def remove(self, key: KeyType) -> Future[typing.Optional[ValueType]]:
        """Removes the mapping for a key from this map if it is present.

        The map will not contain a mapping for the specified key once the call

            This method uses ``__hash__`` and ``__eq__`` methods of binary form
            of the key, not the actual implementations of ``__hash__`` and
            ``__eq__`` defined in key's class.

            key: Key of the mapping to be deleted.

            The previous value associated with key, or ``None`` if there was
            no mapping for key.
        check_not_none(key, "key can't be None")
            key_data = self._to_data(key)
        except SchemaNotReplicatedError as e:
            return self._send_schema_and_retry(e, self.remove, key)

        def handler(message):
            return self._to_object(

        request = replicated_map_remove_codec.encode_request(
  , key_data)
        return self._invoke_on_key(request, key_data, handler)
    def remove(self, key):
        Removes the mapping for a key from this map if it is present. The map will not contain a mapping for the
        specified key once the call returns.

        **Warning: This method uses __hash__ and __eq__ methods of binary form of the key, not the actual implementations
        of __hash__ and __eq__ defined in key's class.**

        :param key: (object), key of the mapping to be deleted.
        :return: (object), the previous value associated with key, or None if there was no mapping for key.
        check_not_none(key, "key can't be None")

        def handler(message):
            return self._to_object(

        key_data = self._to_data(key)
        request = replicated_map_remove_codec.encode_request(
  , key_data)
        return self._invoke_on_key(request, key_data, handler)