def assistant(command): if "how are you" in command: speak("i am well") elif "open " in command: reg_ex ="open (.*)", command) elif "set up my desktop" in command: chrome.setupDesktop() elif "what date is today" in command: elif "what time is it" in command: date.time() elif "application" in command: reg_ex ="application (.*)", command) application = elif "hello" in command: date.welcome() elif "help me" in command: help() elif "make a joke" in command: joke.makeJoke() elif "tell me about" in command: reg_ex ='tell me about (.*)', command) chrome.about(reg_ex) elif "shut down" in command: speak('Bye bye Sir. Have a nice day') sys.exit() elif "what is the weather in" in command: reg_ex ='what is the weather in(.*)', command) weather.tellWeather(reg_ex) elif "i go outside" in command: speak("don't be idiot and stay at home")
def gameLoop(): player = None line = '' print("Enter a command or type 'exit' to stop playing.") while line != "exit": line = input("> ") cmd = line.split() if cmd[0] == "help": if cmd[0] == "login": if len(cmd) != 2: print("** Invalid use of 'login'\n** Use: login <username>") continue player = login(cmd[1]) print("Successfully logged in!") if cmd[0] == "save": if player == None: print("** You must login first!\n** Use: login <username>") continue try: print("Player save successful.") except Exception as e: print(e) if cmd[0] == "encrypt": msg = utils.simple_encrypt(line[len(cmd[0]) + 1:]) print(msg) if cmd[0] == "decrypt": msg = utils.simple_decrypt(line[len(cmd[0]) + 1:]) print(msg)
def calcy(): cmd = input(colorama.Fore.CYAN + "$>> " + colorama.Fore.RESET) if cmd == "help": elif cmd == "add": a = (colorama.Fore.GREEN + "Type a number: " + colorama.Fore.RESET) b = (colorama.Fore.GREEN + "Type a number: " + colorama.Fore.RESET) d = calcym.add(a,b) e = str(d) print (e) else: print (colorama.Fore.RED + "ERROR: WRONG COMMAND" + colorama.Fore.RESET) print (colorama.Fore.RED + "RUNTIME ERROR" + colorama.Fore.RESET) while cmd == "add" or "help": print (colorama.Fore.MAGENTA + "CALCY 1.0" + colorama.Fore.RESET) print (colorama.Fore.MAGENTA + "Type 'help' to view a list of commands." + colorama.Fore.RESET) cmd = input(colorama.Fore.CYAN + "$>> " + colorama.Fore.RESET) if cmd == "help": elif cmd == "add": a = (colorama.Fore.GREEN + "Type a number: " + colorama.Fore.RESET) b = (colorama.Fore.GREEN + "Type a number: " + colorama.Fore.RESET) d = calcym.add(a,b) e = str(d) print (e) else: print (colorama.Fore.RED + "ERROR: WRONG COMMAND" + colorama.Fore.RESET) print (colorama.Fore.RED + "RUNTIME ERROR" + colorama.Fore.RESET)
def main(): while (1): usr_inp = raw_input(">>>") if usr_inp == "": usr_inp = raw_input(">>>") elif usr_inp == "exit" or usr_inp == "quit": quit() elif usr_inp == "help": help() elif usr_inp == "clear": os.system("clear") main() elif usr_inp == "stream": stream() else: print("tweet_stream_analysis: " + usr_inp + " : command not recognised") main()
def menu(): initialize() while 1: usr_inp=raw_input("brutus>") if usr_inp=="": usr_inp=raw_input("brutus>") elif usr_inp=="quit" or usr_inp=="exit": quit() elif usr_inp=="help": print("\n") help() elif usr_inp=="clear": os.system("clear") elif usr_inp=="ssh": ssh_brute() elif usr_inp=="ftp": ftp_brute() elif usr_inp=="smtp": smtp() elif usr_inp=="facebook": facebook_brute() elif usr_inp=="twitter": twitter_brute() else: print(usr_inp+": command not recognised ~brutus")
def exect(minfo,ccc): if len(sys.argv) > 1: if sys.argv[1] == '--help' and len(sys.argv) == 2: print if sys.argv[1] == '--version' and len(sys.argv) == 2: ver=help.version() print "version is %s" %ver for j,k in minfo.items(): user=j.split(':')[0] host=j.split(':')[1] port=int(j.split(':')[2]) password=k if sys.argv[1] in ['--help','--version'] and len(sys.argv) == 2: pass elif sys.argv[1] == 'run' and len(sys.argv) == 3: print 'exec host is %s ' %host print sys.argv[1:] date=time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',time.localtime(time.time())) log='%s %s start run command:' %(date,host) addlog.wlog(log) r=run_cmd(user,password,host,port,sys.argv[2]) elif sys.argv[1] == 'put' and len(sys.argv) == 4: print 'exec host is %s ' %host print sys.argv[1:] date=time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',time.localtime(time.time())) log='%s %s start put' %(date,host) addlog.wlog(log) addlog.wlog(sys.argv[1:]) p=uad(user,password,host,port,sys.argv[2],sys.argv[3]) p.tran_put() elif sys.argv[1] == 'get' and len(sys.argv) == 4: print 'exec host is %s ' %host print sys.argv[1:] date=time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',time.localtime(time.time())) log='%s %s start get' %(date,host) addlog.wlog(log) addlog.wlog(sys.argv[1:]) p=uad(user,password,host,port,sys.argv[2],sys.argv[3]) p.tran_get() else: print 'Is Wrong,Please input again' else: for j,k in minfo.items(): user=j.split(':')[0] host=j.split(':')[1] port=int(j.split(':')[2]) password=k print 'exec host is %s ' %host date=time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',time.localtime(time.time())) log='%s %s start:' %(date,host) addlog.wlog(log) r=run_cmd(user,password,host,port,ccc)
def get_input(board, level): move = util.key_pressed() row = playerindex_row(board) col = playerindex_col(board) if move == "d": if board[row][col + 1] == "O": return 1 elif board[row][col + 1] == "E": fight.fight_sys(level) board[row][col] = " " board[row][col + 1] = "X" elif board[row][col + 1] == " ": board[row][col] = " " board[row][col + 1] = "X" elif board[row][col + 1] == "S": elif move == "a": if board[row][col - 1] == " ": board[row][col] = " " board[row][col - 1] = "X" elif board[row][col - 1] == "E": fight.fight_sys(level) board[row][col] = " " board[row][col - 1] = "X" elif board[row][col - 1] == "S": elif move == "s": if board[row + 1][col] == " ": board[row][col] = " " board[row + 1][col] = "X" elif board[row + 1][col] == "E": fight.fight_sys(level) board[row][col] = " " board[row + 1][col] = "X" elif board[row + 1][col] == "S": elif move == "w": if board[row - 1][col] == " ": board[row][col] = " " board[row - 1][col] = "X" elif board[row - 1][col] == "E": fight.fight_sys(level) board[row][col] = " " board[row - 1][col] = "X" elif board[row - 1][col] == "S": elif move == "h": elif move == "i": inventory_sys.inventory() elif move == "q": util.clear_screen() sys.exit() return 0
def KatanaCheckActionGlobalCommands(action): if action[:len(EXIT)] == EXIT or action[:len(EXIT)] == EXIT_SHORT: exit() elif action[:len(HELP)] == HELP or action[:len(HELP_SHORT)] == HELP_SHORT: elif action[:len(UPDATE)] == UPDATE or action[:len(UPDATE_SHORT )] == UPDATE_SHORT: updatekatana.update() elif action[:len(CLEAR)] == CLEAR or action[:len(CLEAR_SHORT )] == CLEAR_SHORT:'clear', shell=True) else: Desing.Helper()
def menu(): # so i'm also defining the score variable here in order to try to save the score even after quiting to the menu print("-" * 50) print("Nice! You can choose:") print("HELP, START, QUIT, SCORE") print("-" * 50) global HINTS HINTS = [ "If you type anything other than Y or N in game you can continue playing.", "Don't underestimate the starts with ties...", "I don't really know how to make a good score option lol", "I made a score thingy hehe boi", "You can type MENU to go back to the...ã ", "Actually typing MENU doesn't really work lol", "Don't use the score option before setting a name", "You can type the commands in lower case", "Actually, the menu command now works hehe" ] p_choice = str(input("What you choose? ")) if p_choice.lower() == "help": elif p_choice.lower() == "start": print("HINT:" + " " + choice(HINTS)) start.start() elif p_choice.lower() == "quit": print("Quitting to main panel...") print("HINT:" + " " + choice(HINTS)) sleep(0.5) elif p_choice.lower() == "score": if score.player_score > 0: print("Ok computing the score...") sleep(1) print(f"{} score is {score.player_score}") print("Going back to menu...") sleep(1) menu() else: print("You don't have a score yet, try that after playing!") sleep(0.5) print("Going back to menu...") sleep(0.5) menu()
def __init__(self, parent, presenter, config, icons, **kwargs): wx.MiniFrame.__init__(self, parent,-1, 'Compare mass spectra...', size=(-1, -1), style=wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE & ~wx.RESIZE_BORDER) self.parent = parent self.presenter = presenter self.config = config self.icons = icons = help() self.currentItem = None self.kwargs = kwargs self.current_document = self.kwargs['current_document'] self.document_list = self.kwargs['document_list'] # make gui items self.makeGUI() self.Centre() self.Layout() self.SetFocus() # bind wx.EVT_CLOSE(self, self.onClose) self.Bind(wx.EVT_CHAR_HOOK, self.OnKey)
def control(): func=raw_input('[cldog] ^_^ ') type(func) if func == ':proxy': proxy.netSet() if func == ':set': set.set() if func ==':help': if func == ':shell': if func == ':sql-set': sqlset.sqlSet() if func == ':sql': sql.sql() if func == ':exit': exit(0)
def controller(actionInput, player, welt): if actionInput == "north": nextPlaceId = player.currentPlace.north[1] actions.go(nextPlaceId, player, welt) elif actionInput == "east": nextPlaceId = player.currentPlace.east[1] actions.go(nextPlaceId, player, welt) elif actionInput == "south": nextPlaceId = player.currentPlace.south[1] actions.go(nextPlaceId, player, welt) elif actionInput == "west": nextPlaceId = player.currentPlace.west[1] actions.go(nextPlaceId, player, welt) elif actionInput == "help": help() else: print "Ich befuerchte das geht nicht?!"
def main(): authenticate() if len(sys.argv) <= 1: help(); return cmd = sys.argv[1] if cmd in COMMANDS: try: COMMANDS[cmd]() except ConnectionError: print "intigos: There was an error contacting the server. Try again in a few moments" except HttpServerError, e: print "intigos: There was an error contacting the server. Try again in a few moments" if DEBUG: print json.loads(e.response.text)['traceback'] except HttpClientError, e: if e.response.status_code == 401: print "intigos: You are not allowed to see this information."
def help(): """ Same thing, calls ```` to show detailed instructions. """ try: import help return except: return ''
def event(self, ev): if ev == QKeySequence.HelpContents:"search_replace") ev.accept() return True elif ev.type() == QEvent.KeyPress: modifiers = int(ev.modifiers() & (Qt.SHIFT | Qt.CTRL | Qt.ALT | Qt.META)) if ev.key() == Qt.Key_Tab and modifiers == 0: # prevent Tab from reaching the View widget self.window().focusNextChild() ev.accept() return True elif ev.key() == Qt.Key_Backtab and modifiers & ~Qt.SHIFT == 0: # prevent Tab from reaching the View widget self.window().focusPreviousChild() ev.accept() return True return super(Search, self).event(ev)
def handle_message(event): if (event.message.text == "おみくじ" or event.message.text == "おみくじをひく"): omikuji(event, line_bot_api) elif (event.message.text == '闇鍋ガチャ' or event.message.text == '闇鍋'): yaminabe(event, line_bot_api) elif (event.message.text == '参拝' or event.message.text == 'デバック神社'): debugjinja(event, line_bot_api) elif (event.message.text == 'ヘルプ'): help(event, line_bot_api) elif (event.message.text == 'qiita'): qiita(event, line_bot_api) else: ''' line_bot_api.reply_message( event.reply_token, TextSendMessage(text=event.message.text) ) ''' command(event, line_bot_api)
def MainMenu(): user = "******" while True: print("What Should I Do?") print("1. ls") print("2. nmap") print("3. ssh") print("4. help") print(">") userinput = input() userinput = error_checking(userinput, 4) if userinput == 1: ls() if userinput == 2: nmap() if userinput == 3: if ssh() == True: return if userinput == 4:
def handler(): if len(sys.argv) > 1: # myDict init if sys.argv[1] == 'init': init.initialize() # myDict add elif sys.argv[1] == 'add' or sys.argv[1] == '-a': add.add() elif sys.argv[1] == 'show' or sys.argv[1] == '-s': # myDict show if len(sys.argv) == 2: show.showAllCategories() elif len(sys.argv) == 3: # myDict show all if sys.argv[2] == 'all': show.showAll() # myDict show <category> else: show.showItemsInCategory(sys.argv[2]) # myDict show <category> <name> elif len(sys.argv) == 4: show.showItem(sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3]) # myDicy help elif sys.argv[1] == 'help' or sys.argv[1] == '-h': # myDict find <item> elif sys.argv[1] == 'find' or sys.argv[1] == '-f': find.find(sys.argv[2]) # myDict export elif sys.argv[1] == 'export' or sys.argv[1] == '-e': if len(sys.argv) == 2: # myDict export all if sys.argv[2] == 'all': export.exportAll() # myDict export <category> else: export.exportSelectedItem()
def exect(minfo,ccc): if len(sys.argv) > 1: if sys.argv[1] == '--help' and len(sys.argv) == 2: print if sys.argv[1] == '--version' and len(sys.argv) == 2: ver=help.version() print "version is %s" %ver for j,k in minfo.items(): user=j.split(':')[0] host=j.split(':')[1] port=int(j.split(':')[2]) password=k if sys.argv[1] in ['--help','--version'] and len(sys.argv) == 2: pass elif sys.argv[1] == 'run' and len(sys.argv) == 3: print 'exec host is %s ' %host print sys.argv[1:] r=run_cmd(user,password,host,port,sys.argv[2]) r.start() elif sys.argv[1] == 'put' and len(sys.argv) == 4: print 'exec host is %s ' %host print sys.argv[1:] p=tran_put(user,password,host,port,sys.argv[2],sys.argv[3]) p.start() elif sys.argv[1] == 'get' and len(sys.argv) == 4: print 'exec host is %s ' %host print sys.argv[1:] p=tran_get(user,password,host,port,sys.argv[2],sys.argv[3]) p.start() else: print 'Is Wrong,Please input again' else: for j,k in minfo.items(): user=j.split(':')[0] host=j.split(':')[1] port=int(j.split(':')[2]) password=k print 'exec host is %s ' %host r=run_cmd(user,password,host,port,ccc) r.start()
def make_reply(msg): reply = None mode = None if msg is not None: msg = msg.split() print(msg) if msg[0] == '/help': reply = mode = 0 elif msg[0] == '/woof': reply = webscraping.woof() mode = 2 elif msg[0] == '/cric': reply = webscraping.cricbuzz() mode = 0 elif msg[0] == '/wiki': reply =' '.join(msg[1:])) mode = 0 elif msg[0] == '/dict': reply = webscraping.cambridge(' '.join(msg[1:])) mode = 0 elif msg[0] == '/hastebin': reply = webscraping.haste(' '.join(msg[1:])) mode = 0 elif msg[0] == '/code': reply = webscraping.stackoverflow(' '.join(msg[1:])) mode = 0 elif msg[0] == '/apod': reply = webscraping.apod() mode = 3 if len(reply) == 2 else 0 elif msg[0] == '/pic': reply = webscraping.upsplash(' '.join(msg[1:])) mode = 2 elif msg[0] == '/qod': reply = webscraping.theysaidso() mode = 3 elif msg[0] == '/weather': reply =' '.join(msg[1:])) mode = 0 elif msg[0] == '/eval': reply = core.pyeval(' '.join(msg[1:])) mode = 0 elif msg[0] == '/medium' or'https://link\.medium\.com/.*', ' '.join(msg)): reply = webscraping.medium(' '.join(msg[1:])) mode = 0 elif msg[0] == '/inspyre': reply = datascience.inspyre(' '.join(msg[1:])) mode = 0 else: reply = chat.reply(' '.join(msg)) mode = 0 return reply, mode
def __init__(self, dockwidget): super(QuickInsert, self).__init__(dockwidget) self._dockwidget = weakref.ref(dockwidget) # filled in by ButtonGroup subclasses self.actionDict = {} layout = QVBoxLayout() self.setLayout(layout) layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.helpButton = QToolButton( icon = icons.get("help-contents"), autoRaise = True, clicked = lambda: self.directionLabel = QLabel() self.direction = QComboBox() self.direction.addItems(['', '', '']) self.direction.setItemIcon(0, icons.get("go-up")) self.direction.setItemIcon(2, icons.get("go-down")) self.direction.setCurrentIndex(1) hor = QHBoxLayout() hor.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) hor.addWidget(self.helpButton) hor.addWidget(self.directionLabel) hor.addWidget(self.direction) layout.addLayout(hor) self.toolbox = QToolBox(self) widgets.toolboxwheeler.ToolBoxWheeler(self.toolbox) layout.addWidget(self.toolbox) for cls in ( articulations.Articulations, dynamics.Dynamics, spanners.Spanners, barlines.BarLines, ): widget = cls(self) self.toolbox.addItem(widget, widget.icon(), '') app.translateUI(self) help.openWhatsThis(self) # restore remembered current page name = QSettings().value("quickinsert/current_tool", "", type("")) if name: for i in range(self.toolbox.count()): if name == self.toolbox.widget(i).__class__.__name__.lower(): self.toolbox.setCurrentIndex(i) break self.toolbox.currentChanged.connect(self.slotCurrentChanged)
def options(self,restricted): """ Game options menu. This allows modification of the general options, such as key mappings, autosave, etc. If the restricted parameter is 1, it hides the options that should not be changed during the game (fog, etc) """ global autosave global fog while 1: common.version() print "Options \n" if not self.autosave: print "1.- Autosave [off]" if self.autosave: print "1.- Autosave [on]" print " Saves the character between floors" if not self.fog and not restricted: print "2.- Fog [off]" if self.fog and not restricted: print "2.- Fog [on]" if restricted and self.fog: print "2.- Fog [on] [Locked]" if restricted and not self.fog: print "2.- Fog [off] [Locked]" print " Hides the dungeon out of view range" print "3.- Game over message: %s"%(self.gomsg) print " Message displayed when the game ends" print "4.- Key mapping \n" print "--" print "9.- Help" print "0.- Go back" print "->", opmen=common.getch() if opmen=="1": self.autosave=not self.autosave if opmen=="2" and not restricted: self.fog=not self.fog if opmen=="3": self.gomsg=raw_input("New message?>") if opmen=="4": self.keymap(restricted) if opmen=="9": if opmen=="0": self.saveoptions() break
def choose( choice): #raw data that write(string) prints to the screen as text mainWindow.delete(0, END) if (choice == ">>> 1"): startMenu() write("") write(">>> You choose: Continue!") elif (choice == ">>> 2"): startMenu() write("") write(">>> You choose: New Game!") elif (choice == ">>> 3"): startMenu() write("") write(">>> You choose: Load Game!") elif (choice == ">>> 4"): startMenu() write("") write(">>> You choose: Settings!") elif (choice == ">>> 5"): raise SystemExit elif (choice == ">>> help"): help() if choice == ">>> ": startMenu() write(">>> You choose: help!") else: startMenu() write("") if choice != ">>> ": write(">>> That is not a valid command!") else: write("")
def __init__(self, config): lg.debug("cli::__init__") self.stdscr = curses.initscr() curses.noecho() curses.cbreak() self.stdscr.keypad(1) curses.curs_set(0) self.maxY, self.maxX = self.stdscr.getmaxyx() self.MAX_LIST_ITEMS = self.maxY - BOTTOM_OFFSET - 2 lg.debug("Maximum number for items is " + str(self.MAX_LIST_ITEMS)) self.MODE = mode.VIM hm = config.get("history_max", 5) self.browser = config.get("browser", None) self.history = history(hm) self.currObject = None self.msg = None self.setMsg("Revi started, config loaded from file, " "word peace achieved") self.drawLoading() l = listing("", rLimit=self.MAX_LIST_ITEMS) if l.ok: self.setCurrentObject(l) else: self.setCurrentObject(error(l.status)) if self.MODE is mode.VIM: self.eval = eval_vim(self.stdscr) else: # self.eval = eval_emacs(self.stdscr) pass = help()
def MessageStatus(self, msg, status): if status == Skype4Py.cmsReceived or status == Skype4Py.cmsSent: # I have no idea what this line does other than it makes the bot respond to its own messages, and it only works in private chat #if not msg.Sender.Handle in self.blacklist: if msg.Body[0] == "!" and msg.Sender.Handle != "everythingbot": print "[" + str( ))[:-7] + "] " + msg.Sender.Handle + ": " + msg.Body # !help if re.match("!help(?!\S)", msg.Body): msg.Chat.SendMessage(help()) # !ping elif re.match("!ping(?!\S)", msg.Body): msg.Chat.SendMessage(ping()) # !members elif re.match("!members(?!\S)", msg.Body): msg.Chat.SendMessage(members(msg.Chat.Members)) # !profile elif re.match("!profile(?!\S)", msg.Body): try: skypeName = msg.Body[9:] msg.Chat.SendMessage(profile(skypeName, msg.Chat.Members)) except IndexError: msg.Chat.SendMessage( "Skype username required for profile lookup.") # !orangecrush # If you're reading this on the Github repo, congratulations on being the first to figure out that it's been public all along. elif re.match("!orangecrush(?!\S)", msg.Body): msg.Chat.SendMessage("!orangecrush") # !lenny elif re.match("!lenny(?!\S)", msg.Body): msg.Chat.SendMessage(self._lenny) # !friendcodes elif re.match("!friendcodes(?!\S)", msg.Body) or re.match( "!fc(?!\S)", msg.Body): msg.Chat.SendMessage(friendcodes()) # !gostats elif re.match("!gostats(?!\S)", msg.Body): msg.Chat.SendMessage("" + msg.Body[9:]) # !tableflip elif re.match("!tableflip(?!\S)", msg.Body): msg.Chat.SendMessage(self._tableflip) # !tableset elif re.match("!tableset(?!\S)", msg.Body): msg.Chat.SendMessage(self._tableset) # !coinflip elif re.match("!coinflip(?!\S)", msg.Body): msg.Chat.SendMessage(coinflip()) # URL titles # This is the opt-into title code. #elif re.match("!title(?!\S)", msg.Body): # if re.match('!title http[s]?://(?:[a-zA-Z]|[0-9]|[$-_@.&+]|[!*\(\),]|(?:%[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]))+', msg.Body, re.IGNORECASE): # url ='http[s]?://(?:[a-zA-Z]|[0-9]|[$-_@.&+]|[!*\(\),]|(?:%[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]))+', msg.Body, re.IGNORECASE) # msg.Chat.SendMessage(url_get( # else: # msg.Chat.SendMessage("Invalid URL.") # This is the opt-out of title code. elif 'http[s]?://(?:[a-zA-Z]|[0-9]|[$-_@.&+]|[!*\(\),]|(?:%[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]))+', msg.Body, re.IGNORECASE) and not "!nt(?!\S)", msg.Body) and msg.Sender.Handle != "everythingbot": url = 'http[s]?://(?:[a-zA-Z]|[0-9]|[$-_@.&+]|[!*\(\),]|(?:%[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]))+', msg.Body, re.IGNORECASE) msg.Chat.SendMessage(url_get( # !removebot elif re.match("!removebot(?!\S)", msg.Body): if removebot(msg.Sender.Handle): msg.Chat.Leave() # !restartbot elif re.match("!restartbot(?!\S)", msg.Body): if removebot(msg.Sender.Handle): msg.Chat.SendMessage("Restarting bot.") execfile("") sys.exit() # !twitch (channel) # !gostats elif re.match("!twitch(?!\S)", msg.Body): # msg.Chat.SendMessage("" + msg.Body[8:]) msg.Chat.SendMessage(twitch(msg.Body[8:])) # !requestfunction (string) #elif re.match("!requestfunction(?!\S)", msg.Body): # msg.Chat.SendMessage(requestfunction(msg.Sender.Handle, msg.Body[17:])) #elif msg.Body == "!chatname": # msg.Chat.SendMessage(msg.Chat.Name) # !hug elif re.match("!hug(?!\S)", msg.Body) and msg.Sender.Handle != "everythingbot": msg.Chat.SendMessage(hug(msg.Sender.FullName, msg.Body[5:])) # !bothug elif re.match("!bothug(?!\S)", msg.Body): msg.Chat.SendMessage(bothug(msg.Body[8:])) # !blacklist #elif re.match("!blacklist(?!\S)", msg.Body): # msg.Chat.SendMessage(blacklist(msg.Sender.Handle, msg.Body[11:])) # !strats elif re.match("!strats(?!\S)", msg.Body): msg.Chat.SendMessage(strats(msg.Body[8:])) # !lwc elif re.match("!lwc(?!\S)", msg.Body): msg.Chat.SendMessage( "Literally who cares.\n") # lmao # Keep this as the last thing that gets checked elif "l+ *m+ *a+ *o+", msg.Body, re.IGNORECASE) and msg.Sender.Handle != "everythingbot": msg.Chat.SendMessage("ayyy")
def main(): STATES = {'D':('Development',bcolors.WARNING), '':("Unknown",bcolors.FAIL)} if len(sys.argv) <= 1: help(); return app = sys.argv[1] if app == "pack": print "Packing project into" pack() elif app == "validate": verify_game_auth() print "Everything seems to be ok." elif app == "listgames": print "Listing your games:" print games = get_all_games() for game in games: print bcolors.HEADER + game['name'] + bcolors.ENDC + ":" print " Game Id : " + game['game_id'] state = STATES[game['status']] print " Status : " + state[1] + state[0] + bcolors.ENDC print elif app == "auth": update_tokens() return elif app == "submit": submit() elif app == "wait": STATES = {'U':('Pending',bcolors.OKBLUE), 'T':("Processed",bcolors.OKGREEN), 'E':("Error",bcolors.FAIL)} collect = {} for sub in get_submited(): if sub['game']['key'] in collect: collect[sub['game']['key']].append(sub) else: collect[sub['game']['key']] = [ sub ] for key in collect.keys(): game = collect[key] print bcolors.HEADER + "%s" % (game[0]['game']['name']) + bcolors.ENDC + ":" print " Game ID : %s" % game[0]['game']['key'] for ver in game[:5]: print print (" Submited on %s by" + bcolors.OKGREEN + " %s " + bcolors.ENDC) % (ver['submission_date'].replace("T"," "), ver['user']['username']) state = STATES[ver['status']] print " Status : " + state[1] + state[0] + bcolors.ENDC print " Digest : " + ver['digest'] elif app == "start": if len(sys.argv) < 3: print "You must specify a project name.\n\nusage: intigos start <project name>" start(sys.argv[2]) return; elif app == "run": try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[2:], 'a:,', ['addr=']) except getopt.GetoptError, err: print str(err) # will print something like "option -a not recognized" sys.exit(2) addr = 'localhost:8000' for o, a in opts: if o in ("-a", "--addr"): addr = a run(addr=addr)
def help(): import help"music_view")
def showHelp(self):
def on_btn_help_clicked(self):
elif print("Payment successfull") else: print( "Payment unsuccessfull! Enter valid usernames or amount!") elif n == 5: #receive if login_status: #works only if user is logged in rec.receive() else: print("Please login") elif n == 6: #Converting amount if login_status: #works only if user is logged in ct.convert() else: print("Please login") elif n == 7: #Display conversion rates if login_status: #works only if user is logged in dr.display() else: print("Please login") elif n == 8: #help and FAQs if login_status: #works only if user is logged in else: print("Please login") elif n == 9: #log out and exit the program print("Successfully logged out! Thank you!") break else: print("Enter valid number")
def initialMenu(screen, clock): background = (255, 255, 255) breakflag = 0 playBgm(0) # 图片及位置 background = pygame.image.load(path("res/bg/bg_main.png")).convert() #背景图 title = pygame.image.load(path("res/pic/title.png")).convert_alpha() #标题 titlePos = (340, 100) startButton = pygame.image.load( path("res/button/start.png")).convert_alpha() #开始游戏 startPos0 = (540, 345) startPos1 = (540, 340) handbookButton = pygame.image.load( path("res/button/handbook.png")).convert_alpha() #图鉴 handbookPos0 = (400, 445) handbookPos1 = (400, 440) helpButton = pygame.image.load( path("res/button/help.png")).convert_alpha() #帮助文档 helpPos0 = (400, 545) helpPos1 = (400, 540) settingButton = pygame.image.load( path("res/button/setting.png")).convert_alpha() #设置 settingPos0 = (680, 445) settingPos1 = (680, 440) quitButton = pygame.image.load( path("res/button/quit.png")).convert_alpha() #退出游戏 quitPos0 = (680, 545) quitPos1 = (680, 540) startPos = startPos0 handbookPos = handbookPos0 helpPos = helpPos0 settingPos = settingPos0 quitPos = quitPos0 while True: for event in pygame.event.get(): x, y = pygame.mouse.get_pos() # 按键位置移动 if x > startPos0[0] and x < startPos0[0] + startButton.get_width() \ and y > startPos0[1] and y < startPos0[1] + startButton.get_height(): startPos = startPos1 else: startPos = startPos0 if x > handbookPos0[0] and x < handbookPos0[0] + handbookButton.get_width() \ and y > handbookPos0[1] and y < handbookPos0[1] + handbookButton.get_height(): handbookPos = handbookPos1 else: handbookPos = handbookPos0 if x > helpPos0[0] and x < helpPos0[0] + helpButton.get_width() \ and y > helpPos0[1] and y < helpPos0[1] + helpButton.get_height(): helpPos = helpPos1 else: helpPos = helpPos0 if x > settingPos0[0] and x < settingPos0[0] + settingButton.get_width() \ and y > settingPos0[1] and y < settingPos0[1] + settingButton.get_height(): settingPos = settingPos1 else: settingPos = settingPos0 if x > quitPos0[0] and x < quitPos0[0] + quitButton.get_width() \ and y > quitPos0[1] and y < quitPos0[1] + quitButton.get_height(): quitPos = quitPos1 else: quitPos = quitPos0 # 退出游戏 if event.type == pygame.QUIT: sys.exit() breakflag = 1 if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if x > startPos0[0] and x < startPos0[0] + startButton.get_width() \ and y > startPos0[1] and y < startPos0[1] + startButton.get_height(): selectMode(screen, clock) breakflag = 1 # here to start the game function if x > handbookPos0[0] and x < handbookPos0[0] + handbookButton.get_width() \ and y > handbookPos0[1] and y < handbookPos0[1] + handbookButton.get_height(): from handbook import handbook handbook(screen, clock) # here to the handbook function if x > helpPos0[0] and x < helpPos0[0] + helpButton.get_width() \ and y > helpPos0[1] and y < helpPos0[1] + helpButton.get_height(): from help import help help(screen, clock) # here to start the help function if x > settingPos0[0] and x < settingPos0[0] + settingButton.get_width() \ and y > settingPos0[1] and y < settingPos0[1] + settingButton.get_height(): from settings import settings screen, isBgmOn = settings(screen, clock, False) settings(screen, clock, True) # here to the setting function elif x > quitPos0[0] and x < quitPos0[0] + quitButton.get_width() \ and y > quitPos0[1] and y < quitPos0[1] + quitButton.get_height(): # print('game ended!') sys.exit() # 填充背景和内容 screen.blit(background, (0, 0)) screen.blit(title, titlePos) screen.blit(startButton, startPos) screen.blit(handbookButton, handbookPos) screen.blit(helpButton, helpPos) screen.blit(settingButton, settingPos) screen.blit(quitButton, quitPos) # 说明文字 # screen.blit(font.render("用上下左右键来控制", True, (166, 100, 30)), (300, 50)) # 更新画面 pygame.display.update() # 帧率 clock.tick(40) if breakflag == 1: break
def performHelp(self): """Enter help""" self.setCurrentObject(help())
print print (" Submited on %s by" + bcolors.OKGREEN + " %s " + bcolors.ENDC) % (ver['submission_date'].replace("T"," "), ver['user']['username']) state = STATES[ver['status']] print " Status : " + state[1] + state[0] + bcolors.ENDC print " Digest : " + ver['digest'] elif app == "start": if len(sys.argv) < 3: print "You must specify a project name.\n\nusage: intigos start <project name>" start(sys.argv[2]) return; elif app == "run": try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[2:], 'a:,', ['addr=']) except getopt.GetoptError, err: print str(err) # will print something like "option -a not recognized" sys.exit(2) addr = 'localhost:8000' for o, a in opts: if o in ("-a", "--addr"): addr = a run(addr=addr) elif app == "help": help() return else: help() return if __name__ == '__main__': main()
def KatanaCheckActionGlobalCommands(action): if action[:len(EXIT)] == EXIT or action[:len(EXIT)] == EXIT_SHORT : exit() elif action[:len(HELP)] == HELP or action[:len(HELP_SHORT)] == HELP_SHORT : elif action[:len(UPDATE)] == UPDATE or action[:len(UPDATE_SHORT)]== UPDATE_SHORT: updatekatana.update() elif action[:len(CLEAR)] == CLEAR or action[:len(CLEAR_SHORT)] == CLEAR_SHORT :'clear', shell=True) else: Desing.Helper()
is_specced = False is_willpowered = False while args[0] in ["spec", "wp"]: if args[0] == "spec": is_specced = True elif args[0] == "wp": is_willpowered = True args = args[1:] pool = int(args[0]) args = args[1:] await handle_roll(ctx, pool, args, is_specced, is_willpowered) rollspec_decorator = help( "[dicepool] [difficulty=6] [comment...]", "Roll with specialization", "Roll with specialization, counting 10s as two successes. If difficulty is not specified, defaults to 6. The comment is optional." ) @rollspec_decorator @client.command(name='rs') @handle_error async def rollspec_short(ctx, pool: int, *args): await handle_roll(ctx, int(pool), args, True) @rollspec_decorator @client.command(name='rollspec') @handle_error async def rollspec_long(ctx, pool: int, *args): await handle_roll(ctx, int(pool), args, True)
def parse_args(coordinator, arg): if ''.join(arg).strip() != '': if arg[0] == 'help': if len(arg) == 1: else:[1])) elif arg[0] == 'add' : if len(arg) == 1:'add')) else: coordinator.add_model(arg[1]) elif arg[0] == 'remove': if len(arg) == 1:'remove')) else: coordinator.remove_model_by_id(arg[1]) elif arg[0] == 'link': if len(arg) != 5:'link')) else: coordinator.add_link(arg[1],arg[2],arg[3],arg[4]) elif arg[0] == 'showme': if len(arg) == 1:'showme')) else: coordinator.get_configuration_details(coordinator, arg[1]) elif arg[0] == 'connect_db': if len(arg) == 1:'connect_db')) else: coordinator.connect_to_db(arg[1:]) elif arg[0] == 'default_db': if len(arg) == 1:'default_db')) else: coordinator.set_default_db(arg[1:]) elif arg[0] == 'run':'Running Simulation in Feed Forward Mode') coordinator.run_simulation() elif arg[0] == 'load': if len(arg) == 1:'load')) else: coordinator.load_simulation(arg[1:]) elif arg[0] == 'db': if len(arg) == 1:'db')) else: coordinator.show_db_results(arg[1:]) #todo: show database time series that are available elif arg[0] == 'info': print else: print 'Command not recognized. Type "help" for a complete list of commands.'
Creates a latex file, corresponding to a section of the manual, for each of the classes specified in It uses to generate information about the tags for each class, and will include cross-references so that the title of each tag corresponding to a different class will also be a hyperlink in the manual to the section corresponding to that class. Note that any new input class type must be added to the objects dictionary in and the latex help file must be added to the end of the manual.lyx file for it to be included in the automatic help generation. Also creates an xml file with the full list of all the tags. """ import os from help import help, objects from help_list import help_list, list_objects if not os.path.exists("input_docs"): os.mkdir("input_docs") help(xml=True, prefix="manual") for opt in objects: help(latex=True, levels=1, option=opt, prefix=("input_docs/" + opt), standalone=False) for opt in list_objects: help_list(option=opt, prefix=("input_docs/" + opt), standalone=False)
def start(): """Sar analyzeer App""" st.title = "SAR Analyzer" menu = ["Login", "Signup", "Help"] choice = st.sidebar.selectbox("Menu", menu) sql_stuff.create_tables() config_c = helpers.configuration({}) if choice == "Help": elif choice == "Login": username = st.sidebar.text_input("Username") password = st.sidebar.text_input("Password", type='password') if st.sidebar.checkbox("Login"): if sql_stuff.login_user(username, password): upload_dir = f'{Config.upload_dir}/{username}' os.system(f'mkdir -p {upload_dir}') sar_files = os.listdir(upload_dir) st.sidebar.success(f"Logged in as {username}") col1, col2 = st.columns(2) config_c.update_conf({ 'username': username, 'upload_dir': upload_dir, 'sar_files': sar_files, 'cols': [col1, col2] }) if sql_stuff.get_role(username) == "admin": task = st.sidebar.selectbox("Tasks", [ "Analyze Data", "Manage Sar Files", "DB Management", "Redis Management", "TODO", "Self Service", "User Management", "Info" ]) else: task = st.sidebar.selectbox("Tasks", [ "Analyze Data", "Manage Sar Files", "Self Service", "Info" ]) if task == "Manage Sar Files": mng_sar.file_mng(upload_dir, col2, username) elif task == "Analyze Data": analyze.analyze(upload_dir, config_c, username) elif task == "DB Management": db_mng.db_mgmt(username, col2) elif task == "TODO": todo.todo() elif task == "Redis Management": try: redis_mng.redis_tasks(col2) except: #st.markdown('Redis server seeems to be offline') '' elif task == "Info": info.usage() info.code() elif task == 'Self Service': ss.self_service(username) elif task == 'User Management': ss.admin_service() else: st.warning("You don't exist or your password does not match") else: st.header("Please login to use this app") elif (choice) == "Signup": st.subheader("Create an Account") new_user = st.text_input("Username") new_password = st.text_input("Password", type='password') if st.button("Signup"): if sql_stuff.add_userdata(new_user, new_password): st.success("You have successfully created an valid Account")"Goto Login Menu to login") else: st.warning(f'User {new_user} already exists')
def on_btn_help_clicked(self): ''' '''
async def commandParser(self, message, globalCall): messageContent = message.content.lower() # Casino Module if (messageContent.startswith(globalCall + "c ")): gambleTime = CasinoModule() await gambleTime.commandReciever(message) return # Help message if (messageContent == globalCall + "help"): myHelp = help() await myHelp.myEmbed(message) return # Convert Currency if (messageContent.startswith(globalCall + "currency")): newCurrency = currency() await newCurrency.currencyConverter(message) return # Search workshop if (messageContent.startswith((globalCall + 'sws'))): searchWorkshop = sws() await"Searching the workshop. Please wait..." ) searchIt = searchWorkshop.theMain(message.content) if not searchIt: await "That's a fat error from me dawg. The search came up empty." ) return else: await return # Get random Seinfeld quote if (messageContent.startswith((globalCall + 'seinfeldme'))): getSeinfeldQuote = seinfeldme() await getSeinfeldQuote.getQuote(message) return # Get random ketal quote if (messageContent.startswith((globalCall + 'ketalquote'))): getKetalQuote = ketalquote() await getKetalQuote.getQuote(message) return # Get random Squidski fact if (messageContent.startswith((globalCall + 'squidskifact'))): squidFact = squidskifact() await squidFact.getQuote(message) return # Give/Remove Pings role if (messageContent.startswith((globalCall + 'pings'))): myPings = pings() await myPings.changePingRoleState(message) return # Admin only commands (Administrator only) if (((messageContent).split(" "))[0].startswith(globalCall + "helpadmin")): myAdminCommands = helpadmin() await myAdminCommands.checkPerms(message) return # Purge messages (Administrator Only) if (((messageContent).split(" "))[0].startswith(globalCall + "purge")): myPurge = purge() await myPurge.purger(message) return # Ping the Pings role (Administrator Only) if (messageContent.startswith((globalCall + 'rolepinger'))): myPinger = rolepinger() await myPinger.pinger(message) return # Mute a bad user (Administrator Only) if (messageContent.startswith((globalCall + 'mute'))): myMuter = mute() await myMuter.mute_users(message) return # Checks if is bruh moment if (messageContent.startswith((globalCall + 'bruhmoment'))): myBruh = bruhmoment() await myBruh.isBruhMoment(message) return # Searches the Steam Workshop via the API if (messageContent.startswith((globalCall + 'wtest'))): mySAPI = apiworkshopsearch() args = message.content.split(" ") await mySAPI.requestInfo(message, args[1], " ".join(args[2:])) return # Pulls a random line from the Source Engine fanfictions if (messageContent.startswith((globalCall + 'fanfic'))): getFanfic = fanfic() await getFanfic.getLine(message) return # Search VDC if (messageContent.startswith((globalCall + 'v'))): searchVDC = VDCsearch() await searchVDC.searchTheVDC(message) return
def parse(words,player,dungeon,config): """ Main parsing function. Splits the string and identifies action, target and options Needs a string to be parsed and player, dungeon and config objects. Returns an action code and a message if needed. 0) No action Look sentences only return a description of the place Empty, weird or non-interpretable sentences return an error string 1) Move 11 north 12 south 13 east 14 west 15 northeast 16 northwest 17 southeast 18 southwest 19 down (next floor) 3) "use" actions 31 use stairs (next floor) 4) Combat actions Pending 5) Configuration 6) Help 61 Help keys (Show key mapping) 62 General help (Brings the help menu up) It evaluates the verb in the first position and the options next e.g.: go north, hit zombie, run southeast, walk nw, equip itemname, etc. If the first word of the string is not a verb (i.e. I want to walk north) a random generic error message will be returned. """ #puts all the words from the input in a list keyw=words.split() if len(words)==0: return 0, random.choice(errors)+"\n" #Look for the first word (Verb) in the dictionary while 1: action="" for key,value in dictionary.iteritems(): for a in value: if keyw[0]==a: action=key break break #Process the verb try: if len(action)==0: try: insistor[keyw[0]]+=1 except KeyError: insistor[keyw[0]]=1 if insistor[keyw[0]]<=2: return 0,random.choice(errors)+" \n" if 2<insistor[keyw[0]]<=5: return 0,"Still trying to do that? \n" if insistor[keyw[0]]>5: return 0,"Can't you stop talking about this %s thing? \n"%keyw[0] else: #Identified movement command, process rest of the string if action=="move": if keyw[1]=="north" or keyw[1]=="n": return 11,"" if keyw[1]=="south" or keyw[1]=="s": return 12,"" if keyw[1]=="east" or keyw[1]=="e": return 13,"" if keyw[1]=="west" or keyw[1]=="w": return 14,"" if keyw[1]=="northeast" or keyw[1]=="north-east" or keyw[1]=="ne": return 15,"" if keyw[1]=="northwest" or keyw[1]=="north-west" or keyw[1]=="nw": return 16,"" if keyw[1]=="southeast" or keyw[1]=="south-east" or keyw[1]=="se": return 17,"" if keyw[1]=="southwest" or keyw[1]=="south-west" or keyw[1]=="sw": return 18,"" if keyw[1]=="down": return 19,"" if action=="look": return look(dungeon,player) if action=="use": return use() if action=="equip": return equip() if action=="unequip": return equip() if action=="fight": return fight() if action=="cfg": return 5,"" if action=="help": try: if keyw[1]=="keys": return 61,"" except IndexError: return 62,"" if action=="quit": return 9,"" except IndexError: return 0,random.choice(errors)+"\n"
elif command.startswith('config '): try: argument = command.split(' ')[1] if argument == "save": elif argument == "remove": xmllib.remove() else: print color.ReturnError( 'Unrecognized argument "%s".' % argument) except Exception, e: print color.ReturnError( 'Configuration error -> %s.' % str(e)) elif command == "modules": print "\n" + color.ReturnTabulate( modulehelper.ListModules(), ['Name', 'Description'], "simple") + "\n" elif command == "exit": TCPhandler.Helper.DisconnectImplants() os._exit(0) elif command == "help": print else: print color.ReturnError( 'Command "%s" unrecognized, type <<help>> for command list.' % command) except KeyboardInterrupt: print '\n' + color.ReturnError('Type "exit" to quit.')
def run(opts, args, overDict, pars): """ The entry point, this is called from `p2p.dhnmain` to process command line arguments. """ print 'Copyright 2006, DataHaven.NET LTD. of Anguilla. All rights reserved.' if overDict: settings.override_dict(overDict) dhnio.init() settings.init() if not opts or opts.debug is None: dhnio.SetDebug(0) appList = dhnio.find_process([ 'dhnmain.exe', '', '', 'regexp:^/usr/bin/python\ +/usr/bin/datahaven.*$', ]) running = len(appList) > 0 cmd = '' if len(args) > 0: cmd = args[0].lower() #---help--- if cmd in ['help', 'h']: import help if len(args) >= 2 and args[1].lower() == 'schedule': print help.schedule_format() elif len(args) >= 2 and args[1].lower() == 'settings': print settings.uconfig().print_all() else: print print pars.format_option_help() return 0 #---backup--- elif cmd in ['backup', 'backups', 'bk']: if not running: print 'DataHaven.NET is not running at the moment\n' return 0 return cmd_backups(opts, args, overDict) #---restore--- elif cmd in ['restore', 're']: if not running: print 'DataHaven.NET is not running at the moment\n' return 0 return cmd_restore(opts, args, overDict) #---schedule--- elif cmd in ['schedule', 'shed', 'sched', 'sh']: if not running: print 'DataHaven.NET is not running at the moment\n' return 0 return cmd_schedule(opts, args, overDict) #---suppliers--- elif cmd in [ 'suppliers', 'supplier', 'sup', 'supp', 'sp', ]: if not running: print 'DataHaven.NET is not running at the moment\n' return 0 return cmd_suppliers(opts, args, overDict) #---customers--- elif cmd in [ 'customers', 'customer', 'cus', 'cust', 'cs', ]: if not running: print 'DataHaven.NET is not running at the moment\n' return 0 return cmd_customers(opts, args, overDict) #---register--- elif cmd == 'register': if running: print 'DataHaven.NET already started.\n' return 0 return cmd_register(opts, args, overDict) #---recover--- elif cmd == 'recover': if running: print 'DataHaven.NET already started.\n' return 0 return cmd_recover(opts, args, overDict) #---key--- elif cmd == 'key': return cmd_key(opts, args, overDict) #---stats--- elif cmd in [ 'stats', 'st' ]: if not running: print 'DataHaven.NET is not running at the moment\n' return 0 return cmd_stats(opts, args, overDict) #---version--- elif cmd in [ 'version', 'v', 'ver' ]: revnum = dhnio.ReadTextFile(settings.RevisionNumberFile()).strip() repo, location = misc.ReadRepoLocation() print 'revision: ', revnum print 'repository:', repo return 0 #---states--- elif cmd in [ 'states', 'sta', 'automats', 'auto' ]: if not running: print 'DataHaven.NET is not running at the moment\n' return 0 return cmd_states(opts, args, overDict) #---reconnect--- elif cmd in [ 'reconnect', ]: if not running: print 'DataHaven.NET is not running at the moment\n' return 0 return cmd_reconnect(opts, args, overDict) #---set--- elif cmd == 'set': if len(args) == 1 or args[1].lower() in [ 'help', '?' ]: import help print help.settings_help() return 0 if not running: cmd_set_directly(opts, args, overDict) return 0 return cmd_set_request(opts, args, overDict) #---memory--- elif cmd == 'memory': if not running: print 'DataHaven.NET is not running at the moment\n' return 0 return cmd_memory(opts, args, overDict) #---money--- elif cmd == 'money': if not running: print 'DataHaven.NET is not running at the moment\n' return 0 return cmd_money(opts, args, overDict) elif cmd == 'storage': if not running: print 'DataHaven.NET is not running at the moment\n' return 0 return cmd_storage(opts, args, overDict) # elif cmd == 'uninstall': # return cmd_uninstall(opts, args, overDict) return 2
def MessageStatus(self, msg, status): if status == Skype4Py.cmsReceived or status == Skype4Py.cmsSent: # I have no idea what this line does other than it makes the bot respond to its own messages, and it only works in private chat #if not msg.Sender.Handle in self.blacklist: if msg.Body[0] == "!" and msg.Sender.Handle != "everythingbot": print "[" + str([:-7] + "] " + msg.Sender.Handle + ": " + msg.Body # !help if re.match("!help(?!\S)", msg.Body): msg.Chat.SendMessage(help()) # !ping elif re.match("!ping(?!\S)", msg.Body): msg.Chat.SendMessage(ping()) # !members elif re.match("!members(?!\S)", msg.Body): msg.Chat.SendMessage(members(msg.Chat.Members)) # !profile elif re.match("!profile(?!\S)", msg.Body): try: skypeName = msg.Body[9:] msg.Chat.SendMessage(profile(skypeName, msg.Chat.Members)) except IndexError: msg.Chat.SendMessage("Skype username required for profile lookup.") # !orangecrush # If you're reading this on the Github repo, congratulations on being the first to figure out that it's been public all along. elif re.match("!orangecrush(?!\S)", msg.Body): msg.Chat.SendMessage("!orangecrush") # !lenny elif re.match("!lenny(?!\S)", msg.Body): msg.Chat.SendMessage(self._lenny) # !friendcodes elif re.match("!friendcodes(?!\S)", msg.Body) or re.match("!fc(?!\S)", msg.Body): msg.Chat.SendMessage(friendcodes()) # !gostats elif re.match("!gostats(?!\S)", msg.Body): msg.Chat.SendMessage("" + msg.Body[9:]) # !tableflip elif re.match("!tableflip(?!\S)", msg.Body): msg.Chat.SendMessage(self._tableflip) # !tableset elif re.match("!tableset(?!\S)", msg.Body): msg.Chat.SendMessage(self._tableset) # !coinflip elif re.match("!coinflip(?!\S)", msg.Body): msg.Chat.SendMessage(coinflip()) # URL titles # This is the opt-into title code. #elif re.match("!title(?!\S)", msg.Body): # if re.match('!title http[s]?://(?:[a-zA-Z]|[0-9]|[$-_@.&+]|[!*\(\),]|(?:%[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]))+', msg.Body, re.IGNORECASE): # url ='http[s]?://(?:[a-zA-Z]|[0-9]|[$-_@.&+]|[!*\(\),]|(?:%[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]))+', msg.Body, re.IGNORECASE) # msg.Chat.SendMessage(url_get( # else: # msg.Chat.SendMessage("Invalid URL.") # This is the opt-out of title code. elif'http[s]?://(?:[a-zA-Z]|[0-9]|[$-_@.&+]|[!*\(\),]|(?:%[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]))+', msg.Body, re.IGNORECASE) and not"!nt(?!\S)", msg.Body) and msg.Sender.Handle != "everythingbot": url ='http[s]?://(?:[a-zA-Z]|[0-9]|[$-_@.&+]|[!*\(\),]|(?:%[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]))+', msg.Body, re.IGNORECASE) msg.Chat.SendMessage(url_get( # !removebot elif re.match("!removebot(?!\S)", msg.Body): if removebot(msg.Sender.Handle): msg.Chat.Leave() # !restartbot elif re.match("!restartbot(?!\S)", msg.Body): if removebot(msg.Sender.Handle): msg.Chat.SendMessage("Restarting bot.") execfile("") sys.exit() # !twitch (channel) # !gostats elif re.match("!twitch(?!\S)", msg.Body): # msg.Chat.SendMessage("" + msg.Body[8:]) msg.Chat.SendMessage(twitch(msg.Body[8:])) # !requestfunction (string) #elif re.match("!requestfunction(?!\S)", msg.Body): # msg.Chat.SendMessage(requestfunction(msg.Sender.Handle, msg.Body[17:])) #elif msg.Body == "!chatname": # msg.Chat.SendMessage(msg.Chat.Name) # !hug elif re.match("!hug(?!\S)", msg.Body) and msg.Sender.Handle != "everythingbot": msg.Chat.SendMessage(hug(msg.Sender.FullName, msg.Body[5:])) # !bothug elif re.match("!bothug(?!\S)", msg.Body): msg.Chat.SendMessage(bothug(msg.Body[8:])) # !blacklist #elif re.match("!blacklist(?!\S)", msg.Body): # msg.Chat.SendMessage(blacklist(msg.Sender.Handle, msg.Body[11:])) # !strats elif re.match("!strats(?!\S)", msg.Body): msg.Chat.SendMessage(strats(msg.Body[8:])) # !lwc elif re.match("!lwc(?!\S)", msg.Body): msg.Chat.SendMessage("Literally who cares.\n") # lmao # Keep this as the last thing that gets checked elif"l+ *m+ *a+ *o+", msg.Body, re.IGNORECASE) and msg.Sender.Handle != "everythingbot": msg.Chat.SendMessage("ayyy")
states, specTraits = [find_id_state_like("PERM") ], get_specified_traits("ALL_TRAITS") return sxs.get_first_ids(N_PROFILES_TO_CHANGE, states, specTraits) def __get_test_ids(pxs): """gets the ids only from the test tagged profiles""" tagged_profiles = __get_test_tagged_profiles(pxs) global debug if debug: output_tagged_profile_sequence(tagged_profiles) return [ for tp in tagged_profiles] if __name__ == "__main__": if '-?' in sys.argv or '-h' in sys.argv: import help sys.exit(0) if '-profile' in sys.argv: import profile'test()') sys.exit(0) if '-profile2' in sys.argv: import profile'test()', '') sys.exit(0) test()
time.sleep(3) if (load(args.Direktori) ): # F14 load -> True kalau foldernya ada, -> False kalau gada role = "" user_id = 0 user_input = input(">>> ") while (role == ""): if (user_input == "login"): # F02 tuple_login = login(role, user_id) role = tuple_login[0] user_id = tuple_login[1] elif (user_input == "help"): # F16 help(role) elif (user_input == "exit"): # F17 exit(role) else: print("Silahkan login terlebih dahulu!") print() user_input = input(">>> ") load_inventori(user_id) while (user_input != "exit"): if (user_input == "register"): # F01 register(role) elif (user_input == "login"): # F02 Sudah dijalankan print("Anda sudah login!")
def showManual(self): """Shows the user guide, called when user presses F1.""" import help"contents")
#<startsettings> import help import calcy import calcym import colorama colorama.init() #</startsettings> #<main># print (colorama.Fore.MAGENTA + "CALCY 1.0" + colorama.Fore.RESET) print (colorama.Fore.MAGENTA + "Type 'help' to view a list of commands." + colorama.Fore.RESET) cmd = input(colorama.Fore.CYAN + "$>> " + colorama.Fore.RESET) if cmd == "help": elif cmd == "add": a = (colorama.Fore.GREEN + "Type a number: " + colorama.Fore.RESET) b = (colorama.Fore.GREEN + "Type a number: " + colorama.Fore.RESET) d = calcym.add(a,b) e = str(d) print (e) else: print (colorama.Fore.RED + "ERROR: WRONG COMMAND" + colorama.Fore.RESET) calcy.calcy() while cmd == "add" or "help": print (colorama.Fore.MAGENTA + "CALCY 1.0" + colorama.Fore.RESET) print (colorama.Fore.MAGENTA + "Type 'help' to view a list of commands." + colorama.Fore.RESET) cmd = input(colorama.Fore.CYAN + "$>> " + colorama.Fore.RESET) if cmd == "help": elif cmd == "add": a = (colorama.Fore.GREEN + "Type a number: " + colorama.Fore.RESET) b = (colorama.Fore.GREEN + "Type a number: " + colorama.Fore.RESET)
def slotHelp(self): """Called when the user clicks the small help button."""
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http.//>. Creates a latex file, corresponding to a section of the manual, for each of the classes specified in It uses to generate information about the tags for each class, and will include cross-references so that the title of each tag corresponding to a different class will also be a hyperlink in the manual to the section corresponding to that class. Note that any new input class type must be added to the objects dictionary in and the latex help file must be added to the end of the manual.lyx file for it to be included in the automatic help generation. Also creates an xml file with the full list of all the tags. """ import os from help import help, objects from help_list import help_list, list_objects if not os.path.exists("input_docs"): os.mkdir("input_docs") help(xml=True, prefix="manual") for opt in objects: help(latex=True, levels=1, option=opt, prefix=("input_docs/" + opt), standalone=False) for opt in list_objects: help_list(option=opt, prefix=("input_docs/" + opt), standalone=False)
def handle_key(self, key): if key == editor.KEY_ENTER: line = self.get_cur_line()"Enter pressed: %s" % line) op_no = self.cur_operand_no(line) self.show_status("Enter pressed: %s, %s" % (self.col, op_no)) if isinstance(line, engine.DisasmObj): to_addr = None if op_no >= 0: o = line[op_no] to_addr = o.get_addr() if to_addr is None: o = line.get_operand_addr() if o: to_addr = o.get_addr() self.goto_addr(to_addr, from_addr=line.ea) elif key == editor.KEY_ESC: if self.addr_stack: self.show_status("Returning") self.goto_addr(self.addr_stack.pop()) elif key == b"q": return editor.KEY_QUIT elif key == b"c": addr = self.cur_addr() self.show_status("Analyzing at %x" % addr) engine.add_entrypoint(addr) engine.analyze(self.analyze_status) self.update_model() elif key == b"d": addr = self.cur_addr() fl = self.model.AS.get_flags(addr) if fl not in (self.model.AS.DATA, self.model.AS.UNK): self.show_status("Undefine first") return if fl == self.model.AS.UNK: self.model.AS.set_flags(addr, 1, self.model.AS.DATA, self.model.AS.DATA_CONT) else: sz = self.model.AS.get_unit_size(addr) self.model.undefine(addr) sz *= 2 if sz > 4: sz = 1 self.model.AS.set_flags(addr, sz, self.model.AS.DATA, self.model.AS.DATA_CONT) self.update_model() elif key == b"a": addr = self.cur_addr() fl = self.model.AS.get_flags(addr) if fl != self.model.AS.UNK: self.show_status("Undefine first") return sz = 0 label = "s_" while True: b = self.model.AS.get_byte(addr) fl = self.model.AS.get_flags(addr) if not (0x20 <= b <= 0x7e or b in (0x0a, 0x0d)): if b == 0: sz += 1 break if fl != self.model.AS.UNK: break c = chr(b) if c < '0' or c in string.punctuation: c = '_' label += c addr += 1 sz += 1 if sz > 0: self.model.AS.set_flags(self.cur_addr(), sz, self.model.AS.STR, self.model.AS.DATA_CONT) self.model.AS.make_unique_label(self.cur_addr(), label) self.update_model() elif key == b"u": addr = self.cur_addr() self.model.undefine(addr) self.update_model() elif key == b"o": addr = self.cur_addr() line = self.get_cur_line() o = line.get_operand_addr() if not o: self.show_status("Cannot convert operand to offset") return if o.type != idaapi.o_imm or not self.model.AS.is_valid_addr(o.get_addr()): self.show_status("Cannot convert operand to offset: #%s: %s" % (o.n, o.type)) return if self.model.AS.get_arg_prop(addr, o.n, "type") == idaapi.o_mem: self.model.AS.set_arg_prop(addr, o.n, "type", idaapi.o_imm) self.model.AS.del_xref(addr, o.get_addr(), idaapi.dr_O) else: self.model.AS.set_arg_prop(addr, o.n, "type", idaapi.o_mem) label = self.model.AS.get_label(o.get_addr()) if not label: self.model.AS.make_auto_label(o.get_addr()) self.model.AS.add_xref(addr, o.get_addr(), idaapi.dr_O) self.update_model(True) elif key == b";": addr = self.cur_addr() comment = self.model.AS.get_comment(addr) or "" res = self.dialog_edit_line(line=comment, width=60) if res: self.model.AS.set_comment(addr, res) self.update_screen() elif key == b"n": addr = self.cur_addr() label = self.model.AS.get_label(addr) def_label = self.model.AS.get_default_label(addr) s = label or def_label while True: res = self.dialog_edit_line(line=s) if not res: break if res == def_label: res = addr else: if self.model.AS.label_exists(res): s = res self.show_status("Duplicate label") continue self.model.AS.set_label(addr, res) if not label: # If it's new label, we need to add it to model self.update_model() return break self.update_screen() elif key == b"g": F = npyscreen.FormBaseNew(name='Go to', lines=6, columns=40, show_atx=4, show_aty=4) e = F.add(LabelEntry, name="Labels") e.set_choices(self.model.AS.get_label_list()) def h_enter_key(input): if not e.value: # Hitting Enter with empty text entry opens autocomplete dropbox e.auto_complete(input) else: F.exit_editing() e.add_handlers({curses.ascii.CR: h_enter_key}) F.add(npyscreen.FixedText, value="Press Tab to auto-complete", editable=False) F.edit() self.update_screen() if e.value: if '0' <= e.value[0] <= '9': res = int(e.value, 0) else: res = self.model.AS.resolve_label(e.value) self.goto_addr(res, from_addr=self.cur_addr()) elif key == editor.KEY_F1: self.update_screen() elif key == b"S": save_state(project_dir) self.show_status("Saved.")
def dohelp():
import sys import os import requests import json from time import sleep from random import randint, uniform from credentials import getToken from help import help from check import check, set_check, get_loc_status if __name__ == "__main__": token = getToken() if len(sys.argv) > 1: command = sys.argv[1] if (command in set(["-h", "--help"])): help() elif (command == "run"): dry = -1 if len(sys.argv) > 2: flag = sys.argv[2] if len(flag) > 2 and flag[:2] == "-d": try: dry = int(flag[2:]) except: print("Not a valid value for `n`!") if dry == -1: os.system("echo 'Replace this with git push code'") os.system("echo 'Replace this with checker API code'") elif (command == "status"): if len(sys.argv) > 2:
def handle_key_unprotected(self, key): if key == editor.KEY_ENTER: line = self.get_cur_line()"Enter pressed: %s" % line) op_no = self.cur_operand_no(line) self.show_status("Enter pressed: %s, %s" % (self.col, op_no)) if isinstance(line, engine.DisasmObj): to_addr = None if op_no >= 0: o = line[op_no] to_addr = o.get_addr() if to_addr is None: o = line.get_operand_addr() if o: to_addr = o.get_addr() self.goto_addr(to_addr, from_addr=line.ea) elif key == editor.KEY_ESC: if self.addr_stack: self.show_status("Returning") self.goto_addr(self.addr_stack.pop()) elif key == b"q": return editor.KEY_QUIT elif key == b"c": addr = self.cur_addr() self.show_status("Analyzing at %x" % addr) engine.add_entrypoint(addr, False) engine.analyze(self.analyze_status) self.update_model() elif key == b"d": addr = self.cur_addr() fl = self.model.AS.get_flags(addr) if fl not in (self.model.AS.DATA, self.model.AS.UNK): self.show_status("Undefine first") return if fl == self.model.AS.UNK: self.model.AS.set_flags(addr, 1, self.model.AS.DATA, self.model.AS.DATA_CONT) else: sz = self.model.AS.get_unit_size(addr) self.model.undefine_unit(addr) sz *= 2 if sz > 4: sz = 1 self.model.AS.set_flags(addr, sz, self.model.AS.DATA, self.model.AS.DATA_CONT) self.update_model() elif key == b"a": addr = self.cur_addr() fl = self.model.AS.get_flags(addr) if fl != self.model.AS.UNK: self.show_status("Undefine first") return sz = 0 label = "s_" while True: b = self.model.AS.get_byte(addr) fl = self.model.AS.get_flags(addr) if not (0x20 <= b <= 0x7e or b in (0x0a, 0x0d)): if b == 0: sz += 1 break if fl != self.model.AS.UNK: break c = chr(b) if c < '0' or c in string.punctuation: c = '_' label += c addr += 1 sz += 1 if sz > 0: self.model.AS.set_flags(self.cur_addr(), sz, self.model.AS.STR, self.model.AS.DATA_CONT) self.model.AS.make_unique_label(self.cur_addr(), label) self.update_model() elif key == b"u": addr = self.cur_addr() self.model.undefine_unit(addr) self.update_model() elif key == b"o": addr = self.cur_addr() line = self.get_cur_line() o = line.get_operand_addr() if not o: self.show_status("Cannot convert operand to offset") return if o.type != idaapi.o_imm or not self.model.AS.is_valid_addr(o.get_addr()): self.show_status("Cannot convert operand to offset: #%s: %s" % (o.n, o.type)) return if self.model.AS.get_arg_prop(addr, o.n, "type") == idaapi.o_mem: self.model.AS.set_arg_prop(addr, o.n, "type", idaapi.o_imm) self.model.AS.del_xref(addr, o.get_addr(), idaapi.dr_O) else: self.model.AS.make_arg_offset(addr, o.n, o.get_addr()) self.update_model(True) elif key == b";": addr = self.cur_addr() comment = self.model.AS.get_comment(addr) or "" res = self.dialog_edit_line(line=comment, width=60) if res: self.model.AS.set_comment(addr, res) self.update_screen() elif key == b"n": addr = self.cur_addr() label = self.model.AS.get_label(addr) def_label = self.model.AS.get_default_label(addr) s = label or def_label while True: res = self.dialog_edit_line(line=s) if not res: break if res == def_label: res = addr else: if self.model.AS.label_exists(res): s = res self.show_status("Duplicate label") continue self.model.AS.set_label(addr, res) if not label: # If it's new label, we need to add it to model self.update_model() return break self.update_screen() elif key == b"g": F = npyscreen.FormBaseNew(name='Go to', lines=6, columns=40, show_atx=4, show_aty=4) e = F.add(LabelEntry, name="Labels") e.set_choices(self.model.AS.get_label_list()) def h_enter_key(input): if not e.value: # Hitting Enter with empty text entry opens autocomplete dropbox e.auto_complete(input) else: F.exit_editing() e.add_handlers({curses.ascii.CR: h_enter_key}) F.add(npyscreen.FixedText, value="Press Tab to auto-complete", editable=False) F.edit() self.update_screen() if e.value: if '0' <= e.value[0] <= '9': res = int(e.value, 0) else: res = self.model.AS.resolve_label(e.value) self.goto_addr(res, from_addr=self.cur_addr()) elif key == editor.KEY_F1: self.update_screen() elif key == b"S": save_state(project_dir) self.show_status("Saved.") elif key == b"\x11": # ^Q F = npyscreen.Popup(name='Problems list', lines=18) class IssueList(npyscreen.MultiLine): def display_value(self, vl): return "%08x %s" % vl lw = F.add(IssueList, name="Problems") #lw.return_exit = True lw.values = self.model.AS.get_issues() lw.add_handlers({curses.ascii.CR: lambda key: (lw.h_select_exit(key), F.exit_editing(), 1)}) F.edit() self.update_screen() if lw.value is not None: val = lw.values[lw.value][0] self.goto_addr(val, from_addr=self.cur_addr()) elif key == b"i": off, area = self.model.AS.addr2area(self.cur_addr()) props = area[engine.PROPS] percent = 100 * off / (area[engine.END] - area[engine.START] + 1) func = self.model.AS.lookup_func(self.cur_addr()) func = self.model.AS.get_label(func.start) if func else None self.show_status("Area: 0x%x %s (%s): %.1f%%, func: %s" % ( area[engine.START], props.get("name", "noname"), props["access"], percent, func )) elif key == b"W": class TextSaveModel: def __init__(self, f, ctrl): self.f = f self.ctrl = ctrl self.cnt = 0 def add_line(self, addr, line): line = ("%08x " % addr) + line.indent + line.render() + "\n" self.f.write(line) if self.cnt % 256 == 0: self.ctrl.show_status("Writing: 0x%x" % addr) self.cnt += 1 out_fname = "out.lst" with open(out_fname, "w") as f: engine.render_partial(TextSaveModel(f, self), 0, 0, 10000000) self.show_status("Disassembly listing written: " + out_fname) elif key in (b"/", b"?"): # "/" and Shift+"/" class FoundException(Exception): pass class TextSearchModel: def __init__(self, substr, ctrl): = substr self.ctrl = ctrl self.cnt = 0 def add_line(self, addr, line): line = line.render() if in line: raise FoundException(addr) if self.cnt % 256 == 0: self.ctrl.show_status("Searching: 0x%x" % addr) self.cnt += 1 if key == b"/": F = npyscreen.FormBaseNew(name='Text Search', lines=5, columns=40, show_atx=4, show_aty=4) e = F.add(npyscreen.TitleText, name="Search for:") e.entry_widget.add_handlers({curses.ascii.CR: lambda k: F.exit_editing()}) F.edit() self.update_screen() self.search_str = e.value addr = self.cur_addr() else: addr = self.next_addr() try: engine.render_from(TextSearchModel(self.search_str, self), addr, 10000000) except FoundException as res: self.goto_addr(res.args[0], from_addr=self.cur_addr()) else: self.show_status("Not found: " + self.search_str) else: self.show_status("Unbound key: " + repr(key))
def show_help(self): self.h =
def handle_key_unprotected(self, key): if key == editor.KEY_ENTER: line = self.get_cur_line()"Enter pressed: %s" % line) op_no = self.cur_operand_no(line) self.show_status("Enter pressed: %s, %s" % (self.col, op_no)) to_addr = None # No longer try to jump only to addresses in args, parse # textual representation below if False and isinstance(line, engine.DisasmObj): if op_no >= 0: o = line[op_no] to_addr = o.get_addr() if to_addr is None: o = line.get_operand_addr() if o: to_addr = o.get_addr() if to_addr is None: pos = self.col - line.LEADER_SIZE - len(line.indent) word = utils.get_word_at_pos(line.cache, pos) if word: if word[0].isdigit(): to_addr = int(word, 0) else: to_addr = self.model.AS.resolve_label(word) if to_addr is None: self.show_status("Unknown address: %s" % word) return self.goto_addr(to_addr, from_addr=line.ea) elif key == editor.KEY_ESC: if self.addr_stack: self.show_status("Returning") self.goto_addr(self.addr_stack.pop()) elif key == b"q": return editor.KEY_QUIT elif key == b"c": addr = self.cur_addr() self.show_status("Analyzing at %x" % addr) engine.add_entrypoint(addr, False) engine.analyze(self.analyze_status) self.update_model() elif key == b"d": addr = self.cur_addr() fl = self.model.AS.get_flags(addr) if fl not in (self.model.AS.DATA, self.model.AS.UNK): self.show_status("Undefine first") return if fl == self.model.AS.UNK: self.model.AS.set_flags(addr, 1, self.model.AS.DATA, self.model.AS.DATA_CONT) else: sz = self.model.AS.get_unit_size(addr) self.model.undefine_unit(addr) sz *= 2 if sz > 4: sz = 1 self.model.AS.set_flags(addr, sz, self.model.AS.DATA, self.model.AS.DATA_CONT) self.update_model() elif key == b"a": addr = self.cur_addr() fl = self.model.AS.get_flags(addr) if fl != self.model.AS.UNK: self.show_status("Undefine first") return sz = 0 label = "s_" while True: b = self.model.AS.get_byte(addr) fl = self.model.AS.get_flags(addr) if not (0x20 <= b <= 0x7e or b in (0x0a, 0x0d)): if b == 0: sz += 1 break if fl != self.model.AS.UNK: break c = chr(b) if c < '0' or c in string.punctuation: c = '_' label += c addr += 1 sz += 1 if sz > 0: self.model.AS.set_flags(self.cur_addr(), sz, self.model.AS.STR, self.model.AS.DATA_CONT) self.model.AS.make_unique_label(self.cur_addr(), label) self.update_model() elif key == b"u": addr = self.cur_addr() self.model.undefine_unit(addr) self.update_model() elif key == b"o": addr = self.cur_addr() line = self.get_cur_line() o = line.get_operand_addr() if not o: self.show_status("Cannot convert operand to offset") return if o.type != idaapi.o_imm or not self.model.AS.is_valid_addr(o.get_addr()): self.show_status("Cannot convert operand to offset: #%s: %s" % (o.n, o.type)) return if self.model.AS.get_arg_prop(addr, o.n, "type") == idaapi.o_mem: self.model.AS.set_arg_prop(addr, o.n, "type", idaapi.o_imm) self.model.AS.del_xref(addr, o.get_addr(), idaapi.dr_O) else: self.model.AS.make_arg_offset(addr, o.n, o.get_addr()) self.update_model(True) elif key == b";": addr = self.cur_addr() comment = self.model.AS.get_comment(addr) or "" res = self.dialog_edit_line(line=comment, width=60) if res is not None: self.model.AS.set_comment(addr, res) self.update_model() else: self.update_screen() elif key == b"n": addr = self.cur_addr() label = self.model.AS.get_label(addr) def_label = self.model.AS.get_default_label(addr) s = label or def_label while True: res = self.dialog_edit_line(line=s) if not res: break if res == def_label: res = addr else: if self.model.AS.label_exists(res): s = res self.show_status("Duplicate label") continue self.model.AS.set_label(addr, res) if not label: # If it's new label, we need to add it to model self.update_model() return break self.update_screen() elif key == b"g": d = Dialog(4, 4, title="Go to") d.add(1, 1, WLabel("Label/addr:")) entry = WAutoComplete(20, "", self.model.AS.get_label_list()) entry.popup_h = 12 entry.finish_dialog = ACTION_OK d.add(13, 1, entry) d.add(1, 2, WLabel("Press Down to auto-complete")) res = d.loop() self.update_screen() if res == ACTION_OK: value = entry.get_text() if '0' <= value[0] <= '9': addr = int(value, 0) else: addr = self.model.AS.resolve_label(value) self.goto_addr(addr, from_addr=self.cur_addr()) elif key == editor.KEY_F1: self.update_screen() elif key == b"S": saveload.save_state(project_dir) self.show_status("Saved.") elif key == b"\x11": # ^Q class IssueList(WListBox): def render_line(self, l): return "%08x %s" % l d = Dialog(4, 4, title="Problems list") lw = IssueList(40, 16, self.model.AS.get_issues()) lw.finish_dialog = ACTION_OK d.add(1, 1, lw) res = d.loop() self.update_screen() if res == ACTION_OK: val = lw.get_cur_line() if val: self.goto_addr(val[0], from_addr=self.cur_addr()) elif key == b"i": off, area = self.model.AS.addr2area(self.cur_addr()) props = area[engine.PROPS] percent = 100 * off / (area[engine.END] - area[engine.START] + 1) func = self.model.AS.lookup_func(self.cur_addr()) func = self.model.AS.get_label(func.start) if func else None self.show_status("Area: 0x%x %s (%s): %.1f%%, func: %s" % ( area[engine.START], props.get("name", "noname"), props["access"], percent, func )) elif key == b"I": L = 5 T = 2 W = 66 H = 20 self.dialog_box(L, T, W, H) v = Viewer(L + 1, T + 1, W - 2, H - 2) lines = [] for area in self.model.AS.get_areas(): props = area[engine.PROPS] lines.append("%s (%08x-%08x):" % (props.get("name", "noname"), area[engine.START], area[engine.END])) flags = area[engine.FLAGS] l = "" for i in range(len(flags)): if i % 64 == 0 and l: lines.append(l) l = "" l += engine.flag2char(flags[i]) if l: lines.append(l) v.set_lines(lines) v.loop() self.update_screen() elif key == b"W": out_fname = "out.lst" with open(out_fname, "w") as f: engine.render_partial(TextSaveModel(f, self), 0, 0, 10000000) self.show_status("Disassembly listing written: " + out_fname) elif key == b"\x17": # Ctrl+W outfile = self.write_func(self.cur_addr()) if outfile: self.show_status("Wrote file: %s" % outfile) elif key in (b"/", b"?"): # "/" and Shift+"/" class FoundException(Exception): pass class TextSearchModel: def __init__(self, substr, ctrl): = substr self.ctrl = ctrl self.cnt = 0 def add_line(self, addr, line): line = line.render() if in line: raise FoundException(addr) if self.cnt % 256 == 0: self.ctrl.show_status("Searching: 0x%x" % addr) self.cnt += 1 if key == b"/": d = Dialog(4, 4, title="Text Search") d.add(1, 1, WLabel("Search for:")) entry = WTextEntry(20, self.search_str) entry.finish_dialog = ACTION_OK d.add(13, 1, entry) res = d.loop() self.update_screen() self.search_str = entry.get_text() if res != ACTION_OK or not self.search_str: return addr = self.cur_addr() else: addr = self.next_addr() try: engine.render_from(TextSearchModel(self.search_str, self), addr, 10000000) except FoundException as res: self.goto_addr(res.args[0], from_addr=self.cur_addr()) else: self.show_status("Not found: " + self.search_str) else: self.show_status("Unbound key: " + repr(key))