def run_benchmark(python_script_relative_path, benchmark, is_realizable) -> bool: cmd_args = _BENCHMARKS_DIR + benchmark exec_cmd = '{python3} {program} {args}'.format(python3=sys.executable, program=get_root_dir() + python_script_relative_path, args=cmd_args) result, out, err = execute_shell(exec_cmd) if (result != 0 and result != 1) or not is_empty_str(err): _failed('error while executing the command', exec_cmd, result, out, err) return False else: actual_is_realizable = result is 0 if is_realizable == actual_is_realizable: _ok(cmd_args) return True else: _failed( 'invalid realizability status(should be {status})'.format( status=['unrealizable', 'realizable'][is_realizable]), exec_cmd, result, out, err) return False
def synthesize(aiger_spec: str, is_moore: bool, bad_out_name: str) -> str or None: aiger_file = create_unique_file(aiger_spec) logging.debug("synthesize: using %s to store aiger_spec" % aiger_file)'executing sdf...') rc, out, err = execute_shell('{sdf} {aiger_file} -f {is_moore}'.format( sdf=SDF_PATH, aiger_file=aiger_file, is_moore='-moore' if is_moore else '')) assert is_empty_str(err), rc_out_err_to_str(rc, out, err) assert rc in (REALIZABLE_RC, UNREALIZABLE_RC), rc_out_err_to_str(rc, out, err)'sdf completed') logging.debug('sdf returned:\n' + out) out_split = out.splitlines() status = out_split[0] if status == REALIZABLE_STR: full_model = convert_aiger_model_to_tlsf_model( '\n'.join(out_split[1:]), bad_out_name) os.remove(aiger_file) return full_model os.remove(aiger_file) return None
def run_benchmark(python_script_relative_path, benchmark, rc_expected, size_expected) -> bool: cmd_args = BENCHMARKS_DIR + benchmark exec_cmd = '{python3} {program} {args}'.format(python3=sys.executable, program=get_root_dir() + python_script_relative_path, args=cmd_args) result, out, err = execute_shell(exec_cmd) if not is_empty_str(err): _print_failed('error while executing the command', exec_cmd, result, out, err) return False else: size_actual = _extract_model_size(out) if result == rc_expected and (not size_expected or size_expected == size_actual): _print_ok(cmd_args) return True else: _print_failed('invalid exit status or model size: \n'\ ' rc_actual vs rc_expected: {rc_act} vs. {rc_exp}\n'\ ' size_actual vs size_expected: {size_act} vs. {size_exp}'. format(rc_act=result, rc_exp=rc_expected, size_act=size_actual, size_exp=size_expected), exec_cmd, result, out, err) return False
def _convert_raw(property_: str, signal_by_name: Dict[str, Signal], states_prefix, timeout=None) -> Automaton: """ :param property_: in the LTL2BA format (we do NOT negate it!) """ rc, ba, err = execute_shell('{0} "{1}"'.format( LTLToAtmViaLTL3BA._execute_cmd, property_), timeout=timeout) assert rc == 0, str(rc) + ', err: ' + str(err) + ', out: ' + str(ba) assert is_empty_str(err), err logging.debug(ba) aut = spot.automaton(ba + '\n') # type: spot.twa # (when SPOT sees `\n` it treats input as the string) atm = spotAtm_to_automaton(aut, states_prefix, signal_by_name, property_) = property_ return atm
def run_benchmark(python_script_relative_path, benchmark, rc_expected) -> bool: cmd_args = _BENCHMARKS_DIR + benchmark exec_cmd = '{python3} {program} {args}'.format(python3=sys.executable, program=get_root_dir() + python_script_relative_path, args=cmd_args) result, out, err = execute_shell(exec_cmd) if not is_empty_str(err): _print_failed('error while executing the command', exec_cmd, result, out, err) return False else: if result == rc_expected: _print_ok(cmd_args) return True else: _print_failed('invalid exit status (actual != expected: {act} != {exp})'. format(act=result, exp=rc_expected), exec_cmd, result, out, err) return False
def run_benchmark(python_script_relative_path, benchmark, is_realizable) -> bool: cmd_args = _BENCHMARKS_DIR + benchmark exec_cmd = '{python3} {program} {args}'.format(python3=sys.executable, program=get_root_dir() + python_script_relative_path, args=cmd_args) result, out, err = execute_shell(exec_cmd) if (result != 0 and result != 1) or not is_empty_str(err): _failed('error while executing the command', exec_cmd, result, out, err) return False else: actual_is_realizable = result is 0 if is_realizable == actual_is_realizable: _ok(cmd_args) return True else: _failed('invalid realizability status(should be {status})'. format(status=['unrealizable', 'realizable'][is_realizable]), exec_cmd, result, out, err) return False
def assert_exec_strict(rc, out, err): assert rc==0 and is_empty_str(err), rc_out_err_to_str(rc, out, err)
def assert_exec_strict(rc, out, err): assert rc == 0 and is_empty_str(err), rc_out_err_to_str(rc, out, err)