Exemple #1
def run_post_to_api():
    with open(
            'r') as filep:
        file_text = filep.read()
    Helper.postText("II Chronicles", file_text, False)
Exemple #2
def run_post_to_api():
    with open("preprocess_json/{}_on_{}.json".format(commentator, masechet),
              'r') as filep:
        file_text = filep.read()
    mas = re.sub("_", " ", masechet.strip())
    Helper.postText("{} on {}".format(commentator, masechet), file_text, False)
Exemple #3
def run_post_to_api(chelek):
    with open("preprocess_json/Noda_Byehuda_I_{}.json".format(chelek), 'r') as filep:
        file_text = filep.read()
        Helper.postText("Noda Byehuda I, " + chelek, file_text, False)
    except BadStatusLine as e:
        print e
def run_post_to_api():
    with open(
                masechet), 'r') as filep:
        file_text = filep.read()
    Helper.postText("Mishna " + masechet, file_text, False)
Exemple #5
def run_post_to_api(commentator):
    saved_commetator = re.sub(" ", "_", commentator.strip())
    # Helper.createBookRecord(book_record())
    with open("../preprocess_json/" + saved_commetator + "_%s.json" % masechet,
              'r') as filep:
        file_text = filep.read()
    Helper.postText(commentator + "on %s" % masechet, file_text, False)
def run_post_to_api(chelek):
    chelek1 = re.sub(" ", "_", chelek.strip())
    with open("preprocess_json/Terumat_HaDeshen_{}.json".format(chelek1), 'r') as filep:
        file_text = filep.read()
        Helper.postText("Terumat HaDeshen, " + chelek, file_text, False)
    except BadStatusLine as e:
        print e
def post_parsed_text(commentator, book_name):
	#assemble the title ref
	commentator_title = unicode(available_commentators[commentator]['record']['title'],'utf-8')
	ref = commentator_title + ' on ' + book_name
	dir_name = preprocess_path + commentator
	with open(dir_name + "/" + ref + ".json", 'r') as filep:
		file_text = filep.read()
	Helper.postText(ref, file_text, False)
def post_parsed_text(commentator, book_name):
    #assemble the title ref
    commentator_title = unicode(
        available_commentators[commentator]['record']['title'], 'utf-8')
    ref = commentator_title + ' on ' + book_name
    dir_name = preprocess_path + commentator
    with open(dir_name + "/" + ref + ".json", 'r') as filep:
        file_text = filep.read()
    Helper.postText(ref, file_text, False)
def run_post_to_api(chelek):
    chelek1 = re.sub(" ", "_", chelek.strip())
    with open("preprocess_json/Terumat_HaDeshen_{}.json".format(chelek1),
              'r') as filep:
        file_text = filep.read()
        Helper.postText("Terumat HaDeshen, " + chelek, file_text, False)
    except BadStatusLine as e:
        print e
def run_post_to_api(sub_directory=None):
    directory = "preprocess_json/%s" % sub_directory if sub_directory else "preprocess_json"
    wlc_index_xml = ET.parse("source/TanachIndex.xml")  # this lists num of chapters and verses for all books in the WLC
    books_xml_r = wlc_index_xml.getroot().find("tanach")
    for book in books_xml_r.findall("book"):
        canonical_name = book.find("./names/name").text
        print canonical_name
        with open("%s/%s.json" % (directory, canonical_name), "r") as filep:
            file_text = filep.read()
        sefaria_book = Helper.getKnownTexts(canonical_name)
        Helper.postText(sefaria_book["title"], file_text, False)
Exemple #11
def run_post_to_api(sub_directory=None):
    directory = "preprocess_json/%s" % sub_directory if sub_directory else "preprocess_json"
    wlc_index_xml = ET.parse(
    )  #this lists num of chapters and verses for all books in the WLC
    books_xml_r = wlc_index_xml.getroot().find('tanach')
    for book in books_xml_r.findall('book'):
        canonical_name = book.find('./names/name').text
        print canonical_name
        with open("%s/%s.json" % (directory, canonical_name), 'r') as filep:
            file_text = filep.read()
        sefaria_book = Helper.getKnownTexts(canonical_name)
        Helper.postText(sefaria_book['title'], file_text, False)
def post_to_api(book_name):
    index_rec =  {
        "title": 'Ben Ish Chai',
        "titleVariants": ["Ben Ish Chai"],
        "heTitle": 'בן איש חי',
        "heTitleVariants" :['בן איש חי', 'רבי יוסף חיים מבגדאד'],
        "sectionNames": ["Parsha", "Comment"],
        "categories": ['Parshanut'],
    dir_name = 'preprocess_json/Ben Ish Chai'
    with open(dir_name + "/" + book_name + ".json", 'r') as filep:
        file_text = filep.read()
    Helper.postText(index_rec["title"], file_text, False)
def post_to_api(book_name):
    index_rec = {
        "title": 'Ben Ish Chai',
        "titleVariants": ["Ben Ish Chai"],
        "heTitle": 'בן איש חי',
        "heTitleVariants": ['בן איש חי', 'רבי יוסף חיים מבגדאד'],
        "sectionNames": ["Parsha", "Comment"],
        "categories": ['Parshanut'],
    dir_name = 'preprocess_json/Ben Ish Chai'
    with open(dir_name + "/" + book_name + ".json", 'r') as filep:
        file_text = filep.read()
    Helper.postText(index_rec["title"], file_text, False)
def run_post_to_api(record ="shmuel"):
    if record == "shmuel":
         b = u"Tiferet_Shmuel_on"
         a = u"Tiferet Shmuel on "
    elif record == "yomtov":
         b= u"Maadaney_Yom_Tov_on"
         a = u"Maadaney Yom Tov on "
    elif record == "chamudot":
        b = u"Divrey_Chamudot_on"
        a = u"Divrey Chamudot on "
   # Helper.createBookRecord(book_record())
    with open("preprocess_json/" + b + "_%s.json" % masechet, 'r') as filep:
        file_text = filep.read()
    Helper.postText( a + "%s" % masechet, file_text, False)
Exemple #15
def run_post_to_api(record="shmuel"):
    if record == "shmuel":
        b = u"Tiferet_Shmuel_on"
        a = u"Tiferet Shmuel on "
    elif record == "yomtov":
        b = u"Maadaney_Yom_Tov_on"
        a = u"Maadaney Yom Tov on "
    elif record == "chamudot":
        b = u"Divrey_Chamudot_on"
        a = u"Divrey Chamudot on "

# Helper.createBookRecord(book_record())
    with open("../preprocess_json/" + b + "_%s.json" % masechet, 'r') as filep:
        file_text = filep.read()
    Helper.postText(a + "%s" % masechet, file_text, False)
def save_file(intro):
    text_whole = {
        "title": "Haamek Davar Intro",
        "versionTitle": "",
        "versionSource": "",
        "language": "he",
        "text": intro,
    with open("preprocess_json/Haamek_Davar_intro.json", 'w') as out:
        json.dump(text_whole, out)
    with open("preprocess_json/Haamek_Davar_intro.json", 'r') as filep:
        file_text = filep.read()
    Helper.postText("Haamek Davar Intro", file_text, False)
def run_post_to_api(record ="shmuel", part=""):
    if record == "shmuel":
         b = u"Tiferet_Shmuel_on"
         a = u"Tiferet Shmuel on "
    elif record == "yomtov":
         b= u"Maadaney_Yom_Tov_on"
         a = u"Maadaney Yom Tov on "
    elif record == "chamudot":
        b = u"Divrey_Chamudot_on"
        a = u"Divrey Chamudot on "
   # Helper.createBookRecord(book_record())
    if part =="":
        with open("../preprocess_json/" + b + "_%s.json" % masechet, 'r') as filep:
            file_text = filep.read()
        Helper.postText( a + "%s" % masechet, file_text, False)
        #part = re.sub("_"," ",part.strip())
        with open("../preprocess_json/" + b + "_{}_{}.json".format(masechet, part), 'r') as filep:
            file_text = filep.read()
        Helper.postText( a + "{}, {}".format(masechet,part), file_text, False)
def post_texts():

    with open("preprocess_json/Mekhilta DeRashbi.json", 'r') as filep:
        json_text = filep.read()
    Helper.postText("Mekhilta DeRabbi Shimon Bar Yochai", json_text, False)

    with open("preprocess_json/Mekhilta DeRashbi Added.json", 'r') as filep:
        json_text = filep.read()
    Helper.postText("Mekhilta DeRabbi Shimon Bar Yochai Additions", json_text, False)

    with open("preprocess_json/Mekhilta DeRashbi Footnotes 1.json", 'r') as filep:
        json_text = filep.read()
    Helper.postText("Footnotes on Mekhilta DeRabbi Shimon Bar Yochai", json_text, False)

    with open("preprocess_json/Mekhilta DeRashbi Footnotes 2.json", 'r') as filep:
        json_text = filep.read()
    Helper.postText("Footnotes on Mekhilta DeRabbi Shimon Bar Yochai Additions", json_text, False)
Exemple #19
def run_post_to_api(record="shmuel", part=""):
    if record == "shmuel":
        b = u"Tiferet_Shmuel_on"
        a = u"Tiferet Shmuel on "
    elif record == "yomtov":
        b = u"Maadaney_Yom_Tov_on"
        a = u"Maadaney Yom Tov on "
    elif record == "chamudot":
        b = u"Divrey_Chamudot_on"
        a = u"Divrey Chamudot on "

# Helper.createBookRecord(book_record())
    if part == "":
        with open("../preprocess_json/" + b + "_%s.json" % masechet,
                  'r') as filep:
            file_text = filep.read()
        Helper.postText(a + "%s" % masechet, file_text, False)
        #part = re.sub("_"," ",part.strip())
        with open(
                "../preprocess_json/" + b +
                "_{}_{}.json".format(masechet, part), 'r') as filep:
            file_text = filep.read()
        Helper.postText(a + "{}, {}".format(masechet, part), file_text, False)
def post_texts():

    with open("preprocess_json/Mekhilta DeRashbi.json", 'r') as filep:
        json_text = filep.read()
    Helper.postText("Mekhilta DeRabbi Shimon Bar Yochai", json_text, False)

    with open("preprocess_json/Mekhilta DeRashbi Added.json", 'r') as filep:
        json_text = filep.read()
    Helper.postText("Mekhilta DeRabbi Shimon Bar Yochai Additions", json_text,

    with open("preprocess_json/Mekhilta DeRashbi Footnotes 1.json",
              'r') as filep:
        json_text = filep.read()
    Helper.postText("Footnotes on Mekhilta DeRabbi Shimon Bar Yochai",
                    json_text, False)

    with open("preprocess_json/Mekhilta DeRashbi Footnotes 2.json",
              'r') as filep:
        json_text = filep.read()
        "Footnotes on Mekhilta DeRabbi Shimon Bar Yochai Additions", json_text,
def run_post_to_api():
    with open("preprocess_json/Meshech Hochma.json", 'r') as filep:
        file_text = filep.read()
    Helper.postText("Meshech Hochma", file_text, False)
Exemple #22
            if "-" not in DH:
                new_dh = re.sub(r"\.", " -", DH, count=1)
                new_dh = DH
#except Exception as e:
#   print "%s did not work" %mas

#print newShas[3][0][0]

text_whole = {
    "title": 'Tosafot',
    "versionTitle": "Wikisource Tosafot",
    "language": "he",
    "text": newShas,
with open("preprocess_json/Tosafot_on_{}.json".format(mas), 'w') as out:
    json.dump(text_whole, out)

with open("preprocess_json/Tosafot_on_%s.json" % mas, 'r') as filep:
    file_text = filep.read()
mas = re.sub("_", " ", mas.strip())
Helper.postText("Tosafot on {}".format(mas), file_text, False)
def run_post_to_api():
    with open("preprocess_json/Haamek_Davar_on_Genesis.json", "r") as filep:
        file_text = filep.read()
    Helper.postText("Haamek Davar on Genesis", file_text, False)
def run_post_to_api():
   # Helper.createBookRecord(book_record())
    with open("preprocess_json/Maharsha_on_%s.json" % masechet, 'r') as filep:
        file_text = filep.read()
    Helper.postText("Chidushei Halachot on %s" % masechet, file_text, False)
Exemple #25
def run_post_to_api():
    # Helper.createBookRecord(book_record())
    with open("preprocess_json/Maharsha_on_%s.json" % masechet, 'r') as filep:
        file_text = filep.read()
    Helper.postText("Chidushei Halachot on %s" % masechet, file_text, False)
def run_post_to_api():
    with open("preprocess_json/Rosh_on_Taanit.json", 'r') as filep:
        file_text = filep.read()
    Helper.postText("Rosh on Taanit", file_text, False)
def run_post_to_api():
    with open("preprocess_json/Haamek_Davar_on_Leviticus.json", 'r') as filep:
        file_text = filep.read()
    Helper.postText("Haamek Davar on Leviticus", file_text, False)
def run_post_to_api():
    with open("preprocess_json/Radak on Genesis.json", 'r') as filep:
        file_text = filep.read()
    Helper.postText("Radak on Genesis", file_text, False)
def run_post_to_api():
    with open("preprocess_json/Teshuvot_haRambam.json", 'r') as filep:
        file_text = filep.read()
    Helper.postText("Teshuvot haRambam", file_text, False)
                new_dh = re.sub(ur"\.", " -", DH, count = 1)
                new_dh =DH
#except Exception as e:
 #   print "%s did not work" %mas

#print newShas[3][0][0]

text_whole = {
        "title": 'Tosafot'  ,
        "versionTitle": "Wikisource Tosafot",
        "versionSource":  "http://primo.nli.org.il/primo_library/libweb/action/dlDisplay.do?vid=NLI&docId=NNL_ALEPH001300957",
        "language": "he",
        "text": newShas,
with open("preprocess_json/Tosafot_on_{}.json".format(mas), 'w') as out:
    json.dump(text_whole, out)

with open("preprocess_json/Tosafot_on_%s.json" %mas, 'r') as filep:
    file_text = filep.read()
mas = re.sub("_"," ", mas.strip())
Helper.postText("Tosafot on {}".format(mas) , file_text, False)
Exemple #31
def run_post_to_api():
    with open("preprocess_json/Prisha.json", 'r') as filep:
        file_text = filep.read()
    Helper.postText("Prisha, Orach Chaim", file_text, False)
def run_post_to_api():
    with open("preprocess_json/Haamek_Davar_on_Deuteronomy.json", 'r') as filep:
        file_text = filep.read()
    Helper.postText("Haamek Davar on Deuteronomy", file_text, False)
def run_post_to_api():
    with open("preprocess_json/Radak on Genesis.json", 'r') as filep:
        file_text = filep.read()
    Helper.postText("Radak on Genesis", file_text, False)
def run_post_to_api():

    with open("preprocess_json/Rashi_on_Genesis.json", 'r') as filep:
        file_text = filep.read()
    Helper.postText("Rashi on Genesis", file_text, False)
def run_post_to_api():
    with open("preprocess_json/Meshech Hochma.json", 'r') as filep:
        file_text = filep.read()
    Helper.postText("Meshech Hochma", file_text, False)
def run_post_to_api(commentator):
    saved_commetator = re.sub(" ", "_", commentator.strip())
   # Helper.createBookRecord(book_record())
    with open("preprocess_json/" + saved_commetator +"_%s.json" % masechet, 'r') as filep:
        file_text = filep.read()
    Helper.postText( commentator + "on %s" % masechet, file_text, False)
Exemple #37
def run_post_to_api(book):

    with open("preprocess_json/Daat_Zkenim_on_" + book + ".json",
              'r') as filep:
        file_text = filep.read()
    Helper.postText("Daat Zkenim on " + book, file_text, False)
Exemple #38
def run_post_to_api():
   # Helper.createBookRecord(book_record())
    with open("preprocess_json/Rosh_on_%s.json" % masechet, 'r') as filep:
        file_text = filep.read()
    Helper.postText("Rosh on %s" % masechet, file_text, False)
def run_post_to_api():
    with open("preprocess_json/Shraga_Silverstein_translation_on_{}.json".format(masechet), 'r') as filep:
        file_text = filep.read()
    Helper.postText("Mishna " + masechet  , file_text, False)
def run_post_to_api():
    with open("preprocess_json/Haamek_Davar_on_Leviticus.json", 'r') as filep:
        file_text = filep.read()
    Helper.postText("Haamek Davar on Leviticus", file_text, False)
Exemple #41
def run_post_to_api():
    # Helper.createBookRecord(book_record())
    with open("preprocess_json/Rosh_on_%s.json" % masechet, 'r') as filep:
        file_text = filep.read()
    Helper.postText("Rosh on %s" % masechet, file_text, False)
Exemple #42
def run_post_to_api():
    with open("preprocess_json/{}_on_{}.json".format(commentator, masechet), 'r') as filep:
        file_text = filep.read()
    mas = re.sub("_"," ", masechet.strip())
    Helper.postText("{} on {}".format(commentator, masechet) , file_text, False)
def run_post_to_api():
    with open("preprocess_json/Chidushei_Agadot_%s.json" % masechet, 'r') as filep:
        file_text = filep.read()
    Helper.postText("Chidushei Agadot on %s" % masechet, file_text, False)
def run_post_to_api():
    with open("preprocess_json/Noda_Byehuda.json", 'r') as filep:
        file_text = filep.read()
    Helper.postText("Noda Byehuda", file_text, False)
Exemple #45
def run_post_to_api():
    with open("preprocess_json/Shraga_Silverstein_translation_on_I_Chronicles.json", 'r') as filep:
        file_text = filep.read()
    Helper.postText("II Chronicles"  , file_text, False)
Exemple #46
def run_post_to_api():

    with open("preprocess_json/Rashi_on_Genesis.json", 'r') as filep:
        file_text = filep.read()
    Helper.postText("Rashi on Genesis", file_text, False)
Exemple #47
def run_post_to_api():
    with open("preprocess_json/Chidushei_Agadot_%s.json" % masechet, 'r') as filep:
        file_text = filep.read()
    Helper.postText("Chidushei Agadot on %s" % masechet, file_text, False)
Exemple #48
def run_post_to_api():
    with open("preprocess_json/Rosh_on_Taanit.json", 'r') as filep:
        file_text = filep.read()
    Helper.postText("Rosh on Taanit", file_text, False)
Exemple #49
def run_post_to_api():
    with open("preprocess_json/Haamek_Davar_on_Exodus.json", 'r') as filep:
        file_text = filep.read()
    Helper.postText("Haamek Davar on Exodus", file_text, False)
def run_post_to_api(book):

    with open("preprocess_json/Daat_Zkenim_on_" + book + ".json", 'r') as filep:
        file_text = filep.read()
    Helper.postText("Daat Zkenim on " + book, file_text, False)