Exemple #1
    def test_cannot_retrieve_spdx_files_if_invalid_year_month_specified(self):
        # Edith wants to have SLM automatically retrieve and rename SPDX files,
        # but requests an invalid month format
        result = runcmd(self, slm.cli, "frotz", "set-config",
                        "spdx-search-dir", self.spdxSearchDir.path)
        self.assertEqual(0, result.exit_code)

        result = runcmd(self, slm.cli, "frotz", "retrieve-spdx", "--month",

        # It fails and explains why
        self.assertEqual(1, result.exit_code)
            f"Invalid format for --month argument (blah): should be --month YYYY-MM\n",

        # She tries again but gets the format wrong, and mistakenly includes the day
        result = runcmd(self, slm.cli, "frotz", "retrieve-spdx", "--month",

        # It fails again and explains why
        self.assertEqual(1, result.exit_code)
            f"Invalid format for --month argument (2018-03-21): should be --month YYYY-MM\n",
    def test_make_all_reports_does_not_recreate_existing_reports(self):
        # Edith creates a report with a standard path
        result = runcmd(self, slm.cli, "frotz", "create-report", "--scan_id",
                        "1", "--report_format", "xlsx")
        # She checks to make sure, and indeed the report is there
        self.assertEqual(0, result.exit_code)
        p1 = os.path.join("projects", "frotz", "subprojects", "frotz-nuclear",
                          "reports", "frotz-nuclear-2018-01-26.xlsx")
        checkForFileExists(self, self.slmhome, p1)

        # Now she wants to automatically have all types of reports created
        # for all currently-imported scans, for this project, but the
        # first report shouldn't be re-created
        result = runcmd(self, slm.cli, "frotz", "create-reports")

        # The output message tells her it succeeded and that only 3 reports
        # were created
        self.assertEqual(0, result.exit_code)
        self.assertEqual("3 reports successfully created\n", result.output)

        # She checks to make sure, and indeed the new reports are there
        checkForFileExists(self, self.slmhome, p1)
        p2 = os.path.join("projects", "frotz", "subprojects", "frotz-nuclear",
                          "reports", "frotz-nuclear-2018-01-26.json")
        checkForFileExists(self, self.slmhome, p2)
        p3 = os.path.join("projects", "frotz", "subprojects", "frotz-dim",
                          "reports", "frotz-dim-2018-02-06.xlsx")
        checkForFileExists(self, self.slmhome, p3)
        p4 = os.path.join("projects", "frotz", "subprojects", "frotz-dim",
                          "reports", "frotz-dim-2018-02-06.json")
        checkForFileExists(self, self.slmhome, p4)
Exemple #3
  def test_can_get_desc_for_projects_when_listing_with_verbose_flag(self):
    # Edith wants to get descriptions too when she lists the projects
    # using the -v flag
    result = runcmd(self, slm.cli, None, "-v", "list")
    self.assertEqual(0, result.exit_code)
    self.assertIn("The FROTZ Project", result.output)

    # It also works with the --verbose flag
    result = runcmd(self, slm.cli, None, "--verbose", "list")
    self.assertEqual(0, result.exit_code)
    self.assertIn("The FROTZ Project", result.output)
    def test_can_create_simple_json_file_without_summary(self):
        # Edith imports a very short SPDX file as a new scan in the frotz
        # subproject frotz-dim
        result = runcmd(self, slm.cli, "frotz", "--subproject", "frotz-dim",
                        "import-scan", PATH_SIMPLE_SPDX, "--scan_date",
                        "2017-05-05", "--desc", "frotz-dim initial scan")
        self.assertEqual(0, result.exit_code)

        # Now Edith wants to get a JSON version of the findings.
        # She configures it to omit empty categories and licenses
        result = runcmd(self, slm.cli, "frotz", "set-config",
                        "analyze-exclude-empty-cats-and-lics", "yes")
        self.assertEqual(0, result.exit_code)

        # And she requests the report and specifies the target output path
        reportPath = self.reportDir.path + "/report.json"
        result = runcmd(self, slm.cli, "frotz", "--subproject", "frotz-dim",
                        "create-report", "--scan_id", "3", "--report_format",
                        "json", "--report_path", reportPath)

        # The output message tells her it succeeded
        self.assertEqual(0, result.exit_code)
        self.assertEqual(f"Report successfully created at {reportPath}.\n",

        # She confirms that the file was created successfully

        # Re-importing the JSON file, she sees that the expected values are present
        # in the expected format
        with open(reportPath, 'r') as f:
            rj = json.load(f)
            self.assertIsInstance(rj, list)
            self.assertEqual(len(rj), 2)
            cat1 = rj[0]
            self.assertEqual(cat1.get("name"), "Attribution")
            self.assertIsInstance(cat1.get("_id"), int)
            self.assertEqual(cat1.get("numFiles"), 1)
            cat1Lics = cat1.get("licenses")
            self.assertIsInstance(cat1Lics, list)
            self.assertEqual(len(cat1Lics), 1)
            lic1 = cat1Lics[0]
            self.assertEqual(lic1.get("name"), "MIT")
            self.assertIsInstance(lic1.get("_id"), int)
            self.assertEqual(lic1.get("numFiles"), 1)
            lic1Files = lic1.get("files")
            self.assertIsInstance(lic1Files, list)
            self.assertEqual(len(lic1Files), 1)
            file1 = lic1Files[0]
            self.assertEqual(file1.get("path"), "simple/file2.txt")
            self.assertIsInstance(file1.get("_id"), int)
            cat2 = rj[1]
            lic2 = cat2.get("licenses")[0]
            self.assertEqual(len(lic2.get("files")), 3)
Exemple #5
  def test_can_change_subproject_spdx_search_name(self):
    # Edith asks SLM to change a subproject's default spdx search term
    result = runcmd(self, slm.cli, "frotz", "--subproject", "frotz-dim",
    "edit-subproject", "--spdx_search", "fdim")

    # It works fine, and sets the project spdx search term to fdim
    self.assertEqual(0, result.exit_code)

    # ...which she confirms with a "list" call
    result = runcmd(self, slm.cli, "frotz", "-v", "list")
    self.assertEqual(0, result.exit_code)
    self.assertIn("fdim", result.output)
Exemple #6
  def test_project_with_no_desc_option_gets_NO_DESCRIPTION_text(self):
    # Edith asks SLM to create a new project, but accidentally omits the
    # "desc" option to the create-project command
    result = runcmd(self, slm.cli, None, "create-project", "nodesc")

    # It works fine, and sets the project description to NO DESCRIPTION
    self.assertEqual(0, result.exit_code)

    # ...which she confirms with a "list" call
    result = runcmd(self, slm.cli, None, "-v", "list")
    self.assertEqual(0, result.exit_code)
    self.assertIn("NO DESCRIPTION", result.output)
    def test_cannot_add_a_duplicate_conversion(self):
        # Edith tries to add a new conversion, but accidentally specifies text
        # that matches an existing conversion
        runcmd(self, slm.cli, 'frotz', 'add-conversion', 'BSD-Simplified',
        result = runcmd(self, slm.cli, 'frotz', 'add-conversion',
                        'BSD-Simplified', 'MIT')

        # It fails and explains why
        self.assertEqual(1, result.exit_code)
        self.assertEqual(f"Conversion 'BSD-Simplified' already exists.\n",
Exemple #8
    def test_cannot_retrieve_spdx_files_if_no_month_specified(self):
        # Edith wants to have SLM automatically retrieve and rename SPDX files,
        # but mistakenly forgot to specify a month to search
        result = runcmd(self, slm.cli, "frotz", "set-config",
                        "spdx-search-dir", self.spdxSearchDir.path)
        self.assertEqual(0, result.exit_code)

        result = runcmd(self, slm.cli, "frotz", "retrieve-spdx")

        # It fails and explains why
        self.assertEqual(1, result.exit_code)
        self.assertEqual(f"Missing argument: --month YYYY-MM\n", result.output)
Exemple #9
    def test_can_change_a_license_name(self):
        # Edith decides that the BSD-2-Clause license should have been called
        # BSD-Simplified instead
        result = runcmd(self, slm.cli, "frotz", "edit-license", "BSD-2-Clause",
                        "--new-name", "BSD-Simplified")
        self.assertEqual(0, result.exit_code)

        # When listing the license, BSD-Simplified is now listed
        result = runcmd(self, slm.cli, "frotz", "list-licenses")
        self.assertEqual(0, result.exit_code)
        self.assertIn("BSD-Simplified", result.output)
        self.assertNotIn("BSD-2-Clause", result.output)
Exemple #10
  def test_can_list_projects_and_subprojects(self):
    # Edith wants to see which top-level projects she is currently tracking
    # in spdxLicenseManager. She asks for a list of projects
    result = runcmd(self, slm.cli, None, "list")
    self.assertEqual(0, result.exit_code)
    self.assertEqual("frotz\ngnusto\nrezrov\n", result.output)

    # She knows that frotz has multiple subprojects, so she asks for a list of
    # its subprojects
    result = runcmd(self, slm.cli, "frotz", "list")
    self.assertEqual(0, result.exit_code)
Exemple #11
  def test_can_get_subproject_details_when_listing_with_verbose_flag(self):
    # Edith wants to get descriptions and SPDX search strings too when she
    # lists the subprojects using the -v flag
    result = runcmd(self, slm.cli, "frotz", "-v", "list")
    self.assertEqual(0, result.exit_code)
    self.assertIn("FROTZ with nuclear settings", result.output)
    self.assertIn("will search SPDX files for: frotz-nuclear", result.output)

    # It also works with the --verbose flag
    result = runcmd(self, slm.cli, "frotz", "--verbose", "list")
    self.assertEqual(0, result.exit_code)
    self.assertIn("FROTZ with nuclear settings", result.output)
    self.assertIn("will search SPDX files for: frotz-nuclear", result.output)
    def test_cannot_change_a_conversion_to_a_nonexistent_license(self):
        # Edith assigned BSD-Simplified to BSD-2-Clause, and then accidentally
        # tries to change it to a nonexistent license
        runcmd(self, slm.cli, 'frotz', 'add-conversion', 'BSD-Simplified',
        result = runcmd(self, slm.cli, 'frotz', 'edit-conversion',
                        'BSD-Simplified', 'BSD-2-Clause-FreeBSD')

        # It fails and explains why
        self.assertEqual(1, result.exit_code)
            f"License 'BSD-2-Clause-FreeBSD' does not exist yet.\nDid you mean to call add-license first?\n",
    def test_can_change_a_category_name(self):
        # Edith decides that the Attribution category should have been called
        # Permissive instead
        result = runcmd(self, slm.cli, "frotz", "edit-category", "Attribution",
                        "--new-name", "Permissive")
        self.assertEqual(0, result.exit_code)

        # When listing the categories, Permissive is now listed
        result = runcmd(self, slm.cli, "frotz", "list-categories")
        self.assertEqual(0, result.exit_code)
            "Project Licenses\nCopyleft\nPermissive\nOther\nNo license found\n",
Exemple #14
    def test_can_add_and_retrieve_a_license(self):
        # Edith is creating a new license
        result = runcmd(self, slm.cli, "frotz", "add-license", "BSD-3-Clause",

        # It works correctly and lets her know
        self.assertEqual(0, result.exit_code)
        self.assertEqual("Created license: BSD-3-Clause\n", result.output)

        # She checks the list of licenses to make sure, and there it is
        result = runcmd(self, slm.cli, "frotz", "list-licenses")
        self.assertEqual(0, result.exit_code)
        self.assertIn("BSD-3-Clause", result.output)
Exemple #15
    def test_can_change_a_license_category(self):
        # Edith decides that the BSD-2-Clause license should have been in the
        # Copyleft category instead (for some reason)
        result = runcmd(self, slm.cli, "frotz", "edit-license", "BSD-2-Clause",
                        "--new-cat", "Copyleft")
        self.assertEqual(0, result.exit_code)

        # When listing the license, BSD-2-Clause is now listed in Copyleft
        result = runcmd(self, slm.cli, "frotz", "list-licenses",
        self.assertEqual(0, result.exit_code)
        self.assertIn("Copyleft:\n  BSD-2-Clause", result.output)
        self.assertNotIn("Attribution:\n  BSD-2-Clause", result.output)
    def test_can_move_a_category_from_higher_to_lower(self):
        # Edith decides that she wants the attribution category to show up before
        # the copyleft category. She edits the categories to reorder them
        result = runcmd(self, slm.cli, "frotz", "edit-category", "Attribution",
                        "--sort-before", "Copyleft")
        self.assertEqual(0, result.exit_code)

        # When listing the categories, Attribution now shows up first
        result = runcmd(self, slm.cli, "frotz", "list-categories")
        self.assertEqual(0, result.exit_code)
            "Project Licenses\nAttribution\nCopyleft\nOther\nNo license found\n",
  def test_can_overwrite_existing_report_file_with_force_flag(self):
    # Edith creates a report and then intentionally overwrites it
    # with a second call to save to the same path
    reportPath = self.reportDir.path + "/report.xlsx"
    result = runcmd(self, slm.cli, "frotz", "--subproject", "frotz-nuclear",
      "create-report", "--scan_id", "1", "--report_format", "xlsx",
      "--report_path", reportPath)
    result = runcmd(self, slm.cli, "frotz", "--subproject", "frotz-nuclear",
      "create-report", "--scan_id", "1", "--report_format", "xlsx",
      "--report_path", reportPath, "-f")

    # The output message tells her it succeeded
    self.assertEqual(0, result.exit_code)
    self.assertEqual(f"Report successfully created at {reportPath}.\n", result.output)
  def test_cannot_overwrite_existing_report_file(self):
    # Edith creates a report and then accidentally tries to overwrite it
    # with a second call to save to the same path
    reportPath = self.reportDir.path + "/report.xlsx"
    result = runcmd(self, slm.cli, "frotz", "--subproject", "frotz-nuclear",
      "create-report", "--scan_id", "1", "--report_format", "xlsx",
      "--report_path", reportPath)
    result = runcmd(self, slm.cli, "frotz", "--subproject", "frotz-nuclear",
      "create-report", "--scan_id", "1", "--report_format", "xlsx",
      "--report_path", reportPath)

    # It fails and explains why
    self.assertEqual(1, result.exit_code)
    self.assertEqual(f"File already exists at {reportPath} (use -f to force overwrite)\n", result.output)
    def test_can_create_and_retrieve_a_category(self):
        # Edith is creating a new category of licenses with Advertising Clauses
        result = runcmd(self, slm.cli, "frotz", "add-category",
                        "Advertising Clauses")

        # It works correctly and lets her know
        self.assertEqual(0, result.exit_code)
        self.assertEqual("Created category: Advertising Clauses\n",

        # She checks the list of categories to make sure, and there it is
        result = runcmd(self, slm.cli, "frotz", "list-categories")
        self.assertEqual(0, result.exit_code)
        self.assertIn("Advertising Clauses", result.output)
Exemple #20
    def test_can_retrieve_spdx_files_and_move_to_subproject_folder(self):
        # Edith has set things correctly and asks SLM to retrieve, rename and move
        # the SPDX files for March 2018
        result = runcmd(self, slm.cli, "frotz", "set-config",
                        "spdx-search-dir", self.spdxSearchDir.path)
        self.assertEqual(0, result.exit_code)

        result = runcmd(self, slm.cli, "frotz", "retrieve-spdx", "--month",

        # It works and lets her know
        self.assertEqual(0, result.exit_code)
        newName = "frotz-dim-2018-03-21.spdx"
            f"Moved {SPDX_CORRECT_FILE} to frotz-dim (new name: {newName})\n",

        # She sees that the file is now present in the subproject's SPDX folder
        filePath = os.path.join(self.slmhome, "projects", "frotz",
                                "subprojects", "frotz-dim", "spdx", newName)

        # And she sees that the file's old name is not present in the subproject's
        # SPDX folder
        filePath = os.path.join(self.slmhome, "projects", "frotz",
                                "subprojects", "frotz-dim", "spdx",

        # And she sees that the other two SPDX files with non-matching names are
        # not present in the subproject's SPDX folder
        filePath = os.path.join(self.slmhome, "projects", "frotz",
                                "subprojects", "frotz-dim", "spdx",
        filePath = os.path.join(self.slmhome, "projects", "frotz",
                                "subprojects", "frotz-dim", "spdx",

        # And she sees that it has been removed from the source search folder
        filePath = os.path.join(self.spdxSearchDir.path, SPDX_CORRECT_FILE)

        # And she sees that the other two SPDX files with non-matching names are
        # still present in the source search folder
        filePath = os.path.join(self.spdxSearchDir.path, SPDX_NO_NAME)
        filePath = os.path.join(self.spdxSearchDir.path, SPDX_NO_DATE)
    def test_can_move_a_category_from_lower_to_higher(self):
        # Edith decides that she wants the project licenses category to show up
        # just before the attribution category. She edits the categories to
        # reorder them
        result = runcmd(self, slm.cli, "frotz", "edit-category",
                        "Project Licenses", "--sort-before", "Attribution")
        self.assertEqual(0, result.exit_code)

        # Category listing should be updated correctly now
        result = runcmd(self, slm.cli, "frotz", "list-categories")
        self.assertEqual(0, result.exit_code)
            "Copyleft\nProject Licenses\nAttribution\nOther\nNo license found\n",
Exemple #22
  def test_can_create_new_project_and_subproject(self):
    # Edith is starting to manage licenses for a new project called yozozzo.
    # She asks SLM to create a new project
    result = runcmd(self, slm.cli, None, "create-project", "yozozzo",
      '--desc="The YOZOZZO Project"')
    self.assertEqual(0, result.exit_code)

    # She confirms that the SLM top-level configuration file has been updated
    # and now refers to yozozzo
    checkForTextInFile(self, self.slmhome, "slmconfig.json", "yozozzo")

    # She also confirms that the appropriate subdirectory and database have
    # been created
    checkForDirectoryExists(self, self.slmhome, "projects/yozozzo")
    checkForFileExists(self, self.slmhome, "projects/yozozzo/yozozzo.db")

    # And she confirms that a "reports/" subdirectory has been created for this
    # project
    checkForDirectoryExists(self, self.slmhome, "projects/yozozzo/reports")

    # And she confirms that a "subprojects/" subdirectory has been created for this
    # project
    checkForDirectoryExists(self, self.slmhome, "projects/yozozzo/subprojects")

    # And she confirms that a "list" command now includes yozozzo in the list
    result = runcmd(self, slm.cli, None, "list")
    self.assertEqual(0, result.exit_code)
    self.assertEqual("frotz\ngnusto\nrezrov\nyozozzo\n", result.output)

    # Now, she wants to create its first subproject, yozozzo-duck
    result = runcmd(self, slm.cli, "yozozzo",
      "create-subproject", "yozozzo-duck",
      '--desc="Duck transformation spell"')
    self.assertEqual(0, result.exit_code)

    # She confirms that the appropriate subproject subdirectories have
    # been created
    checkForDirectoryExists(self, self.slmhome,

    # And she confirms that the appropriate subdirectories have been created
    # for this subproject
    checkForDirectoryExists(self, self.slmhome, "projects/yozozzo/subprojects/yozozzo-duck/spdx")
    checkForDirectoryExists(self, self.slmhome, "projects/yozozzo/subprojects/yozozzo-duck/reports")

    # And she confirms that a "list" command now includes yozozzo-duck
    result = runcmd(self, slm.cli, "yozozzo", "list")
    self.assertEqual(0, result.exit_code)
    self.assertEqual("yozozzo/yozozzo-duck\n", result.output)
 def test_can_list_categories(self):
     # Edith asks for a list of all current categories
     result = runcmd(self, slm.cli, "frotz", "list-categories")
     self.assertEqual(0, result.exit_code)
         "Project Licenses\nCopyleft\nAttribution\nOther\nNo license found\n",
    def test_can_add_and_retrieve_a_conversion(self):
        # Edith is creating a new conversion
        result = runcmd(self, slm.cli, "frotz", "add-conversion",
                        "BSD-Simplified", "BSD-2-Clause")

        # It works correctly and lets her know
        self.assertEqual(0, result.exit_code)
            "Created conversion: 'BSD-Simplified' => 'BSD-2-Clause'\n",

        # She retrieves the conversion to make sure, and there it is
        result = runcmd(self, slm.cli, "frotz", "get-conversion",
        self.assertEqual(0, result.exit_code)
        self.assertIn("BSD-2-Clause", result.output)
Exemple #25
    def test_can_get_status_from_baseline(self):
        # Edith wants to know the current status of scanning for Feb. 2018,
        # as a tabulated report
        result = runcmd(self, slm.cli, None, "status", "2018-02")

        # It works and creates a status report
        self.assertEqual(0, result.exit_code)
        lines = result.output.splitlines()

        # There should be seven lines total: two for month header and blank line,
        # two for headers and header line, and one for each of three subprojects
        self.assertEqual(len(lines), 7)

        # The status report starts with the current month
        self.assertTrue(lines[0].startswith("Month: 2018-02"))

        # Project name should be repeated for each subproject. Subprojects should
        # be in alphabetical order
        sp_dim = lines[4].split()
        sp_nuclear = lines[5].split()
        sp_shiny = lines[6].split()
        self.assertEqual(sp_dim[0], "frotz")
        self.assertEqual(sp_dim[1], "frotz-dim")
        self.assertEqual(sp_nuclear[0], "frotz")
        self.assertEqual(sp_nuclear[1], "frotz-nuclear")
        self.assertEqual(sp_shiny[0], "frotz")
        self.assertEqual(sp_shiny[1], "frotz-shiny")

        # An asterisk is used to mark entries. There should be an imported scan
        # for frotz-dim, but nothing else for any subproject
        self.assertEqual(lines[4].count("*"), 1)
        self.assertEqual(lines[5].count("*"), 0)
        self.assertEqual(lines[6].count("*"), 0)
  def test_cannot_list_results_without_scan_id(self):
    # Edith accidentally tries to list files and licenses for a scan but
    # forgets to provide a scan ID
    result = runcmd(self, slm.cli, "frotz", "list-scan-results")

    # It fails and explains why
    self.assertEqual(1, result.exit_code)
    self.assertEqual(f'Usage: slm list-scan-results --scan_id SCAN_ID\n\nError: "scan_id" not provided.\n', result.output)
Exemple #27
    def test_cannot_change_a_license_name_to_itself(self):
        # Edith accidentally tries to rename the MIT license to MIT
        result = runcmd(self, slm.cli, "frotz", "edit-license", "MIT",
                        "--new-name", "MIT")

        # It fails and explains why
        self.assertEqual(1, result.exit_code)
        self.assertEqual("Cannot rename 'MIT' to itself.\n", result.output)
Exemple #28
    def test_can_list_licenses_within_one_category(self):
        # Edith wants to list just the licenses in the Copyleft category
        result = runcmd(self, slm.cli, "frotz", "list-licenses",
                        "--in-category", "Copyleft")

        # they are sorted alphabetically
        self.assertEqual(0, result.exit_code)
        self.assertEqual("GPL-2.0-only\nGPL-2.0-or-later\n", result.output)
Exemple #29
  def test_cannot_create_new_project_with_duplicate_name(self):
    # Edith accidentally asks SLM to create a new project with an existing name
    result = runcmd(self, slm.cli, None,
      "create-project", "frotz", '--desc="oops"')

    # It doesn't work and tells her why
    self.assertEqual(1, result.exit_code)
    self.assertEqual(result.output, "Error: project frotz already exists\n")
Exemple #30
    def test_cannot_add_a_license_without_an_existing_category(self):
        # Edith accidentally tries to create a license with a non-existent category
        result = runcmd(self, slm.cli, 'frotz', 'add-license', 'CC0',
                        'Public Domain')

        # It fails and explains why
        self.assertEqual(1, result.exit_code)
        self.assertEqual(f"Category 'Public Domain' does not exist.\n",