def check(): # print '' # print ' Secure the Pid File '.center(85, '#') # print '' global check_num verify = get_dir_pidfile().find(helper.get_DocumentRoot()) if verify != -1: error_list.append( '[WARNING] Pid file directory in the Apache DocumentRoot') check_num += 1 f = os.popen("ls -ld " + get_dir_pidfile()) result = f.close() if result[2] != 'root': error_list.append( '[WARNING] Ownership of pid file directory is not root') check_num += 1 if result[3] != 'root': error_list.append('[WARNING] Group of pid file directory is not root') check_num += 1 if result[0][8] == 'w': error_list.append( '[WARNING] Pid file directory can write by other user') check_num += 1 if check_num > 0: error_list.insert(0, 9) else: error_list.insert(0, 0) return error_list
def fix(): verify = check_mechanism()[0].find(helper.get_DocumentRoot()) if verify != -1: fix_dir() f = os.popen("ls -ld " + check_mechanism()[0]) result = f.close() if result[2] != 'root' or result[3] != 'root' or result[0][8] == 'w': fix_permission()
def fix(): verify = get_dir_pidfile().find(helper.get_DocumentRoot()) if verify != -1: fix_dir() f = os.popen("ls -ld " + get_dir_pidfile()) result = f.close() if result[2] != 'root' or result[3] != 'root' or result[0][8] == 'w': fix_permission()
def check(): # print '' # print ' Restrict Group Write Access for the Document Root Directories and Files '.center(85, '#') # print '' f = os.popen("find -L " + helper.get_DocumentRoot() + " -group www-data -perm /g=w -ls") result = f.close() if len(result) != 0: error_list.append( '[WARNING] Detect file or directory in the Apache DocRoot with group write access' ) error_list.insert(0, 12) else: error_list.insert(0, 0) return error_list
def fix(path): result = helper.read_file(path) f = os.popen('find ' + helper.get_DocumentRoot() + '/index.html 2> /dev/null') default_index =[:-1] if len(default_index) != 0: remove_default_index() obj = re.compile(r'[^#]<Location \/server-status>(.*?)<\/Location>', re.DOTALL).findall(result) if len(obj) != 0: remove_handler_config(path, 'server-status') obj1 = re.compile(r'[^#]<Location \/server-info>(.*?)<\/Location>', re.DOTALL).findall(result) if len(obj1) != 0: remove_handler_config(path, 'server-info') obj2 = re.compile(r'[^#]<Location \/perl-status>(.*?)<\/Location>', re.DOTALL).findall(result) if len(obj2) != 0: remove_handler_config(path, 'perl-status')
def check(): # print '' # print ' Secure the Lock File '.center(85, '#') # print '' global check_num verify = check_mechanism()[0].find(helper.get_DocumentRoot()) if verify != -1: error_list.append( '[WARNING] Lock file directory in the Apache DocumentRoot') check_num += 1 f = os.popen("ls -ld " + check_mechanism()[0]) result = f.close() if result[2] != 'root': error_list.append( '[WARNING] Ownership of lock file directory is not root') check_num += 1 if result[3] != 'root': error_list.append('[WARNING] Group of lock file directory is not root') check_num += 1 if result[0][8] == 'w': error_list.append( '[WARNING] Lock file directory can write by other user') check_num += 1 f = os.popen("df -T " + check_mechanism()[0] + " | tail -n +2 | awk '{print $2}'") result =[:-1] if result == 'nfs': error_list.append( '[WARNING] Lock file directory is NFS mounted file system') check_num += 1 if check_num > 0: error_list.insert(0, 8) else: error_list.insert(0, 0) return error_list
def check(path): # print '' # print ' Remove Default HTML Content '.center(85, '#') # print '' global check_num result = helper.read_file(path) f = os.popen('find ' + helper.get_DocumentRoot() + '/index.html 2> /dev/null') default_index =[:-1] if len(default_index) != 0: error_list.append( '[WARNING] Detect default index.html in DocumentRoot') check_num += 1 # print '[NOTICE] Ensure the Apache User Manual content is not installed by checking the configuration file for manual location directive' obj = re.compile(r'[^#]<Location \/server-status>(.*?)<\/Location>', re.DOTALL).findall(result) if len(obj) != 0: error_list.append( '[WARNING] Detect server-status handler configuration') check_num += 1 obj1 = re.compile(r'[^#]<Location \/server-info>(.*?)<\/Location>', re.DOTALL).findall(result) if len(obj1) != 0: error_list.append('[WARNING] Detect server-info handler configuration') check_num += 1 obj2 = re.compile(r'[^#]<Location \/perl-status>(.*?)<\/Location>', re.DOTALL).findall(result) if len(obj2) != 0: error_list.append('[WARNING] Detect perl-status handler configuration') check_num += 1 if check_num > 0: error_list.insert(0, 20) else: error_list.insert(0, 0) return error_list
def remove_default_index(): os.system('rm ' + helper.get_DocumentRoot() + '/index.html')
def fix(): os.system( "find -L " + helper.get_DocumentRoot() + " -group www-data -perm /g=w -print | xargs chmod g-w 2> /dev/null") os.system("service apache2 reload > /dev/null 2> /dev/null")