Exemple #1
  def get_directions_info(self):
    Returns a list of triplets with delta x, delta y, and delta z of the 
    direction the robot can move in. These directions constitute the locations 
    where beams currently exist. Additionally, it returns the "box of locality" 
    to which the robot is restricted containing all of the beams nearby that the
    robot can detect (though, this should only be used for finding a connection,
    as the robot itself SHOULD only measure the stresses on its current beam)
    # Run analysys before deciding to get the next direction
    if not self.model.GetModelIsLocked() and self.need_data():
      errors = helpers.run_analysis(self.model)
      if errors != '':
        # pdb.set_trace()

    # Verify that the robot is on its beam and correct if necessary. 
    # This is done so that floating-point arithmethic errors don't add up.
    (e1, e2) = self.beam.endpoints
    if not (helpers.on_line (e1,e2,self.location)):
      self.change_location(helpers.correct(e1,e2,self.location), self.beam)

    # Obtain all local objects
    box = self.structure.get_box(self.location)

    # Debugging
    if box == {}:
      # pdb.set_trace()

    # Find the beams and directions (ie, where can he walk?)
    directions_info = self.get_walkable_directions(box)

    return {  'box'         : box,
              'directions'  : directions_info }
Exemple #2
  def addjoint(self, coord, beam):
    Adds a joint (at the specified coordinate), to the beam itself. The beam 
    variable defines the which crosses this one at the joint
    # Verify that the coordinate is on the beam based on endpoints
    if not helpers.on_line(self.endpoints.i, self.endpoints.j, coord):
      return False

      coord = Coord(x=coord[0],y=coord[1],z=coord[2])
      # We cycle manually so we can compare using our compare function
      for key, beams in self.joints.items():
        # We have a key and the beam isn't already there
        if helpers.compare_tuple(key,coord) and beam not in beams:
          return True

      self.joints[coord] = [beam]
      return True
Exemple #3
  def support_beam_endpoint(self):
    Returns the endpoint for a support beam
    # Get broken beam
    e1,e2 = self.structure.get_endpoints(self.memory['broken_beam_name'],

    # Direction
    v = helpers.make_unit(helpers.make_vector(e1,e2))

    # Get pivot and repair beam midpoint
    pivot = self.location
    midpoint1 = helpers.midpoint(e1,e2)

    # Upper midpoint to encourate upward building
    midpoint = helpers.midpoint(e2,midpoint1)

    # Add an offset to mimick inability to determine location exactly
    offset = helpers.scale(random.uniform(-1*variables.random,variables.random),v)
    midpoint = (helpers.sum_vectors(midpoint,offset) if random.randint(0,4) == 1
    else midpoint) 

    # Calculate starting beam_endpoint
    endpoint = helpers.beam_endpoint(pivot,midpoint)

    # Calculate angle from vertical
    angle_from_vertical = helpers.smallest_angle(helpers.make_vector(pivot,

    # Get angles
    sorted_angles = self.local_angles(pivot,endpoint)
    min_support_angle,max_support_angle = self.get_angles()
    min_constraining_angle,max_constraining_angle = self.get_angles(

    # Defining here to have access to min,max, etc.
    def acceptable_support(angle,coord):
      # Find beam endpoints
      beam_endpoint = helpers.beam_endpoint(pivot,coord)

      # Calculate angle from vertical of beam we wish to construct based on the
      # information we've gathered
      from_vertical = (angle_from_vertical + angle if beam_endpoint[2] <= 
        endpoint[2] else angle_from_vertical - angle)

      simple = not (from_vertical < min_constraining_angle or from_vertical > 

      # On the ground
      if self.beam is None:
        return simple

      # On a beam, so check our support_angle_difference
        beam_vector = helpers.make_vector(self.beam.endpoints.i,
        support_vector = helpers.make_vector(self.location,coord)
        angle = helpers.smallest_angle(beam_vector,support_vector)
        real_angle = abs(90-angle) if angle > 90 else angle
        return simple and real_angle > construction.beam['support_angle_difference']

    return_coord = None
    for coord,angle in sorted_angles:
      if acceptable_support(angle,coord) and helpers.on_line(e1,e2,coord):
        self.memory['broken_beam_name'] = ''
        return coord
      elif acceptable_support(angle,coord):
        return_coord = coord

    if return_coord is not None:
      return return_coord
      # Otherwise, do default behaviour
      return super(Repairer,self).support_beam_endpoint()