Exemple #1
    def generate_h5(self, path):
        # open an HDF5 for compressed storage.
        # Note that if the path exists, it will open whatever is there.
        dpack = pyt.datapacker(path)

        d = self.ldtdir + self.datdir + '/data/'
        files = [f for f in os.listdir(d) if ".dat" in f]
        Nf = len(files)
        Nd = 0
        for n, f in enumerate(files):
            #print(d + f)
            L = file_len(d + f)

            if L >= 4:
                #print(d + f)

                data = hdt.readncdatall(d + f)

                if 'energies' in data:
                    Ne = data['energies'].size
                    Nd += Ne

                    f = f.rsplit("-", 1)

                    fn = f[0] + "/mol" + f[1].split(".")[0]

                    dpack.store_data(fn, **data)
Nd = 0
Nf = 0
for i, d in enumerate(dtdirs):

    files = [f for f in os.listdir(d) if ".dat" in f]
    Nf += len(files)

    for n, f in enumerate(files):
        L = file_len(d + f)

        if L >= 4:
            print(d + f)

            data = hdn.readncdatall(d + f)

            #ridx = np.random.rand(data['energies'].size)
            #ridx = np.where(ridx < 0.2)

            #data['energies'] = data['energies'][ridx]
            #data['forces'] = data['forces'][ridx]# / (0.52917724900001*0.52917724900001)
            #data['coordinates'] = data['coordinates'][ridx]

            Ne = data['energies'].size
            Nd += Ne

            f = f.rsplit("-", 1)

            fn = f[0] + '-' + str(i).zfill(3) + "/mol" + f[1].split(".")[0]
molfile = '/home/jujuman/Research/MD_TEST/trim.dat'

wkdir = '/home/jujuman/Scratch/Research/DataReductionMethods/model6r/model-gdb01-06_red03-08/cv1/train4/'
cnstfile = wkdir + '../rHCNO-4.6A_16-3.1A_a4-8.params'
saefile = wkdir + '../sae_6-31gd.dat'
nnfdir = wkdir + 'networks/'

wkdir = '/home/jujuman/Gits/ANI-Networks/networks/ANI-c08f-ntwk-cv/'
cnstfile = wkdir + 'rHCNO-4.6A_16-3.1A_a4-8.params'
saefile = wkdir + 'sae_6-31gd.dat'
nnfdir = wkdir + 'cv_train_4/networks/'

nc = pync.conformers(cnstfile, saefile, nnfdir, 0, False)

data = hdt.readncdatall(molfile)
Edft = data["energies"]

nc.setConformers(confs=data["coordinates"], types=data["species"])
Eani = nc.energy()


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

plt.plot(hdt.hatokcal * (Edft), label='DFT')
plt.plot(hdt.hatokcal * (Eani), label='ANI')
plt.ylabel('$E_t$ (kcal/mol)')

plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0.01, 0.99), loc=2, borderaxespad=0., fontsize=14)