def drawAttributeBars(self, displaySurface): # 179 x,y 20,y 28,y 36,y 62 wide. barWidthRatio = ((g.width/320)*62)/100 growingBar = h.createBar(self.redBar, int(barWidthRatio*self.crewPointer.skill), int((g.height/200)*3)+1) displaySurface.blit(growingBar, (int((g.width/320)*179), int((g.height/200)*20))) growingBar = h.createBar(self.redBar, int(barWidthRatio*self.crewPointer.performance), int((g.height/200)*3)+1) displaySurface.blit(growingBar, (int((g.width/320)*179), int((g.height/200)*28))) growingBar = h.createBar(self.redBar, int(barWidthRatio*self.crewPointer.sanity), int((g.height/200)*3)+1) displaySurface.blit(growingBar, (int((g.width/320)*179), int((g.height/200)*36)))
def drawEncodeBar(self, surface, xPosition, yPosition): currentTimer = 4 # Set green light to red next to bar. if self.count <= 37: growingBar = h.createBar(self.redBar, int((g.width/320)*self.count), int((g.height/200)*2)+1) surface.blit(growingBar, (int((g.width/320)*xPosition), int((g.height/200)*yPosition))) else: self.encodeStep += 1 self.count = 0 self.stopwatch.resetStopwatch() # If we beat the timer.
def ironseedCrash(self, width, height, displaySurface): displaySurface.fill(g.BLACK) displaySurface.blit(self.ironseedScaled, (0, 0)) finished = False currentTimer = 0 # Bar reduction steps. These appear to be no x 10 percentages. # -1,0,0,-2 # -3,0,-1-1 # -1,-1,0,0 # 11, 159 - text box location. # Bar bounding box parameters. # (X to X), (Y to Y) 104 wide, 10 high. # (186,290), (35,45) - Hull integrity bar. 100% # (186,200), (55,65) - Primary Power. 10% ? # (186,233), (75,85) - Auxiliary power. 40% ? # (186,279), (95,105) - Shield Strength. 90% ? barLengths = {0:(290, 200, 233, 279), 1:(280, 200, 233, 259), 2:(250, 200, 223, 249), 3:(240, 190, 223, 249), 4:(240, 190, 223, 249), 5:(240, 190, 223, 249)} if self.crashLandingStep >= 1 and self.crashLandingStep <= 3 and self.count <= 10: tempLengths = [0,0,0,0] for index in range(0, 4): tempLength = barLengths[self.crashLandingStep-1][index] - barLengths[self.crashLandingStep][index] tempLength /= 10 # Based on 100ms per second. tempLengths[index] = barLengths[self.crashLandingStep-1][index] - int(tempLength * self.count) barLengths[self.crashLandingStep] = (tempLengths[0], tempLengths[1], tempLengths[2], tempLengths[3]) defaultBar = h.colourLine(int((g.width/320)*110), g.BLUE) barLineHull = h.createBar(defaultBar, int((g.width/320)*(barLengths[self.crashLandingStep][0]-186)), int(g.height/200*10)) barLinePri = h.createBar(defaultBar, int((g.width/320)*(barLengths[self.crashLandingStep][1]-186)), int(g.height/200*10)) barLineAux = h.createBar(defaultBar, int((g.width/320)*(barLengths[self.crashLandingStep][2]-186)), int(g.height/200*10)) barLineShld = h.createBar(defaultBar, int((g.width/320)*(barLengths[self.crashLandingStep][3]-186)), int(g.height/200*10)) # Render planet here. readyPlanet = pygame.Surface((g.planetWidth, g.planetHeight), 0) readyPlanet.set_colorkey(g.BLACK) terrainStart = self.crashLandingStep % (g.planetWidth+1) planets.Planets["Icarus"].planetBitmapToSphere(readyPlanet, terrainStart, eclipse = True) displaySurface.blit(readyPlanet,(int(g.width/16),int(g.height/8))) # Render text and bars. if self.crashLandingStep <= 4: currentTimer = 2 h.renderText(self.introText7[0:self.crashLandingStep], g.font, displaySurface, g.WHITE, g.offset, int((g.width/320)*11), int((g.height/200)*159)) # Draw Bars. displaySurface.blit(barLineHull, (int((g.width/320)*186), int((g.height/200)*35)), None, pygame.BLEND_MULT) displaySurface.blit(barLinePri, (int((g.width/320)*186), int((g.height/200)*55)), None, pygame.BLEND_MULT) displaySurface.blit(barLineAux, (int((g.width/320)*186), int((g.height/200)*75)), None, pygame.BLEND_MULT) displaySurface.blit(barLineShld, (int((g.width/320)*186), int((g.height/200)*95)), None, pygame.BLEND_MULT) # TODO: These bars need to reduce in length smoothly from one value to the next. else: finished = True # Our timer for this sequence. if h.GameStopwatch.stopwatchSet: if h.GameStopwatch.getElapsedStopwatch() > currentTimer: h.GameStopwatch.resetStopwatch() self.crashLandingStep += 1 self.count = 0 else: h.GameStopwatch.setStopwatch() return finished
def __init__(self): self.creditText = ["1994 Channel 7, Destiny: Virtual", "Released Under GPL V3.0 in 2013 by Jeremy D Stanton of", "2013 y-salnikov - Converted IronSeed to FreePascal and GNU/Linux", "2016 Nuke Bloodaxe - Code Tidying", "2020 Nuke Bloodaxe - Complete Python Refactor/Rewrite", "All rights reserved."] self.versionText = ["Ironseed", g.version] # Ridiculous version string required... self.introText1 = ["A","Destiny: Virtual", "Designed Game"] self.introText2 = ["Mars", "3784 A.D."] self.introText3 = ["Escaping the iron fist of a fanatical", "theocracy, the members of the Ironseed", "Movement launch into space and are set", "adrift after suffering a computer", "malfunction"] self.introText4 = ["Ship IRONSEED to Relay Point:", "Link Established.", "Receiving Encode Variants.", "Wiping Source Encodes.", "Terminating Transmission.", 'Control Protocol Transfered to Human Encode "PRIME".'] # Que Transformers theme... self.introText5 = ["As captain, you awaken along with the", "crew some thousand years later and are", "confronted by an alien horde..."] self.introText6 = ["Orders: Approach and Destroy.", "Jamming all Emissions.", "Targeting...", "Locked and Loading...", "Closing for Fire..."] self.introText7 = ["Enemy Closing Rapidly...", "Shields Imploding...", "Destruction Imminent.", "Attempting Crash Landing."] self.introText8 = ["They threaten to devour all life in", "their path...your only hope of defeating", "the Scavengers is to reunite the Kendar,", "an ancient alliance among the free", "worlds."] self.starField = pygame.image.load(os.path.join('Graphics_Assets', 'cloud.png')) self.channel7Logo = pygame.image.load(os.path.join('Graphics_Assets', 'channel7.png')) self.mars = pygame.image.load(os.path.join('Graphics_Assets', 'world.png')) self.charCom = pygame.image.load(os.path.join('Graphics_Assets', 'charcom.png')) self.redLight = pygame.image.load(os.path.join('Graphics_Assets', 'CrewCom_RED.png')) self.battle = pygame.image.load(os.path.join('Graphics_Assets', 'battle1.png')) self.alienShip = pygame.image.load(os.path.join('Graphics_Assets', 'alien.png')) self.ship = pygame.image.load(os.path.join('Graphics_Assets', 'ship1.png')) self.intro5 = pygame.image.load(os.path.join('Graphics_Assets', 'intro5.png')) self.ironseed = pygame.image.load(os.path.join('Graphics_Assets', 'main3.png')) # Prime intro stage checker self.introStage = 0 self.introFinished = False self.musicState = False # Prepare counters self.count = 1 self.length = 0 self.encodeStep = 0 self.scavengerStep = 0 self.crashLandingStep = 0 self.centredX = 0.0 self.centeredY = 0.0 # Prepare Ironseed Intro stopwatch. self.stopwatch = h.StopWatch() # Prepare surface used for fading out. self.fade = pygame.Surface((g.width,g.height)) self.fade.fill(g.BLACK) self.fade.set_alpha(10) # Prepare Channel 7 Logo for blitting. self.C7Scaled = pygame.transform.scale(self.channel7Logo, (g.width, g.height)) self.C7LogoBlit = pygame.PixelArray(self.C7Scaled.convert()) self.C7LogoCreate = pygame.Surface((g.width, g.height), 0) self.C7LogoCreate.set_colorkey(g.BLACK) # Prepare starfield for blitting. self.starFieldScaled = pygame.transform.scale(self.starField, (g.width, g.height)) #self.starFieldBlit = pygame.PixelArray(self.scaled.convert()) # Prepare Mars for Blitting. self.marsScaled = pygame.transform.scale(self.mars, (g.width, g.height)) #self.marsBlit = pygame.PixelArray(self.scaled.convert()) # Prepare Character communication screen for blitting. self.charComScaled = pygame.transform.scale(self.charCom, (g.width, g.height)) self.charComScaled.set_colorkey(g.BLACK) # Gradient as a list of tuples. self.redBar = h.colourGradient(int(g.width/16)*2, g.RED) # Full length Encode Bar. self.fullBar = h.createBar(self.redBar, int((g.width/320)*37), int((g.height/200)*2)+1) # Red tank light, including flipped version. self.redLightScaled = pygame.transform.scale(self.redLight, (int((g.width/320)*13), int((g.height/200)*16))) self.redLightScaledFlipped = pygame.transform.flip(self.redLightScaled, True, False) # Background star with lens flare. self.battleScaled = pygame.transform.scale(self.battle, (g.width, g.height)) self.battleScaled.set_colorkey(g.BLACK) # Prepare ship for blitting, this will be transformed later. self.shipScaled = pygame.transform.scale(self.ship, (g.width, g.height)) self.shipScaled.set_colorkey(g.BLACK) # Buffer for image manipulation. self.bufferSurfaceImage = pygame.Surface((g.width,g.height)) self.bufferSurfaceImage.set_colorkey(g.BLACK) # TODO: Set correct scale ratio. # Prepare Alien battleship deck self.alienShipScaled = pygame.transform.scale(self.alienShip, (g.width, g.height)) self.alienShipScaled.set_colorkey(g.BLACK) # Prepare Ironseed deck image; I really should have the EGO jars # bubbling in distress here. self.ironseedScaled = pygame.transform.scale(self.ironseed, (g.width, g.height)) self.ironseedScaled.set_colorkey(g.BLACK) # Create blue status bar for additive overlay. self.blueBar = h.colourLine(int((g.width/320)*106), g.BLUE) self.fullBlueBar = h.createBar(self.blueBar, int((g.width/320)*106), int((g.height/200)*10)+1)
def drawInterface(self, displaySurface): displaySurface.fill(g.BLACK) displaySurface.blit(self.crewInterfaceScaled, (0, 0)) # Render heartbeat pulse line in red. self.crewPointer.drawStatusLine(displaySurface, self.pulseDisplayArea, 0) # Render small pulse line in red. pulse = h.createBar(self.pulseLine, len(self.pulseLine), self.pulseLineArea.height) displaySurface.blit(pulse, self.pulseLineArea) # Make pulse rotate right after each frame. self.pulseLine = h.shiftArrayRight(self.pulseLine) # Render crewmember image. displaySurface.blit(self.crewPointer.resizedImage, ((g.width / 320) * 220, (g.height / 200) * 16)) # Render green LED for selected crew member. displaySurface.fill(g.GREEN, self.currentGreenLED) # Calculate sanity bar length sanityBarLength = int( (self.sanityBarArea.height / 100) * self.crewPointer.sanity) # Create sanity bar tuple list. sanityBar = h.colourGradient(sanityBarLength, g.RED) # Render sanity bar for selected crew member. adjustedSanityBar = h.createBar(sanityBar, sanityBarLength, self.sanityBarArea.height) rotatedSanityBar = pygame.transform.rotate(adjustedSanityBar, -90) scaledSanityBar = pygame.transform.scale( rotatedSanityBar, (self.sanityBarArea.width, sanityBarLength)) displaySurface.blit(scaledSanityBar, self.sanityBarArea) # Render pretty graphics in mini-monitor for ambiance. displaySurface.blit(self.scaledTitleText[self.titleFrameCount], self.titleTextDraw) displaySurface.blit(self.scaledPseudoText[self.pseudoTextCount1], self.pseudoTextDraw1) displaySurface.blit(self.scaledPseudoText[self.pseudoTextCount2], self.pseudoTextDraw2) # Adjust frame counters and timers. if self.frameCount >= 20: self.titleFrameCount += 1 if self.titleFrameCount >= len(self.scaledTitleText): self.titleFrameCount = 0 self.frameCount = 0 elif self.frameCount in [0, 5, 10, 15, 20]: self.pseudoTextCount1 += 1 self.pseudoTextCount2 += 1 if self.pseudoTextCount1 >= len(self.scaledPseudoText): self.pseudoTextCount1 = 0 if self.pseudoTextCount2 >= len(self.scaledPseudoText): self.pseudoTextCount2 = 0 self.frameCount += 1 # Clear text area. displaySurface.fill(g.BLACK, self.blankDisplayArea) # Render Bio column of text. h.renderText(, g.font, displaySurface, g.WHITE, 15, (g.width / 320) * 6, (g.height / 200) * 131) # Render Character Level text. h.renderText([str(self.crewPointer.level)], g.font, displaySurface, g.WHITE, 15, (g.width / 320) * 154, (g.height / 200) * 120) # Render Character Experience points. h.renderText([str(self.crewPointer.experience)], g.font, displaySurface, g.WHITE, 15, (g.width / 320) * 190, (g.height / 200) * 120) # Render Character Name. Note, using 180 for x as is centre of text field. h.renderText([str(], g.font, displaySurface, g.WHITE, 15, (g.width / 320) * 180, (g.height / 200) * 103, True)