def testNoAccessRole(self): self.testname="TestNoAccessRole" self.setup() util = WebdriverUtilities() util.setDriver(self.driver) element = Elements() do = Helpers(self) do.setUtils(util) do.login() email = config.reader1 reader = config.reader2 password = config.same_password title = "Auto_Private_" + do.getTimeId() + str(do.getRandomNumber()) do.createObject("Program", title, "checked") do.verifyObjectIsCreatedinLHN("Program", title) do.assertEqual(1, do.countOfAnyObjectLHS("Program"), "Expect count to be 1 but don't see it.") # now log out and then log in with the new account and try to create a program do.selectMenuInTopRight("Logout") # Refresh the page do.refresh() # Log in with new user do.login(reader, password) print "Log in as : " + do.whoAmI() do.uncheckMyWorkBox() try: do.verifyObjectIsCreatedinLHN("Program", title) except: do.assertEqual(0, do.countOfAnyObjectLHS("Program"), "Expect count to be 0 but don't see it.") print "Good...private program should not be visible to reader role unless permitted."
def testFourLevelsMapping(self): self.testname="TestFourLevelsMapping" self.setup() util = WebdriverUtilities() util.setDriver(self.driver) element = Elements() do = Helpers(self) do.setUtils(util) do.login() # mapping and un-mapping up to 3 levels: # Program->Regulation->Section->Object titlePol = do.getUniqueString("policy") titlePrgm = do.getUniqueString("program") titleSec = do.getUniqueString("section") titleMkt = do.getUniqueString("policy") do.createObject("Policy", titlePol) do.createObject("Program", titlePrgm) do.mapAObjectWidget("Policy", titlePol) do.createObject("Market", titleMkt) do.createObject("Section", titleSec) do.mapAObjectWidget("Market", titleMkt) do.mapAObjectWidget("Section", titleSec)
def testMapRegulationToSystem(self): self.testname="TestMapRegulationToSystem" self.setup() util = WebdriverUtilities() util.setDriver(self.driver) element = Elements() do = Helpers(self) do.setUtils(util) do.login() titleReg = do.getUniqueString("regulation") titleSys = do.getUniqueString("system") do.createObject("Regulation", titleReg) do.createObject("System", titleSys) do.mapAObjectLHN("Regulation", titleReg)
def testCreatePersonProgramCreatorLogInOut(self): self.testname="TestCreatePersonProgramCreatorLogInOut" self.setup() util = WebdriverUtilities() util.setDriver(self.driver) element = Elements() do = Helpers(self) do.setUtils(util) do.login() aEmail = "auto_email_" + str(do.getRandomNumber(65535)) + "" aName = do.getUniqueString("name") aCompany = do.getUniqueString("company") do.selectMenuInTopRight("Admin Dashboard") do.selectMenuItemInnerNavDashBoard("People") do.addPersonInAdminDB(aName, aEmail, aCompany) self.assertTrue(do.searchPersonInAdminDB(aName), "Fail searching for newly created person in Admin Dashboard.") # edit person authorization do.selectMenuItemInnerNavDashBoard("People") # on the roles selection do.clickOnEditAuthorization(aName) do.assignUserRole("ProgramCreator") # now log out and then log in with the new account and try to create a program oldEmail = "*****@*****.**" oldName = "Example User" absFilePath = expanduser("~") + "/ggrc-core/src/ggrc/login/" do.changeUsernameEmail(oldName, aName, oldEmail, aEmail, absFilePath) do.selectMenuInTopRight("Logout") # Refresh the page do.refresh() # Log in with new user do.login() print "Log in as : " + do.whoAmI() object_list = ["Program", "Workflow", "Audit", "Regulation", "Policy", "Standard", "Contract", "Clause", "Section", "Objective", "Control", "Person", "OrgGroup", "System","Process", "DataAsset", "Product", "Project", "Facility", "Market"] for object in object_list: # cannot create audit; it requires other non-system wide role if object == "Audit": do.assertFalse(do.doesCreateNewExist(object), "Create New button exists for " + str(object)) else: do.assertTrue(do.doesCreateNewExist(object), "Create New button does not exist for " + str(object)) # should be able to create a program object last_created_object_link = do.createObject("Program") object_name = str(do.util.getTextFromXpathString(last_created_object_link)).strip() self.assertTrue(do.partialMatch("program-auto-test", object_name), "Fail to match program name.") # Restore old login information do.changeUsernameEmail(aName, oldName, aEmail, oldEmail, absFilePath) do.selectMenuInTopRight("Logout")
def testImportExportSystem(self): self.testname="TestImportExportSystem" self.setup() util = WebdriverUtilities() util.setDriver(self.driver) do = Helpers(self) do.setUtils(util) do.login() # create a system systemObject =do.createObject("System") systemObject = str(util.getTextFromXpathString(systemObject)) #it's name, not xpath print "" print "On screen." print "System object is displayed as : " + systemObject # export system filePath = config.test_db + "SYSTEMS.csv" do.selectMenuInTopRight("Admin Dashboard") do.exportFile("systems", filePath) # verify that information in file matched self.assertTrue(do.verifyDataInExportFile(systemObject, filePath), "System object not found in exported file.") # import system # create some data, add it to the import file and upload number = str(do.getRandomNumber()) systemObject = "systemImport" + number print "" print "Add this new system object to the import file and upload." print "System object: " + systemObject # proof: verify that this user never exist in the database do.navigateToObjectWithSearchWithNoAssertion(systemObject, "System") count = do.countOfAnyObjectLHS("System") self.assertEqual(0, count, "System " + systemObject + " is verified not existed.") # make it complete conformingText = "SYSTEM-" + number + "," + systemObject + ",,,,,,[email protected],,,,,,2014-7-16,2014-7-16,,Draft" do.appendToFile(conformingText, filePath) do.importFile("Systems", filePath) do.refresh() # after import, verify that user has been added to the database do.navigateToObjectWithSearch(systemObject, "System") count = do.countOfAnyObjectLHS("System") self.assertEqual(1, count, "System " + systemObject + " is not added successfully.") self.assertEqual(systemObject, do.getObjectNavWidgetInfo("username"), "System object " + systemObject + " is not found in the database.") print "" print "System object is imported successfully and found in the database." print systemObject
def testMapSystemToPeople(self): self.testname="TestMapSystemToPeople" self.setup() util = WebdriverUtilities() util.setDriver(self.driver) element = Elements() do = Helpers(self) do.setUtils(util) do.login() aEmail = "auto_email_" + str(do.getRandomNumber()) + "" aName = do.getUniqueString("name") aCompany = do.getUniqueString("company") titleSys = do.getUniqueString("system") do.createObject("System", titleSys) do.createPersonLHN(aName, aEmail, aCompany) do.mapAObjectLHN("System", titleSys)
def testProgramCreate(self): self.testname="TestProgramCreate" self.setup() util = WebdriverUtilities() util.setDriver(self.driver) element = Elements() do = Helpers(self) do.setUtils(util) do.login() last_created_object_link =do.createObject("Program") do.navigateToObjectAndOpenObjectEditWindow("Program",last_created_object_link) do.deleteObject()
def testSystemCreate(self): self.testname="TestSystemCreate" self.setup() util = WebdriverUtilities() util.setDriver(self.driver) do = Helpers(self) do.setUtils(util) do.login() last_created_object_link =do.createObject("System") #object_name = str(util.getTextFromXpathString(last_created_object_link)).strip() do.navigateToObjectAndOpenObjectEditWindow("System",last_created_object_link) do.deleteObject()
def testEventLog(self): self.testname="TestEventLog" self.setup() util = WebdriverUtilities() util.setDriver(self.driver) element = Elements() grcobject = GRCObject() do = Helpers(self) do.setUtils(util) do.login() # CREATE PROGRAM program_name = "Program_created_from_LHN" + do.getTimeId() object_list = ["Regulation", "Contract", "Policy", "Standard"] last_created_object_link = do.createObject("Program", program_name) # MAP SOME OBJECTS for obj in object_list: do.mapAObjectLHN(obj, program_name) #do.selectInnerTabWhichAlreadyPresent("info") do.selectInnerNavTab("info") do.openObjectEditWindow() do.deleteObject() do.selectMenuInTopRight("Admin Dashboard") do.selectMenuItemInnerNavDashBoard("Events") # when delete an object that has mapping, it automatically unmap and then delete self.assertTrue(do.verifyInfoInEventLogTable("unmapped from", 1), "Cannot find 'unmapped from Program' in the Event Log table.") # 4 times # 4 lines of "mapped to" because there are 4 mappings from the top self.assertTrue(do.verifyInfoInEventLogTable("mapped to", 2), "Cannot find 'map to:row2' in the Event Log table.") self.assertTrue(do.verifyInfoInEventLogTable("mapped to", 3), "Cannot find 'map to:row3' in the Event Log table.") self.assertTrue(do.verifyInfoInEventLogTable("mapped to", 4), "Cannot find 'map to:row4' in the Event Log table.") self.assertTrue(do.verifyInfoInEventLogTable("mapped to", 5), "Cannot find 'map to:row5' in the Event Log table.") # tests the "by whom" and "when at" fields self.assertTrue(do.verifyInfoInEventLogTable("whom", 2), "Cannot find 'whom' in the Event Log table.") self.assertTrue(do.verifyInfoInEventLogTable("when", 2), "Cannot find 'when' in the Event Log table.") # the program created should be logged self.assertTrue(do.verifyInfoInEventLogTable(program_name, 6), "Cannot find 'create program' in the Event Log table.") # verify that Prev and Next buttons work self.assertTrue(do.verifyPrevNextOperation(), "Fail verifying Prev and Next buttons.") # CORE-727 print "CORE-727 is still open which causes this failure."
def testRelevantStress(self): self.testname="TestRelevantStress" self.setup() util = WebdriverUtilities() util.setDriver(self.driver) element = Elements() do = Helpers(self) do.setUtils(util) do.login() titleContract = do.getUniqueString("contract") titleClause = do.getUniqueString("clause") print "Contract: " + titleContract print "Clause: " + titleClause # SETUP do.checkMyWorkBox() # show my objects only # Make sure we have at least 20 data assets already if not create them count = do.countOfAnyObjectLHS("Data") diff = 20 - count while diff > 0: id = do.getRandomNumber() do.createObject("Data", "data_" + str(id)) diff = diff - 1 do.delay(5) # Map 20 data assets to Clause do.createObject("Clause", titleClause) expandables = [] do.mapAObjectWidget("Data_Asset", "data_", False, expandables, 20) # Map a clause to contract do.createObject("Contract", titleContract) do.mapAObjectWidget("Clause", titleClause, False, ("Clause"), 1) # expand it do.expandItemWidget("Clause", titleClause) # check the MakeAllRelevant checkbox do.makeAllRelevant(True) do.delay(120) # switch to Data Asset tab do.selectInnerNavTab("data_asset") do.assertEqual(20, do.countOfAnyObjectInWidget("data_asset"), "Count is not 20 in Data Asset Widget.") # just select because it will maintain its expanded mode do.selectInnerNavTab("clause") do.makeAllRelevant(False) do.delay(120) # takes time for the unmapping to complete # switch to Data Asset tab again do.selectInnerNavTab("data_asset") # if MAKE ALL RELEVANT checkbox is deselected, no data asset tab is shown and thus no count is shown either print "Continue to fail until CORE-890 is fixed." do.assertEqual(0, do.countOfAnyObjectInWidget("data_asset"), "Count is not 0 in Data Asset Widget.")
def testVendorMapWidget(self): self.testname="TestVendorMapWidget" self.setup() util = WebdriverUtilities() util.setDriver(self.driver) element = Elements() grcobject = GRCObject() do = Helpers(self) do.setUtils(util, "Vendor") do.login() vendor_name = "Vendor for Auto Mapping from Widget" + do.getTimeId() last_created_object_link = do.createObject("Vendor", vendor_name) for obj in grcobject.vendor_map_to_widget: do.mapAObjectWidget(obj, "")
def testPolicyMapWidget(self): self.testname="TestPolicyMapWidget" self.setup() util = WebdriverUtilities() util.setDriver(self.driver) element = Elements() grcobject = GRCObject() do = Helpers(self) do.setUtils(util, "Policy") do.login() policy_name = "Policy for Auto Mapping from Widget" +do.getTimeId() last_created_object_link = do.createObject("Policy", policy_name) for obj in grcobject.policy_map_to_widget: do.mapAObjectWidget(obj, policy_name, False, ("Section", "Objective", "Control"))
def testDataAssetMapWidget(self): self.testname="TestDataAssetMapWidget" self.setup() util = WebdriverUtilities() util.setDriver(self.driver) element = Elements() grcobject = GRCObject() do = Helpers(self) do.setUtils(util, "DataAsset") do.login() data_asset_name = "DataAsset for Auto Mapping from Widget" +do.getTimeId() last_created_object_link = do.createObject("DataAsset",data_asset_name) for obj in grcobject.data_asset_map_to_widget: do.mapAObjectWidget(obj)
def testProgramMapWidget(self): self.testname="TestProgramMapWidget" self.setup() util = WebdriverUtilities() util.setDriver(self.driver) element = Elements() grcobject = GRCObject() do = Helpers(self) do.setUtils(util, "Program") do.login() program_name = "Program for Auto Mapping from Widget" + do.getTimeId() last_created_object_link = do.createObject("Program", program_name) for obj in grcobject.program_map_to_widget: do.mapAObjectWidget(obj, "", True, ("Control", "Objective", "System"))
def testControlMapWidget(self): self.testname="TestControlMapWidget" self.setup() util = WebdriverUtilities() util.setDriver(self.driver) element = Elements() grcobject = GRCObject() do = Helpers(self) do.setUtils(util, "Control") do.login() control_name = "Control for Auto Mapping from Widget" + do.getTimeId() last_created_object_link = do.createObject("Control", control_name) for obj in grcobject.control_map_to_widget: do.mapAObjectWidget(obj)
def testOrgGroupMapWidget(self): self.testname="TestOrgGroupMapWidget" self.setup() util = WebdriverUtilities() util.setDriver(self.driver) element = Elements() grcobject = GRCObject() do = Helpers(self) do.setUtils(util, "OrgGroup") do.login() org_group_name = "OrgGroup for Auto Mapping from Widget" +do.getTimeId() last_created_object_link = do.createObject("OrgGroup",org_group_name) for obj in grcobject.org_group_map_to_widget: do.mapAObjectWidget(obj)
def testAdminDBGeneral(self): # testrecip@gmail exists in the database the_email = '*****@*****.**' roles = 9 # nine types of roles self.testname="TestAdminDBGeneral" self.setup() util = WebdriverUtilities() util.setDriver(self.driver) element = Elements() do = Helpers(self) do.setUtils(util) do.login() do.selectMenuInTopRight("Admin Dashboard") # verify people table do.selectMenuItemInnerNavDashBoard("People") self.assertTrue(do.searchPersonInAdminDB(the_email), "Cannot find it in the People table.") people_count = do._countOfObjectsFromAdminDB("people") self.assertEquals(1, people_count, "Expect count equals to 1, but it's " + str(people_count)) # verify Roles table do.selectMenuItemInnerNavDashBoard("Roles") roles_count = do._countOfObjectsFromAdminDB("roles") self.assertEquals(roles, roles_count, "Expect count equals to" + str(roles) + ", but it's " + str(roles_count)) # verify events table # There are more than 22 thousands entries so can't count every entries. Work-around is to verify that it # increments by 1 when you create an object for example do.selectMenuItemInnerNavDashBoard("Events") events_count_before = do._countOfObjectsFromAdminDB("events") #events_count_from_label = do._countOfObjectsFromAdminDBLabel("events") #self.assertEquals(events_count_before, events_count_from_label, "Events count is not in sync.") xpath = do.createObject("Contract") title = util.getTextFromXpathString(xpath) do.selectMenuInTopRight("Admin Dashboard") do.selectMenuItemInnerNavDashBoard("Events") do.delay(20) #events table takes time to load events_count_after = do._countOfObjectsFromAdminDB("events") #self.assertEquals(events_count_before, events_count_from_label, "Events count is not in sync.") self.assertLess(events_count_before, events_count_after, "Count before=" + str(events_count_before) + "; Count after=" + str(events_count_after))
def testRegulationEdit(self): self.testname="TestRegulationEdit" self.setup() util = WebdriverUtilities() util.setDriver(self.driver) element = Elements() do = Helpers(self) grcobject = GRCObject() do.setUtils(util) do.login() last_created_object_link = do.createObject("Regulation") object_name = str(util.getTextFromXpathString(last_created_object_link)).strip() do.navigateToObjectAndOpenObjectEditWindow("Regulation",last_created_object_link) do.populateObjectInEditWindow( object_name , grcobject.regulation_elements, grcobject.regulation_values) do.openObjectEditWindow() do.verifyObjectValues(grcobject.regulation_elements, grcobject.regulation_values) do.deleteObject()
def testFacilityMapLHN(self): self.testname="TestFacilityMapLHN" self.setup() util = WebdriverUtilities() util.setDriver(self.driver) element = Elements() grcobject = GRCObject() do = Helpers(self) do.setUtils(util, "Facility") do.login() system_name = "Facility for Auto Mapping from LHN" +do.getTimeId() last_created_object_link = do.createObject("Facility", system_name) for obj in grcobject.facility_map_to_lhn: do.mapAObjectLHN(obj) # test unmapping for obj in grcobject.facility_map_to_lhn: self.assertTrue(do.unmapAObjectFromWidget(obj))
def testObjectiveMapLHN(self): self.testname="TestObjectiveMapLHN" self.setup() util = WebdriverUtilities() util.setDriver(self.driver) element = Elements() grcobject = GRCObject() do = Helpers(self) do.setUtils(util, "Objective") do.login() program_name = "Objective for Auto Mapping from LHN" +do.getTimeId() last_created_object_link = do.createObject("Objective", program_name) for obj in grcobject.objective_map_to_lhn: do.mapAObjectLHN(obj) #util.refreshPage() # test unmapping for obj in grcobject.objective_map_to_lhn: self.assertTrue(do.unmapAObjectFromWidget(obj))
def testObjectMapsToItself(self): self.testname="TestObjectMapsToItself" self.setup() util = WebdriverUtilities() util.setDriver(self.driver) element = Elements() grcobject = GRCObject() do = Helpers(self) do.setUtils(util, "Contract") do.login() contract_name = "Contract for Auto Mapping from LHN" +do.getTimeId() contract_map_to_lhn2 = ["Contract", "Program"] for obj in grcobject.contract_map_to_lhn2: last_created_object_link = do.createObject(obj, contract_name) do.mapAObjectLHN(obj) #util.refreshPage() # test unmapping for obj in grcobject.contract_map_to_lhn: self.assertTrue(do.unmapAObjectFromWidget(obj))
def testCreateUpdateDeleteSystem(self): self.testname="TestCreateUpdateDeleteSystem" self.setup() util = WebdriverUtilities() util.setDriver(self.driver) element = Elements() grcobject = GRCObject() do = Helpers(self) do.setUtils(util) myUtil = do.getUtils() do.login() aEmail = "*****@*****.**" #already exists in the database last_created_object_link = do.createObject("System") object_name = str(do.util.getTextFromXpathString(last_created_object_link)).strip() do.navigateToObjectAndOpenObjectEditWindow("System", last_created_object_link) do.populateObjectInEditWindow(object_name , grcobject.system_elements, grcobject.system_values, aEmail) do.openObjectEditWindow() do.verifyObjectValues(grcobject.system_elements, grcobject.system_values) do.deleteObject()
def test_object_creation(self): '''Intialization & Setup''' self.testname="CreateObjectTests" # name the test case self.setup() # do the setup do = Helpers() # instantiate Helpers class util = WebdriverUtilities() # instantiate utilities class and pass it to Helper object (can remove complexity by inheritance etc and can use seleniumwrapper) util.setDriver(self.driver) do.setUtils(util) do.login() # login into the system '''Test case''' object_list = ["Regulation"] #object_list = ["Program", "Contract","Control","DataAsset","Facility","Market","Objective","OrgGroup","Policy","Process","Product", # "Project","Regulation","System","Standard","Clause"] for obj in object_list: obj_title = do.createObject(obj) title = self.driver.find_element_by_css_selector(".row-fluid.wrap-row:first-child .span6:first-child h3").text self.assertEqual(title, obj_title)
def testCreateObjectsAsSetup(self): self.testname="TestCreateObjectsAsSetup" self.setup() object_list = ["Contract","Control","DataAsset","Facility","Market","Objective","OrgGroup","Policy","Process","Product","Program", "Project","Regulation","System","Standard","Clause"] util = WebdriverUtilities() util.setDriver(self.driver) element = Elements() do = Helpers(self) do.setUtils(util) do.login() print "First: Log in as : " + do.whoAmI() for obj in object_list: count = 0; #initalize to 0 currentCount = do.countOfAnyObjectLHS(obj) if currentCount < 2: count = 2 - currentCount; while count > 0: do.createObject(obj) count = count - 1 # now log out and then log in with the new account and try to create a program do.selectMenuInTopRight("Logout") # Refresh the page do.refresh() # Log in with new user and create objects # This support other tests scripts checking for objects created by different users, and also object counts update do.login(config.creator2, config.same_password) print "Second: Log in as : " + do.whoAmI() for obj in object_list: do.createObject(obj) # just create one more to test that contract count differ between "all objects" and "my objects" do.createObject("Contract")
def testProgramAuditSetup(self): self.testname="TestProgramAuditSetup" self.setup() util = WebdriverUtilities() util.setDriver(self.driver) element = Elements() grcobject = GRCObject() do = Helpers() do.setUtils(util) do.login() objectiveID = {} # 1: Create New Program #program_name = "The Program for Auto Test of Audit" #temporary to use one program with unique name current_time = do.getTimeId() program_name = "Program for Auto Test of Audit" +current_time last_created_object_link = do.createObject("Program", program_name, "checked",True, config.username) #object_name = str(util.getTextFromXpathString(last_created_object_link)).strip() # 2. Navigate to that Program page #do.navigateToObjectWithSearch(program_name,"Program") do.navigateToObject("Program",last_created_object_link) util.max_screen() # 3. Select Regulations tab in Object pg Nav to bring up the Mapped Regulations widget # 4. Click +Regulation button to bring up modal selector for mapping Regulation to the Program do.navigateToMappingWindowForObject("Regulation") # 5. In modal, click green +Regulation button to bring up create a new Regulation modal util.clickOn(element.mapping_modal_add_button) # 6. Fill in title for the new Regulation, "Regulation for Auto Test of Audit" # 7. click Save (this dismisses the 2nd modal and puts the newly created Regulation at the top of the list in the 1st modal (the mapping modal) regulation_name = "Regulation for Auto Test of Audit"+current_time do.createObject("Regulation", regulation_name,"unchecked",False) # 8. Select "Regulation for Auto test of Audit" at top of list then click Map button (dismisses modal and returns to Program pg now with the Regulation mapped) mapped_object_id = do.mapFirstObject("Regulation",False,regulation_name) # 9. Click on Regulation for Auto Test of Audit in Mapped Regulations widget to expand the drop down and reveal Sections list #expand regulation area mapped_object_link = element.mapped_object.replace("OBJECT", "regulation").replace("ID", mapped_object_id) util.waitForElementToBePresent(mapped_object_link) self.assertTrue(util.isElementPresent(mapped_object_link),"doesn't see the newly created mapped object") util.clickOn(mapped_object_link) # 10. Hover over +Sections link to reveal 3 options, then click on Create Section to launch the Create new Section modal # 11. New Section modal:Title: "Section 1 of Regulation for Auto Test of Audit" # 12. Click Save - returns you to the Program pg > Regulation widget > Section now shows in revealed Sections display area do.createSectionFor("regulation",mapped_object_id,"Section 1 of Regulation for Auto Test of Audit"+current_time) section_id= do.getTheIdOfTheLastCreated("section") # 13. Click on "Section 1 of Regulation for Auto Test of Audit" title in the Sections display area - this reveals the Text of Section we entered and the "OBJECTIVES, CONTROLS, AND BUSINESS OBJECTS (0)" display area. #expand section area util.waitForElementToBePresent(element.sections_area_first_section) self.assertTrue(util.isElementPresent(element.sections_area_first_section),"doesn't see the newly created Section in the section area") util.clickOn(element.sections_area_first_section) self.assertTrue(util.isElementPresent(element.theShortDescriptionElement),"doesn't see the short description element") #make objectiveID link visible util.waitForElementToBePresent(element.section_area_add_object_link) self.assertTrue(util.isElementPresent(element.section_area_add_object_link),"doesn't see +Objective link") # 16. Repeat steps 14-15 3 times, increment Objective name, leave the next bullet point in description util.max_screen() for n in range(3): print "objective number " + str(n+1) # 14. Hover over +Object to reveal 2 options util.scrollIntoView(element.section_area_add_object_link) util.hoverOverAndWaitFor(element.section_area_add_object_link, element.section_area_add_objective_link) self.assertTrue(util.isElementPresent(element.section_area_add_objective_link),"doesn't see the section_area_add_objective_link") # 15. Click on +Objectives to open "Map New Objective to Section 1 of Regulation for Auto Test of Audit" modal, input data and click Save #util.clickOn(element.section_area_add_object_link) util.clickOn( element.section_area_add_objective_link) #create new objective do.createObjectives(grcobject.objective_title[n], grcobject.objective_description[n]) last_created_object_element = element.objective_elemet_in_the_inner_tree_with_index.replace("INDEX",str(n+1 )) print "the last created objective element is "+last_created_object_element util.waitForElementToBePresent(last_created_object_element) self.assertTrue(util.isElementPresent(last_created_object_element), "cannot see the newly created objective") # store objectiveID ids objective_id= do.getTheIdOfTheLastCreatedObjective(last_created_object_element) objectiveID[n]=objective_id print objectiveID[n] # 17.after creating 3 Objectives, Hover over +Object 1 more time but this time click on +Object to launch the multi object mapper modal #util.clickOnAndWaitFor(element.section_area_add_object_link, element.section_area_add_objective_link) util.clickOn(element.section_area_add_object_link) # 18. Select Controls from top filter selector in modal util.selectFromDropdownByValue(element.mapping_modal_top_filter_selector_dropdown, "Control") # 19. Click green +Control button to create a new control util.clickOn(element.mapping_modal_add_button) # 20. Give it the title "Control for Auto Test of Audit" - Click Save control_name = "Control for Auto Test of Audit" +current_time do.createObject("Control", control_name,"unchecked",False) mapped_object_id= do.mapFirstObject("Control", False,control_name) print mapped_object_id # # Write audit setup data to file - program_name and the 3 objective ids, each on separate line # f=open("audit_setup_data","w") f.write(program_name+"\n") f.write(objectiveID[0]+"\n") f.write(objectiveID[1]+"\n") f.write(objectiveID[2]+"\n") f.close()
def testCreatePersonAuthorizationLogInOut(self): self.testname="TestCreatePersonAuthorizationLogInOut" self.setup() util = WebdriverUtilities() util.setDriver(self.driver) element = Elements() do = Helpers(self) do.setUtils(util) do.login() aEmail = "*****@*****.**" aName = do.getUniqueString("name") aCompany = do.getUniqueString("company") role = "ProgramCreator" do.selectMenuInTopRight("Admin Dashboard") # verify people tab do.selectMenuItemInnerNavDashBoard("People") # SETUP: if that email is already used change it to something else do.zeroizeThePersonEmail(aEmail) # you can add a person do.addPersonInAdminDB(aName, aEmail, aCompany) # the Next and PREVIOUS page buttons work self.assertTrue(do.verifyPrevNextOperation("people"), "Fail verifying Prev and Next buttons.") # search or filter works self.assertTrue(do.searchPersonInAdminDB(aName), "Fail searching for newly created person in Admin Dashboard.") # edit person authorization do.clickOnEditAuthorization(aName) do.assignUserRole(role) # at this point, 2nd tier is expanded and it's the only row displayed... do.verifyPersonInfoOnSecondTier(aName, aEmail, aCompany, role) if 'local' not in config.url: do.selectMenuInTopRight("Logout") do.refresh() do.login(aEmail, config.password) self.assertEqual(aEmail, do.whoAmI(), "Expect: " + aEmail + ", but see: " + do.whoAmI()) # I can test login with the new user locally but not on on because it requires actual email # and that email has to be unique. I can't automatically create new fake email account with google that's fraud else: oldEmail = "*****@*****.**" oldName = "Example User" absFilePath = expanduser("~") + "/ggrc-core/src/ggrc/login/" do.changeUsernameEmail(oldName, aName, oldEmail, aEmail, absFilePath) # now log out and then log in with the new account and try to create a program do.selectMenuInTopRight("Logout") # Refresh the page do.refresh() # Log back in do.login() print "Log in as : " + do.whoAmI() last_created_object_link = do.createObject("Program") object_name = str(do.util.getTextFromXpathString(last_created_object_link)).strip() self.assertTrue(do.partialMatch("program-auto-test", object_name), "Fail to match program name.") self.assertEqual(do.whoAmI(), aEmail, "Mismatched. I am: " + do.whoAmI() + ", " + "aEmail: " + aEmail) do.selectMenuInTopRight("Logout") # Restore old login information do.changeUsernameEmail(aName, oldName, aEmail, oldEmail, absFilePath)
def testCreatePersonObjectEditorLogInOut(self): self.testname="TestCreatePersonObjectEditorLogInOut" self.setup() util = WebdriverUtilities() util.setDriver(self.driver) element = Elements() do = Helpers(self) do.setUtils(util) do.login() # ***************************** run this block of codes if run locally ***************************** if "localhost" in config.url: print "Executing the block of codes locally ..." aEmail = "auto_email_" + str(do.getRandomNumber(65535)) + "" aName = do.getUniqueString("name") aCompany = do.getUniqueString("company") do.selectMenuInTopRight("Admin Dashboard") do.selectMenuItemInnerNavDashBoard("People") do.addPersonInAdminDB(aName, aEmail, aCompany) self.assertTrue(do.searchPersonInAdminDB(aName), "Fail searching for newly created person in Admin Dashboard.") # edit person authorization do.selectMenuItemInnerNavDashBoard("People") # on the roles selection do.clickOnEditAuthorization(aName) do.assignUserRole("ObjectEditor") # now log out and then log in with the new account and try to create a program oldEmail = "Example user" oldName = "*****@*****.**" absFilePath = expanduser("~") + "/ggrc-core/src/ggrc/login/" do.changeUsernameEmail(oldName, aName, oldEmail, aEmail, absFilePath) do.selectMenuInTopRight("Logout") # Refresh the page do.refresh() # Log in with new user do.login() print "Log in as : " + do.whoAmI() object_list = ["Workflow", "Vendor", "Regulation", "Policy", "Standard", "Contract", "Clause", "Section", "Section", "Objective", "Control", "Person", "OrgGroup", "System","Process", "DataAsset", "Product", "Project", "Facility", "Market", "Program", "Audit"] # since it's an object editor role, the Create New button won't show for certain types for object in object_list: if object=="Program" or object=="Audit": do.assertFalse(do.doesCreateNewExist(object), "Create New button exists for " + str(object)) else: do.assertTrue(do.doesCreateNewExist(object), "Create New button does not exist for " + str(object)) # should be able to create an object that is not Program or Audit last_created_object_link = do.createObject("Contract") object_name = str(do.util.getTextFromXpathString(last_created_object_link)).strip() self.assertTrue(do.partialMatch("contract-auto-test", object_name), "Fail to match contract name.") # Restore old login information do.changeUsernameEmail(aName, oldName, aEmail, oldEmail, absFilePath) do.selectMenuInTopRight("Logout") # ******************* execute this else block of codes if not run locally ******************* else: print "Executing the block of codes for non-local ..." aEmail = config.editor2 aName = do.getUniqueString("name") aCompany = do.getUniqueString("company") do.selectMenuInTopRight("Admin Dashboard") do.selectMenuItemInnerNavDashBoard("People") do.addPersonInAdminDB(aName, aEmail, aCompany) self.assertTrue(do.searchPersonInAdminDB(aName), "Fail searching for newly created person in Admin Dashboard.") # edit person authorization do.selectMenuItemInnerNavDashBoard("People") # on the roles selection do.clickOnEditAuthorization(aName) do.assignUserRole("ObjectEditor") # now log out and then log in with the new account and try to create a program do.selectMenuInTopRight("Logout") # Refresh the page do.refresh() # Log in with new user do.login(aEmail, config.password) print "Log in as : " + do.whoAmI() object_list = ["Workflow", "Vendor", "Regulation", "Policy", "Standard", "Contract", "Clause", "Section", "Section", "Objective", "Control", "Person", "OrgGroup", "System","Process", "DataAsset", "Product", "Project", "Facility", "Market", "Program", "Audit"] # since it's an object editor role, the Create New button won't show for certain types for object in object_list: do.ensureLHNSectionExpanded(object) if object=="Program" or object=="Audit": do.assertFalse(do.doesCreateNewExist(object), "Create New button exists for " + str(object)) else: do.assertTrue(do.doesCreateNewExist(object), "Create New button does not exist for " + str(object)) # should be able to create an object that is not Program or Audit last_created_object_link = do.createObject("Contract") object_name = str(do.util.getTextFromXpathString(last_created_object_link)).strip() self.assertTrue(do.partialMatch("contract-auto-test", object_name), "Fail to match contract name.") if "localhost" in config.url: # Restore old login information do.changeUsernameEmail(aName, oldName, aEmail, oldEmail, absFilePath) do.selectMenuInTopRight("Logout")
def testRelevantMapping(self): self.testname="TestRelevantMapping" self.setup() util = WebdriverUtilities() util.setDriver(self.driver) element = Elements() do = Helpers(self) do.setUtils(util) do.login() # mapping and un-mapping up to 3 levels: # Program->Policy->Section->Object titlePol = do.getUniqueString("policy") #regulation titlePrgm = do.getUniqueString("program") titleSec = do.getUniqueString("section") titleMkt = do.getUniqueString("market") print "Policy: " + titlePol print "Program: " + titlePrgm print "Section: " + titleSec print "Market: " + titleMkt # SETUP do.createObject("Market", titleMkt) do.createObject("Policy", titlePol) last_created_object_link = do.createObject("Program", titlePrgm) do.mapAObjectLHN("Policy", titlePol) # maps to a Policy object do.expandItemWidget("Policy", titlePol) # expand the item so that "+ Section" link is displayed do.createSectionFromInnerNavLink(titleSec) do.mapObjectToSectionFromInnerNav(titleSec) do.mapObjectFormFilling("Market", titleMkt) do.expandWidget4thTier(titleMkt) # Policy page do.navigateToObjectWithSearch(titlePol, "Policy") do.navigateToInnerNavSection("Market") do.assertEqual(0, do.countOfAnyObjectInWidget("market"), "Count is not 0 in Widget.") do.assertEqual(0, do.countOfAnyObjectInnerNav("market"), "Count is not 0 in InnerNav.") # Verification: you don't see person object from Program page # 1 because the creator is automatically mapped to the program do.navigateToObjectWithSearch(titlePrgm, "Program") do.navigateToInnerNavSection("Market") do.assertEqual(1, do.countOfAnyObjectInWidget("market"), "Count is not 1 in Widget.") do.assertEqual(1, do.countOfAnyObjectInnerNav("market"), "Count is not 1 in InnerNav.") # Verification: you see Market object in Section page do.navigateToObjectWithSearch(titleSec, "Section") do.navigateToInnerNavSection("Market") do.assertEqual(titleMkt, do.getTitleFromWidgetList(1, "Section")) do.assertEqual(1, do.countOfAnyObjectInWidget("market"), "Count is not 1 in Widget.") do.assertEqual(1, do.countOfAnyObjectInnerNav("market"), "Count is not 1 in InnerNav.") # Verification: you see section object from People page do.uncheckMyWorkBox() do.navigateToObjectWithSearch(titleMkt, "Market") do.navigateToInnerNavSection("Section") do.assertEqual(titleSec, do.getTitleFromWidgetList(1, "Market")) #STOP HERE do.assertEqual(1, do.countOfAnyObjectInWidget("section"), "Count is not 1 in Widget.") do.assertEqual(1, do.countOfAnyObjectInnerNav("section"), "Count is not 1 in InnerNav.") # **** Test making person object relevant and verify its effect ************************** do.navigateToObjectWithSearch(titlePol, "Regulation") # Before making it relevant do.navigateToInnerNavSection("Person") do.assertEqual(0, do.countOfAnyObjectInWidget("person"), "Count is not 0 in Widget.") do.assertEqual(0, do.countOfAnyObjectInnerNav("person"), "Count is not 0 in InnerNav.") do.navigateToInnerNavSection("Section") do.expandItemWidget("Section", titleSec) # expand the item so that "+ Section" link is displayed do._searchObjectIn3rdLevelAndClickOnIt(titleMkt, True) do.expandWidget4thTier(titleMkt, True) # Verification: you now see person object from Regulation page do.navigateToInnerNavSection("Person") do.assertEqual(1, do.countOfAnyObjectInWidget("person"), "Count is not 1 in Widget.") do.assertEqual(1, do.countOfAnyObjectInnerNav("person"), "Count is not 1 in InnerNav.") # Verification: you don't see person object from Program page # 1 because the creator is automatically mapped to the program do.navigateToObjectWithSearch(titlePrgm, "Program") do.navigateToInnerNavSection("Person") do.assertEqual(1, do.countOfAnyObjectInWidget("person"), "Count is not 1 in Widget.") do.assertEqual(1, do.countOfAnyObjectInnerNav("person"), "Count is not 1 in InnerNav.") # Verification: regulation object appears in the widget on People page do.navigateToObjectWithSearch(titleMkt, "Person") do.navigateToInnerNavSection("regulation") title_fr_widget = do.getTitleFromWidgetList(1, "Person") do.assertEqual(titlePol, title_fr_widget, "Titles do match.")