def test_hdate_to_hdate_meuberet_adar(self, year):
     for day in range(1, 30 + 1):
         date = HebrewDate(year, Months.Adar_I, day)
         assert conv.jdn_to_hdate(conv.hdate_to_jdn(date)) == date
     for day in range(1, 29 + 1):
         date = HebrewDate(year, Months.Adar_II, day)
         assert conv.jdn_to_hdate(conv.hdate_to_jdn(date)) == date
Exemple #2
def jdn_to_hdate(jdn):
    """Convert from the Julian day to the Hebrew day."""
    # calculate Gregorian date
    date = jdn_to_gdate(jdn)

    # Guess Hebrew year is Gregorian year + 3760
    year = date.year + 3760

    jdn_tishrey1 = hdate_to_jdn(HebrewDate(year, Months.Tishrei, 1))
    jdn_tishrey1_next_year = hdate_to_jdn(
        HebrewDate(year + 1, Months.Tishrei, 1))

    # Check if computed year was underestimated
    if jdn_tishrey1_next_year <= jdn:
        year = year + 1
        jdn_tishrey1 = jdn_tishrey1_next_year
        jdn_tishrey1_next_year = hdate_to_jdn(
            HebrewDate(year + 1, Months.Tishrei, 1))

    size_of_year = get_size_of_hebrew_year(year)

    # days into this year, first month 0..29
    days = jdn - jdn_tishrey1

    # last 8 months always have 236 days
    if days >= (size_of_year - 236):  # in last 8 months
        days = days - (size_of_year - 236)
        month = days * 2 // 59
        day = days - (month * 59 + 1) // 2 + 1

        month = month + 4 + 1

        # if leap
        if size_of_year > 355 and month <= 6:
            month = month + 8
    else:  # in 4-5 first months
        # Special cases for this year
        if size_of_year % 10 > 4 and days == 59:  # long Heshvan (day 30)
            month = 1
            day = 30
        elif size_of_year % 10 > 4 and days > 59:  # long Heshvan
            month = (days - 1) * 2 // 59
            day = days - (month * 59 + 1) // 2
        elif size_of_year % 10 < 4 and days > 87:  # short kislev
            month = (days + 1) * 2 // 59
            day = days - (month * 59 + 1) // 2 + 2
        else:  # regular months
            month = days * 2 // 59
            day = days - (month * 59 + 1) // 2 + 1

        month = month + 1

    return HebrewDate(year, Months(month), day)
Exemple #3
    def upcoming_yom_tov(self):
        """Find the next upcoming yom tov (i.e. no-melacha holiday).

        If it is currently the day of yom tov (irrespective of zmanim), returns
        that yom tov.
        if self.is_yom_tov:
            return self
        this_year = self.get_holidays_for_year([HolidayTypes.YOM_TOV])
        next_rosh_hashana = HDate(
            heb_date=HebrewDate(self.hdate.year + 1, Months.Tishrei, 1),
        next_year = next_rosh_hashana.get_holidays_for_year(

        # Filter anything that's past.
        holidays_list = [
            holiday_hdate for _, holiday_hdate in chain(this_year, next_year)
            if holiday_hdate >= self

        holidays_list.sort(key=lambda h: h.gdate)

        return holidays_list[0]
Exemple #4
 def omer_day(self):
     """Return the day of the Omer."""
     first_omer_day = HebrewDate(self.hdate.year, Months.Nisan, 16)
     omer_day = self._jdn - conv.hdate_to_jdn(first_omer_day) + 1
     if not 0 < omer_day < 50:
         return 0
     return omer_day
Exemple #5
    def get_holidays_for_year(self, types=None):
        """Get all the actual holiday days for a given HDate's year.

        If specified, use the list of types to limit the holidays returned.
        _LOGGER.debug("Looking up holidays of types %s", types)
        # Filter any non-related holidays depending on Israel/Diaspora only
        holidays_list = [
            holiday for holiday in htables.HOLIDAYS
            if (holiday.israel_diaspora == "") or (
                holiday.israel_diaspora == "ISRAEL" and not self.diaspora) or (
                    holiday.israel_diaspora == "DIASPORA" and self.diaspora)

        if types:
            # Filter non-matching holiday types.
            holidays_list = [
                holiday for holiday in holidays_list if holiday.type in types

        # Filter any special cases defined by True/False functions
        holidays_list = [
            holiday for holiday in holidays_list if all(
                func(self) for func in holiday.date_functions_list)

            "Holidays after filters have been applied: %s",
            [ for holiday in holidays_list],

        def holiday_dates_cross_product(holiday):
            """Given a (days, months) pair, compute the cross product.

            If days and/or months are singletons, they are converted to a list.
            return product(*([x] if isinstance(x, (int, Months)) else x
                             for x in

        # Compute out every actual Hebrew date on which a holiday falls for
        # this year by exploding out the possible days for each holiday.
        holidays_list = [
                    heb_date=HebrewDate(self.hdate.year, date_instance[1],
            ) for holiday in holidays_list
            for date_instance in holiday_dates_cross_product(holiday)
            if len( >= 2
        return holidays_list
Exemple #6
    def get_reading(self):
        """Return number of hebrew parasha."""
        _year_type = (self.year_size() % 10) - 3
        year_type = (self.diaspora * 1000 + self.rosh_hashana_dow() * 100 +
                     _year_type * 10 + self.pesach_dow())

        _LOGGER.debug("Year type: %d", year_type)

        # Number of days since rosh hashana
        rosh_hashana = HebrewDate(self.hdate.year, Months.Tishrei, 1)
        days = self._jdn - conv.hdate_to_jdn(rosh_hashana)
        # Number of weeks since rosh hashana
        weeks = (days + self.rosh_hashana_dow() - 1) // 7
        _LOGGER.debug("Since Rosh Hashana - Days: %d, Weeks %d", days, weeks)

        # If it's currently Simchat Torah, return VeZot Haberacha.
        if weeks == 3:
            if (days <= 22 and self.diaspora and self.dow != 7
                    or days <= 21 and not self.diaspora):
                return 54

        # Special case for Simchat Torah in diaspora.
        if weeks == 4 and days == 22 and self.diaspora:
            return 54

        # Return the indexes for the readings of the given year
        def unpack_readings(readings):
            return list(
                chain(*([x] if isinstance(x, int) else x for x in readings)))

        reading_for_year = htables.READINGS[year_type]
        readings = unpack_readings(reading_for_year)
        # Maybe recompute the year type based on the upcoming shabbat.
        # This avoids an edge case where today is before Rosh Hashana but
        # Shabbat is in a new year afterwards.
        if (weeks >= len(readings)
                and self.hdate.year < self.upcoming_shabbat.hdate.year):
            return self.upcoming_shabbat.get_reading()
        return readings[weeks]
 def test_hdate_to_hdate_meuberet_kislev(self, year):
     days_in_month = 30 if not year == 5749 else 29
     for day in range(1, days_in_month + 1):
         date = HebrewDate(year, Months.Kislev, day)
         assert conv.jdn_to_hdate(conv.hdate_to_jdn(date)) == date
 def test_hdate_to_hdate_meuberet_heshvan(self, year):
     days_in_month = 29 if not year == 5760 else 30
     for day in range(1, days_in_month + 1):
         date = HebrewDate(year, Months.Marcheshvan, day)
         assert conv.jdn_to_hdate(conv.hdate_to_jdn(date)) == date
 def test_hdate_to_hdate_meuberet_simple(self, year):
     for days_in_month, months in self.SIMPLE_MONTHS.items():
         for month in months:
             for day in range(1, days_in_month + 1):
                 date = HebrewDate(year, month, day)
                 assert conv.jdn_to_hdate(conv.hdate_to_jdn(date)) == date
 def test_hdate_to_hdate_pshuta_adar(self, year):
     for day in range(1, 29 + 1):
         date = HebrewDate(year, Months.Adar, day)
         assert conv.jdn_to_hdate(conv.hdate_to_jdn(date)) == date
Exemple #11
 def pesach_dow(self):
     """Return the first day of week for Pesach."""
     jdn = conv.hdate_to_jdn(HebrewDate(self.hdate.year, Months.Nisan, 15))
     return (jdn + 1) % 7 + 1
Exemple #12
 def rosh_hashana_dow(self):
     """Return the Hebrew day of week for Rosh Hashana."""
     jdn = conv.hdate_to_jdn(HebrewDate(self.hdate.year, Months.Tishrei, 1))
     return (jdn + 1) % 7 + 1
Exemple #13
            for holiday in holidays_list
            for date_instance in holiday_dates_cross_product(holiday)
            if len( >= 2
        return holidays_list

    def upcoming_yom_tov(self):
        """Find the next upcoming yom tov (i.e. no-melacha holiday).

        If it is currently the day of yom tov (irrespective of zmanim), returns
        that yom tov.
<<<<<<< HEAD
        this_year = self._get_holidays_for_year([HolidayTypes.YOM_TOV])
        next_rosh_hashana = HDate(heb_date=HebrewDate(
            self.hdate.year + 1, Months.Tishrei, 1), diaspora=self.diaspora,
        next_year = next_rosh_hashana._get_holidays_for_year(
        if self.is_yom_tov:
            return self
        this_year = self.get_holidays_for_year([HolidayTypes.YOM_TOV])
        next_rosh_hashana = HDate(
            heb_date=HebrewDate(self.hdate.year + 1, Months.Tishrei, 1),
        next_year = next_rosh_hashana.get_holidays_for_year(
>>>>>>> 888a38c997b1b0c73bcaa0fb2891e0fdc0d01661

        # Filter anything that's past.
 def test_hdate_to_hdate_pshuta_kislev(self, year):
     days_in_month = 30 if not year == 5753 else 29
     for day in range(1, days_in_month + 1):
         date = HebrewDate(year, 3, day)
         assert conv.jdn_to_hdate(conv.hdate_to_jdn(date)) == date
 def test_hdate_to_hdate_pshuta_heshvan(self, year):
     days_in_month = 29 if not year == 5756 else 30
     for day in range(1, days_in_month + 1):
         date = HebrewDate(year, 2, day)
         assert conv.jdn_to_hdate(conv.hdate_to_jdn(date)) == date