def copy_compiled_source(head_node, temp_path):
	#copies from temp to head node source

	os.system("tar -czvf ./source.tar.gz -C " + temp_path + " .")
	h_add = head_node.address
	h_user = head_node.username
	helper.copy_file_to_remote(h_add, h_user,"source.tar.gz", head_node.path.source)
	tar_command = "tar -C " + head_node.path.source + " -xzvf " + head_node.path.source + "/source.tar.gz"
	helper.run_command(h_add, h_user, tar_command)
	helper.run_command(h_add, h_user, "rm " + head_node.path.source + "/source.tar.gz")
	os.system("rm ./source.tar.gz")
	print "Source Copied To HeadNode"
def fill_gofs_bin(head_node, machine_list, goffish_relative_path):
	headnode_source_path = head_node.path.source
	gofs_zip_path = headnode_source_path + goffish_relative_path +'gofs/code/modules/gofs-distribution/target/'
	helper.copy_file_from_remote(head_node.address, head_node.username, gofs_zip_path, '')

	for m in machine_list:
		remote_path = m.path.bin + '/gofs-bin'
		helper.copy_file_to_remote(m.address, m.username, '', remote_path)

		helper.run_command(m.address, m.username, "unzip " + remote_path + '/' + " -d " + remote_path)
		helper.run_command(m.address, m.username, "rm "+ remote_path + '/')
		helper.run_command(m.address, m.username, "cp -r " + remote_path +'/gofs/* '+remote_path +'/')
		helper.run_command(m.address, m.username, "chmod 777 "+ remote_path + '/*')
		helper.run_command(m.address, m.username, "rm  -r "+ remote_path + '/gofs')

def fill_gopher_bin(head_node, machine_list, goffish_relative_path):
	headnode_source_path = head_node.path.source
	gopher_server_zip_path = headnode_source_path + goffish_relative_path +'gopher/code/modules/deployment/server/target/'
	helper.copy_file_from_remote(head_node.address, head_node.username, gopher_server_zip_path, '')

	for m in machine_list:
		remote_path = m.path.bin + '/gopher-bin'
		helper.copy_file_to_remote(m.address, m.username, '', remote_path)

		helper.run_command(m.address, m.username, "unzip " + remote_path + '/' + " -d " + remote_path)
		helper.run_command(m.address, m.username, "rm "+ remote_path + '/')

	gopher_bin_zip_path = headnode_source_path + goffish_relative_path +'gopher/code/modules/deployment/client/target/'
	helper.copy_file_from_remote(head_node.address, head_node.username, gopher_bin_zip_path, '')

	for m in machine_list:
		remote_path = m.path.bin + '/gopher-bin'
		helper.copy_file_to_remote(m.address, m.username, '', remote_path)

		helper.run_command(m.address, m.username, "unzip " + remote_path + '/' + " -d " + remote_path)
		helper.run_command(m.address, m.username, "rm "+ remote_path + '/')
