Exemple #1
    def processAlgorithm(self, progress):
        # Do the stuff
        vector = self.getParameterValue(self.VECTOR)
        v = Processing.getObject(vector)
        scl = self.getParameterValue(self.SPEC_COL)
        ext = self.getParameterValue(self.EXTENT)
            ext = string.split(ext,",") # split 
        except AttributeError: # Extent was empty, raise error
            raise GeoAlgorithmExecutionException("Please set an extent for the generated raster")        
        cs  =  self.getParameterValue(self.GRAIN_SIZE)
        output = self.getOutputValue(self.GRID)

        # Create output layer
        xmin = float(ext[0])
        xmax = float(ext[1])
        ymin = float(ext[2])
        ymax = float(ext[3])
        gt = (xmin,cs,0.0,ymax,0.0,-cs)
        nodata = -9999
        cols = int( abs( (xmax-xmin)/gt[1] ) )
        rows = int( abs( (ymax-ymin)/gt[5] ) )
        fin_array = numpy.zeros((rows,cols)) # Create empty grid

        #if vector is a point do the following, else calculate for overlapping range sizes
        if v.geometryType() == QGis.Point:
            progress.setConsoleInfo("Using the point layers to calculate Species richness for resulting grid.")
            # Get the number of species
            noSpecies = func.getUniqueAttributeList( v, scl)
            progress.setConsoleInfo("Processing %s number of different species" % (str(len(noSpecies))) )

            ds = ogr.Open(vector)
            name = ds.GetLayer().GetName()
            proj = ds.GetLayer().GetSpatialRef()
            n = ds.GetLayer().GetFeatureCount()

            k = 1
            for spec in noSpecies:
                # Make a copy of the final_array
                work_array = numpy.zeros_like(fin_array)
                # Vector layer subsetting to the specific species
                layers = ds.ExecuteSQL("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE %s = '%s'" % (name, scl, spec) )
                progress.setConsoleInfo("Gridding %s individual points of species %s " % (str(layers.GetFeatureCount()), spec ))                
                func.updateProcessing(progress,k,n )
                for i in range(0,layers.GetFeatureCount()):
                    f = layers.GetFeature(i)
                    geom = f.GetGeometryRef()
                    mx,my= geom.GetX(), geom.GetY()  #coord in map units                
                    pp = func.world2Pixel(gt, mx,my)                
                    x = round(pp[0])
                    y = round(pp[1])

                    if x < 0 or y < 0 or x >= work_array.shape[1] or y >= work_array.shape[0]:
                        progress.setConsoleInfo("Point %s outside given exent" % (str( f.GetFID() )) )
                        # Check if species was already added to grid cell
                        test = work_array[y,x]
                        if test != 1:
                            work_array[y,x] = 1
                k += 1
                # Add the working arrays values to 
                fin_array = numpy.add(work_array,fin_array)

        elif v.geometryType() == QGis.Polygon:
            progress.setConsoleInfo("Using the range size polygons to calculate Species richness for resulting grid.")

            # rasterization        
        if numpy.count_nonzero(fin_array) == 0:
            ProcessingLog.addToLog(ProcessingLog.LOG_ERROR,"No values were rasterized. Check GeometryType and Vector Projection.")
        # Create output raster
        # And free up memory
Exemple #2
    def processAlgorithm(self, progress):
        # Get the location to the maxent jar file
        maxent = qsdm_settings.maxent()
        if os.path.basename(maxent) == 'maxent.jar':
            maxent = os.path.join(qsdm_settings.maxent(), 'maxent.jar') # If the directory and not the file was chosen
        # Get location of java, available memory and output path
        if sys.platform == "win32" or "win64":
            ex = "java.exe"
            ex = "java"
        java = os.path.join(qsdm_settings.javaPath(),ex) # the path to java if basic execution fails
        temp = qsdm_settings.getTEMP()+os.sep+"MAXENT" # folder where reprojected files and such are saved
        mem = str( qsdm_settings.getMEM() )     # available memory for MAXENT
        work = qsdm_settings.workPath()         # get the name of the folder to save the Maxent model results to        
        env_dir = self.getParameterValue(self.ENV_DIR)
        progress.setConsoleInfo("Starting Species Layer Preperation")
        # Check if temp folder exists, otherwise create it
        if os.path.exists(temp) == False:
        ## Species layer preperation
        # Get the species file to model. Take selected species column and coordinates
        point = self.getParameterValue(self.SPECIES)
        v = Processing.getObject(point)
        scl = self.getParameterValue(self.SPEC_COL) # get names of species from input file
        if v.source().find("type=csv") != -1 :
            raise GeoAlgorithmExecutionException("Species point layer should be saved as ESRI Shapefile")                 
            crs = v.crs()
            if crs.authid() != "EPSG:4326":
                progress.setConsoleInfo("Species localities not in WGS84, reprojecting...")
                # Reproject using ogr
                # Then open again as QgsVectorLayer
                out = temp+os.sep+"localities.shp"
                if (os.path.exists(out) and os.path.isfile(out)) == False:
                    raise GeoAlgorithmExecutionException("Species point layer data could not be reprojected to WGS84")                 
                fileInfo = QFileInfo(out)
                baseName = fileInfo.baseName()
                v = QgsVectorLayer(out, baseName, "ogr")
                if v.isValid() != True:
                    # If this didn't work, try to use the Processing way
                    v = Processing.getObject(out)
                    if v.isValid() != True:
                        # Otherwise return error
                        raise GeoAlgorithmExecutionException("No valid layer could be loaded from the reprojection.") 
            # Get Coordinates from point layer and add the species name
            coord = func.point2table(v,scl)
            if coord is None:
                raise GeoAlgorithmExecutionException("Species point layer data could not be extracted") 
            # Convert coordinates and species name to csv, save in temporary Folder
            # Get Systemwide temporary folder to save the species csv
            speciesPath = temp + os.sep +"species.csv" 
            species = func.saveToCSV(coord,("Species","Long","Lat"),speciesPath)
            specieslist = func.getUniqueAttributeList( v, scl, True)
        progress.setConsoleInfo("Species data successfully prepared for MAXENT")
        ## Maxent execution
        # Try if JAVA can be executed like this, otherwise take the binary from the given path
            from subprocess import DEVNULL # python 3k
        except ImportError:
            DEVNULL = open(os.devnull, 'wb')
        proc = subprocess.call(['java', '-version'],stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
        if proc == 0:
            start = "java -mx" + str(int(mem)) + "m -jar "
            progress.setConsoleInfo("JAVA could not be run by default. Using link to binary from set JAVA folder.")
            start = java + " -mx" + str(int(mem)) + "m -jar "

        # if Windows, encapsule jar file in "
        if platform.system() == "Windows":
            start += "\"" + maxent + "\""
            start += maxent
        myCommand = start + " samplesfile=" + speciesPath 
        myCommand += " environmentallayers=" + env_dir 

        myCommand += " outputdirectory=" + work
        # finish the command
        myCommand += " redoifexists" 
        # add a message
        progress.setConsoleInfo("#### Attempting to start MAXENT ####")

        # execute the command
        loglines = []
        loglines.append('MAXENT execution console output')
#        result = os.system(myCommand)
        proc = subprocess.Popen(
        for line in iter(proc.readline, ''):
        ProcessingLog.addToLog(ProcessingLog.LOG_INFO, loglines) # Print all loglines if delivered from MAXENT
        err = False
        for line in loglines:
            if line.find("Error") != -1:
                err = True
        if err:
            ProcessingLog.addToLog(ProcessingLog.LOG_ERROR,"MAXENT calculations did not succed! Check the Processing Info output for possible error sources.")
            print "Used command:" + myCommand
            ProcessingLog.addToLog(ProcessingLog.LOG_INFO,"MAXENT modelling finished.")

            # Finished, Load all resulting layers in QGIS if successfully run
            # In order to be compatible with processing copy or link them to the Processing output folder        
            #out_r = self.getOutputValue(self.OUT_PRED)
            #out_t = self.getOutputValue(self.OUT_PRED_RES)
            p = work + os.sep + "maxentResults.csv"

            #load in only generated Prediction
            for species in specieslist:
                t = species.replace(" ","_")
                p = work + os.sep + t + ".asc"
Exemple #3
    def processAlgorithm(self, progress):
        # Do the stuff
        vector = self.getParameterValue(self.VECTOR)
        v = Processing.getObject(vector)

        scl = self.getParameterValue(self.SPEC_COL)
        what = self.m[self.getParameterValue(self.METHOD)]
        ext = self.getParameterValue(self.EXTENT)
            ext = string.split(ext,",") # split 
        except AttributeError: # Extent was empty, raise error
            raise GeoAlgorithmExecutionException("Please set an extent for the generated raster")        
        cs  =  self.getParameterValue(self.GRAIN_SIZE)
        output = self.getOutputValue(self.GRID)
        # Create output layer
        xmin = float(ext[0])
        xmax = float(ext[1])
        ymin = float(ext[2])
        ymax = float(ext[3])
        gt = (xmin,cs,0.0,ymax,0.0,-cs)
        nodata = -9999
        cols = int( abs( (xmax-xmin)/gt[1] ) )
        rows = int( abs( (ymax-ymin)/gt[5] ) )
            fin_array = numpy.zeros((rows,cols)) # Create empty grid
        except MemoryError:
            raise GeoAlgorithmExecutionException("MemoryError: Resolution is too fine. Please choose a higher value.")        
        #if vector is a point do the following, else calculate for overlapping range sizes
        if v.geometryType() == QGis.Point:
            progress.setConsoleInfo("Using the point layers to calculate %s for resulting grid." % (what))
            #  Make the Array one line bigger to capute points not entirely inside the array
            heightFP,widthFP = fin_array.shape #define hight and width of input matrix
            withBorders = numpy.zeros((heightFP+(2*1),widthFP+(2*1)))*0 # set the border to borderValue
            withBorders[1:heightFP+1,1:widthFP+1]=fin_array # set the interior region to the input matrix
            fin_array = withBorders
            rows, cols = fin_array.shape
            # Get the number of species
            noSpecies = func.getUniqueAttributeList( v, scl)
            progress.setConsoleInfo("Processing %s number of different species" % (str(len(noSpecies))) )

            ds = ogr.Open(vector)
            name = ds.GetLayer().GetName()
            proj = ds.GetLayer().GetSpatialRef()
            proj = proj.ExportToWkt()
            n = ds.GetLayer().GetFeatureCount()

            arrayDict = dict()
            k = 1
            for spec in noSpecies:
                # Make a copy of the final_array                
                work_array = numpy.zeros_like(fin_array)
                # Vector layer subsetting to the specific species
                v_id = []
                # Iter through subset of species
                request= QgsFeatureRequest()
                request.setFilterExpression( scl + " = " + "'" +  spec + "'" )
                iter = v.getFeatures( request ) 
                # Set the selection
                for feature in iter:
                    v_id.append( feature.id() )
                    geom = feature.geometry().asPoint()
                    mx = geom.x()
                    my = geom.y()

                    pp = func.world2Pixel(gt, mx,my)
                    x = round(pp[0])
                    y = round(pp[1])
                    if x < 0 or y < 0 or x >= work_array.shape[1] or y >= work_array.shape[0]:
                        progress.setConsoleInfo("Point %s outside given exent" % (str( f.GetFID() )) )
                        #set grid cell to 1
                        work_array[y,x] = 1
                arrayDict[spec] = work_array # Save the working array in the dictionary
                k += 1

            if what == 'Species Richness':
            #SR = K (the total number of species in a grid cell)                     
                for spec_ar in arrayDict.itervalues():
                    fin_array =  fin_array + spec_ar  # Simply add up the values

            elif what == 'Weighted Endemism':
            #   WE = ∑ 1/C (C is the number of grid cells each endemic occurs in)                 
                for spec_ar in arrayDict.itervalues():
                    # Construct vector of total number of cells each species is found                    
                    ncell = func.count_nonzero(spec_ar) 
                    work = spec_ar.astype(float)
                    out = numpy.divide(work, ncell)       # Now divide all cells by the number 
                    fin_array =  fin_array + out   # Simply add up the values

            elif what == 'Corrected Weighted Endemism':            
            #   CWE = WE/K (K is the total number of species in a grid cell) 
                nspec = numpy.zeros_like(fin_array).astype(float)
                for spec_ar in arrayDict.itervalues():
                    # Construct vector of total number of cells each species is found                  
                    ncell = func.count_nonzero(spec_ar) 
                    work = spec_ar.astype(float)
                    out = numpy.divide(work, ncell)       # Now divide all cells by the number 
                    fin_array =  fin_array + out   # Simply add up the values to calculate the WE
                    nspec =  nspec + spec_ar  # Simply add up the values for species richness
                fin_array = numpy.divide(fin_array,nspec) # Now divide through number of species

        elif v.geometryType() == QGis.Polygon:                    
            progress.setConsoleInfo("Using the range size polygons to calculate %s for resulting grid." % (what))
            noSpecies = func.getUniqueAttributeList( v, scl)
            progress.setConsoleInfo("Processing %s number of different species" % (str(len(noSpecies))) )
            ds = ogr.Open(vector)
            name = ds.GetLayer().GetName()
            proj = ds.GetLayer().GetSpatialRef().ExportToWkt()
            n = ds.GetLayer().GetFeatureCount()
            k = 1
            for spec in noSpecies:
                work_array = numpy.zeros_like(fin_array)                
                layers = ds.ExecuteSQL("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE %s = '%s'" % (name, scl, spec) )
                progress.setConsoleInfo("Gridding range of species %s " % (spec ))
                if  str(layers.GetFeatureCount()) == 0:
                    raise GeoAlgorithmExecutionException("Species could not be queried from the point layer.")                        
                work2 = numpy.copy(work_array) # temporary working array
                for i in range(0,layers.GetFeatureCount()):
                    f = layers.GetFeature(i)
                    geom = f.GetGeometryRef()
                    res = self.clipArray(layers,gt,geom,work_array)
                    work2 = work2 + res
                    if res == None:
                        raise GeoAlgorithmExecutionException("Feature %s of species %s could not be rasterized. Possibly because it is a multipolygon. Split data beforehand." % (str(i),spec) )                        
                work_array = work2 # Set back                            
                if err != 0:
                    raise GeoAlgorithmExecutionException("Features of species %s could not be rasterized." % (spec) )                        
                # Get Array
                if work_array.shape != fin_array.shape:
                    raise GeoAlgorithmExecutionException("Rasterized grids could not be merged together." )                        
                if what == 'Species Richness':
                    fin_array = fin_array + work_array # Simply add up the values
                elif what == 'Weighted Endemism':
                # Weighted Endemism (WE), which is the sum of the reciprocal of the total number of cells each 
                # species in a grid cell is found in. A WE emphasizes areas that have a high proportion of animals 
                # with restricted ranges. 
                #   WE = ∑ 1/C (C is the number of grid cells each endemic occurs in) 
                    ncell = func.count_nonzero(work_array)

                elif what == 'Corrected Weighted Endemism':            
                #Corrected Weighted Endemism (CWE). The corrected weighted endemism is simply the 
                # weighted endemism divided by the total number of species in a cell (Crisp 2001). A CWE 
                # emphasizes areas that have a high proportion of animals with restricted ranges, but are not 
                # necessarily areas that are species rich.  
                #   CWE = WE/K (K is the total number of species in a grid cell) 
        if func.count_nonzero(fin_array) == 0:
            ProcessingLog.addToLog(ProcessingLog.LOG_ERROR,"No values were rasterized. Check GeometryType and Vector Projection.")
        # Create output raster
Exemple #4
    def processAlgorithm(self, progress):
        ## Parameter preperation ##
        # Get the location to the maxent jar file
        maxent = qsdm_settings.maxent()
        if os.path.basename(maxent) == 'maxent.jar':
            maxent = os.path.join(qsdm_settings.maxent(), 'maxent.jar') # If the directory and not the file was chosen
        # Get location of java, available memory and output path
        if sys.platform == "win32" or "win64":
            ex = "java.exe"
            ex = "java"
        java = os.path.join(qsdm_settings.javaPath(),ex) # the path to java if basic execution fails
        mem = str( qsdm_settings.getMEM() )     # available memory for MAXENT
        work = qsdm_settings.workPath()         # get the name of the folder to save the Maxent model results to
        temp = qsdm_settings.getTEMP()+os.sep+"MAXENT" # folder where reprojected files and such are saved
        progress.setConsoleInfo("Starting Parameter and File Preperation")
        # Check if temp folder exists, otherwise create it
        if os.path.exists(temp) == False:
        # Get optional parameters
        param = self.getParameterValue(self.PARAM) 
        o = Processing.getObject(param)        
        if type(o)==QgsVectorLayer and o.isValid() and os.path.splitext(o.source())[1]==".csv":
            progress.setConsoleInfo("Using optional parameter file for MAXENT")

            param = dict()
            # Format Parameters to dictionary
            dp = o.dataProvider()
            for feat in dp.getFeatures():
                geom = feat.geometry()
                com = feat["command"]
                val = feat["value"]
                param[com] = val
            # and make maxent invisible to the modeller
            param["visible"] = False
            progress.setConsoleInfo("No valid optional Parameter file detected")
            # Use default parameters
            param = dict()
            # per default write a separate maxent results file for each species
            param["perspeciesresults"] = False            
            # and make maxent invisible to the modeller
            param["visible"] = False
        # Progress updater:
        n = len(self.getParameterValue(self.ENV).split(";"))+5
        func.updateProcessing(progress,1,n,"Loaded Parameters.")

        ## Species layer
        # Get the species file to model. Take selected species column and coordinates
        point = self.getParameterValue(self.SPECIES)
        v = Processing.getObject(point)
        crs = v.crs()
        if crs.authid() != "EPSG:4326":
            progress.setConsoleInfo("Species localities not in WGS84, reprojecting...")
            # Reproject using ogr
            # Then open again as QgsVectorLayer
            out = temp+os.sep+"localities.shp"
            if (os.path.exists(out) and os.path.isfile(out)) == False:
                raise GeoAlgorithmExecutionException("Species point layer data could not be reprojected to WGS84")                 
            fileInfo = QFileInfo(out)
            baseName = fileInfo.baseName()
            v = QgsVectorLayer(out, baseName, "ogr")
            if v.isValid() != True:
                # If this didn't work, try to use the Processing way
                v = Processing.getObject(out)
                if v.isValid() != True:
                    # Otherwise return error
                    raise GeoAlgorithmExecutionException("No valid layer could be loaded from the reprojection.") 
        # get names of species from input file
        scl = self.getParameterValue(self.SPEC_COL)                    
        # Get Coordinates from point layer and add the species name
        coord = func.point2table(v,scl)
        if coord is None:
            raise GeoAlgorithmExecutionException("Species point layer data could not be extracted") 

        # Convert coordinates and species name to csv, save in temporary Folder
        # Get Systemwide temporary folder to save the species csv
        speciesPath = temp + os.sep +"species.csv" 
        species = func.saveToCSV(coord,("Species","Long","Lat"),speciesPath)
        specieslist = func.getUniqueAttributeList( v, scl,True)
        progress.setConsoleInfo("Species data successfully prepared for MAXENT")
        func.updateProcessing(progress,2,n,"Loaded Species data.")
        ## Environmental Layers
        # get the selected environmental layers and prepare them for MAXENT 
        progress.setConsoleInfo("Starting preparing the environmental layers")
        envlayers = self.getParameterValue(self.ENV)        
        env = dict()  
        layers = []
        # Project to WGS84 if necessary
        for lay in envlayers.split(";"):
            r = Processing.getObject(lay) # QgsRasterLayer object
            name = str( r.name() )
            crs = r.crs()
            if crs.authid() != "EPSG:4326":
                # Reproject layer
                progress.setConsoleInfo("Originial Layer %s not in WGS84, reprojecting..." % (name))
                r = func.reprojectRasterLatLong(r,temp,True)                
                if r == False or r.isValid()==False :
                    ProcessingLog.addToLog(ProcessingLog.LOG_ERROR,"Projecting "+name+" to WGS84 failed!")
            layers.append( r.source() )            
        if len(layers) == 0:
            raise GeoAlgorithmExecutionException("Environmental Layers could not be reprojected!") 
            func.updateProcessing(progress,3,n,"Reprojection finished.")

        # Check the extent of all those layers and unify if necessary
        # Check if necessary -> Do the raster layer have differing extents
        uni = []
        app = False # Which approach should be used?
        if len(layers) > 1 and func.unificationNecessary(layers):
            progress.setConsoleInfo("Input layers have different extents, intersecting...")

            # The credits of the following approach go to Yury Ryabov - http://ssrebelious.blogspot.com
            if app == False:
                # get coordinates of corners for the final raster
                fin_coordinates = func.finCoordinates(layers)
                r = gdal.Open(str( layers[0] ) )
                main_geo_transform = r.GetGeoTransform() 
                proj = r.GetProjection()
                no_data = r.GetRasterBand(1).GetNoDataValue()
                if not no_data:
                    no_data = -9999
                for lay in layers:
                    raster = gdal.Open(str(lay))
                    name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(lay))[0]
                    out = temp + os.sep + name + 'warp.tif'                
                    result = func.ExtendRaster(raster, fin_coordinates, out, main_geo_transform, proj, no_data)
                    if result:
                        raster = None
                        if os.path.exists(out):
                            # Add output to uni
                            raise GeoAlgorithmExecutionException("Unified layer could not be saved.") 
                        raise GeoAlgorithmExecutionException("Layers could not be unified. Please set do this manually.") 
                # FIXME: Faster Approach down below. Currently not yet working
                # 1. Build largest extent and geotransform 
                # big_coord has left, top, right, bottom of dataset's bounds in geospatial coordinates.
                fin_coordinates,  main_geo_transform, interp = func.CreateMainGeotransform(layers) # get coordinates and geotransform of corners for the final raster                      
                # set number of columns and rows for raster
                main_cols = (fin_coordinates[2] - fin_coordinates[0]) / abs(main_geo_transform[1])  
                main_rows = (fin_coordinates[3] - fin_coordinates[1]) / abs(main_geo_transform[5])
                progress.setConsoleInfo("Creating new raster based on greatest extent with %s columns and %s rows" % (str(main_cols),str(main_rows)))
                #FIXME: Check coordinates
                big_coord = [main_geo_transform[0], main_geo_transform[3], main_geo_transform[0] + (main_geo_transform[1] * main_rows), main_geo_transform[3] + (main_geo_transform[5] * main_cols)]
                # 2. Loop through rasters and Intersect them export the biggest 
                for lay in layers:
                    name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(lay))[0]
                    r = gdal.Open(str( lay ) )
                    src_p = r.GetProjection()
                    if interp:
                        # Interpolate to biggest cellsize
                        progress.setConsoleInfo("Resolution of Environmental Layers is different. Bilinear interpolation to the coarsest cellsize = xy(%s,%s)" % (abs(main_geo_transform[1]),abs(main_geo_transform[5])))
                        #FIXME: Maybe interpolate to nearest neighbor if categorical
                        r = func.gridInterpolation(r,temp,main_geo_transform,main_cols,main_rows,src_p, 'Bilinear',False)
                    wide = abs( r.RasterXSize )
                    high = abs( r.RasterYSize )
                    geotransform = r.GetGeoTransform()
                    nodata = r.GetRasterBand(1).GetNoDataValue() # should be -9999 if projected correctly
                    if nodata == None:
                        nodata = -9999                
                    # target has left, top, right, bottom of dataset's bounds in geospatial coordinates.
                    target = [geotransform[0], geotransform[3], geotransform[0] + (geotransform[1] * wide), geotransform[3] + (geotransform[5] * high)]
                    intersection = [max(big_coord[0], target[0]), min(big_coord[1], target[1]), min(big_coord[2], target[2]), max(big_coord[3], target[3])]
                    # Convert to pixels
                    p1 = func.world2Pixel(geotransform,intersection[0],intersection[1])
                    p2 = func.world2Pixel(geotransform,intersection[2],intersection[3])
                    band = r.GetRasterBand(1)            
                    result = band.ReadAsArray(p1[0], p1[1], p2[0] - p1[0], p2[1] - p1[1], p2[0] - p1[0], p2[1] - p1[1])
                    # Write to new raster
                    output = temp + os.sep + name + 'warp.tif'                
                    if os.path.exists(output):
                        # Add output to uni
                        raise GeoAlgorithmExecutionException("Environmental Layers could not be prepared for MAXENT") 
                        return None
            uni = layers
        if len(uni) == 0 or len(uni) != len(layers):
            raise GeoAlgorithmExecutionException("Environmental Layers with unified extent could not be generated!") 
            progress.setConsoleInfo("Environmental Layer successfully unified.")
            func.updateProcessing(progress,5,n,"Unified environmental Layers.")
        # Format to asc if necessary
        for lay in uni:
            r = Processing.getObject(lay) # QgsRasterLayer object
            name = os.path.basename(str( r.name() ))
            out = temp + os.sep + name + '.asc'
            progress.setConsoleInfo("Convert environmental layers to ESRI ASC format...")
            # Format to asc
            proc = func.raster2ASC(r,out)
            if proc and os.path.isfile(out):
                env[name] = out
                ProcessingLog.addToLog(ProcessingLog.LOG_ERROR,"Converting/Projecting "+name+" to ESRI asc format failed!")
        func.updateProcessing(progress,6,n,"Formated to ASC.")
        # Check if anything is in env, worked
        if len(env) == 0:
            raise GeoAlgorithmExecutionException("Environmental Layers could not be prepared for MAXENT")
        # Check if the number of the original selected layers is equal to 
        if len(envlayers.split(";")) != len(env):
            ProcessingLog.addToLog(ProcessingLog.LOG_ERROR,"Successfully prepared environmental layers "+str( env.keys() ) )
            raise GeoAlgorithmExecutionException("Not all environmental Layers could be prepared for MAXENT. Check Processing Log.") 
        # Test if species csv exists
        if os.path.exists(speciesPath) == False:
            raise GeoAlgorithmExecutionException("Species point layer could not be prepared for MAXENT") 
        ## create the maxent command
        progress.setConsoleInfo("All fine so far. Attempting to build MAXENT execution command...")

        # Try if JAVA can be executed like this, otherwise take the binary from the given path
            from subprocess import DEVNULL # python 3k
        except ImportError:
            DEVNULL = open(os.devnull, 'wb')
        proc = subprocess.call(['java', '-version'],stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
        if proc == 0:
            start = "java -mx" + str(int(mem)) + "m -jar "
            progress.setConsoleInfo("JAVA could not be run by default. Using link to binary from set JAVA folder.")
            start = java + " -mx" + str(int(mem)) + "m -jar "

        # if Windows, encapsule jar file in "
        if platform.system() == "Windows":
            start += "\"" + maxent + "\""
            start += maxent
        myCommand = start + " samplesfile=" + speciesPath 
        myCommand += " environmentallayers=" + temp 
        # Toggle all selected Layers
        myCommand += " togglelayertype=" 
        for i in range(0,len(env.keys())):
            myCommand += os.path.splitext( env.keys()[i] )[0]
            if i is not len(env.keys())-1:
                myCommand += ","

        myCommand += " outputdirectory=" + work
        # Parse parameters into command
        for option in param.iteritems():
            myCommand += " " + option[0] + "=" + str( option[1] ).lower()
        # finish the command
        myCommand += " redoifexists autorun" 
        # add a message
        progress.setConsoleInfo("#### Attempting to start MAXENT ####")

        # execute the command
        loglines = []
        loglines.append('MAXENT execution console output')
#        result = os.system(myCommand)
        proc = subprocess.Popen(
        for line in iter(proc.readline, ''):
        ProcessingLog.addToLog(ProcessingLog.LOG_INFO, loglines) # Print all loglines if delivered from MAXENT
        err = False
        for line in loglines:
            if line.find("Error") != -1:
                err = True
        if err:
            ProcessingLog.addToLog(ProcessingLog.LOG_ERROR,"MAXENT calculations did not succed! Check the Processing Info output for possible error sources.")
            print "Used command:" + myCommand
            ProcessingLog.addToLog(ProcessingLog.LOG_INFO,"MAXENT modelling finished.")

            # Finished, Load all resulting layers in QGIS if successfully run
            # In order to be compatible with processing copy or link them to the Processing output folder        
            #out_r = self.getOutputValue(self.OUT_PRED)
            #out_t = self.getOutputValue(self.OUT_PRED_RES)
            p = work + os.sep + "maxentResults.csv"

            #load in only generated Prediction
            for species in specieslist:
                t = species.replace(" ","_")
                p = work + os.sep + t + ".asc"
            ## Styling and grouping 
            # Freeze the canvas
            canvas = QgsMapCanvas()
            #Add a new group and all new layers to it
            groups = iface.legendInterface().groups() 
            if ('MAXENT' in groups ) == False:
                idx = iface.legendInterface().addGroup( "MAXENT" )
                groups = iface.legendInterface().groups() 
            layerMap = QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().mapLayers()
            for lyr in layerMap.itervalues():                
                if lyr.name() in specieslist:
                    # Move them to the maxent group
                    iface.legendInterface().moveLayer( lyr, groups.index("MAXENT") )                
                    # Style the output
                    # The band of classLayer
                    classLyrBnd = 1
                    # Color list for ramp
                    clrLst = [  QgsColorRampShader.ColorRampItem(0, QColor(224,224,224),"0"),      # Grey
                                QgsColorRampShader.ColorRampItem(0.01, QColor(0,0,153),"> 0.01"),    # darkblue
                                QgsColorRampShader.ColorRampItem(0.2, QColor(153,204,255),"0.2"),  # lightblue                   
                                QgsColorRampShader.ColorRampItem(0.35,QColor(153,255,153),"0.35"), # lightgreen
                                QgsColorRampShader.ColorRampItem(0.5, QColor(0,153,0),"0.5"),      # green
                                QgsColorRampShader.ColorRampItem(0.65, QColor(255,255,0),"0.65"),  # yellow
                                QgsColorRampShader.ColorRampItem(0.75, QColor(255,128,0),"0.75"),  # orange
                                QgsColorRampShader.ColorRampItem(0.85, QColor(255,0,0),">0.85") ]  # red
                    #Create the shader
                    lyrShdr = QgsRasterShader()
                    #Create the color ramp function
                    clrFnctn = QgsColorRampShader()
                    #Set the raster shader function
                    #Create the renderer
                    lyrRndr = QgsSingleBandPseudoColorRenderer(lyr.dataProvider(), classLyrBnd, lyrShdr)
                    #Apply the renderer to classLayer
                    #refresh legend
                    if hasattr(lyr, "setCacheImage"):

            #Finally move the Maxent results to the group as well
            lyr = func.getLayerByName( "MaxentResults" )
            iface.legendInterface().moveLayer( lyr, groups.index("MAXENT") )                
Exemple #5
    def processAlgorithm(self, progress):
        # Do the stuff
        vector = self.getParameterValue(self.VECTOR)
        v = Processing.getObject(vector)
        scl = self.getParameterValue(self.SPEC_COL)
        ext = self.getParameterValue(self.EXTENT)
            ext = string.split(ext, ",")  # split
        except AttributeError:  # Extent was empty, raise error
            raise GeoAlgorithmExecutionException(
                "Please set an extent for the generated raster")
        cs = self.getParameterValue(self.GRAIN_SIZE)
        output = self.getOutputValue(self.GRID)

        # Create output layer
        xmin = float(ext[0])
        xmax = float(ext[1])
        ymin = float(ext[2])
        ymax = float(ext[3])
        gt = (xmin, cs, 0.0, ymax, 0.0, -cs)
        nodata = -9999

        cols = int(abs((xmax - xmin) / gt[1]))
        rows = int(abs((ymax - ymin) / gt[5]))
        fin_array = numpy.zeros((rows, cols))  # Create empty grid

        #if vector is a point do the following, else calculate for overlapping range sizes
        if v.geometryType() == QGis.Point:
                "Using the point layers to calculate Species richness for resulting grid."
            # Get the number of species
            noSpecies = func.getUniqueAttributeList(v, scl)
                "Processing %s number of different species" %

            ds = ogr.Open(vector)
            name = ds.GetLayer().GetName()
            proj = ds.GetLayer().GetSpatialRef()
            n = ds.GetLayer().GetFeatureCount()

            k = 1
            for spec in noSpecies:
                # Make a copy of the final_array
                work_array = numpy.zeros_like(fin_array)
                # Vector layer subsetting to the specific species
                layers = ds.ExecuteSQL("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE %s = '%s'" %
                                       (name, scl, spec))
                    "Gridding %s individual points of species %s " %
                    (str(layers.GetFeatureCount()), spec))
                func.updateProcessing(progress, k, n)
                for i in range(0, layers.GetFeatureCount()):
                    f = layers.GetFeature(i)
                    geom = f.GetGeometryRef()
                    mx, my = geom.GetX(), geom.GetY()  #coord in map units
                    pp = func.world2Pixel(gt, mx, my)
                    x = round(pp[0])
                    y = round(pp[1])

                    if x < 0 or y < 0 or x >= work_array.shape[
                            1] or y >= work_array.shape[0]:
                            "Point %s outside given exent" % (str(f.GetFID())))
                        # Check if species was already added to grid cell
                        test = work_array[y, x]
                        if test != 1:
                            work_array[y, x] = 1
                k += 1
                # Add the working arrays values to
                fin_array = numpy.add(work_array, fin_array)

        elif v.geometryType() == QGis.Polygon:
                "Using the range size polygons to calculate Species richness for resulting grid."

            # rasterization
        if numpy.count_nonzero(fin_array) == 0:
                "No values were rasterized. Check GeometryType and Vector Projection."

        # Create output raster
        func.createRaster(output, cols, rows, fin_array, nodata, gt, proj,
        # And free up memory
        del (ds, layers)