Exemple #1
    def anno_insert(self, request):
        Exposes an API endpoint to insert an anno for the current user.

        if current user doesn't exist, the user will be created first.
        user = auth_user(self.request_state.headers)

        # checking if same anno exists
        exist_anno = Anno.is_anno_exists(user, request)
        if exist_anno is not None:
            raise endpoints.BadRequestException("Duplicate anno(%s) already exists." % exist_anno.key.id())

        entity = Anno.insert_anno(request, user)

        # find all hashtags
        tags = extract_tags_from_text(entity.anno_text.lower())
        for tag, count in tags.iteritems():
            # Write the cumulative amount per tag
            Tag.add_tag_total(tag, total=count)

        # index this document. strange exception here.
        put_search_document(entity.generate_search_document(), SearchIndexName.ANNO)

        # send push notifications
        ActivityPushNotifications.send_push_notification(first_user=user, anno=entity, action_type=AnnoActionType.CREATED)

        return entity.to_response_message(user)
Exemple #2
    def anno_merge(self, request):
        Exposes an API endpoint to merge(update only the specified properties) an anno.
        user = auth_user(self.request_state.headers)

        if request.id is None:
            raise endpoints.BadRequestException('id field is required.')

        anno = Anno.get_by_id(request.id)

        if anno is None:
            raise endpoints.NotFoundException('No anno entity with the id "%s" exists.' % request.id)

        anno.merge_from_message(request, user)
        # set last update time & activity
        anno.last_update_time = datetime.datetime.now()
        anno.last_activity = 'anno'

        # update search document.
        put_search_document(anno.generate_search_document(), SearchIndexName.ANNO)

        # send notifications
        ActivityPushNotifications.send_push_notification(first_user=user, anno=anno, action_type=AnnoActionType.EDITED)

        # update last_read of UserAnnoState
        from model.userannostate import UserAnnoState
        UserAnnoState.update_last_read(user=user, anno=anno)

        return anno.to_response_message(user)
Exemple #3
    def vote_insert(self, request):
        Exposes an API endpoint to insert a vote for the current user.
        user = auth_user(self.request_state.headers)

        anno = Anno.get_by_id(request.anno_id)
        if anno is None:
            raise endpoints.NotFoundException('No anno entity with the id "%s" exists.' % request.id)

        vote = Vote()
        vote.anno_key = anno.key
        vote.creator = user.key
        if request.created is not None:
            vote.created = request.created

        anno.vote_count += 1
        anno.last_update_time = datetime.datetime.now()
        anno.last_activity = 'vote'
        anno.last_update_type = 'create'

        # update user anno state
        UserAnnoState.insert(user=user, anno=anno, type=AnnoActionType.UPVOTED)

        # update vote in search document
        put_search_document(anno.generate_search_document(), SearchIndexName.ANNO)

        return vote.to_message()
Exemple #4
    def flag_delete(self, request):
        Exposes an API endpoint to delete an existing flag.
        user = auth_user(self.request_state.headers)
        anno = None
        if request.id is None and request.anno_id is None:
            raise endpoints.BadRequestException('id or anno_id field is required.')
        if request.id is not None:
            flag = Flag.get_by_id(request.id)
            if flag is None:
                raise endpoints.NotFoundException('No flag entity with the id "%s" exists.' % request.id)

            anno = flag.anno_key.get()
            anno.flag_count -= 1
        elif request.anno_id is not None:
            anno = Anno.get_by_id(request.anno_id)
            for key in Flag.query(Flag.anno_key == anno.key, Flag.creator == user.key).iter(keys_only=True):
                anno.flag_count -= 1
        put_search_document(anno.generate_search_document(), SearchIndexName.ANNO)
        return message_types.VoidMessage()
Exemple #5
    def flag_insert(self, request):
        Exposes an API endpoint to insert a flag for the current user.
        user = auth_user(self.request_state.headers)

        anno = Anno.get_by_id(request.anno_id)
        if anno is None:
            raise endpoints.NotFoundException('No anno entity with the id "%s" exists.')

        flag = Flag()
        flag.anno_key = anno.key
        flag.creator = user.key
        if request.created is not None:
            flag.created = request.created

        anno.flag_count += 1
        anno.last_update_time = datetime.datetime.now()
        anno.last_activity = 'flag'
        anno.last_update_type = 'create'

        # update user anno state
        UserAnnoState.insert(user=user, anno=anno, type=AnnoActionType.FLAGGED)

        # update flag in search document
        put_search_document(anno.generate_search_document(), SearchIndexName.ANNO)

        return flag.to_message()
Exemple #6
 def init_index_document(self, request):
     Exposes an API endpoint to insert search document for legacy documents.
     for anno in Anno.query():
         logging.info("generating search document for anno(%s)." % anno.key.id())
         put_search_document(anno.generate_search_document(), SearchIndexName.ANNO)
     return message_types.VoidMessage()
Exemple #7
    def followup_insert(self, request):
        Exposes and API endpoint to insert a follow up for the current user.
        user = auth_user(self.request_state.headers)

        anno = Anno.get_by_id(request.anno_id)
        if anno is None:
            raise endpoints.NotFoundException('No anno entity with the id "%s" exists.' % request.id)

        followup = FollowUp()
        followup.anno_key = anno.key
        followup.creator = user.key
        followup.comment = request.comment
        followup.tagged_users = request.tagged_users
        if request.created is not None:
            followup.created = request.created

        anno.followup_count += 1
        anno.last_update_time = datetime.datetime.now()
        anno.last_activity = 'follwup'
        anno.last_update_type = 'create'

        # update user anno state
        UserAnnoState.insert(user=user, anno=anno, type=AnnoActionType.COMMENTED)

        for tagged_user_id in followup.tagged_users:
            tagged_user = User.get_by_id(int(tagged_user_id))
            if tagged_user:
                UserAnnoState.insert(user=tagged_user, anno=anno, type=AnnoActionType.TAGGEDUSER)

        # update search document
        put_search_document(anno.generate_search_document(), SearchIndexName.ANNO)
        put_search_document(followup.generate_search_document(), SearchIndexName.FOLLOWUP)

        # find all hashtags
        tags = extract_tags_from_text(followup.comment.lower())
        for tag, count in tags.iteritems():
            # Write the cumulative amount per tag
            Tag.add_tag_total(tag, total=count)

        # send notifications
        ActivityPushNotifications.send_push_notification(first_user=user, anno=anno, action_type=AnnoActionType.COMMENTED,

        return followup.to_message(request.team_key)
def regenerate_index(entity, search_index_name):
    put_search_document(entity.generate_search_document(), search_index_name)