def installed_package_query(server_name, repo_dict_to_modify, package_list,
    installed_package_query uses the yum to determine if packages exist on the remote system
    Does not return anything, instead uses DictionaryHandling.add_to_dictionary to populate dictionaries
    for processing later in the summation
    ose_required_packages_installed = []
    ose_required_packages_not_installed = []
    temp_list = HandleSSHConnections.run_remote_commands(
        ssh_obj, "yum list installed")
    installed_on_system = []
    for package in temp_list:
        package_name = package.split(".")[0]
    for package in package_list:
        if package in installed_on_system:
    if len(package_list) != len(ose_required_packages_installed):
            repo_dict_to_modify, server_name, "Missing",
        DictionaryHandling.add_to_dictionary(repo_dict_to_modify, server_name,
                                             "All OSE Packages Installed",
def update_required_query(server_name, package_update_dict, package_list,
    update_required_query uses the yum to determine if packages have updates available
    Does not return anything, instead uses DictionaryHandling.add_to_dictionary to populate dictionaries
    for processing later in the summation
    packages_to_be_updated = HandleSSHConnections.run_remote_commands(
        ssh_obj, "yum list updates")
    ose_package_needs_update = False
    system_up_to_date = True
    if len(packages_to_be_updated) > 2:
        system_up_to_date = False
        for package in packages_to_be_updated:
            package_name = package.split(".")[0]
            if package_name in package_list:
                ose_package_needs_update = True
                                                     "Update available for",
    if not ose_package_needs_update:
        DictionaryHandling.add_to_dictionary(package_update_dict, server_name,
                                             "System is up to date",
def which_repos_are_enabled(server_name, dict_to_modify, repo_info,
    which_repos_are_enabled parses the output from 'subscription-manager repos' command.
    After parsing, it stores enabled repos in a dictionary with the hostname as the key.
    This function does not return anything
    repo_id_keyword = "Repo ID:"
    repo_enabled_keyword = "Enabled:"
    if not repo_info:
            dict_to_modify, server_name, "Error retrieving repo information",
    for line in repo_info:
        if repo_id_keyword in line:
            repo_name = line.split(repo_id_keyword)[1].strip()
        if repo_enabled_keyword in line:
            if "1" in line.split(repo_enabled_keyword)[1]:
                enabled = True
                enabled = False
            if repo_name in these_should_be_enabled:
                                                     server_name, repo_name,
def check_selinux_booleans(host, ssh_obj, boolean_list, boolean_dict):
    output = HandleSSHConnections.run_remote_commands(ssh_obj, "/usr/sbin/getsebool -a")
    for line in output:
        boolean_name = line.split()[0]
        if boolean_name in boolean_list:
            boolean_status = line.split("> ")[1]
            DictionaryHandling.add_to_dictionary(boolean_dict, host, boolean_name, boolean_status)
def is_selinux_enabled(host, ssh_obj, dict_to_modify):
    is_selinux_enabled logs into the remote host and runs/parses 'sestatus'
    adds results to a dictionary
    output = HandleSSHConnections.run_remote_commands(ssh_obj, "sestatus")
    for line in output:
        if "SELinux status" in line:
            if "enabled" in line:
                DictionaryHandling.add_to_dictionary(dict_to_modify, host, "SELinux Enabled", True)
                DictionaryHandling.add_to_dictionary(dict_to_modify, host, "SELinux Enabled", False)
def is_docker_enabled(server_name, output, dict_to_modify):
    is_docker_enabled checks to see if docker is enabled in systemd.
    Stores the results in docker_service_check_dict
    if output is not None:
        for line in output:
            if "Loaded: " in line:
                if "enabled" in line.split("vendor preset")[0]:
                    DictionaryHandling.add_to_dictionary(dict_to_modify, server_name, "Docker Enabled", True)
                    DictionaryHandling.add_to_dictionary(dict_to_modify, server_name, "Docker Enabled", "Warning")
def is_docker_enabled(server_name, output, dict_to_modify):
    is_docker_enabled checks to see if docker is enabled in systemd.
    Stores the results in docker_service_check_dict
    if output is not None:
        for line in output:
            if "Loaded: " in line:
                if "enabled" in line.split("vendor preset")[0]:
                    DictionaryHandling.add_to_dictionary(dict_to_modify, server_name, "Docker Enabled", True)
                    DictionaryHandling.add_to_dictionary(dict_to_modify, server_name, "Docker Enabled", False)
def is_host_subscribed(server_name, dict_to_modify, subscript_status):
    is_host_subscribed uses subprocess to run the subscription-manager command.
    It parses the output for the word 'Current' if found, returns true, otherwise returns false

    for line in subscript_status:
        if "Overall" in line:
            if "Current" in line:
                DictionaryHandling.add_to_dictionary(dict_to_modify, server_name, "Subscribed", True)
                DictionaryHandling.add_to_dictionary(dict_to_modify, server_name, "Subscribed", False)
def is_host_subscribed(server_name, dict_to_modify, subscript_status):
    is_host_subscribed uses subprocess to run the subscription-manager command.
    It parses the output for the word 'Current' if found, returns true, otherwise returns false

    for line in subscript_status:
        if "Overall" in line:
            if "Current" in line:
                DictionaryHandling.add_to_dictionary(dict_to_modify, server_name, "Subscribed", True)
                DictionaryHandling.add_to_dictionary(dict_to_modify, server_name, "Subscribed", False)
def is_selinux_enabled(host, ssh_obj, dict_to_modify):
    is_selinux_enabled logs into the remote host and runs/parses 'sestatus'
    adds results to a dictionary
    output = HandleSSHConnections.run_remote_commands(ssh_obj, "/usr/sbin/sestatus")
    for line in output:
        if "SELinux status" in line:
            if "enabled" in line:
                DictionaryHandling.add_to_dictionary(dict_to_modify, host, "SELinux Enabled", True)
                DictionaryHandling.add_to_dictionary(dict_to_modify, host, "SELinux Enabled", False)
def check_forward_dns_lookup(host_name, dict_to_modify):
    uses socket to do a forward lookup on host
    Does not return anything, inserts values into forward_lookup_dict
        host_ip = socket.gethostbyname(host_name)
        DictionaryHandling.add_to_dictionary(forward_lookup_dict, host_name, "IP Address", host_ip)
    except socket.gaierror:
            print("You should be using FQDN instead of IPs in your ansible host file!")
        except socket.error:
        DictionaryHandling.add_to_dictionary(dict_to_modify, host_name, "IP Address", None)
def check_forward_dns_lookup(host_name, dict_to_modify):
    uses socket to do a forward lookup on host
    Does not return anything, inserts values into forward_lookup_dict
        host_ip = socket.gethostbyname(host_name)
        DictionaryHandling.add_to_dictionary(forward_lookup_dict, host_name, "IP Address", host_ip)
    except socket.gaierror:
            print("You should be using FQDN instead of IPs in your ansible host file!")
        except socket.error:
        DictionaryHandling.add_to_dictionary(dict_to_modify, host_name, "IP Address", None)
def which_repos_are_enabled(server_name, dict_to_modify, repo_info, these_should_be_enabled):
    which_repos_are_enabled parses the output from 'subscription-manager repos' command.
    After parsing, it stores enabled repos in a dictionary with the hostname as the key.
    This function does not return anything
    repo_id_keyword = "Repo ID:"
    repo_enabled_keyword = "Enabled:"
    for line in repo_info:
        if repo_id_keyword in line:
            repo_name = line.split(repo_id_keyword)[1].strip()
        if repo_enabled_keyword in line:
            if "1" in line.split(repo_enabled_keyword)[1]:
                enabled = True
                enabled = False
            if repo_name in these_should_be_enabled:
                DictionaryHandling.add_to_dictionary(dict_to_modify, server_name, repo_name, enabled)
def is_docker_running(server_name, output, dict_to_modify):
    is_docker_running checks whether docker is active. Stores the results in docker_service_check_dict
    docker_running = False
    if output is not None:
        for line in output:
            if "Active:" in line:
                if "inactive" in line:
                    docker_running = False
                elif "active" in line:
                    docker_running = True
                    active_since = line
    if docker_running:
        DictionaryHandling.add_to_dictionary(dict_to_modify, server_name, "Docker Running", True)
        for line in output:
            print(textColors.FAIL + line + textColors.ENDC),
        DictionaryHandling.add_to_dictionary(dict_to_modify, server_name, "Docker Running", False)
def update_required_query(server_name, package_update_dict, package_list, ssh_obj):
    update_required_query uses the yum to determine if packages have updates available
    Does not return anything, instead uses DictionaryHandling.add_to_dictionary to populate dictionaries
    for processing later in the summation
    packages_to_be_updated = HandleSSHConnections.run_remote_commands(ssh_obj, "yum list updates")
    ose_package_needs_update = False
    system_up_to_date = True
    if len(packages_to_be_updated) > 2:
        system_up_to_date = False
        for package in packages_to_be_updated:
            package_name = package.split(".")[0]
            if package_name in package_list:
                ose_package_needs_update = True
                DictionaryHandling.add_to_dictionary(package_update_dict, server_name, "Update available for",
    if not ose_package_needs_update:
         DictionaryHandling.add_to_dictionary(package_update_dict, server_name, "System is up to date",
def is_docker_running(server_name, output, dict_to_modify):
    is_docker_running checks whether docker is active. Stores the results in docker_service_check_dict
    docker_running = False
    if output is not None:
        for line in output:
            if "Active:" in line:
                if "inactive" in line:
                    docker_running = False
                elif "active" in line:
                    docker_running = True
                    active_since = line
    if docker_running:
        print("Docker is active")
        DictionaryHandling.add_to_dictionary(dict_to_modify, server_name, "Docker Running", True)
        print("Docker is not running: \n")
        for line in output:
            print(textColors.FAIL + line + textColors.ENDC),
        DictionaryHandling.add_to_dictionary(dict_to_modify, server_name, "Docker Running", False)
def check_docker_files(host, ssh_obj, files_modified_dict, dict_to_compare, remote_sha_sum_dict):
    check_docker_files assumes there is already a paramiko connection made to the server in question
    It attempts to take a sha256sum of the files in file_list
    for files in dict_to_compare.keys():
            temp_list = HandleSSHConnections.run_remote_commands(ssh_obj, "sha256sum %s" % files)
            shortened_file_name = files.split("/")[-1]
            for line in temp_list:
                sha_sum = line.split()[0]
                if line.strip().split()[0] == dict_to_compare[files]:
                    modified = False
                    DictionaryHandling.add_to_dictionary(files_modified_dict, host, "%s has been modified" %
                                                         shortened_file_name, modified)
                    modified = True
                    DictionaryHandling.add_to_dictionary(files_modified_dict, host, "%s has been modified" %
                                                         shortened_file_name, modified)
                # Added the file name and sha sum in the key to be able to associate the sum to modified flag
                # This will help to identify it for colourization
                DictionaryHandling.add_to_dictionary(remote_docker_file_sums_dict, host, "%s sha256sum : %s" %
                                                     (shortened_file_name, sha_sum), modified)
        except socket.error:
            print("No SSH connection is open")
def check_docker_files(host, ssh_obj, files_modified_dict, dict_to_compare, remote_sha_sum_dict):
    check_docker_files assumes there is already a paramiko connection made to the server in question
    It attempts to take a sha256sum of the files in file_list
    for files in dict_to_compare.keys():
            temp_list = HandleSSHConnections.run_remote_commands(ssh_obj, "sha256sum %s" % files)
            shortened_file_name = files.split("/")[-1]
            for line in temp_list:
                sha_sum = line.split()[0]
                if line.strip().split()[0] == dict_to_compare[files]:
                    modified = False
                    DictionaryHandling.add_to_dictionary(files_modified_dict, host, "%s has been modified" %
                                                         shortened_file_name, modified)
                    modified = True
                    DictionaryHandling.add_to_dictionary(files_modified_dict, host, "%s has been modified" %
                                                         shortened_file_name, modified)
                # Added the file name and sha sum in the key to be able to associate the sum to modified flag
                # This will help to identify it for colourization
                DictionaryHandling.add_to_dictionary(remote_docker_file_sums_dict, host, "%s sha256sum : %s" %
                                                     (shortened_file_name, sha_sum), modified)
        except socket.error:
            print("No SSH connection is open")
def installed_package_query(server_name, repo_dict_to_modify, package_list, ssh_obj):
    installed_package_query uses the yum to determine if packages exist on the remote system
    Does not return anything, instead uses DictionaryHandling.add_to_dictionary to populate dictionaries
    for processing later in the summation
    ose_required_packages_installed = []
    ose_required_packages_not_installed = []
    temp_list = HandleSSHConnections.run_remote_commands(ssh_obj, "yum list installed")
    installed_on_system = []
    for package in temp_list:
        package_name = package.split(".")[0]
    for package in package_list:
        if package in installed_on_system:
    if len(package_list) != len(ose_required_packages_installed):
        DictionaryHandling.add_to_dictionary(repo_dict_to_modify, server_name, "Missing",
        DictionaryHandling.add_to_dictionary(repo_dict_to_modify, server_name, "All OSE Packages Installed", True)
def check_reverse_dns_lookup(lookup_dict, dict_to_modify):
    uses socket to do a reverse lookup on hosts in forward_lookup_dict
    Does not return anything, inserts values into reverse_lookup_dict
    for server_name in lookup_dict.keys():
        host_ip = lookup_dict[server_name]["IP Address"]
        if host_ip is not None:
                hostname = socket.gethostbyaddr(host_ip)
                DictionaryHandling.add_to_dictionary(dict_to_modify, server_name, "PTR Record", hostname[0])
            except socket.herror:
                DictionaryHandling.add_to_dictionary(dict_to_modify, server_name, "PTR Record", None)
            DictionaryHandling.add_to_dictionary(dict_to_modify, server_name, "PTR Record", None)
def check_reverse_dns_lookup(lookup_dict, dict_to_modify):
    uses socket to do a reverse lookup on hosts in forward_lookup_dict
    Does not return anything, inserts values into reverse_lookup_dict
    for server_name in lookup_dict.keys():
        host_ip = lookup_dict[server_name]["IP Address"]
        if host_ip is not None:
                hostname = socket.gethostbyaddr(host_ip)
                DictionaryHandling.add_to_dictionary(dict_to_modify, server_name, "PTR Record", hostname[0])
            except socket.herror:
                DictionaryHandling.add_to_dictionary(dict_to_modify, server_name, "PTR Record", None)
            DictionaryHandling.add_to_dictionary(dict_to_modify, server_name, "PTR Record", None)
            is_docker_running(server, systemctl_output, docker_service_check_dict)
            print(textColors.HEADER + "Running 'subscription-manager status' on %s..." % server + textColors.ENDC)
            sub_status = HandleSSHConnections.run_remote_commands(ssh_connection, "subscription-manager status")
            is_host_subscribed(server, subscription_dict, sub_status)
            print(textColors.HEADER + "Running 'subscription-manager repos' on %s..." % server + textColors.ENDC)
            repo_information = HandleSSHConnections.run_remote_commands(ssh_connection, "subscription-manager repos")
            which_repos_are_enabled(server, repo_dict, repo_information, ose_repos)
        print(textColors.HEADER + "Attempting to forward lookup of %s..." % server + textColors.ENDC)
        check_forward_dns_lookup(server, forward_lookup_dict)
        print(textColors.HEADER + "Attempting to reverse lookup of %s..." % server + textColors.ENDC)
        check_reverse_dns_lookup(forward_lookup_dict, reverse_lookup_dict)

    ##### Format output and display summary
    print(textColors.HEADER + textColors.BOLD + "\n\nSELinux Checks" + textColors.ENDC)

    print(textColors.HEADER + textColors.BOLD + "\n\nDocker Section (sha256sum below)" + textColors.ENDC)
    if show_sha_sums:
        DictionaryHandling.format_dictionary_output(docker_files_have_been_modified_dict, remote_docker_file_sums_dict,
        DictionaryHandling.format_dictionary_output(docker_files_have_been_modified_dict, docker_service_check_dict)

    print(textColors.HEADER + textColors.BOLD + "\n\nDNS Lookups" + textColors.ENDC)
    DictionaryHandling.format_dictionary_output(forward_lookup_dict, reverse_lookup_dict)

    print(textColors.HEADER + textColors.BOLD + "\n\nPackages and repo information" + textColors.ENDC)
    DictionaryHandling.format_dictionary_output(repo_dict, subscription_dict, ose_package_not_installed_dict,
                                                ose_package_installed_dict, package_updates_available_dict)
    print(textColors.HEADER + textColors.BOLD + "\n\nETCD has its own partition" + textColors.ENDC)
            update_required_query(server, package_updates_available_dict, ose_required_packages_list, ssh_connection)
            is_selinux_enabled(server, ssh_connection, selinux_dict)
            systemctl_output = HandleSSHConnections.run_remote_commands(ssh_connection, "systemctl status docker")
            is_docker_enabled(server, systemctl_output, docker_service_check_dict)
            is_docker_running(server, systemctl_output, docker_service_check_dict)
            sub_status = HandleSSHConnections.run_remote_commands(ssh_connection, "subscription-manager status")
            is_host_subscribed(server, subscription_dict, sub_status)
            repo_information = HandleSSHConnections.run_remote_commands(ssh_connection, "subscription-manager repos")
            which_repos_are_enabled(server, repo_dict, repo_information, ose_repos)
        check_forward_dns_lookup(server, forward_lookup_dict)
        check_reverse_dns_lookup(forward_lookup_dict, reverse_lookup_dict)

    ##### Format output and display summary
    print(textColors.HEADER + textColors.BOLD + "\n\nSELinux Checks" + textColors.ENDC)

    print(textColors.HEADER + textColors.BOLD + "\n\nDocker Section (sha256sum below)" + textColors.ENDC)
    if show_sha_sums:
        DictionaryHandling.format_dictionary_output(docker_files_have_been_modified_dict, remote_docker_file_sums_dict,
        DictionaryHandling.format_dictionary_output(docker_files_have_been_modified_dict, docker_service_check_dict)

    print(textColors.HEADER + textColors.BOLD + "\n\nDNS Lookups" + textColors.ENDC)
    DictionaryHandling.format_dictionary_output(forward_lookup_dict, reverse_lookup_dict)

    print(textColors.HEADER + textColors.BOLD + "\n\nPackages and repo information" + textColors.ENDC)
    DictionaryHandling.format_dictionary_output(repo_dict, subscription_dict, ose_package_not_installed_dict,
                                                ose_package_installed_dict, package_updates_available_dict)
def parse_etcd(server_name, output, dict_to_modify):
    if output is not None:
        output = output[0].split("\n")[0]
        DictionaryHandling.add_to_dictionary(dict_to_modify, server_name, "ETCD partition", output)