def plotSV(svDF, refDF, uniprotPath, args): if args.verbose: "iAnnotateSV: Will now try to plot Each Structural Variants") upDF = None if (os.path.isfile(uniprotPath)): upDF = hp.ReadFile(uniprotPath) else: if args.verbose: logging.fatal( "iAnnotateSV: %s file does not exist!!, Please use it to plot structural variants", uniprotPath) sys.exit() vsv.VisualizeSV(svDF, refDF, upDF, args)
portTalkingTo = helper.namesAndPorts.get('A') # Paths to where communication files are stored pathToAnnToChanFile = './Supplemental Text Files/Ann/Ann-_Chan.txt' pathToAnnToJanFile = './Supplemental Text Files/Ann/Ann-_Jan.txt' # Paths to where the resulting log files from communication will be stored pathToAnnChanLogFile = './Supplemental Text Files/Ann/AnnChanLog.txt' pathToAnnJanLogFile = './Supplemental Text Files/Ann/AnnJanLog.txt' # Cleaf log files at the start of the session helper.WriteToLogFile(pathToAnnChanLogFile, 'w', '') helper.WriteToLogFile(pathToAnnJanLogFile, 'w', '') # Reading communication material from the text files contentAnnToJan = helper.ReadFile(pathToAnnToJanFile) contentAnnToChan = helper.ReadFile(pathToAnnToChanFile) # Set this upon keyboard interrupt to let the threads know they have to exit exitEvent = threading.Event() # --------------------------------------------------------------- # This class can be instantiated to create a multithreaded server # --------------------------------------------------------------- class ThreadedTCPServer(ThreadingMixIn, TCPServer): """Handle requests in a separate thread.""" # ---------------------------------------------------- # Request handler for the server portion of the agents
# Port number for Chan + 1000 listeningport = helper.namesAndPorts.get('Chan') # Closest router Chan will be sending msgs to talkingport = helper.namesAndPorts.get('E') # Communication files path chantojan_file = './Communication Files/Chan/Chan-Jan.txt' chantoann_file = './Communication Files/Chan/Chan-Ann.txt' # Communication Log files chanjanlog_file = './Communication Files/Chan/Chan-JanLog.txt' chanannlog_file = './Communication Files/Chan/Chan-AnnLog.txt' # Traverse communication btw agents from the text files chantojan_comm = helper.ReadFile(chantojan_file) chantoann_comm = helper.ReadFile(chantoann_file) # Make sure log files are empty first helper.WriteToLogFile(chanjanlog_file, 'w', '') helper.WriteToLogFile(chanannlog_file, 'w', '') # Class can be instantiated to create a multi-threaded server class ServerThread(ThreadingMixIn, TCPServer): """Handle requests in a separate thread.""" # Request handler for the server portion of the agents class RequestHandler(BaseRequestHandler): def handle(self):
def main(command=None): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog='', description='Annotate SV based on a specific human reference', usage='%(prog)s [options]') parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", dest="verbose", help="make lots of noise [default]") parser.add_argument( "-r", "--refFileVersion", action="store", dest="refVersion", required=True, metavar='hg19', help="Which human reference file to be used, hg18,hg19 or hg38") parser.add_argument("-rf", "--refFile", action="store", dest="refFile", required=False, metavar='', help="Human reference file location to be used") parser.add_argument("-ofp", "--outputFilePrefix", action="store", dest="outFilePrefix", required=True, metavar='test', help="Prefix for the output file") parser.add_argument("-o", "--outputDir", action="store", dest="outDir", required=True, metavar='/somedir', help="Full Path to the output dir") parser.add_argument( "-i", "--svFile", action="store", dest="svFilename", required=True, metavar='svfile.txt', help="Location of the structural variants file to annotate") parser.add_argument("-d", "--distance", action="store", dest="distance", default=3000, required=False, metavar='3000', help="Distance used to extend the promoter region") parser.add_argument( "-a", "--autoSelect", action="store_true", dest="autoSelect", default=True, help="Auto Select which transcript to be used[default]") parser.add_argument( "-c", "--canonicalTranscripts", action="store", dest="canonicalTranscripts", required=False, metavar='canonicalExons.txt', help= "Location of canonical transcript list for each gene. Use only if you want the output for specific transcripts for each gene." ) parser.add_argument("-p", "--plotSV", action="store_true", dest="plotSV", help="Plot the structural variant in question") parser.add_argument( "-u", "--uniprotFile", action="store", dest="uniprot", required=False, metavar='uniprot.txt', help= "Location of UniProt list contain information for protein domains. Use only if you want to plot the structural variant" ) parser.add_argument("-rr", "--repeatFile", action="store", dest="rrFilename", required=False, metavar='RepeatRegionFile.tsv', help="Location of the Repeat Region Bed File") parser.add_argument( "-dgv", "--dgvFile", action="store", dest="dgvFilename", required=False, metavar='DGvFile.tsv', help="Location of the Database of Genomic Variants Bed File") parser.add_argument("-cc", "--cosmicConsensusFile", action="store", dest="ccFilename", required=False, metavar='CosmicConsensus.tsv', help="Location of the Cosmic Consensus TSV file") parser.add_argument("-cct", "--cosmicCountsFile", action="store", dest="cctFilename", required=False, metavar='cosmic_fusion_counts.tsv', help="Location of the Cosmic Counts TSV file") args = "" if (command is None): args = parser.parse_args() else: args = parser.parse_args(command.split()) # Create Logger if verbose loggeroutput = args.outDir + "/" + args.outFilePrefix + "_iAnnotateSV.log" logging.basicConfig( filename=loggeroutput, filemode='w', format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s', datefmt='%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p', level=logging.DEBUG) coloredlogs.install(level='DEBUG') # Check if file for canonical transcript is given or not if (args.canonicalTranscripts): args.autoSelect = False this_dir, this_filename = os.path.split(__file__) if (args.refVersion == 'hg18' or args.refVersion == 'hg19' or args.refVersion == 'hg38'): if (args.refFile): pass else: refFile = args.refVersion + ".sv.table.txt" refFile = os.path.join(this_dir, "data/references", refFile) if (args.rrFilename): rrPath = args.rrFilename else: rrFilename = args.refVersion + "_repeatRegion.tsv" rrPath = os.path.join(this_dir, "data/repeat_region", rrFilename) if (args.dgvFilename): dgvPath = args.dgvFilename else: dgvFilename = args.refVersion + "_DGv_Annotation.tsv" dgvPath = os.path.join(this_dir, "data/database_of_genomic_variants", dgvFilename) if (args.ccFilename): ccPath = args.ccFilename else: ccFilename = "cancer_gene_census.tsv" ccPath = os.path.join(this_dir, "data/cosmic", ccFilename) if (args.cctFilename): cctPath = args.cctFilename else: cctFilename = "cosmic_fusion_counts.tsv" cctPath = os.path.join(this_dir, "data/cosmic", cctFilename) if (args.uniprot): uniprotPath = args.uniprot else: upFilename = args.refVersion + ".uniprot.spAnnot.table.txt" uniprotPath = os.path.join(this_dir, "data/UcscUniprotdomainInfo", upFilename) else: if (args.verbose): logging.fatal( "iAnnotateSV: Please enter correct reference file version. Values can be: hg18 or hg19 or hg38" ) sys.exit() (refDF) = hp.ReadFile(refFile) NewRefDF = hp.ExtendPromoterRegion(refDF, args.distance) svDF = hp.ReadFile(args.svFilename) annDF = processSV(svDF, NewRefDF, args) plotDF = annDF.copy() # Print to TSV file outFilePrefixPath = args.outDir + "/" + args.outFilePrefix + "_functional.txt" annDF.to_csv(outFilePrefixPath, sep='\t', index=False) # Add External Annotations if args.verbose:"iAnnotateSV: Adding External Annotations...") makeCommandLineForAEA = "-r " + rrPath + " -d " + dgvPath + " -c " + ccPath + " -cct " + cctPath + " -s " + \ outFilePrefixPath + " -ofp " + args.outFilePrefix + "_Annotated" + " -o " + args.outDir aea.main(makeCommandLineForAEA) # Plot if required if (args.plotSV): plotSV(plotDF, NewRefDF, uniprotPath, args) if (args.verbose):"iAnnotateSV: Finished Running the Annotation Process!!!")
talkingport = helper.namesAndPorts.get('A') # Communication path storage anntochan_file = './Supplemental Text Files/Ann/Ann-Chan.txt' anntojan_file = './Supplemental Text Files/Ann/Ann-Jan.txt' # Log file storage annchan_logfile = './Supplemental Text Files/Ann/Ann-ChanLog.txt' annjan_logfile = './Supplemental Text Files/Ann/Ann-JanLog.txt' # Clearing log files helper.WriteToLogFile(annchan_logfile, 'w', '') helper.WriteToLogFile(annjan_logfile, 'w', '') # reading communication files anntojan_comm = helper.ReadFile(anntojan_file) anntochan_comm = helper.ReadFile(anntochan_file) threadingEvent = threading.Event() # multithreaded server initiation class ServerThread(ThreadingMixIn, TCPServer): """Handle multiple requests separately.""" # request handler class class RequestHandler(BaseRequestHandler): def handle(self): # socket connecting to client here packetgoingin = self.request.recv(4096) packetgoingindecoded = pickle.loads(packetgoingin)
def run(svDFA, refPath, ctPath, allctPath, upPath, verbose): if (os.path.isfile(upPath)): upDF = hp.ReadFile(upPath) else: if (verbose): logging.critical( "iAnnotateSV::AnnotationForKinaseDomain: Location of Uniprot Annoation file is incorrect!!!" ) sys.exit(1) if (os.path.isfile(ctPath)): ctDF = hp.ReadFile(ctPath) else: if (verbose): logging.warn( "iAnnotateSV::AnnotationForKinaseDomain: Location of assay specific canonical transcript file is incorrect!!!" ) ctDF = pd.DataFrame() if (os.path.isfile(allctPath)): allctDF = hp.ReadFile(allctPath) else: if (verbose): logging.critical( "iAnnotateSV::AnnotationForKinaseDomain: Location of all canonical transcript file is incorrect!!!" ) sys.exit(1) if (os.path.isfile(refPath)): refDF = hp.ReadFile(refPath) refDF.columns = refDF.columns.str.replace('#', '') else: if (verbose): logging.critical( "iAnnotateSV::AnnotationForKinaseDomain: Location of reference based annotation file is incorrect!!!" ) sys.exit(1) svDF = svDFA.copy() svDF.insert(loc=9, column='kinase_domain1', value=None) svDF.insert(loc=13, column='kinase_domain2', value=None) #svDF["kinase_domain1"] = None #svDF["kinase_domain2"] = None for count, row in svDFA.iterrows(): # print row if (verbose): "iAnnotateSV::AnnotateForKinaseDomain: Checking Entry %d in Uniprot data", count) chr1 = str(row.loc['chr1']) chr2 = str(row.loc['chr2']) if (chr1.startswith('chr')): chr1 = chr1 else: chr1 = "chr" + chr1 if (chr2.startswith('chr')): chr2 = chr2 else: chr2 = "chr" + chr2 pos1 = int(row.loc['pos1']) pos2 = int(row.loc['pos2']) gene1 = str(row.loc['gene1']) gene2 = str(row.loc['gene2']) site1 = str(row.loc['site1']) site2 = str(row.loc['site2']) try: transcript1 = ctDF.Transcripts[ctDF.Gene[ctDF.Gene == gene1].index.tolist()[0]] except IndexError: try: transcript1 = allctDF.Transcripts[allctDF.Gene[ allctDF.Gene == gene1].index.tolist()[0]] except IndexError: transcript1 = None try: transcript2 = ctDF.Transcripts[ctDF.Gene[ctDF.Gene == gene2].index.tolist()[0]] except IndexError: try: transcript2 = allctDF.Transcripts[allctDF.Gene[ allctDF.Gene == gene2].index.tolist()[0]] except IndexError: transcript2 = None fusion = str(row.loc['fusion']) kanno1 = None kanno2 = None if (fusion != "-"): # First Gene +, Second Gene - fusionevent ='\{(.*)\}', fusion) if (fusionevent): eventType = if (":" in eventType): # print fusion, fusionevent, eventType (egene1, egene2) = (str(eventType)).split(":") if (transcript1): kanno1 = getKinaseInfo(chr1, pos1, gene1, egene1, egene2, transcript1, refDF, upDF) else: kanno1 = None if (transcript2): kanno2 = getKinaseInfo(chr2, pos2, gene2, egene1, egene2, transcript2, refDF, upDF) else: kanno2 = None else: kanno1 = None kanno2 = None else: kanno1 = None kanno2 = None svDF.loc[count, 'kinase_domain1'] = kanno1 svDF.loc[count, 'kinase_domain2'] = kanno2 return (svDF)
# Communication path storage jantochan_file = './Supplemental Text Files/Jan/Jan-Chan.txt' jantoann_file = './Supplemental Text Files/Jan/Jan-Ann.txt' # Log file storage janchan_logfile = './Supplemental Text Files/Jan/Jan-ChanLog.txt' janann_logfile = './Supplemental Text Files/Jan/Jan-AnnLog.txt' janairforce_logfile = './Supplemental Text Files/Jan/Jan-AirForceLog.txt' # Clearing log files helper.WriteToLogFile(janchan_logfile, 'w', '') helper.WriteToLogFile(janann_logfile, 'w', '') helper.WriteToLogFile(janairforce_logfile, 'w', '') # reading communication files. jantochan_comm = helper.ReadFile(jantochan_file) jantoann_comm = helper.ReadFile(jantoann_file) threadingEvent = threading.Event() # multithreaded server initiation class ServerThread(ThreadingMixIn, TCPServer): """Handle requests in a separate thread.""" #request handler class class RequestHandler(BaseRequestHandler): def handle(self): # socket connecting to client here.