def addOffsetStamp(self, leftFit, rightFit, image, origin, color=(255, 255, 255), fontScale=1.0, thickness=1): """ Evaluating camera offset and adding it to a given image :param thickness: line thickness :param leftFit: left curve polynomial parameters :param rightFit: right curve polynomial parameters :param image: image where data being added :param origin: upper-left corner of the offset stamp :param color: stamp color :param fontScale: font scale :return: void (adds text to passed image) """ imgW = image.shape[1] imgH = image.shape[0] yBottom = imgH - 1 cameraCenter = imgW / 2 lBottomX = aux.funcSpace(argSpace=yBottom, fitParams=leftFit) - self.imgMarginWidth rBottomX = aux.funcSpace(argSpace=yBottom, fitParams=rightFit) - self.imgMarginWidth laneWidth = rBottomX - lBottomX scaleX = 3.7 / laneWidth laneCenter = (lBottomX + rBottomX) / 2 offSet = (cameraCenter - laneCenter) * scaleX aux.putText(img=image, text='Estimated Vehicle Offset: {:.2f} m'.format(offSet), origin=origin, color=color, scale=fontScale, thickness=thickness)
def secondarySearch(self, imgH, previousFit, nzX, nzY, margin, src, ratio=1., lineData=None): """ Look Ahead search, when previous fits exist for guidance :param imgH: image height :param previousFit: previous fit used as a guidance :param nzX: nonZero X :param nzY: nonZero Y :param margin: detectionPointSize used for creation of search area :param src: source bird-eye binary :param ratio: used to limit search area by height :param lineData: used for visualization of available fits :return: fit + image with search process depicted """ ySplit = int(imgH * (1 - ratio)) filterKey = nzY >= ySplit nzY = nzY[filterKey] nzX = nzX[filterKey] srcRgb = np.dstack((src, src, src)) * 255 leftFit, rightFit = self.borderFit(imgH=imgH, centralFit=previousFit, margin=margin) leftX = aux.funcSpace(argSpace=nzY, fitParams=leftFit) rightX = aux.funcSpace(argSpace=nzY, fitParams=rightFit) lineInds = ((nzX > leftX) & (nzX < rightX)) fit = LaneFinding.getFit(lineInds, nzX, nzY) if lineData is not None: color = [255, 0, 0] if lineData['lineSpace'] == LineSpace.LEFT else [0, 0, 255] for lineFit in lineData['fits']: srcRgb = ip.Drawing.addLine(src=srcRgb, fit=lineFit, color=color, thickness=3, stepCount=20) srcRgb = ip.Drawing.addLine(src=srcRgb, fit=fit, color=[255, 0, 255], thickness=10, stepCount=20) winImg = np.zeros_like(srcRgb) y = np.linspace(start=0, stop=imgH - 1, num=imgH) xl = aux.funcSpace(argSpace=y, fitParams=leftFit) xr = aux.funcSpace(argSpace=y, fitParams=rightFit) line_window1 = np.array([np.transpose(np.vstack([xl, y]))]) line_window2 = np.array([np.flipud(np.transpose(np.vstack([xr, y])))]) line_pts = np.hstack((line_window1, line_window2)) cv2.fillPoly(winImg, np.int_([line_pts]), (0, 255, 0)) srcRgb = cv2.addWeighted(srcRgb, 1, winImg, 0.5, 0) return fit, srcRgb
def addOffsetStamp(self, leftFit, rightFit, image, origin, color=(255, 255, 255), fontScale=1.0, thickness=1): imgW = image.shape[1] imgH = image.shape[0] yBottom = imgH - 1 cameraCenter = imgW / 2 lBottomX = aux.funcSpace(argSpace=yBottom, fitParams=leftFit) - self.imgMarginWidth rBottomX = aux.funcSpace(argSpace=yBottom, fitParams=rightFit) - self.imgMarginWidth laneWidth = rBottomX - lBottomX scaleX = 3.7 / laneWidth laneCenter = (lBottomX + rBottomX) / 2 offSet = (cameraCenter - laneCenter) * scaleX aux.putText(img=image, text='Смещение объекта автомобиля: {:.2f} m'.format(offSet), origin=origin, color=color, scale=fontScale, thickness=thickness)
def addPolygon(srcShape, lFit, rFit, stepCount=10, color=(0, 255, 0)): """ Adds polygon to empty image with a shape of a source :param srcShape: shape of a source image :param lFit: left 2-nd order polynomial line params :param rFit: right 2-nd order polynomial line params :return: image with polygon between lines :param stepCount: number of steps :param color: """ imgH = srcShape[0] imgW = srcShape[1] cL = lFit[2] cR = rFit[2] mask = np.zeros(shape=srcShape, dtype=np.uint8) rOutstand = max(0, (int(math.ceil(cR)) - (imgW - 1))) if rOutstand > 0: r_filler = np.zeros((imgH, rOutstand), dtype=np.uint8) mask = np.hstack((mask, r_filler)) lOutstand = abs(min(0, int(math.floor(cL)))) if lOutstand > 0: lFiller = np.zeros((imgH, lOutstand), dtype=np.uint8) mask = np.hstack((lFiller, mask)) outImg = np.dstack((mask, mask, mask)) y = np.linspace(0, imgH - 1, stepCount) xl = aux.funcSpace(argSpace=y, fitParams=lFit) xr = aux.funcSpace(argSpace=y, fitParams=rFit) leftLinePoints = np.array( [np.transpose(np.vstack([xl + lOutstand, y]))]) rightLinePoints = np.array( [np.flipud(np.transpose(np.vstack([xr + lOutstand, y])))]) points = np.hstack((leftLinePoints, rightLinePoints)) cv2.fillPoly(img=outImg, pts=np.int_(points), color=color) return outImg, lOutstand, rOutstand
def borderFit(imgH, centralFit, margin): """ Generates a region of interest outstanding to a given detectionPointSize from the center fit as a perpendicular to the tangent line at each point :param imgH: image height :param centralFit: central fit :param margin: :return: left and right fits approximating area tangentially equidistant from central fit at both sides """ a = centralFit[0] b = centralFit[1] y = np.linspace(start=0, stop=imgH - 1, num=imgH) x = aux.funcSpace(argSpace=y, fitParams=centralFit) dy = 2 * a * y + b # Line slope as the derivative alpha = np.arctan(dy) # Negative for negative slopes deltaY = abs(margin * np.sin(alpha)) # Negative for negative alphas deltaX = margin * np.cos(alpha) xLeft = x - deltaX xRight = x + deltaX yLeft = y + deltaY * np.sign(dy) yRight = y - deltaY * np.sign(dy) leftFit = np.polyfit(x=yLeft, y=xLeft, deg=2) rightFit = np.polyfit(x=yRight, y=xRight, deg=2) return leftFit, rightFit
def reScanWithPrimary(self, src): """ Allows to initiate box search with xPrimary obtained from previously found fits. :param src: binary bird-eye image :return: fit + fitType + image with search process depicted fitType used for debugging purposes (may be ignored) """ imgH = src.shape[0] yBottom = imgH - 1 self.fits = self.fits[:len(self.fits) - 1] # Remove newest fit finder = LaneFinding() nzX, nzY = currFit = self.currentFit() if currFit is not None: x_primary = aux.funcSpace(yBottom, currFit) else: x_primary = None fit, srcRgb = finder.primarySearchPolyMargin(src=src, lineSpace=self.lineSpace, winCount=self.winCount, margin=self.margin, minpix=50, nzX=nzX, nzY=nzY, windowSplit=self.windowSplit, xPrimary=x_primary) if fit is not None: self.addFit(fit) return self.currentFit(), 'reScan', srcRgb
def addLine(src, fit, color, stepCount=10, thickness=2): if fit is not None: imgH = src.shape[0] y = np.linspace(0, imgH - 1, stepCount) x = aux.funcSpace(argSpace=y, fitParams=fit) for i in range(stepCount - 1): x1 = int(round(x[i], 0)) y1 = int(round(y[i], 0)) x2 = int(round(x[i + 1], 0)) y2 = int(round(y[i + 1], 0)) pt1 = (x1, y1) pt2 = (x2, y2) src = cv2.line(img=src, pt1=pt1, pt2=pt2, color=color, thickness=thickness) return src