def cmd_nick(self,window,server,params):
    if len(params) <= 0:
        help_list.grab_value(window, "nick")
        window.server_event("%s is now known as %s" % (oldnick, params[0]))
 def cmd_ison(self,window,server,params):
     if len(params) <= 0:
         help_list.grab_value(window, 'ison')
     if ',' in params[0]:
 def cmd_invite(self,window,server,params):
      if len(params) <= 0:
          help_list.grab_value(window, "invite")
      elif len(params) == 1 and params[0] not in server.get_channels():
          server.connection.invite(nick=params[0], channel=window.get_channelname())
      elif len(params) == 1 and params[0] in server.get_channels():
          help_list.grab_value(window, "invite")
      elif len(params) >= 2 and params[0] in server.get_channels() and params[1] not in server.get_channels():
          server.connection.invite(nick=params[0], channel=params[1])
 def cmd_notice(self,window,server,params):
    if len(params) <= 0:
        help_list.grab_value(window, "notice")
    elif len(params) == 1 and params[0] not in server.get_channels():
        server.connection.notice(target=window.get_channelname(), text=" ".join(params[0:]))
    elif len(params) == 1 and params[0] in server.get_channels():
        help_list.grab_value(window, "notice")
    elif len(params) >= 2 and params[0] not in server.get_channels():
        server.connection.notice(target=window.get_channelname(), text=" ".join(params[0:]))
    elif len(params) >= 2 and params[0] in server.get_channels():
        server.connection.notice(target=params[0], text=" ".join(params[1:]))
    def cmd_kick(self,window,server,params):
        if len(params) <= 0:
            help_list.grab_value(window, "kick")

        elif len(params) == 1: 
            if params[0] in server.get_channels():
                help_list.grab_value(window, "kick")
            elif params[0] not in server.get_channels():
                server.connection.kick(window.get_channelname(), params[0], server.connection.get_nickname())

        elif len(params) == 2:
            if params[0] in server.get_channels():
                help_list.grab_value(window, "kick")
            elif params[0] not in server.get_channels() and params[1] in server.get_channels():
                server.connection.kick(params[1], params[0], server.connection.get_nickname())
            elif params[0] not in server.get_channels() and params[1] not in server.get_channels():
                server.connection.kick(window.get_channelname(), params[0], " ".join(params[1:]))

        elif len(params) >= 3:
            if params[0] in server.get_channels():
                help_list.grab_value(window, "kick")
            elif params[0] not in server.get_channels and params[1] in server.get_channels():
                server.connection.kick(params[1], params[0], " ".join(params[2:]))
            elif params[0] not in server.get_channels() and params[1] not in server.get_channels():
                server.connection.kick(window.get_channelname(), params[0], " ".join(params[1:]))
 def cmd_mode(self,window,server,params):
    if len(params) <= 0:
         help_list.grab_value(window, "mode")
    elif len(params) == 1 and params[0] in server.get_channels():
         help_list.grab_value(window, "mode")
    elif len(params) == 1 and params[0] not in server.get_channels():
         server.connection.mode(target=window.get_channelname(), command=" ".join(params[0:]))
    elif len(params) == 2 and params[0] in server.get_channels() and params[1] not in server.get_channels():
         server.connection.mode(target=params[0], command=" ".join(params[1:]))
    elif len(params) == 2 and params[0] not in server.get_channels():
         server.connection.mode(target=window.get_channelname(), command=" ".join(params[0:]))
    elif len(params) >= 3 and params[0] in server.get_channels() and params[1] not in server.get_channels():
         server.connection.mode(target=params[0], command=" ".join(params[1:]))
    elif len(params) >= 3 and params[0] not in server.get_channels():
         server.connection.mode(target=window.get_channelname(), command=" ".join(params[0:]))
 def cmd_server(self,window,server,params):
     if len(params) <= 0:
     d = {}
     if len(params) == 1: 
         d["server"] = params[0]
     if len(params) == 2:
         d["server"] = params[0]
         if type(params[1]) == int:
             d["port"] = params[1]
         elif type(params[1]) == str: 
                 d["port"] = int(params[1])
                 try: nickname = d['nickname'] = self.config["nickname"]
                 except KeyError:
                     result = dialogs.ask_nickname()
                     if not result:
                         window.server_event("Nickname defaulting to 'irc'.")
                         nickname = d['nickname'] = 'irc'
                         nickname = d['nickname'] = result
             except ValueError:
                 nickname = d["nickname"] = params[1]
                 d["port"] = 6667
     if server.is_connected():
         s = server.new_status_window()
         s.connect("server", window, **d) = server
         channels = params[3:]
         if not channels: return
         server.connect("server", window, **d) = server
         # Ensures checking for new events is enabled.
         channels = params[3:]
         if not channels: return
 def get_help(self, window, command):
 def cmd_help(self,window,server,params):
      if len(params) > 0:
          help_list.grab_value(window, params[0])
          help_list.grab_value(window, "")
 def cmd_oper(self,window,server,params):
    if len(params) <= 1:
        help_list.grab_value(window, "oper")
    elif len(params) >= 2:
        server.connection.oper(oper=params[0], password=params[1])