Exemple #1
plt.figure(figsize=(14, 14))
sns.heatmap(corr, annot=True)
plt.ylim(corr.shape[1], 0)

from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(data[column_names[1:9]],
model = svm.SVC(C=0.1, kernel='poly', degree=1, gamma='scale')
model.fit(X_train, y_train)
prediction = model.predict(X_test)
print('accuracy:', metrics.accuracy_score(prediction, y_test))

mtrx = confusion_matrix(y_test, prediction)
endtime = datetime.datetime.now()
print(endtime - starttime)

# we can make a pretty visualizxation
xs = data.loc[:, 'Uniformity of Cell Size']
ys = data.loc[:, 'Uniformity of Cell Shape']
from b import perceptron
(w, b) = perceptron(xs, ys)

from helperfunctions import visboundary
visboundary(w, b, xs, ys)
def test():
    def perceptron(xs, ys):
        function w=perceptron(xs,ys);

        Implementation of a Perceptron classifier
        xs : n input vectors of d dimensions (nxd)
        ys : n labels (-1 or +1)

        w : weight vector (1xd)
        b : bias term

        assert (
            len(xs.shape) == 2
        ), "The first input to Perceptron must be a _matrix_ of row input vecdtors."
        assert (
            len(ys.shape) == 1
        ), "The second input to Perceptron must be a _vector_ of n labels (try ys.flatten())."

        n, d = xs.shape  # so we have n input vectors, of d dimensions each

        ## fill in code ...
        w = [0] * d
        b = [0]

        for i in range(n):
            if ys[i] * (sum(w * xs[i] + b)) <= 0:
                w += ys[i] * xs[i]
                b += ys[i]
        #        if ys[i] * (sum(w*xs[i]+b[i])) <= 0:
        #            w += ys[i]*xs[i]
        #            b[i] += ys[i]

        #b = np.sign(b)
        ## ... until here
        print("updated w is ", w)
        print("b is ", b)
        return (w, b)

    # </GRADED>

    # number of input vectors
    N = 100

    # generate random (linarly separable) data
    xs = np.random.rand(N, 2) * 10 - 5

    # defining random hyperplane
    w0 = np.random.rand(2)
    b0 = rand() * 2 - 1

    # assigning labels +1, -1 labels depending on what side of the plane they lie on
    ys = np.sign(xs.dot(w0) + b0)

    #print("xs is ", xs)
    #print("w0 is ", w0)
    #print("b0 is ", b0)
    #print("ys is ", ys)

    # call perceptron to find w from data
    w, b = perceptron(xs.copy(), ys.copy())

    # test if all points are classified correctly
    print("whether converge? ", all(np.sign(ys * (xs.dot(w) + b)) == 1.0))
    assert (all(np.sign(ys * (xs.dot(w) + b)) == 1.0)
            )  # yw'x should be +1.0 for every input
    print("Looks like you passed the Perceptron test! :o)")

    # we can make a pretty visualizxation
    from helperfunctions import visboundary
    visboundary(w, b, xs, ys)