def test_get_hash_exists():
    db = Db()

    random_key = helper.random_string(10)
    random_value = helper.random_string(12)

    # Test with explicit False value as 3rd param
    db.add_hash(random_key, random_value, False)

    assert db.get_hash(random_key) == random_value, 'Lookup for hash that exists did not return value'
def test_check_hash_exists():
    db = Db()

    random_key = helper.random_string(10)
    random_value = helper.random_string(12)

    # Test with explicit False value as 3rd param
    db.add_hash(random_key, random_value, False)

    assert db.check_hash(
        random_key) == True, 'Lookup for hash did not return True'
Exemple #3
def test_create_directory_recursive_success():
    filesystem = FileSystem()
    folder = '%s/%s/%s' % (helper.temp_dir(), helper.random_string(10), helper.random_string(10))
    status = filesystem.create_directory(folder)

    # Needs to be a subdirectory
    assert helper.temp_dir() != folder

    assert status == True
    assert os.path.isdir(folder) == True
    assert os.path.exists(folder) == True

def test_encrypt_decrypt_bad_passphrase():
    "should fail when trying to decrypt with a bad passphrase"
    encrypt_filenames = helper.docs_filenames(['doc1.odt', 'doc2.odt', 'spreadsheet.ods'])
    passphrase1 = helper.random_string(30)
    passphrase2 = helper.random_string(30)

    # encrypt
    assert not os.path.exists(output_dir)
    supercipher.encrypt(encrypt_filenames, output_file, None, passphrase1)
    assert os.path.isfile(output_file)

    # decrypt
    supercipher.decrypt(output_file, output_dir, passphrase2)
    assert not os.path.exists(output_dir)
def test_add_hash_explicit_write():
    db = Db()

    random_key = helper.random_string(10)
    random_value = helper.random_string(12)

    # Test with explicit True value as 3rd param
    db.add_hash(random_key, random_value, True)

    assert db.check_hash(random_key) == True, 'Lookup for hash did not return True'

    # Instnatiate new db class to confirm random_key exists
    db2 = Db()
    assert db2.check_hash(random_key) == True
def test_add_hash_default_do_not_write():
    db = Db()

    random_key = helper.random_string(10)
    random_value = helper.random_string(12)

    # Test with default False value as 3rd param
    db.add_hash(random_key, random_value)

    assert db.check_hash(random_key) == True, 'Lookup for hash did not return True'

    # Instnatiate new db class to confirm random_key does not exist
    db2 = Db()
    assert db2.check_hash(random_key) == False
def test_add_hash_explicit_write():
    db = Db()

    random_key = helper.random_string(10)
    random_value = helper.random_string(12)

    # Test with explicit True value as 3rd param
    db.add_hash(random_key, random_value, True)

    assert db.check_hash(
        random_key) == True, 'Lookup for hash did not return True'

    # Instnatiate new db class to confirm random_key exists
    db2 = Db()
    assert db2.check_hash(random_key) == True
def test_add_hash_default_do_not_write():
    db = Db()

    random_key = helper.random_string(10)
    random_value = helper.random_string(12)

    # Test with default False value as 3rd param
    db.add_hash(random_key, random_value)

    assert db.check_hash(
        random_key) == True, 'Lookup for hash did not return True'

    # Instnatiate new db class to confirm random_key does not exist
    db2 = Db()
    assert db2.check_hash(random_key) == False
Exemple #9
def test_set_original_name():
    files = ['plain.jpg', 'audio.m4a', 'photo.nef', '']

    for file in files:
        ext = os.path.splitext(file)[1]

        temporary_folder, folder = helper.create_working_folder()

        random_file_name = '%s%s' % (helper.random_string(10), ext)
        origin = '%s/%s' % (folder, random_file_name)
        file_path = helper.get_file(file)
        if file_path is False:
            file_path = helper.download_file(file, folder)

        shutil.copyfile(file_path, origin)

        media = Media.get_class_by_file(origin, [Audio, Media, Photo, Video])
        metadata = media.get_metadata()
        metadata_updated = media.get_metadata()


        assert metadata['original_name'] is None, metadata['original_name']
        assert metadata_updated['original_name'] == random_file_name, metadata_updated['original_name']
def test_get_hash_does_not_exist():
    db = Db()

    random_key = helper.random_string(10)

    assert db.get_hash(
    ) is None, 'Lookup for hash that should not exist did not return None'
def test_gnupg_pubkey_encryption():
    "should be able to encrypt with GnuPG.pubkey_encrypt, and decrypt with GnuPGP.pubkey_decrypt with valid pubkey and seckey"
    passphrase = helper.random_string(128)
    plaintext = helper.random_string(256)

    # make file with random data
    open(plaintext_path, 'w').write(plaintext)

    # encrypt
    gpg.pubkey_encrypt(plaintext_path, '6F6467FDF4462C38FE597CD0CA6C5413CF7BCA9E')

    # decrypt
    new_plaintext = open(plaintext_path, 'r').read()

    assert plaintext == new_plaintext
def test_check_hash_does_not_exist():
    db = Db()

    random_key = helper.random_string(10)

    assert db.check_hash(
    ) == False, 'Lookup for hash that should not exist returned True'
Exemple #13
def test_delete_directory_if_empty_when_not_empty():
    filesystem = FileSystem()
    folder = '%s/%s/%s' % (helper.temp_dir(), helper.random_string(10), helper.random_string(10))
    parent_folder = os.path.dirname(folder)

    assert os.path.isdir(folder) == True
    assert os.path.exists(folder) == True
    assert os.path.isdir(parent_folder) == True
    assert os.path.exists(parent_folder) == True


    assert os.path.isdir(folder) == True
    assert os.path.exists(folder) == True
    assert os.path.isdir(parent_folder) == True
    assert os.path.exists(parent_folder) == True

Exemple #14
def test_set_original_name_with_arg():
    temporary_folder, folder = helper.create_working_folder()

    random_file_name = '%s.txt' % helper.random_string(10)
    origin = '%s/%s' % (folder, random_file_name)
    shutil.copyfile(helper.get_file('valid.txt'), origin)

    new_name = helper.random_string(15)

    text = Text(origin)
    metadata = text.get_metadata()
    metadata_updated = text.get_metadata()


    assert metadata['original_name'] is None, metadata['original_name']
    assert metadata_updated['original_name'] == new_name, metadata_updated[
def test_gnupg_pubkey_encryption_missing_seckey():
    "when encrypting with GnuPG.pubkey_encrypt, should fail to decrypt with GnuPGP.pubkey_decrypt if seckey is missing"
    passphrase = helper.random_string(128)
    plaintext = helper.random_string(256)

    # make file with random data
    open(plaintext_path, 'w').write(plaintext)

    # encrypt
    gpg.pubkey_encrypt(plaintext_path, '77D4E195BE81A10047B06E4747AA62EF2712261B')

    # decrypt
        new_plaintext = open(plaintext_path, 'r').read()
    except MissingSeckey:
        assert True
        assert False
def test_get_location_coordinates_does_not_exists():
    db = Db()
    latitude, longitude, name = helper.get_test_location()

    name = '%s-%s' % (name, helper.random_string(10))
    latitude = helper.random_coordinate(latitude, 1)
    longitude = helper.random_coordinate(longitude, 1)

    location = db.get_location_coordinates(name)

    assert location is None
Exemple #17
def test_delete_directory_if_empty():
    filesystem = FileSystem()
    folder = '%s/%s' % (helper.temp_dir(), helper.random_string(10))

    assert os.path.isdir(folder) == True
    assert os.path.exists(folder) == True


    assert os.path.isdir(folder) == False
    assert os.path.exists(folder) == False
def test_get_location_coordinates_does_not_exists():
    db = Db()

    latitude, longitude, name = helper.get_test_location()

    name = '%s-%s' % (name, helper.random_string(10))
    latitude = helper.random_coordinate(latitude, 1)
    longitude = helper.random_coordinate(longitude, 1)

    location = db.get_location_coordinates(name)

    assert location is None
Exemple #19
def test_delete_directory_if_empty():
    filesystem = FileSystem()
    folder = os.path.join(helper.temp_dir(), helper.random_string(10))

    assert os.path.isdir(folder) == True
    assert os.path.exists(folder) == True


    assert os.path.isdir(folder) == False
    assert os.path.exists(folder) == False
def test_encrypt_decrypt():
    "should be able to encrypt a file with a random passphrase and decrypt it again"
    encrypt_filenames = helper.docs_filenames(['doc1.odt'])
    passphrase = helper.random_string(30)

    # encrypt
    assert not os.path.exists(output_dir)
    supercipher.encrypt(encrypt_filenames, output_file, None, passphrase)
    assert os.path.isfile(output_file)

    # decrypt
    supercipher.decrypt(output_file, output_dir, passphrase)
    assert os.path.isdir(output_dir)
    assert os.path.isfile('{0}/doc1.odt'.format(output_dir))
def test_encrypt_decrypt_missing_seckey():
    "should fail to decrypt when trying to decrypt files encrypted using random passphrase and a seckey that is missing"
    encrypt_filenames = helper.docs_filenames(['doc1.odt', 'doc2.odt', 'spreadsheet.ods'])
    passphrase = helper.random_string(30)
    # we have the public key but not the secret key
    pubkey = '77D4E195BE81A10047B06E4747AA62EF2712261B'

    # encrypt
    assert not os.path.exists(output_dir)
    supercipher.encrypt(encrypt_filenames, output_file, pubkey, passphrase)
    assert os.path.isfile(output_file)

    # decrypt
    supercipher.decrypt(output_file, output_dir, passphrase)
    assert not os.path.exists(output_dir)
def test_get_location_coordinates_exists():
    db = Db()

    latitude, longitude, name = helper.get_test_location()

    name = '%s-%s' % (name, helper.random_string(10))
    latitude = helper.random_coordinate(latitude, 1)
    longitude = helper.random_coordinate(longitude, 1)

    db.add_location(latitude, longitude, name)

    location = db.get_location_coordinates(name)

    assert location is not None
    assert location[0] == latitude
    assert location[1] == longitude
def test_get_location_coordinates_exists():
    db = Db()
    latitude, longitude, name = helper.get_test_location()

    name = '%s-%s' % (name, helper.random_string(10))
    latitude = helper.random_coordinate(latitude, 1)
    longitude = helper.random_coordinate(longitude, 1)

    db.add_location(latitude, longitude, name)

    location = db.get_location_coordinates(name)

    assert location is not None
    assert location[0] == latitude
    assert location[1] == longitude
def test_encrypt_decrypt_missing_pubkey():
    "should fail to encrypt when trying to encrypt files using random passphrase and a pubkey that is missing"
    encrypt_filenames = helper.docs_filenames(['doc1.odt', 'doc2.odt', 'spreadsheet.ods'])
    passphrase = helper.random_string(30)
    # we do not have this public key
    pubkey = '0B1491929806596254700155FD720AD9EBA34B1C'

    # encrypt
    assert not os.path.exists(output_dir)
        supercipher.encrypt(encrypt_filenames, output_file, pubkey, passphrase)
    except MissingPubkey:
        assert True
        assert False
    assert not os.path.isfile(output_file)
Exemple #25
def test_set_original_name_with_arg():
    temporary_folder, folder = helper.create_working_folder()

    origin = '%s/%s' % (folder, 'plain.jpg')
    file = helper.get_file('plain.jpg')
    shutil.copyfile(file, origin)

    new_name = helper.random_string(15)

    media = Media.get_class_by_file(origin, [Photo])
    metadata_before = media.get_metadata()
    result = media.set_original_name(new_name)
    metadata_after = media.get_metadata()

    assert metadata_before['original_name'] is None, metadata_before
    assert metadata_after['original_name'] == new_name, metadata_after
    assert result is True, result
def test_encrypt_decrypt_pubkey():
    "should be able to encrypt/decrypt files using random passphrase and a pubkey"
    encrypt_filenames = helper.docs_filenames(['doc1.odt', 'doc2.odt', 'spreadsheet.ods'])
    passphrase = helper.random_string(30)
    # we have the public and secret key
    pubkey = '6F6467FDF4462C38FE597CD0CA6C5413CF7BCA9E'

    # encrypt
    assert not os.path.exists(output_dir)
    supercipher.encrypt(encrypt_filenames, output_file, pubkey, passphrase)
    assert os.path.isfile(output_file)

    # decrypt
    supercipher.decrypt(output_file, output_dir, passphrase)
    assert os.path.isdir(output_dir)
    assert os.path.isfile('{0}/doc1.odt'.format(output_dir))
    assert os.path.isfile('{0}/doc2.odt'.format(output_dir))
    assert os.path.isfile('{0}/spreadsheet.ods'.format(output_dir))
def test_encrypt_decrypt_files_dirs():
    "should be able to encrypt files and directories with a random passphrase and decrypt it again"
    encrypt_filenames = helper.docs_filenames(['doc1.odt', 'doc2.odt', 'spreadsheet.ods', 'more_files'])
    passphrase = helper.random_string(30)

    # encrypt
    assert not os.path.exists(output_dir)
    supercipher.encrypt(encrypt_filenames, output_file, None, passphrase)
    assert os.path.isfile(output_file)

    # decrypt
    supercipher.decrypt(output_file, output_dir, passphrase)
    assert os.path.isdir(output_dir)
    assert os.path.isfile('{0}/doc1.odt'.format(output_dir))
    assert os.path.isfile('{0}/doc2.odt'.format(output_dir))
    assert os.path.isfile('{0}/spreadsheet.ods'.format(output_dir))
    assert os.path.isdir('{0}/more_files'.format(output_dir))
    assert os.path.isfile('{0}/more_files/image.png'.format(output_dir))
    assert os.path.isfile('{0}/more_files/text.txt'.format(output_dir))
    assert os.path.isdir('{0}/more_files/nested'.format(output_dir))
    assert os.path.isfile('{0}/more_files/nested/nested_doc.odt'.format(output_dir))
def test_get_hash_does_not_exist():
    db = Db()

    random_key = helper.random_string(10)

    assert db.get_hash(random_key) is None, 'Lookup for hash that should not exist did not return None'
def test_check_hash_does_not_exist():
    db = Db()

    random_key = helper.random_string(10)

    assert db.check_hash(random_key) == False, 'Lookup for hash that should not exist returned True'