Exemple #1
def ofclipcustom(clippath, lkparams):

    #load gt for init
    gt = h.readmaarray(clippath + "/groundtruth/gt")
    gtcor = gt[:,2:6]
    gtcen = h.corcen(gt[:,2:6])

    #new masked array to remember of predictions
    memof = ma.array(np.zeros((np.shape(gt)[0], 4, 2)), mask = True, dtype = np.float32)
    memof[0,0,:] = gtcor[0,:2]
    memof[0,1,:] = [gtcor[0,2]-5, gtcor[0,1]] 
    memof[0,2,:] = [gtcor[0,0], gtcen[0,1]]
    memof[0,3,:] = gtcen[0,:2]

    memstatus = np.zeros((np.shape(gt)[0],4))

    for i in range(1,gt.shape[0]):

        oldframe = cv2.imread(clippath + "/data/"+ h.extract(clippath) + "#" + str(i-1) + ".png",1)
        nowframe = cv2.imread(clippath + "/data/"+ h.extract(clippath) + "#" + str(i) + ".png",1)

        for j in range(memof.shape[1]):

            newpoints, status = ofupdate(oldframe, nowframe, memof[i-1,j,:], lkparams)
            #newpoints, st, err = cv2.calcOpticalFlowPyrLK(oldframe,nowframe, oldpoints[0,:,:,:],None, **lkparams)
            memof[i,j,:] = newpoints
            memstatus[i,j] = status

            if status == 0:
                memof.mask[i,j,:] = True

    return memof, memstatus
Exemple #2
def ofclip(clippath, lkparams):

    #load gt for init
    gt = h.readmaarray(clippath + "/groundtruth/gt")
    gt = h.corcen(gt[:,2:6])

    #new masked array to remember of predictions
    memof = ma.array(np.zeros((np.shape(gt)[0], 2)), mask = True, dtype = np.float32)
    memof[0,:] = gt[0,:2]

    for i in range(1,gt.shape[0]):

        oldframe = cv2.imread(clippath + "/data/"+ h.extract(clippath) + "#" + str(i-1) + ".png",1)
        nowframe = cv2.imread(clippath + "/data/"+ h.extract(clippath) + "#" + str(i) + ".png",1)
        mem_of = np.zeros((3,2,1,2), dtype = np.float32)
        mem_of[0,:,:,:] = np.array([[(3,4)],[(1,2)]])

        oldpoints = np.array([[[memof[i-1,:]]]], dtype = np.float32)
        newpoints = ofupdate(oldframe, nowframe, memof[i-1,:], lkparams)
        #newpoints, st, err = cv2.calcOpticalFlowPyrLK(oldframe,nowframe, oldpoints[0,:,:,:],None, **lkparams)

        memof[i,:] = newpoints

    return memof
    def handle(self, input):
        result = self.pattern.match(input)

        self.script_name = result.group(1)
        self.regex = result.group(2)

        file_contents = helper.load(self.script_name)

        self.result =helper.extract(file_contents, self.regex)
Exemple #4
def visof(points,clippath, savepath):

    video = cv2.VideoWriter(savepath + ".avi",cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*"MJPG"),2,(1920,1080))
    for i in range(points.shape[0]):
        img = cv2.imread(clippath + "/data/"+ h.extract(clippath) + "#" + str(i) + ".png",1)
        if points.mask[i, 0] == False:
            img = cv2.circle(img, tuple(map(int,(points[i]))), 2, (255,0,255), 10)
        cv2.putText(img, "Ground Truth", (10,700),  cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 3, (255,0,255),4)
Exemple #5
def visofcustom(points,clippath, savepath):

    video = cv2.VideoWriter(savepath + ".avi",cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*"MJPG"),2,(1920,1080))
    for i in range(points.shape[0]):
        img = cv2.imread(clippath + "/data/"+ h.extract(clippath) + "#" + str(i) + ".png",1)
        for j in range(points.shape[1]):
            if points.mask[i,j, 0] == False:
                img = cv2.circle(img, tuple(map(int,(points[i,j]))), 2, (255,0,255), 3)
        cv2.putText(img, "optical Flow", (10,700),  cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 3, (255,0,255),4)
        cv2.putText(img, "Frame: " + str(i), (10,100),  cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 3, (0,255,0),4)
Exemple #6
def ofcustompoint(clippath, point,gt, lkparams):

    #new masked array to remember of predictions
    memof = ma.array(np.zeros((np.shape(gt)[0], 2)), mask = True, dtype = np.float32)
    memof[0,:] = point

    for i in range(1,gt.shape[0]):

        oldframe = cv2.imread(clippath + "/data/"+ h.extract(clippath) + "#" + str(i-1) + ".png",1)
        nowframe = cv2.imread(clippath + "/data/"+ h.extract(clippath) + "#" + str(i) + ".png",1)

        oldpoints = np.array([[[memof[i-1,:]]]], dtype = np.float32)
        newpoints,status = ofupdate(oldframe, nowframe, memof[i-1,:], lkparams)
        #newpoints, st, err = cv2.calcOpticalFlowPyrLK(oldframe,nowframe, oldpoints[0,:,:,:],None, **lkparams)
        if status == 0:
            memof[i:,:] = memof[i-1,:]
            return memof
        memof[i,:] = newpoints

    return memof
def phrases(filename):
    #fl = open('sample-output.txt','r')
    fl = open(filename,'r')
    megaList = []
    for line in fl:

    lastLine = len(megaList)-1
    s2p = OrderedDict() # sentences to phrases mapping
    p2m = OrderedDict() # phrases to metamaps mapping

    # We are creating a mapping of indexes of processing to phrases -> senetences to phrases
    # take care if phrase is like 'and' or its last phrase
    for i in range(len(megaList)):
        if megaList[i][0:10] == 'Processing':
            s2p[i] = []
            currentSentencePointer = i
        if megaList[i][0:6] == 'Phrase':
            currentPhasePointer = i

    for k,v in s2p.items():
        if len(v) > 0:
            for i in range(len(v)):
                if i == len(v)-1: #last phrase
                    p2m[v[i]] = []
                    j = v[i]
                    while j <= lastLine:
                        if megaList[j][0:10] == 'Processing':
                        if megaList[j][0:12] == 'Meta Mapping':
                        j = j+ 1
                else:  #not last phrase
                    p2m[v[i]] = []
                    for j in range(v[i]+1,v[i+1]):
                        if megaList[j][0:12] == 'Meta Mapping':

    findings_with_contexts = helper.extract(s2p,p2m,megaList)

    return findings_with_contexts
Exemple #8
def drawsinglebbox(clippath, framenumber, savepath):

    i = framenumber

    img = cv2.imread(clippath + "/data/"+ h.extract(clippath) + "#" + str(i) + ".png",1)

    bbox = cv2.selectROI(img)

    bbox = list(bbox)
    bbox[2] = bbox[0] + bbox[2]
    bbox[3] = bbox[1] + bbox[3]

    img = cv2.rectangle(img,(int(bbox[0]),int(bbox[1])),(int(bbox[2]),int(bbox[3])), (255,255,0),3) #yolo
    cv2.imwrite(savepath + ".png", img)
Exemple #9
def customimagesave(clippath, framenumber, savepath):

    bbox = h.readmaarray(clippath + "/detections/raw")

    i = framenumber

    img = cv2.imread(clippath + "/data/"+ h.extract(clippath) + "#" + str(i) + ".png",1)

    for j in range(bbox.shape[1]//6):
        if bbox.mask[i, j*6] == False:
            img = cv2.rectangle(img,(int(bbox[i,j*6+2]),int(bbox[i,j*6+3])),(int(bbox[i,j*6 + 4]),int(bbox[i,j*6 + 5])), (255,255,0),3) #yolo

    cv2.imwrite(savepath + ".png", img)
Exemple #10
def drawgoodpoints(clippath, framenumber, savepath):

    feature_params = dict( maxCorners = 100,
                           qualityLevel = 0.3,
                           minDistance = 7,
                           blockSize = 7 )

    i = framenumber

    img = cv2.imread(clippath + "/data/"+ h.extract(clippath) + "#" + str(i) + ".png",1)

    imggray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

    points = cv2.goodFeaturesToTrack(imggray, mask = None, **feature_params)

    for i in range(points.shape[0]):

        imgpoints = cv2.circle(img, tuple(map(int,(points[i,0,:]))), 2, (255,0,255), 2)
    #img = cv2.circle(img,(int(bbox[0]),int(bbox[1])),(int(bbox[2]),int(bbox[3])), (255,255,0),3) #yolo
    cv2.imwrite(savepath + ".png", imgpoints)
Exemple #11
def kalclip(bbox, gt, model, clippath, stats, ofpoint=0, R=500, Q=500, P=0):

    #define start(no need to initiate before detections)
    start = h.getstartindex(bbox)

    clipname = h.extract(clippath)
    #for 30fps --> 1/fps
    #irrelevant in my case --> set 1 (i dont rly make a reference to reality here)
    deltat = 1

    #define what model has what representation for retransformation after:
    correp = []
    cenrep = ["cenof", "simplecen"]
    asprep = ["aspof", "aspofwidth", "aspofwidthman"]
    std = 70

    #define dimensions and model(depends on representation)
    if model == "simplecen":

        #transform representation
        bbox = h.corcen(bbox)
        gt = h.corcen(gt)

        #set parameters
        n_x, n_z = 4, 4
        Kal = KalmanFilter(dim_x=n_x, dim_z=n_z)
        Kal.F = np.eye(n_x)
        Kal.H = np.zeros((n_z, n_x))
        Kal.H[0][0] = Kal.H[1][1] = Kal.H[2][2] = Kal.H[3][3] = 1
        Kal.Q = np.eye(n_x) * std**2
        for i in range(len(stats)):
            Kal.R[i, i] = stats[0, 1, i]**2

        init = np.zeros(n_x)
        init[:] = gt[0, :]
        memp = np.zeros((bbox.shape[0], n_x))
        memk = np.zeros((bbox.shape[0], n_x))

    elif model == "cenof":
        #transform representation
        bbox = h.corcen(bbox)
        gt = h.corcen(gt)

        #set parameters
        n_x, n_z, n_u = 4, 4, 2
        Kal = KalmanFilter(dim_x=n_x, dim_z=n_z, dim_u=n_u)
        Kal.R = np.eye(n_z) * R
        for i in range(len(stats)):
            Kal.R[i, i] = stats[1, 1, i]**2
        Kal.Q = np.eye(n_x) * std**2
        Kal.Q[0, 0], Kal.Q[1, 1] = stats[3, 1, 0], stats[3, 1, 1]
        Kal.P *= P
        Kal.F = np.eye(n_x)
        Kal.H = np.zeros((n_z, n_x))
        Kal.H[0, 0] = Kal.H[1, 1] = Kal.H[2, 2] = Kal.H[3, 3] = 1
        Kal.B = np.eye(n_x, n_u)

        init = np.zeros(n_x)
        init[:4] = gt[0, :]
        memp = np.zeros((bbox.shape[0], n_x))
        memk = np.zeros((bbox.shape[0], n_x))

    elif model == "aspof":
        #transform representation
        bbox = h.corasp(bbox)
        gt = h.corasp(gt)

        #set parameters
        n_x, n_z, n_u = 4, 4, 2
        Kal = KalmanFilter(dim_x=n_x, dim_z=n_z, dim_u=n_u)
        Kal.R = np.eye(n_z) * R
        for i in range(len(stats)):
            Kal.R[i, i] = stats[2, 1, i]**2
        Kal.Q = np.eye(n_x) * std**2
        Kal.Q[0, 0], Kal.Q[1, 1], Kal.Q[3,
                                        3] = stats[3, 1,
                                                   0]**2, stats[3, 1,
                                                                1]**2, 0.0001
        Kal.P *= P
        Kal.F = np.eye(n_x)
        Kal.B = np.eye(n_x, n_u)
        Kal.H = np.zeros((n_z, n_x))
        Kal.H[0, 0] = Kal.H[1, 1] = Kal.H[2, 2] = Kal.H[3, 3] = 1

        init = np.zeros(n_x)
        init[:4] = gt[0, :]
        memp = np.zeros((bbox.shape[0], n_x))
        memk = np.zeros((bbox.shape[0], n_x))

    elif model == "aspofwidth":
        #transform representation
        bbox = h.corasp(bbox)
        gt = h.corasp(gt)

        #set parameters
        n_x, n_z, n_u = 4, 4, 3
        Kal = KalmanFilter(dim_x=n_x, dim_z=n_z, dim_u=n_u)
        Kal.R = np.eye(n_z) * R
        for i in range(len(stats)):
            Kal.R[i, i] = stats[2, 1, i]**2
        Kal.Q = np.eye(n_x) * std**2
        #TODO put in stats for std width from of
        Kal.Q[0, 0], Kal.Q[1, 1], Kal.Q[2, 2], Kal.Q[3, 3] = stats[
            3, 1, 0]**2, stats[3, 1, 1]**2, stats[3, 1, 2]**2, 0.0001
        Kal.P *= P
        Kal.F = np.eye(n_x)
        Kal.B = np.eye(n_x, n_u)
        Kal.H = np.zeros((n_z, n_x))
        Kal.H[0, 0] = Kal.H[1, 1] = Kal.H[2, 2] = Kal.H[3, 3] = 1

        init = np.zeros(n_x)
        init[:4] = gt[0, :]
        memp = np.zeros((bbox.shape[0], n_x))
        memk = np.zeros((bbox.shape[0], n_x))

    elif model == "aspofwidthman":
        #transform representation
        bbox = h.corasp(bbox)
        gt = h.corasp(gt)

        #set parameters
        n_x, n_z, n_u = 4, 4, 3
        Kal = KalmanFilter(dim_x=n_x, dim_z=n_z, dim_u=n_u)
        Kal.R = np.eye(n_z) * R
        for i in range(len(stats)):
            Kal.R[i, i] = stats[2, 1, i]**2
        Kal.Q = np.eye(n_x) * std**2
        Kal.Q[0, 0], Kal.Q[1, 1], Kal.Q[2, 2], Kal.Q[3, 3] = stats[
            3, 1, 0], stats[3, 1, 1], 1**2, 0.0001
        Kal.P *= P
        Kal.F = np.eye(n_x)
        Kal.B = np.eye(n_x, n_u)
        Kal.H = np.zeros((n_z, n_x))
        Kal.H[0, 0] = Kal.H[1, 1] = Kal.H[2, 2] = Kal.H[3, 3] = 1

        init = np.zeros(n_x)
        init[:4] = gt[0, :]
        memp = np.zeros((bbox.shape[0], n_x))
        memk = np.zeros((bbox.shape[0], n_x))

    #parameters to define(try these on all representations)

    Kal.x = init

    #create new array for results of the algorithm
    mem = ma.array(np.zeros_like(bbox), mask=True)
    mem[0, :] = init
    for j in range(memp.shape[1]):
        memp[0, j] = Kal.P[j, j]
    for j in range(memk.shape[1]):
        memk[0, j] = Kal.K[j, j]

    for i in range(1, bbox.shape[0], 1):

        z = bbox[i, :]
        if bbox.mask[i, 0] == True:
            z = None

        if model == "cenof":

            vx = ofpoint[i, 0] - ofpoint[i - 1, 0]
            vy = ofpoint[i, 1] - ofpoint[i - 1, 1]
            u = np.array([vx, vy])
        elif model == "aspof":

            vx = ofpoint[i, 0] - ofpoint[i - 1, 0]
            vy = ofpoint[i, 1] - ofpoint[i - 1, 1]
            u = np.array([vx, vy])
        elif model == "aspofwidth":

            vx = ofpoint[i, 0] - ofpoint[i - 1, 0]
            vy = ofpoint[i, 1] - ofpoint[i - 1, 1]
            vwidth = ofpoint[i, 2] - ofpoint[i - 1, 2]
            u = np.array([vx, vy, vwidth])
        elif model == "aspofwidthman":

            vx = ofpoint[i, 0] - ofpoint[i - 1, 0]
            vy = ofpoint[i, 1] - ofpoint[i - 1, 1]
            vwidth = ofpoint[i, 2] - ofpoint[i - 1, 2]
            u = np.array([vx, vy, vwidth])
        x = Kal.x
        y = x[:4]

        #write into resulting array
        mem[i, :] = y[:4]

        for j in range(memp.shape[1]):
            memp[i, j] = Kal.P[j, j]
        for j in range(memk.shape[1]):
            memk[i, j] = Kal.K[j, j]

    #just return result --> do back-transformation into other representations outside of this function(as well as creating visuals)
    if model in correp:
        mem = mem
    elif model in cenrep:
        mem = h.cencor(mem)
    elif model in asprep:
        mem = h.aspcor(mem)
    return mem, memp, memk
Exemple #12
def main(skip):

    #read info about clips and define sourcevideo name from its path(-.mp4)
    mainvidpath, info = h.readtimes(textpath)
    mainvid = mainvidpath.split(".")[-2]
    mainvid = mainvid.split("/")[-1]
    datapath = "./data/"
    macropath = datapath + mainvid + "/macroanalysis/"

    if skip < 1:
        #delete all existing analysis and alorithm folders(so that if i changed name of some files the old ones get deleted)
        load raw data

        #loop over clips --> create folders for clips and cut them up (if u change clip length but not name u need to delete the folder for that clip, otherwise it will just be skipped and not updated)
        for i in range(np.shape(info)[0]):

            #define clippath to give different methods
            clippath = datapath + mainvid + "/" + info[i][2]
            clipname = h.extract(clippath)

            if not os.path.exists(clippath):

                #create folders and cut main vid
                print("creating folders and cutting: " + info[i][2])

                h.clipfolder(mainvid, info[i][2])

            if not os.path.exists(clippath + "/data/sourceinfo.txt"):
                h.cutmainvid(mainvid, info[i][0], info[i][1], info[i][2],

            if not os.path.exists(clippath + "/detections/raw.txt"):

                #use yolo to get bbox of current clipfilename
                print("yolo running on: " + info[i][2])

                bbox = h.clipyolodet(clippath)

                print("writing detections to file...")

                h.writemaarray(bbox, clippath + "/detections/raw",

            #create folders
            h.makedirsx(clippath + "/analysis")
            h.makedirsx(clippath + "/algorithms")
            h.makedirsx(clippath + "/algorithms/kalman")
            h.makedirsx(clippath + "/algorithms/fm")
            h.makedirsx(clippath + "/algorithms/of")
            #create folder for pre analysis
            h.makedirsx(clippath + "/analysis/pre")
            h.makedirsx(clippath + "/analysis/post")

        #create folder to store histograms over all clips errors in
        h.makedirsx(macropath + "/pre")
        h.makedirsx(macropath + "/post")

        #start new loop to self label all after each other, not for every single clip(would have big pauses between clips where yolo runs)
        for i in range(np.shape(info)[0]):

            clippath = datapath + mainvid + "/" + info[i][2]
            clipname = h.extract(clippath)

            #selflabel until object is going (even partly) out of frame to focus on movement of object
            while (not os.path.exists(clippath + "/groundtruth/gt.txt")):
                gt = h.selflabel(clippath, 0)
                h.writemaarray(gt, clippath + "/groundtruth/gt",
                               "this is the self labeled ground truth")

        print("loaded raw data + saved detections and groundtruth")
        clean data

        #clean data
        for i in range(np.shape(info)[0]):

            clippath = (datapath + mainvid + "/" + info[i][2])
            clipname = h.extract(clippath)

            if not os.path.exists(clippath + "/detections/clean.txt"):
                #read gt and raw detections from text file
                gt = h.readmaarray(
                    clippath +
                    "/groundtruth/gt")  #need class and conf for cleanup
                bboxraw = h.readmaarray(
                    clippath +
                    "/detections/raw")  #need class and conf for cleanup

                #clean data
                bboxclean = h.cleanup(bboxraw, 0, gt)

                #write clean data back
                h.writemaarray(bboxclean, clippath + "/detections/clean",
                               "cleaned up detections")
                print("cleaned data from: " + clipname)
    run opical flow

    #define windowsizes outside to better retrieve file later (if u dont want to run this section all the time)
    windows = [3, 9, 27]
    if skip < 2:

        #define of parameters
        lkparams = dict(winSize=(3, 3),
                                  | cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_COUNT, 10, 0.03))

        #run optical flow on clips with center as init
        for i in range(np.shape(info)[0]):

            clippath = datapath + mainvid + "/" + info[i][2]
            clipname = h.extract(clippath)

            #find good points to track and save them
            framenbr = 0
            h.drawgoodpoints(clippath, framenbr,
                             clippath + "/algorithms/of/goodpoints")

            #run optical flow
            gt = h.readmaarray(clippath + "/groundtruth/gt")[:, 2:6]
            gtcen = h.corcen(gt)
            #define points to track
            pointinfo = np.array([["ofcenter", gtcen[0, 0], gtcen[0, 1]],
                                  ["oftopleft", gt[0, 0], gt[0, 1]],
                                  ["oftopright", gt[0, 2], gt[0, 1]]])
            for k in range(len(windows)):
                lkparams["winSize"] = (windows[k], windows[k])
                for j in range(pointinfo.shape[0]):
                    memof = of.ofcustompoint(
                        clippath, [pointinfo[j, 1], pointinfo[j, 2]], gt,
                        memof, clippath + "/algorithms/of/" + clipname +
                        pointinfo[j, 0] + "win" + str(windows[k]),
                        "of initialized with " + pointinfo[j, 0] + "of gt")
                        memof, clippath, clippath + "/algorithms/of/" +
                        clipname + pointinfo[j, 0] + "win" + str(windows[k]))

                #save of center and width in one txt file to better retrieve it later
                #load 3 points
                ofcenter = h.readmaarray(clippath + "/algorithms/of/" +
                                         clipname + pointinfo[0, 0] + "win" +
                oftopleft = h.readmaarray(clippath + "/algorithms/of/" +
                                          clipname + pointinfo[1, 0] + "win" +
                oftopright = h.readmaarray(clippath + "/algorithms/of/" +
                                           clipname + pointinfo[2, 0] + "win" +

                #put width into from 2 points into ofpoints array and later give whole array with(centerx, centery, width) to kalman
                maarray = ma.array(np.zeros((ofcenter.shape[0], 3)),
                maarray[:, :2] = ofcenter
                for j in range(ofcenter.shape[0]):
                    maarray[j, 2] = oftopright[j, 0] - oftopleft[j, 0]

                ofpoints = maarray
                #save in txt as (centerx,centery, width)
                    ofpoints, clippath + "/algorithms/of/" + clipname +
                    "ofcenwidth" + "win" + str(windows[k]),
                    "of initialized with centerx, centery, width(top right and top left corner)  of bbox(gt)"

                print("ran optical flow on: " + clipname + " winSize: " +
                      str(windows[k]) + "*" + str(windows[k]))

        print("done with optical flow")

    #not being used at the moment
    binsize = 3

    if skip < 3:

        for i in range(np.shape(info)[0]):

            clippath = datapath + mainvid + "/" + info[i][2]
            clipname = h.extract(clippath)

            #over time
            #read bboxes
            bboxclean = h.readmaarray(clippath + "/detections/clean")[:, 2:6]
            gt = h.readmaarray(clippath + "/groundtruth/gt")[:, 2:6]

            #corner representation
            #plot and save yolo bboxes
            ylabel = ["xmin [px]", "ymin [px]", "xmax [px]", "ymax [px]"]
            #plot and save gt bboxes
            h.timeplot2(gt, bboxclean, ylabel, ["Frame [k]"] * 4,
                        clippath + "/analysis/pre/" + clipname + "otyologt")

            #center representation
            #plot and save yolo bboxes
            ylabel = [
                "Mittelpunktx [px]", "Mittelpunkty [px]", "Breite [px]",
                "Höhe [px]"
            #plot and save gt bboxes
            h.timeplot2(h.corcen(gt), h.corcen(bboxclean), ylabel,
                        ["Frame [k]"] * 4,
                        clippath + "/analysis/pre/" + clipname + "otyologt")

            #aspect ratio representation
            #plot and save yolo bboxes
            ylabel = [
                "Mittelpunktx [px]", "Mittelpunkty [px]", "Breite [px]",
            #plot and save gt bboxes
            h.timeplot2(h.corasp(gt), h.corasp(bboxclean), ylabel,
                        ["Frame [k]"] * 4,
                        clippath + "/analysis/pre/" + clipname + "otyologt")

            for k in range(len(windows)):

                ofcenwidth = h.readmaarray(clippath + "/algorithms/of/" +
                                           clipname + "ofcenwidth" + "win" +
                ofcenright = h.readmaarray(clippath + "/algorithms/of/" +
                                           clipname + "oftopright" + "win" +
                ofcenleft = h.readmaarray(clippath + "/algorithms/of/" +
                                          clipname + "oftopleft" + "win" +
                ofleftright = h.connectleftright(ofcenleft, ofcenright)
                ofpointsgt = h.createofgt(gt)

                ylabel = [
                    "Mittelpunktx [px]", "Mittelpunkty [px]", "Breite [px]",
                #compare ofcenter and width with gt center and width
                    h.corcen(gt)[:, :3], ofcenwidth, ylabel, ["Frame [k]"] * 4,
                    clippath + "/analysis/pre/" + clipname + "otofgt" + "win" +
                    str(windows[k]), ["green", "black"],
                    ["Ground Truth", "Optischer Fluss"])

                #plot of points over time compared with gt
                ylabel = [
                    "linksobenx [px]", "linksobeny [px]", "rechtsobenx [px]",
                    "rechtsobeny [px]"
                    ofpointsgt, ofleftright, ylabel, ["Frame [k]"] * 4,
                    clippath + "/analysis/pre/" + clipname + "otofgt" + "win" +
                    str(windows[k]), ["green", "black"],
                    ["Ground Truth", "Optischer Fluss"])

                #plot errors and rmse over time for every clip and every winsize
                ylabel = [
                    "Mittelpunktx Fehler [px]", "Mittelpunkty Fehler [px]",
                    "Breite Fehler [px]", "Höhe Fehler [px]"
                    h.corcen(gt)[:, :3], ofcenwidth, ylabel, ["Frame [k]"] * 4,
                    clippath + "/analysis/pre/" + clipname + "oferror" +
                    "win" + str(windows[k]))
                    h.corcen(gt)[:, :3], ofcenwidth, ylabel, ["Frame [k]"] * 4,
                    clippath + "/analysis/pre/" + clipname + "ofrmse" + "win" +
                np.savetxt(clippath + "/analysis/pre/" + clipname +
                           "ofrmsecw" + "win" + str(windows[k]) + ".txt",
                           (h.calcrmse(h.corcen(gt)[:, :3], ofcenwidth)),
                           header="rmse for center(x,y) and width")

                ylabel = [
                    "linksobenx RMSE [px]", "linksobeny RMSE [px]",
                    "rechtsobenx RMSE [px]", "rechtsobeny RMSE [px]"
                    ofpointsgt, ofleftright, ylabel, ["Frame [k]"] * 4,
                    clippath + "/analysis/pre/" + clipname + "oferror" +
                    "win" + str(windows[k]))
                    ofpointsgt, ofleftright, ylabel, ["Frame [k]"] * 4,
                    clippath + "/analysis/pre/" + clipname + "ofrmse" + "win" +

                #save rmse as txt
                np.savetxt(clippath + "/analysis/pre/" + clipname +
                           "ofrmselr" + "win" + str(windows[k]) + ".txt",
                           (h.calcrmse(ofpointsgt, ofleftright)),
                           header="rmse for topleft(x,y) and topright(x,y)")

            print("plotted over time:" + clipname)

        #plot histograms for the 3 of points and the width --> for every clip and overall (+for every window size)

        for k in range(len(windows)):
            totalerrorofcen = []
            totalerroroflr = []
            for i in range(np.shape(info)[0]):

                clippath = (datapath + mainvid + "/" + info[i][2])
                clipname = h.extract(clippath)
                bboxclean = h.readmaarray(clippath + "/detections/clean")[:,
                gt = h.readmaarray(clippath + "/groundtruth/gt")[:, 2:6]
                #paths need to be correct for point nicknames of optical flow points(pointinfo above)
                ofcenwidth = h.readmaarray(clippath + "/algorithms/of/" +
                                           clipname + "ofcenwidth" + "win" +
                gtof = h.corcen(gt)[:, :3]
                ofcenright = h.readmaarray(clippath + "/algorithms/of/" +
                                           clipname + "oftopright" + "win" +
                ofcenleft = h.readmaarray(clippath + "/algorithms/of/" +
                                          clipname + "oftopleft" + "win" +
                ofleftright = h.connectleftright(ofcenleft, ofcenright)
                ofpointsgt = h.createofgt(gt)

                errorof = h.error(ofcenwidth, gtof)
                totalerrorofcen = h.apperror(errorof, totalerrorofcen)
                erroroflr = h.error(ofleftright, ofpointsgt)
                totalerroroflr = h.apperror(erroroflr, totalerroroflr)

                #plot of error hist (only centerx and centery needed)
                ylabel = [
                    "Mittelpunktx Fehler [px]", "Mittelpunkty Fehler [px]",
                    "Breite Fehler [px]", "Seitenverhätnis Fehler"
                    np.array(errorof), "cen", ylabel,
                    ["norm. Anz. an Fehlern"] * 4,
                    clippath + "/analysis/pre/" + clipname + "ofhist" + "win" +
                ylabel = [
                    "linksobenx [px]", "linksobeny [px]", "rechtsobenx [px]",
                    "rechtsobeny [px]"
                    np.array(erroroflr), "cen", ylabel,
                    ["norm. Anz. an Fehlern"] * 4,
                    clippath + "/analysis/pre/" + clipname + "ofhist" + "win" +

            #plot overall errors as histogramms (over all clips)
            ylabel = [
                "Mittelpunktx Fehler [px]", "Mittelpunkty Fehler [px]",
                "Breite Fehler [px]", "Seitenverhätnis Fehler"
            h.hist(np.array(totalerrorofcen), "cen", ylabel,
                   ["norm. Anz. an Fehlern"] * 4,
                   macropath + "pre/preofhist" + "win" + str(windows[k]))
            ylabel = [
                "linksobenx [px]", "linksobeny [px]", "rechtsobenx [px]",
                "rechtsobeny [px]"
            h.hist(np.array(totalerroroflr), "cen", ylabel,
                   ["norm. Anz. an Fehlern"] * 4,
                   macropath + "pre/preofhist" + "win" + str(windows[k]))

            #save errors to save std and mean from best performing optical flow for kalman filter (the one with highest windowsize in this case)
            if k == len(windows) - 1:
                totalerrorofcenmem = totalerrorofcen

        #ploterrors over all clips

        totalerrorcor = []
        totalerrorcen = []
        totalerrorasp = []
        #loop over clips and extract bboxes and gt --> then sum up error
        for i in range(np.shape(info)[0]):

            clippath = (datapath + mainvid + "/" + info[i][2])
            clipname = h.extract(clippath)
            #read bboxes
            bboxcor = h.readmaarray(clippath + "/detections/clean")[:, 2:6]
            gtcor = h.readmaarray(clippath + "/groundtruth/gt")[:, 2:6]
            bboxcen = h.corcen(bboxcor)
            gtcen = h.corcen(gtcor)
            bboxasp = h.corasp(bboxcor)
            gtasp = h.corasp(gtcor)

            errorcor = h.error(bboxcor, gtcor)
            totalerrorcor = h.apperror(errorcor, totalerrorcor)
            errorcen = h.error(bboxcen, gtcen)
            totalerrorcen = h.apperror(errorcen, totalerrorcen)
            errorasp = h.error(bboxasp, gtasp)
            totalerrorasp = h.apperror(errorasp, totalerrorasp)

        h.hist(np.array(totalerrorcor), "cor", [
            "xmin Fehler [px]", "ymin Fehler [px]", "xmax Fehler [px]",
            "ymax Fehler [px]"
        ], ["norm. Anz. an Fehlern"] * 4, macropath + "/pre/prehist")
        h.hist(np.array(totalerrorcen), "cen", [
            "Mittelpunktx Fehler [px]", "Mittelpunkty Fehler [px]",
            "Breite Fehler [px]", "Höhe Fehler [px]"
        ], ["norm. Anz. an Fehlern"] * 4, macropath + "pre/prehist")
        h.hist(np.array(totalerrorasp), "asp", [
            "Mittelpunktx Fehler [px]", "Mittelpunkty Fehler [px]",
            "Breite Fehler [px]", "Seitenverhältnis Fehler"
        ], ["norm. Anz. an Fehlern"] * 4, macropath + "pre/prehist")

        #save mean and std as txt
        meancor, stdcor, n = h.stats(totalerrorcor)
        meancen, stdcen, _ = h.stats(totalerrorcen)
        meanasp, stdasp, _ = h.stats(totalerrorasp)
        meanof, stdof, nof = h.stats(totalerrorofcenmem)
            macropath + "pre/prestatscor.txt", (meancor, stdcor),
            "mean(first row) and std(second row) for (xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax)" +
            "datapoints: " + str(n))
            macropath + "pre/prestatscen.txt", (meancen, stdcen),
            "mean(first row) and std(second row) for (centerx,centery,width,height)"
            + "datapoints: " + str(n))
            macropath + "pre/prestatsasp.txt", (meanasp, stdasp),
            "mean(first row) and std(second row) for (centerx,centery,width,Seitenverhältnis)"
            + "datapoints: " + str(n))
            macropath + "pre/prestatsof.txt", (meanof, stdof),
            "mean(first row) and std(second row) for optical flow init with gt (compared to gt center and width)"
            + "datapoints: " + str(nof))

        print("error pre analysis done and histogramms saved")

        #create array for mean and std to give kalman function 4 x 2 x 4
        statsinfo = np.zeros((4, 2, 4))
        statsinfo[0, 0, :] = meancor
        statsinfo[1, 0, :] = meancen
        statsinfo[2, 0, :] = meanasp
        statsinfo[3, 0, :3] = meanof
        statsinfo[0, 1, :] = stdcor
        statsinfo[1, 1, :] = stdcen
        statsinfo[2, 1, :] = stdasp
        statsinfo[3, 1, :3] = stdof
        #save it to file to use it later
        np.save(macropath + "pre/statsdata.npy", statsinfo)

        h.deletefile(macropath + "pre/preavgioucorroverview.txt")

        #loop over clips and save iou of yolo/gt as txt
        ioumem = []
        for i in range(np.shape(info)[0]):

            clippath = (datapath + mainvid + "/" + info[i][2])
            clipname = h.extract(clippath)
            bboxclean = h.readmaarray(clippath + "/detections/clean")[:, 2:6]
            gt = h.readmaarray(clippath + "/groundtruth/gt")[:, 2:6]

            iou = h.iouclip(bboxclean, gt)
                clippath + "/analysis/pre/preavgiou.txt",
                [np.mean(iou), np.std(iou)],
                header="avg. iou of whole clip, mean(1strow) + std(2nd row)")
                macropath + "pre/preavgiouoverview.txt", clipname + ": mean " +
                str(np.mean(iou)) + " std " + str(np.std(iou)) + "\n")
            np.savetxt(clippath + "/analysis/pre/preiou.txt",
                       header="iou of whole clip")

        plt.savefig(macropath + "pre/preiouspread.pdf")

        #save avg iou and avg iou as txt
            macropath + "pre/preiou.txt",
            "iou of all clips(compared at places where yolo originally detected a bbox)"
            macropath + "pre/preavgiou.txt",
            [np.mean(ioumem), np.std(ioumem)],
            "avgiou of all clips, mean + std (compared at places where yolo originally detected a bbox)"
            macropath + "pre/preavgiouoverview.txt", "total" + ": mean " +
            str(np.mean(ioumem)) + " std " + str(np.std(ioumem)) + "\n")

        print("IoU pre analysis done")
        print("pre-analysis done")
        correct errors
        print("correcting errors")

        statsinfo = np.load(macropath + "pre/statsdata.npy")
        for i in range(np.shape(info)[0]):

            #define clippath to give different methods
            clippath = (datapath + mainvid + "/" + info[i][2])
            clipname = h.extract(clippath)

            bboxclean = h.readmaarray(clippath + "/detections/clean")[:, 2:6]
            bboxcleancorr = h.correctmean(bboxclean, statsinfo[0, 0, :])
            h.writemaarray(bboxcleancorr, clippath + "/detections/cleancorr",
                           "cleaned up detections + corrected with mean")

        ### plot histograms again (with corrected bbox)
        totalerrorcor = []
        totalerrorcen = []
        totalerrorasp = []
        #loop over clips and extract bboxes and gt --> then sum up error
        for i in range(np.shape(info)[0]):

            clippath = datapath + mainvid + "/" + info[i][2]
            clipname = h.extract(clippath)
            #read bboxes
            bboxcor = h.readmaarray(clippath + "/detections/cleancorr")
            gtcor = h.readmaarray(clippath + "/groundtruth/gt")[:, 2:6]
            bboxcen = h.corcen(bboxcor)
            gtcen = h.corcen(gtcor)
            bboxasp = h.corasp(bboxcor)
            gtasp = h.corasp(gtcor)

            errorcor = h.error(bboxcor, gtcor)
            totalerrorcor = h.apperror(errorcor, totalerrorcor)
            errorcen = h.error(bboxcen, gtcen)
            totalerrorcen = h.apperror(errorcen, totalerrorcen)
            errorasp = h.error(bboxasp, gtasp)
            totalerrorasp = h.apperror(errorasp, totalerrorasp)

        h.hist(np.array(totalerrorcor), "cor", [
            "xmin Fehler [px]", "ymin Fehler [px]", "xmax Fehler [px]",
            "ymax Fehler [px]"
        ], ["norm. Anz. an Fehlern"] * 4, macropath + "/pre/prehistcorr")
        h.hist(np.array(totalerrorcen), "cen", [
            "Mittelpunktx Fehler [px]", "Mittelpunkty Fehler [px]",
            "Breite Fehler [px]", "Höhe Fehler [px]"
        ], ["norm. Anz. an Fehlern"] * 4, macropath + "pre/prehistcorr")
        h.hist(np.array(totalerrorasp), "asp", [
            "Mittelpunktx Fehler [px]", "Mittelpunkty Fehler [px]",
            "Breite Fehler [px]", "Seitenverhältnis Fehler"
        ], ["norm. Anz. an Fehlern"] * 4, macropath + "pre/prehistcorr")

        h.deletefile(macropath + "pre/preavgioucorroverview.txt")

        #loop to get iou
        ioumem = []
        for i in range(np.shape(info)[0]):

            clippath = datapath + mainvid + "/" + info[i][2]
            clipname = h.extract(clippath)
            bboxcleancorr = h.readmaarray(clippath + "/detections/cleancorr")
            gt = h.readmaarray(clippath + "/groundtruth/gt")[:, 2:6]

            iou = h.iouclip(bboxcleancorr, gt)
                clippath + "/analysis/pre/preavgioucorr.txt",
                [np.mean(iou), np.std(iou)],
                header="avg. iou of whole clip, mean(1strow) + std(2nd row)")
                macropath + "pre/preavgioucorroverview.txt",
                clipname + ": mean " + str(np.mean(iou)) + " std " +
                str(np.std(iou)) + "\n")
            np.savetxt(clippath + "/analysis/pre/preioucorr.txt",
                       header="iou of whole clip")

        plt.savefig(macropath + "pre/preiouspreadcorr.pdf")

        #save avg iou and avg iou as txt
            macropath + "pre/preioucorr.txt",
            "iou of all clips(compared at places where yolo originally detected a bbox)"
            macropath + "pre/preavgioucorr.txt",
            [np.mean(ioumem), np.std(ioumem)],
            "avgiou of all clips, mean + std (compared at places where yolo originally detected a bbox)"
            macropath + "pre/preavgioucorroverview.txt", "total" + ": mean " +
            str(np.mean(ioumem)) + " std " + str(np.std(ioumem)) + "\n")

        print("correcting errors done")
    main kalman filter loops

    #define different models for kalman filter (pair model with representation --> need representation to be able to know how to transform bboxes)
    modelinfo = np.array(
        ["simplecen", "cenof", "aspof", "aspofwidth", "aspofwidthman"])

    if skip < 4:

        statsinfo = np.load(macropath + "pre/statsdata.npy")

        #create a bunch of folders for the different models
        for i in range(np.shape(info)[0]):

            #define clippath to give different methods
            clippath = datapath + mainvid + "/" + info[i][2]
            clipname = h.extract(clippath)

            for j in range(modelinfo.shape[0]):
                h.makedirsx(clippath + "/algorithms/kalman/" + modelinfo[j])
                h.makedirsx(clippath + "/analysis/post/" + modelinfo[j])
                h.makedirsx(macropath + "post/" + modelinfo[j])

        #use kalman filter on all clips repr: aspect ratio
        #TODO have custom line here with representations(can be 2 models for 1 representation)
        #loop over those
        for i in range(np.shape(info)[0]):

            clippath = datapath + mainvid + "/" + info[i][2]
            clipname = h.extract(clippath)
            bboxcleancorr = h.readmaarray(clippath + "/detections/cleancorr")
            gt = h.readmaarray(clippath + "/groundtruth/gt")[:, 2:6]
            ofpoints = h.readmaarray(clippath + "/algorithms/of/" + clipname +
                                     "ofcenwidth" + "win" + str(windows[2]))

            for j in range(modelinfo.shape[0]):

                #transform depending on what representation is used:
                result, memp, memk = kal.kalclip(bboxcleancorr,

                    result, clippath + "/algorithms/kalman/" + modelinfo[j] +
                    "/" + modelinfo[j], "kalman filter results")

                    bboxcleancorr, gt, result, clippath, clippath +
                    "/algorithms/kalman/" + modelinfo[j] + "/" + modelinfo[j])

                end = h.lastindex(gt)
                #plot p matrix and k matrix over time
                    memp, end, clippath + "/algorithms/kalman/" +
                    modelinfo[j] + "/" + clipname + modelinfo[j])
                    memk, end, clippath + "/algorithms/kalman/" +
                    modelinfo[j] + "/" + clipname + modelinfo[j])

            print("kalman filter ran on:" + clipname)

        print("kalman filter used on clips and results saved")
    post analysis
    if skip < 5:
        #analysis after using algorithm
        #plots over time for all representations and the results of all models each with all different parameters
        for i in range(np.shape(info)[0]):

            clippath = datapath + mainvid + "/" + info[i][2]
            clipname = h.extract(clippath)

            for j in range(modelinfo.shape[0]):
                results = h.readmaarray(clippath + "/algorithms/kalman/" +
                                        modelinfo[j] + "/" + modelinfo[j])
                gt = h.readmaarray(clippath + "/groundtruth/gt")[:, 2:6]
                bboxcleancorr = h.readmaarray(clippath +
                #corner representation
                #plot and save results
                ylabel = ["xmin [px]", "ymin [px]", "xmax [px]", "ymax [px]"]
                    gt, bboxcleancorr, results, ylabel, ["Frame [k]"] * 4,
                    clippath + "/analysis/post/" + modelinfo[j] + "/" +
                    clipname + modelinfo[j] + "otkal")

                #center representation
                #plot and save results
                ylabel = [
                    "Mittelpunktx [px]", "Mittelpunkty [px]", "Breite [px]",
                    "Höhe [px]"
                    h.corcen(gt), h.corcen(bboxcleancorr), h.corcen(results),
                    ylabel, ["Frame [k]"] * 4, clippath + "/analysis/post/" +
                    modelinfo[j] + "/" + clipname + modelinfo[j] + "otkal")

                #aspect ratio representation
                #plot and save yolo bboxes
                ylabel = [
                    "Mittelpunktx [px]", "Mittelpunkty [px]", "Breite [px]",
                    h.corasp(gt), h.corasp(bboxcleancorr), h.corasp(results),
                    ylabel, ["Frame [k]"] * 4, clippath + "/analysis/post/" +
                    modelinfo[j] + "/" + clipname + modelinfo[j] + "otkal")

            print("post analysis time plot on:" + clipname)

        #plot errors over time
        for i in range(np.shape(info)[0]):

            clippath = datapath + mainvid + "/" + info[i][2]
            clipname = h.extract(clippath)

            for j in range(modelinfo.shape[0]):
                results = h.readmaarray(clippath + "/algorithms/kalman/" +
                                        modelinfo[j] + "/" + modelinfo[j])
                gt = h.readmaarray(clippath + "/groundtruth/gt")[:, 2:6]
                #corner representation
                #plot error and save results
                ylabel = [
                    "xmin Fehler [px]", "ymin Fehler [px]", "xmax Fehler [px]",
                    "ymax Fehler [px]"
                    gt, results, ylabel, ["Frame [k]"] * 4,
                    clippath + "/analysis/post/" + modelinfo[j] + "/" +
                    clipname + modelinfo[j] + "otkalerror")
                #plot rmse
                ylabel = [
                    "xmin RMSE [px]", "ymin RMSE [px]", "xmax RMSE [px]",
                    "ymax RMSE [px]"
                    gt, results, ylabel, ["Frame [k]"] * 4,
                    clippath + "/analysis/post/" + modelinfo[j] + "/" +
                    clipname + modelinfo[j] + "otkalrmse")

                #save rmse as txt
                np.savetxt(clippath + "/analysis/post/" + modelinfo[j] + "/" +
                           clipname + modelinfo[j] + "rmsecor.txt",
                           (h.calcrmse(gt, results)),
                           header="rmse for xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax")

                #center representation
                #plot and save results
                ylabel = [
                    "Mittelpunktx Fehler [px]", "Mittelpunkty Fehler [px]",
                    "Breite Fehler [px]", "Höhe Fehler [px]"
                    h.corcen(gt), h.corcen(results), ylabel, ["Frame [k]"] * 4,
                    clippath + "/analysis/post/" + modelinfo[j] + "/" +
                    clipname + modelinfo[j] + "otkalerror")
                ylabel = [
                    "Mittelpunktx RMSE [px]", "Mittelpunkty RMSE [px]",
                    "Breite RMSE [px]", "Höhe RMSE [px]"
                    h.corcen(gt), h.corcen(results), ylabel, ["Frame [k]"] * 4,
                    clippath + "/analysis/post/" + modelinfo[j] + "/" +
                    clipname + modelinfo[j] + "otkalrmse")

                #save rmse as txt
                np.savetxt(clippath + "/analysis/post/" + modelinfo[j] + "/" +
                           clipname + modelinfo[j] + "rmsecen.txt",
                           (h.calcrmse(h.corcen(gt), h.corcen(results))),
                           header="rmse for centerx,centery,width,height")

                #aspect ratio representation
                #plot and save yolo bboxes
                ylabel = [
                    "Mittelpunktx Fehler [px]", "Mittelpunkty Fehler [px]",
                    "Breite Fehler [px]", "Seitenverhältnis Fehler"
                    h.corasp(gt), h.corasp(results), ylabel, ["Frame [k]"] * 4,
                    clippath + "/analysis/post/" + modelinfo[j] + "/" +
                    clipname + modelinfo[j] + "otkalerror")
                #plot rmse
                ylabel = [
                    "Mittelpunktx RMSE [px]", "Mittelpunkty RMSE [px]",
                    "Breite RMSE [px]", "Seitenverhältnis RMSE"
                    h.corasp(gt), h.corasp(results), ylabel, ["Frame [k]"] * 4,
                    clippath + "/analysis/post/" + modelinfo[j] + "/" +
                    clipname + modelinfo[j] + "otkalrmse")

                #save rmse as txt
                np.savetxt(clippath + "/analysis/post/" + modelinfo[j] + "/" +
                           clipname + modelinfo[j] + "rmseasp.txt",
                           (h.calcrmse(h.corasp(gt), h.corasp(results))),
                           header="rmse for centerx,centery,width,asp")

            print("post analysis rmse time plot on:" + clipname)

        #plot errors after algorithms
        for j in range(modelinfo.shape[0]):

            totalerrorcor = []
            totalerrorcen = []
            totalerrorasp = []
            #loop over clips and extract bboxes and gt --> then sum up error
            for i in range(np.shape(info)[0]):

                clippath = (datapath + mainvid + "/" + info[i][2])
                clipname = h.extract(clippath)
                #read bboxes
                resultscor = h.readmaarray(clippath + "/algorithms/kalman/" +
                                           modelinfo[j] + "/" + modelinfo[j])
                gtcor = h.readmaarray(clippath + "/groundtruth/gt")[:, 2:6]
                resultscen = h.corcen(resultscor)
                gtcen = h.corcen(gtcor)
                resultsasp = h.corasp(resultscor)
                gtasp = h.corasp(gtcor)

                errorcor = h.error(resultscor, gtcor)
                totalerrorcor = h.apperror(errorcor, totalerrorcor)
                errorcen = h.error(resultscen, gtcen)
                totalerrorcen = h.apperror(errorcen, totalerrorcen)
                errorasp = h.error(resultsasp, gtasp)
                totalerrorasp = h.apperror(errorasp, totalerrorasp)

                np.array(totalerrorcor), "cor", [
                    "xmin Fehler [px]", "ymin Fehler [px]", "xmax Fehler [px]",
                    "ymax Fehler [px]"
                ], ["norm. Anz. an Fehlern"] * 4, macropath + "post/" +
                modelinfo[j] + "/" + modelinfo[j] + "posthist")
                np.array(totalerrorcen), "cen", [
                    "Mittelpunktx Fehler [px]", "Mittelpunkty Fehler [px]",
                    "Breite Fehler [px]", "Höhe Fehler [px]"
                ], ["norm. Anz. an Fehlern"] * 4, macropath + "post/" +
                modelinfo[j] + "/" + modelinfo[j] + "posthist")
                np.array(totalerrorasp), "asp", [
                    "Mittelpunktx Fehler [px]", "Mittelpunkty Fehler [px]",
                    "Breite Fehler [px]", "Seitenverhältnis Fehler"
                ], ["norm. Anz. an Fehlern"] * 4, macropath + "post/" +
                modelinfo[j] + "/" + modelinfo[j] + "posthist")

            #save mean and std as txt
            meancor, stdcor, n = h.stats(totalerrorcor)
            meancen, stdcen, _ = h.stats(totalerrorcen)
            meanasp, stdasp, _ = h.stats(totalerrorasp)
                macropath + "post/" + modelinfo[j] + "/" + modelinfo[j] +
                "meanstdcor.txt", (meancor, stdcor),
                "mean(first row) and std(second row) for (xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax)"
                + "datapoints: " + str(n))
                macropath + "post/" + modelinfo[j] + "/" + modelinfo[j] +
                "meanstdcen.txt", (meancen, stdcen),
                "mean(first row) and std(second row) for (centerx,centery,width,height)"
                + "datapoints: " + str(n))
                macropath + "post/" + modelinfo[j] + "/" + modelinfo[j] +
                "meanstdasp.txt", (meanasp, stdasp),
                "mean(first row) and std(second row) for (centerx,centery,width,aspect ratio)"
                + "datapoints: " + str(n))
        print("post error analysis done")

        #loop over different parameters of algorithms
        for j in range(modelinfo.shape[0]):

            h.deletefile(macropath + "post/" + modelinfo[j] + "/" +
                         modelinfo[j] + "avgiouoverview.txt")

            #loop over clips and save iou of yolo/gt as txt
            ioumem = []
            for i in range(np.shape(info)[0]):

                clippath = (datapath + mainvid + "/" + info[i][2])
                clipname = h.extract(clippath)
                results = h.readmaarray(clippath + "/algorithms/kalman/" +
                                        modelinfo[j] + "/" + modelinfo[j])
                gt = h.readmaarray(clippath + "/groundtruth/gt")[:, 2:6]
                bboxcleancorr = h.readmaarray(clippath +
                                              "/detections/cleancorr")[:, 2:6]

                    gt, results, ["IoU"], ["Frame [k]"],
                    clippath + "/analysis/post/" + modelinfo[j] + "/" +
                    clipname + modelinfo[j] + "iouot")

                iou = h.iouclip(results, gt)
                    clippath + "/analysis/post/" + modelinfo[j] + "/" +
                    clipname + modelinfo[j] + "avgiou.txt",
                    [np.mean(iou), np.std(iou)],
                    "avg. iou of whole clip, mean + std (only when detection exists, no \"punishment\" for no detection)"
                    macropath + "post/" + modelinfo[j] + "/" + modelinfo[j] +
                    "avgiouoverview.txt", clipname + ": mean " +
                    str(np.mean(iou)) + " std " + str(np.std(iou)) + "\n")
                np.savetxt(clippath + "/analysis/post/" + modelinfo[j] + "/" +
                           clipname + modelinfo[j] + "iou.txt",
                           header="iou of whole clip")

            plt.savefig(macropath + "post/" + modelinfo[j] + "/" +
                        modelinfo[j] + "iouspread.pdf")
                macropath + "post/" + modelinfo[j] + "/" + modelinfo[j] +
                "iou of all clips(compared at places where yolo originally detected a bbox)"
                macropath + "post/" + modelinfo[j] + "/" + modelinfo[j] +
                [np.mean(ioumem), np.std(ioumem)],
                "avgiou of all clips, mean + std(compared at places where yolo originally detected a bbox)"
                macropath + "post/" + modelinfo[j] + "/" + modelinfo[j] +
                "avgiouoverview.txt", "total" + ": mean " +
                str(np.mean(ioumem)) + " std " + str(np.std(ioumem)) + "\n")

        print("iou post analysis done")

        print("post-analysis done")