def compile_work(repo,ext=".py"): # get all the commits # get all the files # store them in the database db = mongo_conn() repo_path = "/tmp/" + repo.split("/")[-1].split(".")[0] #============================# # shutil.rmtree(repo_path) #===========================# commits = get_all_commits(repo,repo_path) for c in commits: git_checkout(c, repo_path) print("commit "+ str(c)) initial = - datetime.timedelta(minutes=10) for file in get_all_files(repo_path, ext): {"commitid": str(c), "fpath":file, "repo_path": repo_path, "repo_url": repo, "assigned_time": initial, "completed": False, "worker_addr": "", "result": 0 } )
def register_result(): data = request.get_json(force=True) address = request.remote_addr db = mongo_conn() if data:{ "fpath":data["fpath"], "commitid":data["commitid"] }, {"$set": { "completed": True, "result": data["result"] } } ) if ({"completed": False}).count() ==0): f_path = "results/{}.csv".format(os.environ["PATTERN"]) print("WORK_COMPLETE",file=sys.stderr) record_results(f_path) return jsonify({})
def login(): db = mongo_conn() data = request.get_json(force=True) # encrypts with auth server's public key data = decrypt(data.get('msg')) user_n = data.get('user_n') # client send a hash of password user = db.users.find_one({"user_n": user_n}) if len(user) == 0: return jsonify({'success': False, "message": "User not found sign up"}) else: user_pass = data.get('pass') privatekey = get_private_key() cipher = pass_wrd = cipher.decrypt(user_pass) if user["pass"] == pass_wrd: gen_session_key = ''.join( random.SystemRandom().choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for _ in range(16)) user['gen_session_key'] = gen_session_key db.users.update({'user_n': user_n}, user, upsert=True) token = generate_token(user) return jsonify({'success': True, 'ticket': token}) else: return jsonify({'success': False, "message": "Invalid password"})
def push_work(): """ Work pushing This assumes that workers run on localhost """ db = mongo_conn() ports = worker_node_ports() tol_workers = len(ports) # dont have to do this because they are on localhost client = MongoClient("localhost",27017) db = client.test_database while True: # need to check if it was already assigned and have not timed out try: reg_workers = list(db.workers.find({})) if len(reg_workers) != 0: timeout = - datetime.timedelta(minutes=1) jobs ={"$and": [{"completed": False}, {"assigned_time": {"$lt": timeout}}]} ) i = 0 #print(" job length {}". format(len(list(jobs)))) for job in jobs: _id = job.pop('_id', None) if i == len(reg_workers): # sort of round robin i = 0 # port = ports[i] port = reg_workers[i]["port"] url = "http://localhost:{}/client/dowork".format(port) print(url, len(reg_workers)) send_post_msg(url, job){"_id":_id}, {"$set": {'assigned_time':}}, upsert=False) i+=1 else: print("no workers"+ str(list(db.workers.find({})) ),file=sys.stderr) time.sleep(3) except ConnectionError as e: print("connection error going to sleep for 5 seconds") time.sleep(5)
def register_worker(): db = mongo_conn() data = request.get_json(force=True) address = request.remote_addr user_id = db.workers.count() db.workers.insert( {"user_id": user_id, "address":address, "port" : data["port"] } ) print("REgister"+ str(list(db.workers.find({})) ),file=sys.stderr) print("Client "+ address) return jsonify({})
def distribute_work(): # do query to find out to get a job # if the job time is beyond 2 mins assign it to someone else address = request.remote_addr db = mongo_conn() # need to check if it was already assigned and have not timed out timeout = - datetime.timedelta(minutes=1) work{"$and": [{"completed": False},{"assigned_time":{"$lt": timeout}}]}, {"$set": { "assigned_time", "worker_addr":address } } ) # if it cant find any it will shutdown return jsonify({"result": json_util.dumps(work)})
def register_user(): db = mongo_conn() data = request.get_json(force=True) # encrypts with auth server's public key data = decrypt(data.get('msg')) user_n = data.get('user_n') # client send a hash of password if db.users.find({"user_n": user_n}).count() == 0: user_pass = data.get('pass') client_pub_key = data.get('client_pub_key') privatekey = get_private_key() cipher = pass_wrd = cipher.decrypt(user_pass) db.users.insert({ "user_n": user_n, "pass": pass_wrd, "gen_session_key": "", "client_pub_key": client_pub_key }) return jsonify({'success': True, "message": "signed up successfully"}) else: return jsonify({'success': True, "message": "already signed up"})
from helper import get_all_commits,\ get_all_files,\ git_checkout,\ record_results,\ worker_node_ports,\ send_post_msg,\ mongo_conn from requests.exceptions import ConnectionError app = Flask(__name__) # connect to MongoDB with the defaults db = mongo_conn() db.workers.drop() def compile_work(repo,ext=".py"): # get all the commits # get all the files # store them in the database db = mongo_conn() repo_path = "/tmp/" + repo.split("/")[-1].split(".")[0] #============================# # shutil.rmtree(repo_path) #===========================# commits = get_all_commits(repo,repo_path)