Exemple #1
 def sign_input(self, input_index, private_key):
     z = self.sig_hash(input_index)
     der = private_key.sign(z).der()
     sig = der + SIGHASH_ALL.to_bytes(1, 'big')
     sec = private_key.point.sec()
     self.tx_ins[input_index].script_sig = Script([sig, sec])
     return self.verify_input(input_index)
Exemple #2
 def test_example_1(self):
     tx_ins = []
     prev_tx = bytes.fromhex(
     prev_index = 4
     tx_ins.append(TxIn(prev_tx, prev_index))
     tx_outs = []
     h160 = decode_base58('mzx5YhAH9kNHtcN481u6WkjeHjYtVeKVh2')
             amount=int(0.38 * 100000000),
     h160 = decode_base58('mnrVtF8DWjMu839VW3rBfgYaAfKk8983Xf')
             amount=int(0.1 * 100000000),
     tx_obj = Tx(1, tx_ins, tx_outs, 0, testnet=True)
     z = tx_obj.sig_hash(0)
     pk = PrivateKey(secret=8675309)
     der = pk.sign(z).der()
     sig = der + SIGHASH_ALL.to_bytes(1, 'big')
     sec = pk.point.sec()
     tx_obj.tx_ins[0].script_sig = Script([sig, sec])
     want = '0100000001494127dba8aea354ebae1de80c2d7a2a223eed27666a85bce371de3790f6e28b040000006b483045022100fa3032607b50e8cb05bedc9d43f986f19dedc22e61320b9765061c5cd9c66946022072d514ef637988515bfa59a660596206de68f0ed4090d0a398e70f4d81370dfb012103935581e52c354cd2f484fe8ed83af7a3097005b2f9c60bff71d35bd795f54b67ffffffff0280d54302000000001976a914d52ad7ca9b3d096a38e752c2018e6fbc40cdf26f88ac80969800000000001976a914507b27411ccf7f16f10297de6cef3f291623eddf88ac00000000'
     self.assertEqual(tx_obj.serialize().hex(), want)
Exemple #3
 def test_example_6(self):
     tx_ins = []
     prev_tx = bytes.fromhex(
     prev_index = 13
     tx_ins.append(TxIn(prev_tx, prev_index, Script([]), 0xffffffff))
     tx_outs = []
     change_amount = int(0.33 * 100000000)
     change_h160 = decode_base58('mzx5YhAH9kNHtcN481u6WkjeHjYtVeKVh2')
     change_script = p2pkh_script(change_h160)
     target_amount = int(0.1 * 100000000)
     target_h160 = decode_base58('mnrVtF8DWjMu839VW3rBfgYaAfKk8983Xf')
     target_script = p2pkh_script(target_h160)
     transaction = Tx(1, tx_ins, tx_outs, 0, testnet=True)
     z = transaction.sig_hash(0)
     private_key = PrivateKey(secret=8675309)
     der = private_key.sign(z).der()
     sig = der + SIGHASH_ALL.to_bytes(1, 'big')
     sec = private_key.point.sec()
     transaction.tx_ins[0].script_sig = Script([sig, sec])
     want = '010000000199a24308080ab26e6fb65c4eccfadf76749bb5bfa8cb08f291320b3c21e56f0d0d0000006b4830450221008ed46aa2cf12d6d81065bfabe903670165b538f65ee9a3385e6327d80c66d3b502203124f804410527497329ec4715e18558082d489b218677bd029e7fa306a72236012103935581e52c354cd2f484fe8ed83af7a3097005b2f9c60bff71d35bd795f54b67ffffffff02408af701000000001976a914d52ad7ca9b3d096a38e752c2018e6fbc40cdf26f88ac80969800000000001976a914507b27411ccf7f16f10297de6cef3f291623eddf88ac00000000'
     self.assertEqual(transaction.serialize().hex(), want)
Exemple #4
 def sign_input_multisig_1by1(self, input_index, private_key,privkey_index, redeem_script,n):
     '''Signs the input using the private key
     n: n signatures that can sign transaction.
     private_key: must be a PrivateKey object.
     privkey_index: is the index of the private key according to the order of the public keys.
     # get the signature hash (z)
     z = self.sig_hash(input_index, redeem_script)
     # get der signature of z from private key
     cmds = self.tx_ins[input_index].script_sig.cmds
     if len(cmds) == 0:
         #We create an array full of 0s with a lentgth of n+1. n is the number of possible private keys that can
         #sign the transaction. This way we can place the signatures in the right order. We get rid of the unnecesarry
         #0s later.
         print(f"cmds is empty. Creating new set of commands")
         cmds = [0]*(n)
         #we also need to append at the end the serialized redeem script:
     der = private_key.sign(z).der()
     # append the SIGHASH_ALL to der (use SIGHASH_ALL.to_bytes(1, 'big'))
     sig = der + SIGHASH_ALL.to_bytes(1, 'big')
     #we add 1 to the index because of the OP_0 bug.
     cmds[privkey_index] = sig
     print(f"sign_input_multisig commands: {cmds}")
     script_sig = Script(cmds)
     #script_sig = cmds
     # change input's script_sig to new script
     self.tx_ins[input_index].script_sig = script_sig
     # return whether sig is valid using self.verify_input
     #return self.verify_input(input_index)
     return True
Exemple #5
    def sign_input(self, input_index, private_key):
        # get the signature hash (z)

        ## Might need to provide logic to get sig_hash depending on whether it is segwit or not.
        ## The following right now is for not segwit

        ##  If spending a segwit utxo then --will need to look at the form of the utxo script pubkey
        ##      z = self.sig_hash_bip143
        ##  else

        z = self.sig_hash(input_index)

        # get der signature of z from private key
        der = private_key.sign(z).der()
        # append the SIGHASH_ALL to der (use SIGHASH_ALL.to_bytes(1, 'big'))
        sig = der + SIGHASH_ALL.to_bytes(1, 'big')
        # calculate the sec
        sec = private_key.point.sec()
        # initialize a new script with [sig, sec] as the cmds
        script = Script([sig, sec])
        print("Script_Sig from within sign_input:  ", script)
        # change input's script_sig to new script
        self.tx_ins[input_index].script_sig = script
        # return whether sig is valid using self.verify_input
        # verify_input will return True if the signautre is valid
        verify = self.verify_input(input_index)
        return verify
Exemple #6
 def sign_input(self, input_index, private_key):
     # get the signature hash (z)
     z = self.sig_hash(input_index)
     # get der signature of z from private key
     der = private_key.sign(z).der()
     # append the SIGHASH_ALL to der (use SIGHASH_ALL.to_bytes(1, 'big'))
     sig = der + SIGHASH_ALL.to_bytes(1, 'big')
     # calculate the sec
     sec = private_key.point.sec()
     # initialize a new script with [sig, sec] as the cmds
     # change input's script_sig to new script
     self.tx_ins[input_index].script_sig = Script([sig, sec])
     # return whether sig is valid using self.verify_input
     return self.verify_input(input_index)
def check_htlc(node, commitment_tx, secret):

    tx_in = TxIn(bytes.fromhex(commitment_tx.id()), 2)
    tx_out = TxOut(amount=commitment_tx.tx_outs[2].amount,
    spendingTx = Tx(1, [tx_in], [tx_out], 0, True)

    z = spendingTx.sig_hash(0)
    signature = node.private_key.sign(z).der() + SIGHASH_ALL.to_bytes(1, 'big')
    combined = Script(
        [signature, node.public_key.sec(),
         str.encode(secret), b'1']) + commitment_tx.tx_outs[2].script_pubkey

    return combined.evaluate(z, None)
Exemple #8
 def sign_input(self, input_index, private_key):
     # get the signature hash (z)
     # get der signature of z from private key
     # append the SIGHASH_ALL to der (use SIGHASH_ALL.to_bytes(1, 'big'))
     # calculate the sec
     # initialize a new script with [sig, sec] as the cmds
     # change input's script_sig to new script
     # return whether sig is valid using self.verify_input
     #raise NotImplementedError
     z = self.sig_hash(input_index)
     der = private_key.sign(z).der() + SIGHASH_ALL.to_bytes(1, 'big')
     sec = private_key.point.sec()
     cmds = Script([der, sec])
     self.tx_ins[input_index].script_sig = cmds
     return self.verify_input(input_index)
Exemple #9
 def sign_input(self, input_index, private_key):
     # added for signing p2sh script
     tx_in = self.tx_ins[input_index]
     script_lock = tx_in.get_script_lock(testnet=self.testnet)
     if script_lock.is_p2sh_script_pubkey():
         cmd = tx_in.script_sig.cmds[
             -1]  # last element in script_sig of p2sh is redeem script
         redeem_for_parsing = encode_varint(len(cmd)) + cmd  # for parsing
         redeem_script = script.parse(BytesIO(redeem_for_parsing))
         redeem_script = None
     z = self.sig_hash(input_index, redeem_script)
     der = private_key.sign(z).der()
     sig = der + SIGHASH_ALL.to_bytes(1, 'big')
     sec = private_key.pubPoint.sec()
     script_sig = Script([sig, sec])
     self.tx_ins[input_index].script_sig = script_sig
     return self.verify_input(input_index)
Exemple #10
 def sign_input(self, input_index, private_key, script_pubkey):
     '''Signs the input using the private key'''
     # get the signature hash (z)
     z = self.sig_hash(input_index, script_pubkey)
     # get der signature of z from private key
     der = private_key.sign(z).der()
     # der = Signature(*sk.sign_number(z)).der()
     # append the SIGHASH_ALL to der (use SIGHASH_ALL.to_bytes(1, 'big'))
     sig = der + SIGHASH_ALL.to_bytes(1, 'big')
     # calculate the sec
     # sec = sk.verifying_key.to_sec()
     sec = private_key.public_key.sec()
     # initialize a new script with [sig, sec] as the cmds
     script_sig = Script([sig, sec])
     # script_sig = Script([sig])
     # change input's script_sig to new script
     self.tx_ins[input_index].script_sig = script_sig
     # return whether sig is valid using self.verify_input
     return self.verify_input(input_index, script_pubkey)
Exemple #11
 def sign_input(self, input_index, private_key,segwit=False, p2sh = False):
     '''Signs the input using the private key'''
     # get the signature hash (z)
     if segwit:
         z = self.sig_hash_bip143(input_index, Script([0, private_key.point.hash160()]) )
         z = self.sig_hash(input_index)
     # get der signature of z from private key
     der = private_key.sign(z).der()
     # append the SIGHASH_ALL to der (use SIGHASH_ALL.to_bytes(1, 'big'))
     sig = der + SIGHASH_ALL.to_bytes(1, 'big')
     # calculate the sec
     sec = private_key.point.sec()
     # initialize a new script with [sig, sec] as the cmds
     script_sig = Script([sig, sec])
     # change input's script_sig to new script
     print("\nABOUT TO SIGN INPUT\n")
     if segwit:
         #The witness is a serialization of all witness data of the transaction. Each txin is associated with a witness field. 
         #A witness field starts with a var_int to indicate the number of stack items for the txin. It is followed by stack
         #items, with each item starts with a var_int to indicate the length
         # witness:      <signature> <pubkey> 
         #wit = b'\x16' + encode_varint(len(sig)) + sig + b'\x14' + p2wpkh_script(private_key.point.hash160()).raw_serialize()
         #but the serialization is taking care of that
         #wit = [sig,p2wpkh_script(private_key.point.hash160()).raw_serialize()]
         wit = [sig,sec]
         self.tx_ins[input_index].witness = wit
         print(f"SIGNING INPUT Segwit: \nWitness:\n{wit} ")
         if p2sh:
             self.tx_ins[input_index].script_sig = Script([ Script([0, private_key.point.hash160()]).raw_serialize() ])
             print(f"SIGNING INPUT: \nSCRIPT SIG:\n{self.tx_ins[input_index].script_sig} \nWIT: \n{wit}")
         #else: self.tx_ins[input_index].script_sig = None
         else: self.tx_ins[input_index].script_sig = Script()
         self.tx_ins[input_index].script_sig = script_sig
         self.tx_ins[input_index].witness = None
         print(f"SIGNING INPUT not segwit: \nSCRIPT SIG:\n{self.tx_ins[input_index].script_sig} ")
     # return whether sig is valid using self.verify_input
     return self.verify_input(input_index)
Exemple #12
 def sign_input_multisig(self, input_index, private_key_list, redeem_script):
     '''Signs the input using the private key'''
     # get the signature hash (z)
     z = self.sig_hash(input_index, redeem_script)
     # get der signature of z from private key
     ders = [private_key.sign(z).der() for private_key in private_key_list]
     # append the SIGHASH_ALL to der (use SIGHASH_ALL.to_bytes(1, 'big'))
     sigs = [der + SIGHASH_ALL.to_bytes(1, 'big') for der in ders ]
     # calculate the sec
     #secs = [private_key.point.sec() for private_key in private_key_list]
     # initialize a new script with [sig, sec] as the cmds
     commands = [0]
     for sig in sigs: commands.append(sig)
     print(f"sign_input_multisig commands: {commands}")
     script_sig = Script(commands)
     # change input's script_sig to new script
     self.tx_ins[input_index].script_sig = script_sig
     # return whether sig is valid using self.verify_input
     return self.verify_input(input_index)
Exemple #13
# output address that will receive the sat we have not spend

change_h160 = decode_base58('mvEg6eZ3sUApodedYQrkpEPMMALsr1K1k1')
change_script = p2pkh_script(change_h160)
change_output = TxOut(amount=change_amount, script_pubkey=change_script)

# output address that will receive our sat

target_amount = int(0.00006 * 100000000)
target_h160 = decode_base58('mwJn1YPMq7y5F8J3LkC5Hxg9PHyZ5K4cFv')

target_script = p2pkh_script(target_h160)
target_output = TxOut(amount=target_amount, script_pubkey=target_script)
tx_obj = Tx(1, [tx_in], [change_output, target_output], 0, True)

# now we sign the transaction

z = tx_obj.sig_hash(0)
private_key = PrivateKey(little_endian_to_int(
der = private_key.sign(z).der()
sig = der + SIGHASH_ALL.to_bytes(1, 'big')
sec = private_key.point.sec()
script_sig = Script([sig, sec])
tx_obj.tx_ins[0].script_sig = script_sig

# end
Exemple #14
from helper import decode_base58, little_endian_to_int, hash256, SIGHASH_ALL
from script import p2pkh_script, Script
from tx import TxIn, TxOut, Tx
from ecc import PrivateKey

# our old private key

private_key = PrivateKey(little_endian_to_int(

prev_tx1 = bytes.fromhex(
prev_index1 = 0

tx_in1 = TxIn(prev_tx1, prev_index1)

tx_outs = []
target_amount = int((0.00100000 * 100000000) - 192)
target_h160 = decode_base58('mwJn1YPMq7y5F8J3LkC5Hxg9PHyZ5K4cFv')
target_script = p2pkh_script(target_h160)
target_output = TxOut(amount=target_amount, script_pubkey=target_script)
tx_obj = Tx(1, [tx_in1], [target_output], 0, True)

z1 = tx_obj.sig_hash(0)
der1 = private_key.sign(z1).der()
sig1 = der1 + SIGHASH_ALL.to_bytes(1, 'big')
sec = private_key.point.sec()
script_sig1 = Script([sig1, sec])
tx_obj.tx_ins[0].script_sig = script_sig1
def get_script_sig(transaction, private_key):
    z = transaction.sig_hash(0)
    signature = private_key.sign(z).der() + SIGHASH_ALL.to_bytes(1, 'big')
    script_sig = transaction.tx_ins[0].script_sig + Script([signature])
    return script_sig