !=0:
         closest_not_within = pnt.distance(sqs[len(within)])*100*0.6214
     else: closest_not_within='null'
     the_data = []
     for result in sqs:
         # get number of pickups as well as whether or not the user has already picked up
         already_picked_up = (username in result.pickup_count)
         _pickup_count = count_m2m(result.pickup_count)
         # get number of upvotes as well as whether or not the user has already upvoted
         already_upvoted = (username in result.upvoted)
         upvote_count = count_m2m(result.upvoted) 
         # make a point 
         artifactpnt = Point(float(result.longitude), float(result.latitude))
         loopy_data = {'author': result.author, 'upvote_count': upvote_count, 'already_upvoted': already_upvoted, 'already_picked_up': already_picked_up, 'longitude': result.longitude, 'radius': result.radius, 'latitude': result.latitude, 'pub_date': str(result.pub_date), 'pickup_count': _pickup_count, 'distance': (artifactpnt.distance(pnt) *100)* 0.6214, 'pk': result.pk}
         the_data += [loopy_data]
     the_data = [json.dumps(the_data + [{'closest_not_within':closest_not_within}])]
     return HttpResponse(the_data, content_type='application/json', status=status.HTTP_200_OK)
    def search(self):
        # First, store the SearchQuerySet received from other processing. (the main work is run internally by Haystack here).
        sqs = super(AdSearchForm, self).search()
            if self.cleaned_data.get('lat') and self.cleaned_data.get(
                    'lng') and self.cleaned_data.get('radius'):
                location = Point(self.cleaned_data.get('lng'),
                max_dist = D(
                )  # Un bug en haystack demanda que se multiplique por 1000. asique ahi lo esta tomando en metros
                sqs = sqs.dwithin('location', location, max_dist)

            if self.cleaned_data.get('order_by'):
                # TODO: Add support for multiple order fields
                # TODO: Add support for non-numeric field ordering ( so far only "pride" and pub_date" are working)
                order_by = self.cleaned_data.get('order_by')
                # if Search Query Set is order by distance, it might no be secure to order by any other field ( accordind to the hasytack codmumentation )
                if ((order_by == 'distance'
                     or order_by == '-distance')) and self.cleaned_data.get(
                         'lat') and self.cleaned_data.get('lng'):
                    location = Point(self.cleaned_data.get('lng'),
                    sqs = sqs.distance('location', location).order_by(order_by)
                    sqs = sqs.order_by(order_by)

        # if something goes wrong
        if not self.is_valid():
            return self.no_query_found()

        return sqs
 def test_generate_bounding_box(self):
     downtown_bottom_left = Point(-95.23947, 38.9637903)
     downtown_top_right = Point(-95.23362278938293, 38.973081081164715)
     ((min_lat, min_lng), (max_lat, max_lng)) = generate_bounding_box(downtown_bottom_left, downtown_top_right)
     self.assertEqual(min_lat, 38.9637903)
     self.assertEqual(min_lng, -95.23947)
     self.assertEqual(max_lat, 38.973081081164715)
     self.assertEqual(max_lng, -95.23362278938293)
 def test_generate_bounding_box_crossing_line_date(self):
     downtown_bottom_left = Point(95.23947, 38.9637903)
     downtown_top_right = Point(-95.23362278938293, 38.973081081164715)
     ((south, west), (north, east)) = generate_bounding_box(downtown_bottom_left, downtown_top_right)
     self.assertEqual(south, 38.9637903)
     self.assertEqual(west, 95.23947)
     self.assertEqual(north, 38.973081081164715)
     self.assertEqual(east, -95.23362278938293)
Exemple #5
    def test_within(self):
        # This is a meaningless query but we're just confirming that the manager updates the parameters here:
        p1 = Point(-90, -90)
        p2 = Point(90, 90)
        sqs = self.search_index.objects.within('location', p1, p2)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(sqs, SearchQuerySet))

        params = sqs.query.build_params()

        self.assertIn('within', params)
        self.assertDictEqual(params['within'], {'field': 'location', 'point_1': p1, 'point_2': p2})
    def setUp(self):
        super(SpatialSolrTestCase, self).setUp()
        self.ui = connections[self.using].get_unified_index()
        self.checkindex = self.ui.get_index(Checkin)
        self.sqs = SearchQuerySet().using(self.using)

        self.downtown_pnt = Point(-95.23592948913574, 38.97127105172941)
        self.downtown_bottom_left = Point(-95.23947, 38.9637903)
        self.downtown_top_right = Point(-95.23362278938293, 38.973081081164715)
        self.lawrence_bottom_left = Point(-95.345535, 39.002643)
        self.lawrence_top_right = Point(-95.202713, 38.923626)
Exemple #7
def homepage(request):
    ip_forwarded = request.META.get('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR')
    if ip_forwarded:
        ip = ip_forwarded.split(',')[0]
        ip = request.META.get('REMOTE_ADDR')
    #convert ip into zipcode
    #if user doesn't input zipcode/location, default will be the automatically
    #converted zipcode
    if request.GET.get('zipcode'):
        query = request.GET.get('q')
        zip_code = request.GET.get('zipcode')
        search = ZipcodeSearchEngine()
        zip = search.by_zipcode(zip_code) 
        longitude = zip['Longitude']
        lat = zip['Latitude']
        zip = zipcode.isequal(str(zip_code))
        longitude = 0.00
        lat = 0.00
        sqs = SearchQuerySet().dwithin('location', Point(longitude, lat), D(mi=30))
        f = PostingFilter(request.GET, queryset=sqs)

        context = {
 	'city': zip['City'],
	'filter': f,
   	'sqs': sqs,
   	'query': query,

        #Temporary stand-in ip-address
        query = request.GET.get('q')
        ip = ''
        g = GeoIP2()
        location_dict = g.city(ip) 
        city = location_dict['city']
        lat = location_dict['latitude']
        longitude = location_dict['longitude']
        zip_code = location_dict['postal_code']
        sqs = SearchQuerySet().dwithin('location', Point(longitude, lat), D(mi=30))
        f = PostingFilter(request.GET, queryset=sqs)
        context = {
 	'city': city,
	'filter': f,
   	'sqs': sqs,
        'zipcode': '10001',
  	'query': query,
    return render(request, 'search/filter_template.html', context)
Exemple #8
 def _get_location(self, location):
     if not all((self._point, self._max_range)):
         _, coords, radius = GoogleGeocoder().geocode(location)
         self._max_range = radius or DEFAULT_RADIUS
         if all(coords):
             self._point = Point(coords)
     return (self._point, self._max_range)
 def test_ensure_point(self):
     self.assertRaises(SpatialError, ensure_point,
                       [38.97127105172941, -95.23592948913574])
         SpatialError, ensure_point,
         GEOSGeometry('POLYGON((-95 38, -96 40, -97 42, -95 38))'))
     ensure_point(Point(-95.23592948913574, 38.97127105172941))
Exemple #10
 def coordinates(self):
         from haystack.utils.geo import Point
     except ImportError:
         return None
         return Point(self.longitude, self.latitude, srid=4326)
Exemple #11
    def get_location(self):
        # Nothing special about this Point, but ensure that's we don't have to worry
        # about import paths.
        from haystack.utils.geo import Point

        pnt = Point(self.longitude, self.latitude)
        return pnt
Exemple #12
    def convert(self, value):
        from haystack.utils.geo import ensure_point, Point

        if value is None:
            return None

        if hasattr(value, 'geom_type'):
            value = ensure_point(value)
            return value

        if isinstance(value, six.string_types):
            lat, lng = value.split(',')
        elif isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
            # WGS-84 format
            if isinstance(value[0], str) and len(value) == 1:
                value_string = value[0]
                lng = value_string[:value_string.find(',')]
                lat = value_string[value_string.find(',') + 1:]
                # GeoJSON-alike
                lat, lng = value[1], value[0]
        elif isinstance(value, dict):
            lat = value.get('lat', 0)
            lng = value.get('lon', 0)
            raise TypeError('Unable to extract coordinates from %r' % value)

        value = Point(float(lng), float(lat))
        return value
Exemple #13
 def search(self):
     # First, store the SearchQuerySet received from other processing.
     sqs = super(ResourceSearchForm, self).search()
     address = self.cleaned_data.get('a')
     if (address):
         g = geocoders.Nominatim(
         )  # this should be changed to openstreetmap
             place, (lat, lng) = g.geocode(address)
             print "address: %s, lat : %g, lng : %g" % (address, lat, lng)
             loc = Point(lng, lat)
             max_dist = D(km=10)
             #sqs = sqs.dwithin('location',loc,max_dist).distance('location',loc)
         except geopy.exc.GeocoderServiceError:
     time = self.cleaned_data.get('t')
     if (time):
         # extract serialized events from search query set index
         events = sqs.exclude(event='toto')
         excluded = list()
         for e in events:
             if e.event:
                 # we only check if we can go to the next upcoming occurrence
                 # checking all occurrences would be too costly
                 ev = deserialize(e.event).after(datetime.now())
                 if not ev in time.occurrences(dtstart=ev):
         if (excluded):
             sqs = sqs.exclude(id__in=excluded)
     return sqs
Exemple #14
 def test_ensure_geometry(self):
     self.assertRaises(SpatialError, ensure_geometry,
                       [38.97127105172941, -95.23592948913574])
         GEOSGeometry("POLYGON((-95 38, -96 40, -97 42, -95 38))"))
         GEOSGeometry("POINT(-95.23592948913574 38.97127105172941)"))
     ensure_geometry(Point(-95.23592948913574, 38.97127105172941))
Exemple #15
 def get_location(self):
     This method is utilised by Django Haystack in
     construction of the Solr index.
     It is responsible for converting the lat/long into a single
     geo point.
     return Point(self.longitude, self.latitude)
Exemple #16
    def test_distance(self):
        p = Point(0, 0)
        sqs = self.search_index.objects.distance('location', p)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(sqs, SearchQuerySet))

        params = sqs.query.build_params()
        self.assertIn('distance_point', params)
        self.assertDictEqual(params['distance_point'], {'field': 'location', 'point': p})
Exemple #17
    def build_form(self, form_kwargs=None):
        Instantiates the form the class should use to process the search query.
        data = None
        kwargs = {"load_all": self.load_all}
        if form_kwargs:

        if len(self.request.GET):
            data = self.request.GET
	# Radius is defaulted to 30 miles	
        #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
        if self.request.GET.get('zipcode'):
            self.zipcode = self.request.GET.get('zipcode')
            search = ZipcodeSearchEngine()
            zip = search.by_zipcode(zip_code) 
            longitude = zip['Longitude']
            lat = zip['Latitude']
            zip = zipcode.isequal(str(self.zipcode))
            longitude = zip.lng
            lat = zip.lat
            self.city = zip.city
            self.state = zip.state
            self.searchqueryset = SearchQuerySet().dwithin('location', Point(longitude, lat), D(mi=30))
            #f = PostingFilter(self.request.GET, queryset=sqs)
            ip = ''
            g = GeoIP2()
            location_dict = g.city(ip) 
            self.city = location_dict['city']
            self.state = location_dict['region']
            lat = location_dict['latitude']
            longitude = location_dict['longitude']
            self.zipcode = location_dict['postal_code']
            self.searchqueryset = SearchQuerySet().dwithin('location', Point(longitude, lat), D(mi=30))
            #f = PostingFilter(self.request.GET, queryset=sqs)
        if self.searchqueryset is not None:
            kwargs["searchqueryset"] = self.searchqueryset
        self.zipcode_form = Zipcode_Form(self.request.GET)
        return self.form_class(data, **kwargs)
    def test_ensure_wgs84(self):
        self.assertRaises(SpatialError, ensure_wgs84, GEOSGeometry('POLYGON((-95 38, -96 40, -97 42, -95 38))'))

        orig_pnt = Point(-95.23592948913574, 38.97127105172941)
        std_pnt = ensure_wgs84(orig_pnt)
        self.assertEqual(orig_pnt.srid, None)
        self.assertEqual(std_pnt.srid, 4326)
        self.assertEqual(std_pnt.x, -95.23592948913574)
        self.assertEqual(std_pnt.y, 38.97127105172941)

        orig_pnt = Point(-95.23592948913574, 38.97127105172941)
        std_pnt = ensure_wgs84(orig_pnt)
        self.assertEqual(orig_pnt.srid, 2805)
        self.assertEqual(std_pnt.srid, 4326)
        # These should be different, since it got transformed.
        self.assertNotEqual(std_pnt.x, -95.23592948913574)
        self.assertNotEqual(std_pnt.y, 38.97127105172941)
Exemple #19
def incident_location(sender, instance, *args, **kwargs):
    Creates a Metadata instance whenever an Asset is added, and
    then extracts the metadata and populates the Metadata instance
    if instance.json and ('latitude' in instance.json) and (
            'longitude' in instance.json) and (not instance.coordinates):
        instance.coordinates = Point(instance.json['longitude'],
        print('saving coordinates...')
Exemple #20
 def get(self,request, *args, **kwargs):
     lat = float(request.GET.get('lat1','45'))
     lng = float(request.GET.get('lng1','-93.265'))
     qs = BestBikeTrails.objects.filter(the_geom__distance_lte=(Point(lng,lat,srid=4326),D(mi=2)))
     gj = []
     for item in qs:
         poly = loads(GEOSGeometry(item.the_geom,srid=4326).geojson)
         poly['properties'] = {'name': item.ccp_name, 'tag': item.item_tags}
     return HttpResponse(dumps(gj),content_type="application/json")
def point_from_lat_long(value):
    if isinstance(value, Point):
        return value
    if isinstance(value, basestring):
        lat, lng = value.split(',')
    elif isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
        lat, lng = value
        raise ValueError("I don't know what to do with this.")
    return Point(float(lng), float(lat))
Exemple #22
    def test_dwithin(self):
        p = Point(0, 0)
        distance = D(mi=500)
        sqs = self.search_index.objects.dwithin('location', p, distance)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(sqs, SearchQuerySet))

        params = sqs.query.build_params()

        self.assertIn('dwithin', params)
        self.assertDictEqual(params['dwithin'], {'field': 'location', 'point': p, 'distance': distance})
 def test_build_query_with_dwithin_range(self):
     Test build_search_kwargs with dwithin range for Elasticsearch versions >= 1.0.0
     search_kwargs = self.backend.build_search_kwargs('where', dwithin={
         'field': "location_field",
         'point': Point(1.2345678, 2.3456789),
         'distance': D(m=500)
     self.assertEqual(search_kwargs['query']['filtered']['filter']['bool']['must'][1]['geo_distance'], {'distance': "0.500000km", 'location_field': {'lat': 2.3456789, 'lon': 1.2345678}})
    def test_ensure_wgs84(self):
            SpatialError, ensure_wgs84,
            GEOSGeometry('POLYGON((-95 38, -96 40, -97 42, -95 38))'))

        orig_pnt = Point(-95.23592948913574, 38.97127105172941)
        std_pnt = ensure_wgs84(orig_pnt)
        self.assertEqual(orig_pnt.srid, None)
        self.assertEqual(std_pnt.srid, 4326)
        self.assertEqual(std_pnt.x, -95.23592948913574)
        self.assertEqual(std_pnt.y, 38.97127105172941)

        orig_pnt = Point(-95.23592948913574, 38.97127105172941)
        orig_pnt.srid = 2805
        std_pnt = ensure_wgs84(orig_pnt)
        self.assertEqual(orig_pnt.srid, 2805)
        self.assertEqual(std_pnt.srid, 4326)
        # These should be different, since it got transformed.
        self.assertNotEqual(std_pnt.x, -95.23592948913574)
        self.assertNotEqual(std_pnt.y, 38.97127105172941)
    def test_distance(self):
        p = Point(0, 0)
        sqs = self.search_index.objects.distance("location", p)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(sqs, SearchQuerySet))

        params = sqs.query.build_params()
        self.assertIn("distance_point", params)
        self.assertDictEqual(params["distance_point"], {
            "field": "location",
            "point": p
Exemple #26
def license_coordinates(sender, instance, *args, **kwargs):
    Extracts and sets license.coordinates based on the centroid
    of a given polygon, or a single set of x,y coordinates.
    if instance.json:
        coords = instance.json['geometry']['coordinates']

        if len(coords) == 2:
            instance.coordinates = Point(coords)
            print('point: {},{}'.format(instance.coordinates.x,
Exemple #27
    def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if self.point is None:
            from haystack.utils.geo import Point
            if self.lon is not None and self.lat is not None:
                self.point = Point(self.lon, self.lat)
            elif self.full_address != "":
                    from geopy.geocoders import GoogleV3
                    geolocator = GoogleV3()
                        lat, lon = geolocator.geocode(self.full_address)[1]
                        self.lat = lat
                        self.lon = lon
                        self.point = Point(lon, lat)
                    except IndexError:
                except Exception:

            # TODO: else with the street address and geo encoder via google or something
        super(CampusLocation, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
Exemple #28
    def test_order_by_distance(self):
        p = Point(1.23, 4.56)
        sqs = self.search_index.objects.distance('location', p).order_by('distance')
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(sqs, SearchQuerySet))

        params = sqs.query.build_params()

        self.assertIn('distance_point', params)
        self.assertDictEqual(params['distance_point'], {'field': 'location',
                                                         'point': p})
        self.assertTupleEqual(params['distance_point']['point'].get_coords(), (1.23, 4.56))

        self.assertListEqual(params['sort_by'], ['distance'])
Exemple #29
        def _parse_near_param(s):
            Parse the ``near`` query string parameter

            The parameter should be of the form lat@lng,miles 

            Returns a tuple of a Point and D object suitable for passing
            to ``SearchQuerySet.dwithin()``

            (latlng, dist) = s.split(',')
            (lat, lng) = latlng.split('@')
            return (Point(float(lng), float(lat)), D(mi=dist))
    def test_dwithin(self):
        p = Point(0, 0)
        distance = D(mi=500)
        sqs = self.search_index.objects.dwithin("location", p, distance)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(sqs, SearchQuerySet))

        params = sqs.query.build_params()

        self.assertIn("dwithin", params)
        self.assertDictEqual(params["dwithin"], {
            "field": "location",
            "point": p,
            "distance": distance
Exemple #31
    def get_neighbours(self, user):
        location = user.location
        point = Point(location.lon, location.lat)
        max_dist = D(m=self.visibility_range)

        logger.debug("user: %s", user)
        logger.debug("location: %s", location)
        logger.debug("max_dist: %s", max_dist)

        sqs = SearchQuerySet().dwithin('location', point, max_dist).distance(
            'location', point).filter(game=self.id)

        logger.debug("Query: %s", sqs.query)
        logger.debug("Query distance: %s", sqs.distance)

        return sqs
    def test_order_by_distance(self):
        p = Point(1.23, 4.56)
        sqs = self.search_index.objects.distance("location",
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(sqs, SearchQuerySet))

        params = sqs.query.build_params()

        self.assertIn("distance_point", params)
        self.assertDictEqual(params["distance_point"], {
            "field": "location",
            "point": p
                              (1.23, 4.56))

        self.assertListEqual(params["sort_by"], ["distance"])